tv Documentary RT June 7, 2018 6:30am-7:01am EDT
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business community is the wrong floors shortcomings but we're ready to streamline this process i'm sure the business community would respond to it in appropriate manner such as your now be said that we have more right one more offer on the line yes indeed it is. yes we've been receiving them for two years in a row huge amount of questions which have to do with situations in ukraine and we even received this question from people and from russia from ukraine from other states but at this point our editors turned their attention. to a question from the. very well what is happening in says let's look to that's always the video from say good afternoon members of her. advisor to the head of the of the dawn is if. there is a feeling that ukraine army will be using the opportunity of the world cup to conduct while scale offensive how would you comment on that.
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it wouldn't come to any has to. but if it happens usually it would have grave consequences. who are in the ukraine stage who would. i should wish to ensure in general but again i hope nothing of that sort will happen but then again you can't avoid creating to meet a people with the nature to do to people who reside on those territories in a dawn bar saying the lugansk region we know what's happening out there we see how people respond. we've been i.b.m. you've been in the midst of really providing assistance or to both and recognized with public what's happening in general the creation of. a really embarrassing these two and that is. also
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a signal that the current kiev authorities are are they able to resolve this issue how can you resolve this issue you believe that these territories are your own any few. should impose a full. how can you consider those people. are citizens and share all these people killing. civilians and the year after series that have registered any crease in the number of shelling from ukrainian side why do you do it we just need to exceed the means cool this is just ridiculous but in terms of getting the ultimate goal restoring tauriel sovereignty the further it gets the worse cities for ukraine. get a feeling that she. crane is doing it because of its domestic election. now nearing the parliamentary and the
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presidential election and the sooner it gets to the election the worse the situation with the support for the key currents of authorities are unable to resolve the issue. or don't just put them. another reason is that they don't need the voters from those charities because it's clear that those voters will never cast a ballot in favor of the current scheme authorities eve these authorities only use you their own narrow political and economic goals to they continue to rob the people and then put the money in our shores then it won't lead to anything. of course anything good if you will but we'll see how it develops over time will tell definitely make sure. so the chords are executed i said yes
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i said shows the which is now without stearns the moscow cd what shall we put there are people going to talk to us to prior to today that says they are popular bloggers with realtors and of million subscribers and they are being collecting questions from their subscribers and the most popular questions will be the forward for all of these sessions so we sent our correspondent right to those bloggers and he is going to be live in sac and. sim w. saying hello everyone for the first in the history after two and a sessions where russian president is. taking the bloggers of russia right. that fashions would be commenting are on the card for being
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a recording videos streaming videos they have their own channels to which they applaud their videos and the videos they well used to record using their smartphones but now they have professional cameras for there but the overall audience de jure is around twenty million people that sold me year at this very point they are streaming that they are reporting to the audience what is happening at this very moment prior to the begin a session they ask their subscribers what kind of question they would like to ask and this is today what we can give them the opportunity to ask those questions these are residents of russians seem to come unity. subscribers to terrorists not from chalabi and two million subscribers so guys hello i give you the floor to talk to them is a putin today we have the leaders there. well i like to ask
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the questions i have while a bit nervous on the internet people speak about some popular social networks can get close to a day care and what do you think about that is it all possible when you show us that world. concern. it's got to be the concerns of the people that you've been working there we're not going to shut anything down i am aware of the situation around the telegram. where you just said you were nervous well you know i'm nervous too you know why i'm nervous because i'm concerned over the security of the people and when with our law enforcement officers. and you fall in the st petersburg. he could not track down the correspondents. terrorists because it
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was. cold but i would not think it how can i respond to it. and there is no i used to work in the law enforcement and i know for sure that it's much easier and easier to ban it it's much harder to find a civilized way to resolve the situation so i don't since i know that i will definitely push my colleagues to. go down that path and the law enforcement and federal security service is need to use. to fight terrorists without violating all limiting freedoms and liberties on the internet you have any more questions even though mr burton. from. thirty eight i'm an adult sober minded. yes just
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kind of science but i am a blogger at this point it's not a profession. that at a real professional well will there be a moment in the future when blogging will be a true profession and official occupation is not charlie you just you're an adult you're thirty eight you look march much younger and i was surprised to hear that you're thirty eight. well you just said it was a blogging should become profession but we know what you what you leave off you leave our. money and it seems you have been successful with that story so whether it's. recognized or not as a profession it's a source of your income as i understand brings you quite a lot of money or since you've been doing it if you well if you read or want to have a blogging as a profession somewhere in. perhaps we could think about it
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but perhaps you're right actually if your permanent. government is really interested to formalize it. what's more likely well thank you bloggers will come back to you. and i would turn. that our universe we turn to you now. thank you we've been. following closely how people react to what is happening here on social media the number of. publications where the hashtag. i do apologize for jumping in at once again here in our international lives or the russian president's annual q. and a with the public over two million questions now being funneled to the russian president we will continue to drop in throughout the day here on our to international for the meantime to some other stories where you know. drugs and pesticide. make
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a will close its largest ever foreign takeover on thursday it's buying up monsanto the largest us producer of genetically modified seeds and cultural chemicals and the german giant is hoping to strengthen its portfolio in the health and nutrition sectors with the acquisition but given monsanto's legacy that may not be so easy so american explains. one of the world's biggest brands and most controversial are cultural companies monsanto will soon be through this as we know it will be bought out by bayer the german pharmaceutical giant and the company has announced that it will be shedding the monsanto name one which used to make headlines as thousands of protesters hit the streets across the globe. bit.
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like the fact that monsanto will no longer exist bayer will be inheriting each and every lawsuit that tops the company around four thousand of them in the u.s. alone on top of that approximately two thousand legal hearings are still pending and one of the biggest trials to come this month is based on accusations that the company hid that its products could cause cancer for decades. at the center of all of those lawsuits monsanto's leading herbicide round up and its main ingredients like the safe according to the international agency for research on cancer it's quote probably carcinogenic to humans their study has also found strong evidence of a link between like the state exposure and lymphoma. you know they vote what provokes me about some surveys that this concern is poison year after year nobody
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cares what the votes mean is that there is only us it's day one since there has been implicated in the scandal in various ways court documents released last year showed that monsanto manufactured scientific studies and bribed scientists to publish them but at the same time the company claims that roundup of the. glacier based had the sites supported by one of them. extensive world wide human health and environmental databases ever compiled for pesticide products. months into his new owner has provided assurances that the merger would make things right as they are great here but it's how we aim to deepen our society we will listen to our critics and work together where we find common ground agriculture. ideological differences to bring progress to a standstill. you're talking about progress to try and find new herbicides that simply hasn't happened and they may have reached the end of their life if you're
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talking about progress to try and convince americans and the rest of the planet roundup is safe well they've been doing their leaked documents show that when they knew that the world health organization was going to declare lifeless a probable human carcinogen they created an entire plan to quote orchestrate the ghost wrote studies they ghost wrote opinion pieces documents all sure showed that they had their own man inside the e.p.a. working quietly on behalf of monsanto and blocking additional research that might have indicated it verified that it was a course image and so i don't know exactly what their means by progress but it doesn't look good. but dealing with the eleven dangers of months santa products is not the only issue bothering the public there are fears that two giant companies will form a monopoly that farmers are. they're looking at a very big conglomerate now because much santo was a shy and and there is
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a giant in health and agriculture and now you're combining those when you create a giant company that controls all of these assets it makes it harder on the smaller companies that just fresh allies and one or maybe two of the functions of bayer so it's going to affect farmers if i did it will affect all of us in the long run. government will release all death certificates. in september as people say the official number confirmed by the territory's health ministry is far too low a newly released report says the actual death toll is over four thousand. for.
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and with the new hurricane season looming donald trump has promised a rapid response however the consequences of the last big storms are still being dealt with by the u.s. government accused of wasting aid money. that he looks into the story. put there rico is still reeling from last year's devastating cataclysm but it's already time to plan for the new hurricane season and that's why donald trump has arrived at the aged care of the federal emergency management agency with maloney is a parents alongside him arguably during more attention first lady maloney a trump has just made her first appearance before the media for the first time in
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twenty six days first lady malani a trump attended a fema briefing with her husband today her first time in front of a camera nearly a month the first lady malani a trump was with her husband the president this afternoon for a briefing about the hurricane season it all comes as where expecting the release of all death certificates following hurricane maria which will shed light on the real scale of the tragedy is thoughts the fischel death toll of just sixty four has been severely underestimated nevertheless has that changed the high opinion the trump administration has about the way it dealt with the disaster. still thinks his response to the hurricane is far greater than. in order for us to move say almost by. the federal response once again was a historic proportion we're continuing to work with the people puerto rico do the best we can to provide federal assistance particularly working with the governor there in puerto rico and will continue to do so well the mayor of san juan in
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puerto rico believes the u.s. response to the hurricane was a historic failure the fact is that the trumpet ministrations bureaucracy and neglect created a climate of inefficiency that cost lives their inability to meet our needs and their lack of empathy continues to be responsible for the slow pace of our recovery the federal emergency management agency actually did spend significant sums to aid puerto rico providing some one point three billion dollars in support to survive this however some many allocations there raising questions in particular a cruise ship which was booked to host female workers and first responders the so-called floating hotel docked in the virgin islands the main island of puerto rico cost them seventy five million dollars for a four month runs and that's actually more money than the money dished out to help the village an island survive this as of march first more than seventy million in
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themis individual assistance has been distributed there reckless to survivors so how them get back on their feet to make matters worse the floating hotel remained hot and the contract there has been defended by carnival the company which owns the fleet it stresses the way the ship was to be used was never part of the obligations we comment of the full use of a ship for an extended period of time whether or not fema was going to you the ship or not or feel that with relief workers that wasn't part of obligation this time around with the new hurricane season approaching fema may now be more prepared for the storms the troublous puerto rico's not. well thank you joining us are anality international we will continue to dip into the russian president's annual q. and a with the public over two million questions submitted for the meantime though my colleague andrew farmer manning the helm in just a few minutes here at r.t. international.
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at the fia. four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. all four different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the us did not shoot around a corner. in july twenty seventh team hunted a freelance journalist working with on t.v. a militant shelling in syria. only his second five scotti has established a holiday memorial day will recognize more reporters who often risk their months for the sake of the truth. through the use you can submit to your published works
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in a video or written form until june the twelfth go to dr marty dot com. welcome you watching r.t. international president putin is currently giving his annual q. and a session with the public and will be crossing our back to that shortly but in the meantime we'll start with some news from the u.k. because the house of lords has been stung with a new memo on their transgressions according to media reports the list does include shouting order conversation and also falling asleep artie's polly boyko explains why a midday nap in parliament is such a sensitive issue. most members of the house of lords which is the chamber of the british parliament have been around the block for quite some time the average age in the lords chamber is sixty nine and from the breadth of their experience the law job is to scrutinise british law and that can be pretty tiring
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so much so that even the most hardworking and conscientious lords and politicians can get a little sleep paid. well rumor has it that the lords have now received a quiet telling off for falling asleep in the chamber according to the times newspaper a conservative peers have received an email telling them that their behavior and that isn't up to scratch and it said that the other political parties are sending a similar reprimand to their lords but according to established parliamentary
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convention perry is all allowed to quote rest their eyes so i mam with photos of sleeping lords all sleepy looking lords and i want london as to help me determine which of these are just resting their eyes and which all most definitely in the land of knowledge definitely he might be resting his eyes they've just been told off the sleeping too much in the chamber guy's lost control of his neck so he's definitely sleeping but i think he'd be asleep and he won't be rested when i don't know all right i'm just looking down at the me i was just ok so you're not guilty not guilty what about what about these to. the. rest of his eyes they should. be allowed to have a little camp in the chamber that's lots of. scrutinising. space i would be allowed to have and that if i went to work say why should i love to be paid for having a kid in my office think they should be allowed to have
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a little kip in the chamber over there well as far as i'm concerned they're all gentlemen and deserve a little bit of a. long day they're just listening to other people all day long so they get on a bit. well to be fair britain is far from the only country whose parliamentarians do nordoff once in a while although one exception might be france at the moment where lawmakers are complaining that the new president energetic reforms dr is giving them no chance for rest. in recent weeks we've sat for eighty hours per week we've sat for the last seventeen days consecutively this is not how a parliament normally functions it is not allowing us to really carry out legislative work to make good laws we are exasperated and for some of us exhausted this isn't the normal life of our parliamentarians staying by good day we're not trying to tug on the heartstrings this is not a good way of legislating. well during just one year in office and on your macro on has introduced new legislation in various fees from education to the rail sector
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some of the national assembly sessions have lasted far longer than usual too and all makers say that's not a good way of going forward. the u.s. congress is about to decide whether to widen the war powers of donald trump the new bill does allow the president to decide who and where to fight with critics fearing capitol hill is formally giving away its control the bill met with fierce resistance on wednesday. we've gone through seventeen years of war. you would drop this proposal will have one hundred seventy more a loaded gun in a desk drawer of the president ready for him to take it out and shoot it whatever it wants and it will put war making on autopilot do i want my sixteen year old going to war against al shabaab in somalia my boys have never lived in a country that has not been for both of them my son probably can't find. and
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probably very few people even in this room know who came korver proud to say there are no limits on war let it be known that there were at least some of us who were more and. while the new bill does seek to replace the two thousand and one war authorize ation x. among other things it grants the president the right to include new groups on the terrorist list without informing the public interesting lead to one of the legislations legislators behind the bill elliott claimed that congress has been granting a license to wage war for far too long some us media have scoffed at legislators saying that they don't even know what's actually in their own bill despite the bill extending the president's war powers is what the bill was the authors think about donald trump. the president has great difficulty. on men he's proven himself. unable to rustle occasionally you know who i don't.
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know i wonder if you know from. donald doubted lee they like the idea of the president being some sort of a king go to war when he wishes what a disconnect here you have these two and many others in washington are calling trump and a mentally unstable in all sorts of even worse things and then you want to give him the authority to go to war when he wants crazy war is what washington is made of war is washington's number one export. you know what we give up all over we're just going to. sit in front of a camera collect our paychecks and do nothing. now the russian president is currently holding his annual televised skew in a with the public nearly two million questions had been submitted when the session began a couple of hours ago i'm glad i'm a peyton has also been putting some of the issues raised the politicians directly responsible. for more of gas will see following events. just go through them what
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some of the main points that have been discussed. well this is well this is the sixteenth q. and a session and you know with the looks to be one of the longer ones because we're about halfway through the present is there said but it started off with as it usually does domestic issues taxes health care education salaries corruption as well that's a big talking point during these q. and a sessions but they got to international issues fairly quickly you know by previous examples for example like me or putin was asked by one viewer. one russian what the chances were of the third world war breaking out. because we spoke in a changed the in the among the don't because you know you can recall einstein's
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words he said i don't know with what weapons world war three will be fought but world war four will be fought with sticks and stone that will be understanding of the fact that world war three maybe the end of modern civilization and some must deter us from extreme actions on the international scene. current tensions between russia and the united states as well as its allies and have been of course a hot topic in russia and people are concerned people are concerned there's a fear you know because this this isn't normal and people ask me a putin when this will end when russia and the west will make up and he said if you only happen when we both treat each other as equals that russia and the west respect each other and compromise with each other not in a situation where one side considered considers it considers itself better than the
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other but like me a putin said there is progress being made people are openly talking about the need to the need to be friendly with each other they need to work together east and west with regards to sanctions. said that there are signs that eventually people are coming around that eventually they'll be lifted what with the united states with donald trump's unpredictability he said that the current battle trade wars they call it between europe and the united states is nothing more than the united states slapping sanctions on europe trying to get its way politically the audience not even economically. for one of the french governments ministers recently said that the u.s. shouldn't be allowed to become the economic policeman of the world and he spoke about it publicly the former german minister of finance publicly said that germany .
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