tv News RT June 7, 2018 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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from the world cup to relations with america and sanctions russian president vladimir putin answers questions from the public in his annual q. and a session which is now into its fourth hour also to the u.s. congress debates a new all authorize ation bill introduced by some of donald trump's loudest critics the law though would significantly expand the president's power to launch military operations. we've gone through seventeen years of war. you would drop this proposal will have one hundred seventy a loaded. drawer of the president ready for have to take it out and shoot it whatever it wants. and wakeup call britain's upper parliament the house of lords is berated over members falling asleep during sessions we get reaction on the streets
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of la. mesa i'm going to be less than that if i went to work so why should i i'd love to be paid for having a. long day just listening to other people all day long. hello welcome you watching our international she's gone three o'clock in the afternoon here in moscow now the russian president is currently holding his annual her televised q. and a session with the public over two million questions have been submitted since the session began and it's now into its fourth hour the longest previous q. in a recent twenty eleven which went on for four and a half hours this time around putin has also been putting some of the issues raised to the politicians directly responsible so let's get more details now. he's been following what's been said over the last three hours or so. what are the key points
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there. well a lot of ground has been covered we do you know into our fourth hour now and vladimir putin is an old hand to this this is his sixteenth direct line people from all over russia can call in can send text messages video messages asking questions most of the issues of course that have been raised domestic one day health care salaries pension age working conditions you know problems that people have had that they've been unable to resolve and the us largely if you can help we've been had governors and local officials called into account live on t.v. by vladimir putin a new format this year but after after they began the first out talking about domestic issues they switched to international issues and one of them of course being the current tension between the east and the west between russia and the
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united states and its allies this child that has developed and one viewer asked me a putin what the chances of world war three breaking out are. among the don't because you know you can recall einstein's words he said i don't know with what weapons world war three will be fought but world war four will be fought with sticks and stone with the understanding of the fact that world war three maybe the end of modern civilization must deter us from extreme actions on the international scene. the other international theme that of course russians are interested in affects them is sanctions restrictions from europe from the united states and they are putin when that would then when the east and the west would finally make up and be friends partners again and the president said that that loony happens when everyone learns to treat each other with respect. becht to talk
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to each other equals and not to look down on other countries to you know take into account the interests of other nations and to compromise to learn to compromise he said with regards to europe that there is a greater and greater understanding that sanctions and restrictions aren't working and led me a prudent pointer to the current trade war between europe and the united states he said that the us tariffs on european goods aren't so much an economic measure as they are a political measure essentially sanctions regime as minister for one of the french government's ministers recently said that the us shouldn't be allowed to become the economic policeman of the world and he spoke about it publicly the former german minister of finance publicly said that germany hasn't been a fully sovereign state since one thousand nine hundred five but everybody can see what's going on but probably our partners thought it would never affect them that
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kind of politics is counterproductive the politics of limitations and sanctions which. lead me putin added that russia will not yield it won't break under pressure sanctions or restrictions or political pressure that russia would continue to stand up for it security in two interests for its financial interests but that was the international themes he also talked about other subjects less less dreary such as the upcoming world cup starting off kicking off in a week's time throughout russia he said that you know he he seen the russian team play over the last few years and their performance hasn't been stellar and he hopes that you know they'll surprise everyone that they'll perk up and show what what they've really got he also easy into now his four hours but you mentioned earlier
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that. the shortest of the short of q. and a session was in two thousand and one where vladimir putin went on for two and a half hours two thousand and eleven it was four and a half hours and this time around it certainly is looking to be one of the longer ones but we'll see how how much energy has this year yes just going on isn't it for three hours maybe we'll push it for another hour will wait and see how that was artie's more aghast. now we go back to the world cup because it is just around the corner and football fans are already guessing who might make it past the group stage as these r.t. host and star coach j.j. marino here are some of his picks. to work with the when we go. there experience is talk of the road going to. be. a little show a little bit of the total portrait in this book the world of finish second in the
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world. well for more of the man she knighted manages prediction she can head to our web site at r.t. dot com and if you think you actually know better than he does you can challenge him to just head to facebook or twitter and huge the hash tag match marino meanwhile here's what happened behind the scenes when he was making those predictions.
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now the u.s. congress is about to decide whether to widen the war powers of donald trump the new bill does allow the president to decide who and where to fight with critics fearing capitol hill is actually formally giving away its controls the bill met with fierce resistance to on wednesday. we've gone through seventeen years a war. if you adopt this propose. well we'll have one hundred seventy more a loaded gun in a desk drawer of the president ready for him to take it out and shoot it whatever he wants and it will put warmaking on autopilot do i want my sixteen year old going to war against al shabaab in somalia my boys have never lived in a country that has not been for both of them my son probably can't find somalia on a map and probably very few people even in this room know who. came for passes that there are no limits on war let it be known that there were least some of us who were warned the new bill seeks to replace the two thousand and one war
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authorization act among other things to it grants the president the right to include new groups on the terrorist list without informing the public interest only to one of the legislators behind the belittling a claim that congress has been granting a license to wage war for too long some us media have scoffed at legislators a saying that an even know what's in their own bill and despite the bill extending the president's war powers has bought the bills off this think about donald trump the president has great difficulty with three. men he's proven himself. unable to rouse the occasional you know who i don't trust. i wonder. from. donald trump doubted lee they like the idea of the president being some sort of a king and go to war when he wishes what a disconnect here you have these two and many others in washington calling trump and a mentally unstable in all sorts of even worse things and then you want to give him
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the authority to go to war when he wants it's crazy war is what washington is made up. ok let's go back to russian president vladimir putin his annual q. and a session i think he's talking about syria now we can listen. a real combat operations. that is related to losses and we would never forget those losses and we would never. forget about the family is not in. died in syria but that's a noble cause thousands of. militants. come from russia and from central asian countries and we don't have controlled borders so they're very clear in syria and it was best to you choose troyer them out there in syria then to fight them here. and
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that is. also help to to stabilize the situation in syria the syrian army and the syrian government controlled territories so for me at this we're ninety percent of people live in the large scale combat operations. and involving russian armed forces. no longer in the city in the used. to stop the situation is moved into the political stage show and that's what we've been working on and again our military's out there. have two bases worn in the port of tire to. the other is the maiming air base it's in line with an air treaty that we signed with the syrian government. so it's all the it's all
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in line with international law that there were family tree are there. in the world and i'm pretty taking the interests of russia in that certain vital region of the world that is really close. russia and they will stay there as long as it's a beneficial for russia and again there are there too. they're there in line with our international obligations so we don't planning to withdraw our russian units. they could. begin when you have all of them. i wouldn't call them permanent bases these are all building any long term infrastructure. so i didn't call the military base this is just temporary solutions with no additional cost would be ready to withdraw troops.
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so far they are there they are protecting our interests they're protecting our economic interests there are other ways. what are the most important lessons we can draw from this military campaign well i would call them less insists experience it surprises experience. and again it's the way we use our military the way we use. weapons. but again it's not a. test range and of. we do use the weapons they're held to serve him in the. same proven. offensive system it's one thing to have. it in the. states that richard have them as part of if you were. military but it's another thing when we you know we use them when we started to use them in syria. is the
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national. promotion we had. the idea of cruise from a russian defense into prices that fine tuning those where. there. they're out there in syria. and they saw how those weapons used in the realized could be improved. and we. i know a lot of generals and army officers were out there in syria and they realized. what i mean is one of modern military conflicts all the ballots. you know how one of the best ways to coordinate the efforts of the airspace he sure. our air force and navy and ground troops know how to modernize and. militaries to put in talking about our. weapon technologies.
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about these new developments during your isp i dress recent address. publications in the west saying that the testing is still going and not always as effectively as productively as we claim so can we confirm that we have these technologies already in use during my address. in two thousand and four we began a new development of your new systems a response to the you need larger withdrawal by the us from the a.b.m. treaty. i was there i mentioned the system which is now called of on the guards this is. not a ballistic one. but it's an intercontinental system. see what i would call an absolute weapon with the humor with this is quentin mark
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and you do wish that's the speed it can go. don't think that any other country can get it with my get it someday but we're not concerned about it. because we do have it already here when you. are back to your question what we have and what we don't have hypersonic. it think the kids. who are sonic mark. it's already been commissioned. deployed in the southern federal district i mentioned that if they have any doubts them have a look. and we've demonstrated you know we did have food to share of the tests then the laser. weapon system is already being commissioned thirty. one. and using it and the new having guards system it's in
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industrial production and twenty nineteen will supply to the military. twenty twenty one plants the most powerful. looks missile system. at the. new ballistic missile sorry. we also have other developments that i mention and. see if you can tell me you can start with the nuclear. energy. but wouldn't. and also mercer pull. a submersible drone on the top of that abort. so we've completed the main stage of development.
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of the nuclear propulsion system nuclear propulsion system that's been completed there are some things that have to be. that. track it's on schedule and i have no doubt that. it's a point you know when the authorities hold these are. these new arms will be commissioned some new words. forces will get it will those who are dirt of the world they had some doubts if you two thousand and you. should know when you talk about them but on the global worlds too early to say we have other developments will break the announcement in due time which is so awful i mean we've been working for over three hours and are still so many question marks right now or give the floor to our call it. was now thank you andrew do you have is that a different question you discussed last year during the previous q.
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and a. is we can we have a lot of stimulus citizens are writing and calling to us writing about the environment ok we're just listening in there to putin's annual question and answer session with the public was talking about syria mentioned to you that russia has two military installations a port and also an air base and they will remain they do remain under international law they have approval under international law they he says that they are there to protect russian interests and all so economic interests and also talked about russia's new weapons too in how he believes that everything is on track and those new weapons will be commissioned and given to the military so that's the latest there from vladimir putin's q. and a session now let's go to the u.k. . because the house of lords there has been stung with a new memo on their transgressions according to media reports the list does include
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shouting ordinal conversation and also falling asleep. explains why a midday nap in parliament is such a sensitive issue. mary scramble of the house of lords which has been up. chamber of the british parliament i've been around the block for quite some time the average age in the lords chamber is sixty nine and from the breadth of their experience the law job is to scrutinise british law and that can be pretty tiring so much so that even the most hardworking and conscientious lords and politicians can get a little sleep paid. well
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rumor has it that the lords have now received a quiet telling off for falling asleep in the chamber according to the times newspaper a conservative pay is have received an email telling them that their behavior and that isn't up to scratch and it said that the other political parties are sending a similar reprimand to their lords but according to established parliamentary convention perry is all allowed to quote rest their eyes so i mam with photos of sleeping lords all sleepy looking lords and i want london as to help me determine which of these are just resting their eyes and which all most definitely in the land of nod these definitely sleeping so he might be resting his eyes they've just been told off the sleeping too much in the chamber guys lost control of his neck so he's definitely sleeping but i think he'd be asleep and he won't be resting with i don't know all right i'm just looking down his and i was just ok so
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you're not guilty not guilty what about what about these to. see the. rest in his eyes they should be allowed to have a little camp in the chamber that sorts of heart beating in a scrooge. i would think this place i would be a letter and that if i went to work say why should i love to be paid for having a campaign in my office think they should be allowed to have a little kip in the chamber going to were they well as far as i'm concerned they're all gentlemen and deserve a little bit of a. long day just listening to other people all day long so they get on a bit. put in the questions well to be fair britain is far from the only country whose parliamentarians have nodded off from time to time although one exception at the moment might be france because lawmakers there are complaining that the new president energetic reform strive is giving them a chance to rest. recent weeks we've sat for eighty hours per week we've sat for
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the last seventeen days consecutively this is not how our parliament normally functions it is not allowing us to really carry out legislative work to make good laws we are exasperated and for some of us exhausted this isn't the normal life of our parliamentarians staying by good day we're not trying to tug on the heartstrings this is not a good way of legislating. well during his first year in office and i know macron has introduced new legislation in various fees from education to the rail sector some of the national assembly sessions have lasted far longer than usual to lawmakers to say it's not a good way of going forward. french filmmaker debating a new law on fighting fake news to hand the bill has been criticised as an attack on freedom of speech but it's been. promoted by the french president emanuel macron himself as artie's showed it to be expects. it. is
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a basic freedom is the freedom of expression which always comes with the freedom of conscience and of thought and that constitutes the basis for the counter power vital to our democracy this illiberal temptation must be taken seriously. well the french president is of vocal defender of democracy and press freedom on top of that he's on a crusade against fake news the bill he initiated is aimed at protecting european elections from all kinds of this information spread in the media elections fakes media you have all of the key elements but one it seems is missing this voice that specifically russian media because of the time when the law was. thought the russian with responsible for what happened the united states since then there was lots of investigation very very few evidence concerning the russian of
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course no surprises here president is not a fan of russian media and of our channel in particular. russia today have not behaved as media outlets and journalists but as organs of influence and false propaganda. this is. enormous if you succeed but your moment you should. look at this it was like about him with american congress. pass the bill would allow french judges to block the publication of any information deemed to be false ahead of elections not definitely false but. how efficient can these measures be welcome back because basically. they're going to point everybody's attention. and there is no way you can censor efficiently
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internet so everybody will be looking for this century news and because it's censured many many people in france who believe that's the truth even though it's probably not the government though it just spends the initiative saying that it has nothing to do with reducing freedom of expression but vice versa it's only to protect it there is no foreign media in the country available to. what foreign media or news which is not really widespread in france let's be honest here. to internet providers at home for our in-store those are the two major internet providers and in france for those of you don't know you have t.v. . with your internet provider i don't have all the news on my t.v. so i don't have access to the news other than having access using the internet online on the web so it's not going to change much honestly there's nothing to be
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afraid of. meanwhile for the past three days israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been on a european tour lobbying the leaders of germany france and u.k. to drop their support for the iran nuclear deal is efforts to appear with the invader but i've been very consistent about my opposition to the. to this nuclear deal we believe that the run deal is an opportunity for a certain time it's better than what we had before along with france and germany ok continues to believe this is the best route to preventing it because even if you want them well despite this unity among european leaders some e.u. companies and institutions are actually playing two different chain european investment bank for example seems to be siding with the u.s. is artie's daniel bushell expects e.u. solidarity nothing but a house of cards of the euro. from energy behemoths dot to the makers of persia and
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see toy in a bit this scrapping billion euro iran projects to brute the european investment bank owned by yes the twenty eight members of the e.u. of. supports the e.u. but ignoring sanctions is incompatible with its status of course and it gets worse brussels is painful new u.s. tariffs on europe's metal however some see all this as a calming plan business these days especially european union in american business is whether they have bangs automobile companies i t. companies any other business they are so interconnected that america will continue to use that leverage to try to penalize some of their european companies who may be doing business with iran charmer tehran again breaking up the transatlantic
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marriage e.u. ministers write an angry open letter demanding america exempts them from iran's sanctions as close allies we expect that the extraterritorial effects of u.s. secondary sanctions will not be enforced on a u. entities and individuals and the united states will thus respect our political decision and the good faith of our economic operators within the e.u. legal territory. and while we await washington's reaction there's the small matter of friday's g thirty seven or is that g six plus one it will be a g six plus one the united states have decided to raise to a response to. that decision is unjustified this is very unfortunate it is unfortunate because it will. cause a lot of damage to our steel and aluminum industry it is unfortunate because this is further weakening the transatlantic relations the european union wanted to avoid this situation it will.
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