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tv   News  RT  June 6, 2018 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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twenty more young lives because this guy is so out of his hands now we're coming to find out oh he was a little he was sitting on a do yeah he was sitting on his hands he was using them for something and the thing is they're able to get away with it because people make excuses the same thing sexual assault rape abuse domestic violence these things aren't reported as much as they should be carlos' people feel they won't be believed and in the case of these young athletes it's even more insidious because you have very young kids who are put into these sports programs this were going to the olympics all this and from childhood they are grounded in a certain way groomed in a certain way to win and the adults around them are a little bit blind to it and that's something i didn't understand and this week last week and this week there are hearings on the senate judiciary committee as having hearings for the protecting young victims from sexual abuse act which i don't think we should have to have a whole new bill just enforce the laws already have but beside the point senator
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grassley asked ed olson who is a prosecutor in stafford county virginia why adults don't come forward when they suspect abuse of young athletes here's what he had to say. that's a tall drink of water right there i think there's a lot of different reasons adults don't want to believe that's the first thing adults just don't want to believe in. i think there's a responsibility that adults have placing their children in this situation and if it's true that they've placed children in a situation they were abused or exploited or if they have oversight of a situation that permits that that reflects on them and that fear of exposure and so they don't want to believe it and i'm not talking about the abusers i'm talking about the good hearted adults who whose heart is in the right place that upon hearing incidents or the words suspecting abuse don't immediately report it and
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it's not that they're bad people they've made a bad decision and i wish i knew the answer to why they made that bad decision but i think it's wrapped up certainly in sports in the goal being achievement and a focus on that final goal and in so many cases the athletes are secondary to that goal. think about that they're good people good people on both sides yeah they're hard from the right place there have been is that their backside there is no excuse for that kind of thing in my in my opinion i get that you feel bad that you might be responsible are responsible and you should feel bad if you didn't report something you know why and are also aware that this kind of tired old excuse of why didn't know it could happen in this players i mean from the catholic church to these universities to every you know every time we've heard about these kind of you know sexual misconduct allegations and charges of eventually convictions you know
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we've got to get really good take the blinders off and think it's can happen here it can happen in the good ways as we have to be more aware of it i mean look i've read reports now you've got a guy who is like an open pedophile running for office now in the united states yet in those interviews all these are going to get another job i mean. how are we allowing this to happen this is absolutely ridiculous yes we have to all face it there's anything say something when you say something say it scream it pound on the walls don't don't need our help we have to stop it from happening again that's our responsibility as well stuff so i was going to read court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered up facebook and twitter so our poll shows at our teeth dot com coming up kind of break out the black cats in the candles as sean stone delve into the occult in politics with author gary laughlin and it appears there will be some major changes coming to miss america states to watch the whole.
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thing. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten thousand dollars timestamping each day. eighty five percent of global will be along to the old for bridge eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with one hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar
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a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one of the one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only. actually as a financial survival guide let's learn. let's say i'm the troika and you're pleased i'm greece banks have to fight strong thank you for. the story that's true well if you looked at slavery. four men are sitting in a car when the scripts get shot in the head. for different versions of what. one of them is on the death row there's no way you
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could have done it there's no possible way because the list did not shoot around a corner. when one thinks of modern age politics with all its technology pomp and circumstance the esoteric the bizarre the are called is usually the first thing that comes to mind but you just might be surprised by how much of what many would deem occult style practices and techniques have actually found their way into the modern political routine speech and that's just what author historian and founding member of blondie gary locke men discovers in his new book dark star rising magic and power in the age of trump well no one sacrificing rabbits or drawing pentagrams in the white house basement well hopefully no one as our own john stone discovers just there on that rabbit hole goes as he sat down with the recent inductee into
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the us rock and hall of fame to discuss his new book. gary thank you so much for joining me today i want to talk about your new book the dark star rising and it's very difficult to share my. i think for the general population but it just in your own words how would you describe the book and what its intention is. well the title is dogs are rising magic and power in the age of trump and centrally it's about what seems to be a rise of politics certain sorts of techniques magic positive thinking mental science things of that sort involved in trump's campaign and his election his victory. as i looked into it is also something that reaches out over to russia as well people in sort of the mill year let's
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say around him or putin similarly are interested in these sort of magical techniques and so there does seem to be a kind of sudden insurgence of a sort of a cold politics going on and as i followed the trail that exactly turned out to be the case. well we'll talk about that but first i want to ask why is this different then if i think back on recent presidencies like george bush's and i recall his you know the people around him talking about the idea of creating realities basically we create the reality and we we basically we dictate you know what is truth i remember this coming out of i think rove or one of the people around him and similarly with the obama administration there was a certain magical thinking about this savior complex that he was sort of this savior that was going to come and change and give hope to american inspiration and so i was curious and i think if you go back further throughout time there's many mythological figures in american history in
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a sense going back to george washington himself was there fight in a certain sense in many statues why is why is it now you believe the occult politics are so prevalent. well i mean i was. i actually asked to write the book because of current events i mean ten years ago i did a book called politics in the occult and it was about more or less a sort of overview of the history of the relationship between politics and your cult and one of the things i wanted to do in that book was to sort of dispel the myth that any sort of political element in the occult tends to be on the right wing the far right this is something that was propagated by people like umberto eco and some other writers and this isn't to say that there isn't a connection between far right politics and the occult but there is also a sort of progressive occultism that you can find in people like manna and further back in the sort of verse accretions in the early sixteenth century so i mean i
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sort of looked at it in an overview there but the real sort of trigger for this book for dark store was something that was in the news and it was what happened at the meeting of the national policy institute very soon after trump selection and richard spencer who is also the founder of the authorized alternative right he addressed the crowd for the meeting they are saying you know hell trump you know our hero things along this line but any went on to say we made this happen we will trump and into office more or less and this was picked up by a fellow named harvey bishop who is a new thought blogger and i should say that new thought is a sort of generic term for a variety of different sort of mental science techniques in which exactly what you're saying you can you can sort of use thought to create reality but generally speaking at least from bishops point of view people that are involved in new thought of positive thinking you know tend to be let's say you know using it for
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the spiritual so the aims and the idea that the alternative right was somehow using new thought techniques to trump into office. obviously a bishop or someone who didn't particularly care for terms that he thought this was a particularly positive. and other things were happening at the same time and seemed a lot of things that were on the fringe suddenly became sort of center stage one of the things that for me. sort of marked a real change was the new york times running an article about steve bannon and a talk you gave to a group in the vatican known as the human dignity institute and amidst all the usual thing he was talking about the global tea party movement things like that he name checked fillin in julius evelyn now if you know who julius ebel is you know that he was a twentieth century esoteric thinker who's rather controversial is a brilliant mind but he also had very far right extreme political views and he
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tried to curry favor first with miscellany and then with the national socialism and after the war when his attempts to somehow create a kind of absolute fascism through either misleading fascism and national socialism he became a kind of eminence crease in the background sort of intellectual. kind of mentor for a variety of new right groups that were rising up in italy and so forth he lived and he died nine hundred seventy four his works now been picked up by the altar right and people of of that sort so it struck me that you know to have first place julie's name checked in the new york times was strange enough but to have that be done in the in the context of you know the new president of the united states and steve benen at the time was still on board you know he was still part of the bench there so and again the odd thing again all these things seem to link him to something else the other odd thing about all of that was that the context in which he was named checking julius of it was an allusion to alexander doogan who is
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another esoteric political thinker who has links with the traditionalism julius erving the associated with and he too depending on which. sources you. use has had some effect and some influence on some of the ideas or themes that are informing the sort of search for a new identity in russia so everything seemed to sort of link suddenly into place and whereas yes there is a long history in different ways of the occult having an influence on politics this for me seem different because it suddenly seem to be center stage one from the fringe to the mainstream. but are we seeing any implications of you know again this sort of cult thought magical thinking in the actual presidency of trout . will trump himself we know is
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a devotee of positive thinking. you know he was a great reader of vincent peale not only a reader he went to his sermons in new york at the mobile commuter church and he was going there since he was young and his father was a. respected more than some people with great deal and if you know. various different self-help books like the order to deal another one's the whole positive thinking so the theme is involved in there so i think we can say and positive thinking comes out of new thought new thought itself has roots in one thousand century occultism so it may not be i'm not saying trump is casting spells or anything like that but it does seem that he has. a great deal of. his world view and the way he approaches things steeped in new thought and strangely enough. the way in which are the techniques in which the all right we're supposed to have dreamed or wished trump into office or an offshoot of something is known as chaos
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magic or they use the internet and they employ something that's come to be known as mean magic and this is something that grows out of as i said chaos magic and chaos magic is simply to define it is something it's a. approach to using sort of magic that doesn't rely on the traditional techniques you basically use whatever's at hand it's kind of like an art you know the idea of truth is something that you pick up in one context and put it in another but so you have supposedly all right chaos magicians are using the internet to help get into office and this leads into the new thought ideas trump himself is a devotee of a sort of branch of new thought positive thinking and i would say that the one word that would characterize you know trump's presidency so far i would say is chaos and so he seems to have a natural inclination in many ways his m.o. the way that he operates seem to suggest to me as i looked into this more and more to be sort of a natural play into this whole idea that reality being something that you play with
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beliefs is something that you pick up and put down and you know adopt and and dismiss whenever it's necessary for you things of that sort different identities this kind of thing so rather than saying that you know there's a direct link with a direct line he probably has never heard the term before or perhaps he you know he may now be made into him about the book about it but just says the way he approached things naturally seemed to line up with it and then the other strange thing the thing that seemed to link in this that both positive thinking and chaos magic or results driven they're very interested in making things happen there must be some kind of real effect in the real world out there to be sort of you know the real thing and both of them are into that so again it seemed sort of as i looked into this the ripples of sort of connection comparisons similarities seem to grow and grow and grow. the miss america pageant is celebrating its entrance into the twenty first century of this because they announced the pageant will now be called
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the competition and will no longer include a some suit competition and while many will claim that this is a huge move toward equality for women i'm going to have to disagree on this one thing is that miss america is in fact abe. beauty competition that is so antiquated creeping that women's magazines like a war can't even figure out who's bread and butter or pretty much is making women judge their own looks and the looks of other women can't figure out who's watching with the event every year so yeah look we can take away the swimsuits but the state of having human beings parade themselves about like cattle so others may judge their beauty inner or outer is probably not ever going to be the empowering experiment and feminism that someone like really. not empowered. every are going to take like the physics are going to do it and no way better. to
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start a scope for it's going to remember everyone in this world we are told the real love so it's all you all i love you well but for all this people watching those hawks in the great. taste with frustration and dismay for america's allies even members of the g.o.p. donald trump is sticking to his campaign promise to recast washington's trade relations with the world the reaction has been loud and swift only on the verge of a global trade war. with hopes and to do something to. put themselves on the line they did accept it or reject. so when you want to be president and she. wanted. to go right to be
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close this is what the four three of the four people. interested in the water. there. twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goal people. but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. you guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star and a huge amount of pressure come out you have to be the center of the problem. and do the great. good you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get let's go. to a low. and i'm really happy to join that for the two thousand and three and world cup in russia meet the special one and was also appreciate me to just say to review
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the aussie team's latest edition make it up as we go so i need to. look. at lines here on r t m misty international says the u.s. led coalition in syria may have committed war crimes during the battle for iraq last year as the coalition admits that the real number of civilian losses will be no. fury in germany over the american ambassador has vowed to champion europe's conservative groups. maybe he needs to be a little bit more careful. gusting. legendary football coach josie makes his predictions for the twenty eight thousand feet of world cup group stage while another member of the r t team dog ollie peter schmeichel gets cultural and the host city of some people. the.
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second piano concerto soloist meant to me. is a mid-morning on wednesday june the sixth this is aussie international we're rounding up the top stories for this hour welcome to the program. it has been one year since the start of the operation to liberate the syrian city of rock out from i still but the actual human cost of the operation remains far from clear according to the u.s. led coalition the number of civilians killed in the battle for iraq will never be known as far as how do we know how many civilians were killed i'm just being honest no one will ever know anyone who claims they will know is lying it comes as amnesty international releases a report that accuses the u.s.
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led coalition of relentless air and artillery strikes during the battle for rocca the report even suggests that the coalition may have actually committed war crimes and philippa trying to now investigates. getting to the bottom of what was really happening in iraq as the americans and allies were freeing it who will be bothered to do that or it will take ages the prose of war behind these walls may have thought but scrutiny was inevitable coalition claims that it's precision and campaigns allowed it to bomb islamic state house of rocca well causing very few civilian casualties do not stand up to scrutiny based on information from amnesty international is filled investigation and public reporting coalition or an artillery strikes killed hundreds of civilians
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and injured many more open amnesties report and you'll find words like this proportionate and discriminate bombing the use of white phosphorus claims which could turn into a reputational disaster if proven things that amount to war crimes the u.s. led coalition mission to free rocca went on for more than four months from june sixth to a cobra twelfth last year and the pentagon proudly told the world they'd fired thirty five thousand artillery rounds while they were at it that fired more rounds and rockets syria than any other marine that tillery battalion any marine battalion since the vietnam war yet we kept hearing from those whose orders matter how cautious they war there is been known military in the world's history that is paid more attention to the limited. view of the guest of minister john the battlefield and the coalition military were not perfect guys we can make
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a mistake and in this kind of warfare will happen but we are the good guys and munition people on a battlefield know the difference you can't help wondering how. many innocent locals general mattis has actually met i'm sure you can find many of those who are genuinely grateful to the coalition for kicking myself out but just compare his words to some of the witness accounts our team heard while in iraq there was the conversion of we were directly targeted by the coalition after the recognizance craft filmed us it was a low altitude it was very clear there were no terrorists in the area but there were kids playing in the street and we were collecting water and i knew that all that i knew that if the aircraft bomb using force for us targets everyone it is not hidden i still the coalition is boman brendan lee if you're sitting at home a bomb may come down on you there are houses that collapsed on those residents and they couldn't get out all this happened because of the aircraft they will plane
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comes in strikes for instance a five story building i said would be on the second floor well civilians on the third and fourth floors how comes the plane still strikes then more civilians died the ones will terrorists and we weren't alone in the hearing those were in calls from that devastated syrian city humanitarian groups on the high alert had to many more whores to share with us and the rest of the world there are worries about how this operation will affect civilians we're concerned about the safety and protection of more than four hundred thousand people in iraq as these operations commence we've investigated it was. not a year in coalition authority so you actually believe that the actual number report about who was under reported if you thought any of that led to a change of tactics by the coalition or at least an apology i have to tell you they
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feel that themselves from scrutiny with monthly casualty reports we've been largely focusing on the fate of rock of civilians in our coverage and nationals now weighed in with some serious work it could be high time we hear something new from the us pros of war. on friday the russian president vladimir putin will visit china for the shanghai cooperation organization summit it will be his second foreign trip this week ahead of being gauge when he was asked by journalists whether he would be bringing any gifts or as a chinese counterpart. will you bring me give peace here it won't be a surprise if i say in advance what exactly are bringing. you know. i told you before how the chinese businessman told me how chinese love
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russian ice cream i promised him i'd bring some over myself and so i brought you an entire blocks of ice cream is it gets. to be a secret between me and you i will whisper it to you later. so the interview touched on various topics regional security as a birthday present surprise gifts even football. there's no doubt that president casey will be bringing a gift in with him during his state visit to china. to meet president and see him take the tale of three good friends that president sat there with him as well take
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a listen. chairman cieszyn pink is the only world leader with whom i have spent one of my birthdays i just have not had that kind of relationship with anyone else and my schedule did not allow spending my birthday with any of my other foreign counterparts but i was able to do so with decision. now during this three day state visit the president he said let's turn the shanghai cooperation organization seventh also known as the as c.e.o. and together these countries make up the fourth largest production of world g.d.p. and they also make up forty three percent of the world's population now it's also a security organization as well so the topic of north korea will no doubt simply come up but when talking about the korean peninsula in the instigator president putin said that they want to go down a path that will defeat tensions between was a red. suit
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a courteous go to was stopped by the north korean leadership has taken unprecedented steps towards deescalation of tensions and frankly i did not expect that. i can understand the north korean leadership when they say that for the full denuclearization of the peninsula they need absolute guarantees of their security and how else could it be it is not possible to imagine it any other way you especially after the tragic events that happened in libya and iraq the north koreans remember them very well. because i still hoped at this meeting a very brave and mature decision u.s. president donald trump has made to have direct contacts with north korean leader kim jong un will take place and we all expect a positive outcome of this interview and the chance to ask the president and some questions and they were obviously related thing is there which kicks off on the
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fourteenth. that's a difficult one there are many title contenders there are latin american teams like argentina and brazil but we also know that the german team showed great game at previous tournaments and the high quality of football was also demonstrated by the spanish team i am sure there are going to be other title contenders but the strongest will win you for the most. i have a couple of footballers whom i consider extraordinary and who can obviously lay claim to the title who they are among russian and soviet players it is live among foreign footballers it's pay leg well i also like mario dawna the. so a lot of making his world cup predictions as excitement builds over which country will lift the world cup in the final in moscow next month he has been picking up picking the brains of perhaps the most famous manager.


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