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tv   Boom Bust  RT  June 7, 2018 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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now well they want to seek their own place in the w t o after breakfast which is due to take place next march the c.e.o. of straw mark henry ford which helps take us a look at what it means for everything plus the imperial valley in the south eastern part of california bordering new mexico and arizona arizona is big business for agriculture but there's a big problem in the burial valley salton sea the once booming getaway for the likes of the beach boys and the others are to correspond at the taj this week we'll explain now let's get to the story stuff in today's headlines. change has arrived in italy as the new prime minister gets sepic ponty is taken office after his second try by the coalition between the year for missed five star movement and the right wing immigrant league mr conti made news in his debut speech before parliament repeating anti immigrant rhetoric and declaring that his government would quote forcefully seek the overcoming of the dublin regulations which
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determine which country is responsible for processing refugees and migrants the prime minister notably affirmed that the coalition government will not vote to renu the european union sanctions against russia while pledging a commitment to nato membership and alliance with the united states renewal of the e.u. sanctions would require unanimous consent among the twenty eight e.u. members mr conti also said he wants to reduce italy's public debt but not with austerity policies and touted what he termed as a flat tax although it would actually have some brackets perhaps not too flat and bring what he says drastic reductions in tax evasion. and the labor market the united states has reached an unusual landmark the latest figures from the us department of labor's bureau of labor statistics or b.l.s. indicate that there were six point seven million posted job openings in may while there were only six point three million unemployed work. years besides surpassing
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the number of job seekers that postings number sets a new record b.l.s. confirmed last week that the official unemployment rate ticked down a tenth of a percent to a historic low of three point eight percent that's the lowest since the year two thousand the a store tightness in the job market has yet to have any significant effect on wages the b.l.s. figures show wage growth barely ahead of inflation and about two point seven percent median household income is improved slightly since two thousand and sixteen but median income is still below the twenty fourteen level and just barely above than one nine hundred ninety nine level. there is a new revelation on facebook's sharing of its users personal data and this time the u.s. government may view it as a security risk the new york times has revealed and facebook has now confirmed that among the five dozen device makers with whom facebook share user data is the large chinese firm while way u.s.
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intelligence agencies have long been suspicious of walk away as a kind of corporate trojan horse for the chinese state designed to gain access to advanced and sensitive technology from a broad in a january hearing before the senate intelligence committee the top six intelligence bureaucrats in the u.s. advised americans to not buy a while way phones f.b.i. director chris ray said in regard to while away and its peers quote we're deeply concerned about the risk of allowing any company or entity that is beholden to for government that don't share our values to gain positions of power inside our telecommunications networks facebook on yesterday said that they will end the arrangement with while way. and as you may recall last week we reported that the u.s. department of justice approved the massive merger of bear purchasing
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a company many environmentalist protesters love to hate month santo well now bear says that the name month santa will be trashed once the sixty six billion dollar deal is finalized in august what does it all mean let's ask conservative t.v. and radio host steve malzberg and the author of bet the farm how food stop being food fred kaufman guys thanks for joining us so the combined companies bear and months santal were create a huge egg chemical company which will include not only a large combined pesticide businesses of the two but month's santo's g m o's the genetically modified organisms business a bear has been pretty respected brand over the years and company like these spend hundreds of millions of dollars creating brands but none santo are creating the g m o's has increased crop yields and at the same time has reduced some pest problems making a popular with some farmers on the flip side they have been sort of corporate poster child for bad science of potential health problems fred explained the negatives
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about a month santa why do they have such a bad rap. well monsanto has had a bad rap as you as you as you point out for a very long time they're the fellows who brought us agent orange they brought us d.d. t. and they are such a bad player is attacking with their lawyers organic farmers really through no fault of their own for having their own roundup ready seed alone on to their fields the big problem right now however is bliss of fate which is the chemical which has been put into the roundup ready crop the g o saw a and wheat they are promulgating and corn so they are in trouble with the world health organization that says the glass of fate will cause cancer with the state of california and there are many lawsuits in the
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works and just because the brand has changed the liability is staying the same so they are still facing that same kind of liability through in europe to the european union is against it russia is against it a lot of your putin does not like the g.m.o. seeds so there is still a lot of headline risk for these guys i should add though bart i should add that bear themselves were the ones who brought us drug called heroin they were the ones who brought us another kind of drug called klon b. which is information world war two so bear itself has weathered a fair bit of headline risk in its own past which perhaps will give them confidence in the future i didn't know that about heroin i was just think aspart and i think that's a pretty respected thing so steve how does a how does a company that in some people's minds you don't know that it is the heroin story how does a company that has spent hundreds of millions of dollars over the years deal with
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this is an image and what do they need to do going forward. well i think a couple of things that they're doing the scientific the big scientific guy on set there has been there for thirty five years through much of what has been discussed is leaving the c.e.o. of the company who's been there thirty five years is leaving so those are two steps although some current management does remain that will they will admit that also you know the current management of bear says we're going to be open we're going to listen we're going to communicate we want to hear what people's concerns are which apparently is a different tact than monsanto was taking they're going to be out there that could be talking to people they could be talking to farmers they could be talking to environmentalist and try to understand what's what's going on they might also want to address the policy with the farmers who also have problems with had problems with monsanto. these g m o's in these seeds they would not reusable in other words if you had seeds left over under the contract with monsanto you had to throw them
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out you could not reuse them next year you had a buy more seeds next year and a lot of farmers out easily didn't like that so maybe that will make them you know if they change that policy that would make them more friendly to some of the farmers who had problems with them as well you have to anyway want to go ahead yeah if i can just cut in here for a second steve's absolutely right we're talking about these suicide seeds but in fact really for the past hundred years all the seeds that have been bought all the composite seeds and the created seeds are really good for one go around i don't think there is actually going to see as much upstream trouble as a lot of people are saying. the issue there is you know on the one hand they've reduced inputs and made less passed and farmers like that but particularly in the european union fred they've got a big problem with g m o's they don't want to talk about trade they don't want any g.m.o. either beans or corn right. well i think that they have
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a big problem in europe because europe has a very big issue with patenting the intellectual property of the seed and now this is been a question in the european union for quite some time the commission has just come through and said yes in fact there can be patented seeds this is however a highly unjust and a highly unfair and very little understood phenomena so let me just back up for a second and talk about what that means that g.m.o. seed imagine that let's say a soybean seed is a pile of annie's the d.n.a. and it is a pile of pennies from the floor of the ceiling what monsanto and now bear are doing by taking on that intellectual property is just putting one penny on the top of that huge pile of pennies and saying it's all mine and that is really unfair and what's happened now is we really have three companies one in china one in one in
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germany now in the united states that are controlling the entire world food supply and this can really be a problem when it comes to my commodity thing and monetizing those seeds you know the problem from my perspective and i like being efficient in everything with with seeds but is that it's so ever present now when u.s. agriculture i mean you can hardly get any non g.m.o. beans or corn and if they discover a problem and they probably won't but if they discover a problem in the future boy are we sort of on the short end of the stick so steve in going forward because i know the environmentalist are going to try to change the moniker for bear you heard it here first it's going to be big bad bear or something and they will try to demonize the new company and say that they're the root of all evil how do they deal with that steve well you know they've got
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a lot to overcome obviously as we discussed again. neil young ever young and i too many years ago wrote a whole album. of the monsanto years and you know what we've had companies that have rebranded themselves and it did little different situation with each one but we had philip morris you know change your name and rebranded obviously and we had blackwater also changed the name this is different than just changing the name you are absorbing the baggage obviously i just saying communication i think they're going to put on a public relations blitz hey we're good guys look what we're doing we're talking we're meeting where we're listening and i think that's going to be that's going to be what's good we're going to see first whether or not this will result in actual you know movement changes action i wouldn't hold my breath and i think i think they'll be ok even if they don't to be honest with you i just don't see them falling apart what do you think fred. i think that the irony here is that the world food movement by focusing so intensively and specifically on monsanto on
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a brand for so many years has actually now shot themselves in the foot because i think there's a very strong sense monsanto was a villain months and months and it was evil i don't think people are following sixty six billion dollars merger i don't think people are seeing that well barry just had to divest itself nine billion dollars of seed business to be a s.s. people are not at that level people are in a particularly right now in a black and white by an airy state of mind and i think barry's really going to benefit fred steve we appreciate your time we're brother offer having you thank you both for being with us thank you thank you. and time now for a quick break but stick around because when we return hilary ward which is the founder and c.e.o. of straw mark joins us to talk about how the u.k. and the european union are hashing out their gravy issues with less than a year to go until the brush the deadline and how u.s. sanctions or cuban parakey companies plus r.t.
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correspondent function week. california's in your real valleys salton sea an old timey getaway for the beach boys and others is facing a major environmental problem as we go to break here the numbers at the closing bell put green action today with stocks all in the green test was notably rally today after taking a dive this morning meanwhile oil point and gold were all down we'll be right back . when lawmakers manufacture consent to step into the public well. when the
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ruling classes protect themselves. when the final merry go round lifts only the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. to lose the real need for. a. radially reinforced rammed earth bricks is what they really are. this is more than seventy houses about one hundred forty people with families living here. it's really
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a way of forming same in. the sun's coming in and heating their house and being stored in massive walls. sagebrush is the natural environment here but as we're containing the sewage and and using to plant stuff to process the sewage we create our own little way says here. welcome back disappointing news from south africa as the latest official figures show the economy can track thing by an annualized rate of two point two percent in the first quarter of the year. the drop off is the worst in nine years and carries a special sting for the new president silas rem as
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a decline is worse than that of any quarter under the recently departed and tory asli corrupt president jacob zuma the pain had a number of major sectors including construction which fell two percent and manufacturing with fell six point four percent the critical south africa mining sector fell by close to ten percent at the same time the south african reserve bank predicts growth of one point seven percent for twenty eight thousand and twenty nineteen and two percent for twenty twenty south africa's economy has not grown by more sense to than two percent since two thousand and thirteen. and this week coin base one of the biggest crypto currency exchanges of the united states finally made some big moves into one of the largest crypto markets on the planet japan coin base which is just as based just across the pacific rim in san francisco is currently in more than thirty countries around the globe and the move to
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japanese market signals huge news for the crypto community the move isn't coming without controversy however japanese officials are still wary about krypto investments since the major coin check that occurred earlier this year well aware of the situation coin base has issued a statement on operating in japan saying quote as in other markets we panned to plan to take deliberate approach to our role in japan which means working hand in hand with the japanese financial services agency to ensure compliance with local laws at every stage investors however thrilled that the exchange will now be operating in one of the first countries that recognize the bitcoin as a currency. and a change in government and malaysia is moving china to reconsider its investment choices malaysia's former president minister mohammad who served from one thousand nine hundred eighty one all the way to two thousand. that in three was reelected to the position yet again just last month mr muhammad pledged as
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a candidate to reassess china's investment in malaysia and the overall relationship from a more nationalistic perspective the previous prime minister of iraq who was implicated in a massive corruption scandal was seen to be pleased with receiving any and all investment from china on preferred terms including an estimated ninety billion dollars or more from various for various ports and railways and then take political credit for the economic expansion mr muhammad's new government will be reviewing a number of chinese projects that were approved by the previous administration with a critical eye after an audit found that the country debt to be two hundred fifty billion dollars that debt figure is much larger than previously estimated an equal to eighty percent of the gross domestic product on tuesday the finance minister revealed that the previous government had paid two billion dollars ninety percent of the cost to a chinese firm for a project that was only fifteen percent complete more embarrassing details of past
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deals could slow the and complicate china's plans in malaysia a key country in china's belt and road regional development and diplomacy and initiative. and british companies want their government to stay in the world trade organization the w t o even after the u.k. leaves the european union at the end of next march the desire is due to the need to continue bidding for government work in the united states the e.u. and japan britain has said officially applied to join the government procurement agreement it required legal step to maintain trading relationships and here to update us on what's taking place as c.e.o. of straw mark foley for which hillary thank you as always for being here so why is this so important to the companies and in the u.k. or great to be back again it's so important because england too and britain was only part of the agreement based on the need to have to trade with united
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states japan and the rest the world they have to be part of it if they're not part of it they can't trade with united states and britain and japan overall so it's a global issue they have to be part of it and i noticed i think it was late last year the director general of the w t o said the brics it was going to be fairly bumpy and i know some you could companies that have had some particular problems in treating agriculture with the european union right yes that's the director general alberto video and he said if we bumpy the reason it will be particularly bumpy think about what's the psyllium alstrom she's the head of the e.u. trade and and she said this she said there is been no agreement on agriculture yet agriculture is very important to the u.k. with regard to europe eighty percent of exports go to europe that's what peta harvick is that he's the director of exports until you hire a sort of you create the program and that's why it's so important will it be bumpy absolutely because the does not want to let go of their agreements really easily
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and they know that britain is very dependent on the e.u. as a trade partner there's new news today i want to ask you about it after after this . according to the results of an almost two year investigation released today by the senate's permanent subcommittee on investigations the obama administration took an extra effort in twenty sixteen to assist iran in recouping previously sanctioned oil revenues that were stranded in an overseas account after their renia nuclear deal went into effect and twenty fifteen the report says the administration actually misled congress regarding those efforts and president trump who as we all know criticize the agreement calling it horrible and one sided has withdrawn from the iran nuclear deal but now european senior officials have let the troubled ministration know that the us withdrawing is causing a prominent problems in the e.u. it's particularly the case related to the u.s. in forcing what are called secondary sanctions laws allowing washington to penalize
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foreign companies for doing business with third countries third party countries that's a big concern especially for france germany and the u.k. right yeah absolutely and it's very important to look at what larry kudlow said today larry kudlow is of course the head of the economic council for president trump i think actually in this instance trump is right what the. ministration did was abominable but as larry kudlow said he said look these trade agreements they want fat there is no such thing as a trade war when we were being penalized all the way along so now all we want is open markets and fresh trade which hasn't been in existence so i think the discovery of this is yet another indication that actually trump was right well we'll have to keep an eye on it it seems to me hilary that we're going to have to have you back several times on this thing because it continues and continues and we're looking forward to next march when the. show reported to the c.e.o. and founder of straw marc thank you so much for being here thank you appreciate it . the imperial are valid value in the southwestern eastern rather
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part of california bordering new mexico and arizona is big business for agriculture but there's a problem in the valley salton sea the once a booming getaway for the likes of the beach boys sonny bono and others and here with mirrors are to correspond to the touch of sweet had a first glimpse you might noticed white sands and a sea full of beauty but if you take a closer look the white sands are made up of fish bones the sea full of toxic runoff and all this health hazards may be tension spread throughout southern california police are not felt in sea used to be an ideal getaway. the salton sea between the one hundred fifty s. and sixty's are really steep as it was referred to as a pool in the desert that attracted over half a million visitors annually including celebrities like the beach boys and sonny bono but this so-called miracle was created by accident through to richard runoff from the colorado river the water soon became saltier than the ocean by being fed
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slowly agricultural runoff much less poisoning killed millions of fish and the massive die offs along with the sea full of pesticides and heavy metals soon took their toll. he lives to say to a worse one and now researchers are examining the damage where people still live animals are wildlife can be seen as you know indicators of how healthy the environment is jill justin ensure a fars on both assistant professors at u.s.c. is department of health our study health the facts from the south seas toxic dust so we became interested because they were worried about more dust and so we just sort of looking into some of the health issues in the area so there's very high levels of particulate matter and also very high levels of childhood asthma and this is the one sees water level decreases over time the level of dust rises causing more health problems explicitly among kids. people that need to have the power to be able to determine whether they can walk outside or stay indoors to protect
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themselves luis a meadow executive director of can we go divide a group in the imperial valley and believes something must be done about the area's poor air quality his organization helps provide schools agricultural workers and other presidents with real time air quality updates children between. middle middle school age they're at the biggest threat because their lungs haven't fully developed their activities are increasing there in just the more air but the destruction of the salton sea isn't just plaguing the imperial valley a supreme court ruling agreed to a water transfer deal that would into effect last year. water is now being taken out of the salty sea in given to areas like san diego for drinking water and residential use researchers say it could be detrimental reports indicate if the salton sea dries up toxic dust will be unleashed into the air throughout southern california risking the health of millions it's really find it's laden with
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chemicals from agricultural run are such as pesticides toxic metals and there been studies showing that there are things like. arsenic and other heavy metals in the sediment there are some where for medication efforts for you know where to try to restore some of this trial lake bed but you know there needs to be a lot of action very quickly to not have a consequence on people's health part of proposition sixty eight on the california ballot this coming june would set aside two hundred million dollars for the salton sea however a meadow says fixing the issue here will take billions right now the most critical thing to do with these monies is to stabilize the sea we cannot pull back that tombstone because. you know that for people here in the valley there's more than one hundred years of toxic build up here at the. see as the water continues to receive work toxic dust will be exposed into the environment unless something is
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done at the salton sea natasha's suite r.t. . we thank natasha and that's it for this time you can catch boom bust on directv channel three twenty one dish network channel two eighty or streaming twenty four seven on pluto t.v. the free t.v. app channel one thirty two or as always hit us up at youtube dot com play boom bust party or catch an extra.
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is a. church secret indeed just like priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it literally i like to call this the do graphic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot where the previous standard is not the highest ranks of the catholic church help conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that end it has no good as the i intend that i included use this out and. apply to many. clubs over the years so i know the game inside guys. football isn't
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only about what happens on the pitch pull the funnel school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each pill he narrowness and spending two hundred twenty million on one player. so it's an experience like nothing else i want to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy a great so one more chance for. and makes this minute. the.
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stories here were. the u.s. congress debates a new war authorization bill introduced by some of the loudest critics. significantly expand the president's power to launch military. through seventeen years of war. this proposal will have one hundred seventy more a loaded gun and a desk drawer of the president ready for him to take it out and shoot it whatever he wants. house of lords. members falling asleep during sessions here on the program we get reaction on the streets of london . this place. and. say washington i'd love to be paid for having a kid in.


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