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tv   News  RT  June 7, 2018 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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in the world cup two world war three foreign policy shares the spotlight with domestic issues in sixteenth q. and a session with the public. u.s. congress debates a new war authorization bill introduced by some of donald trump's loudest critics although would significantly expand the president's power to launch military operations. we've gone through seventeen years of war. you would drop this proposal will have one hundred seventy more a loaded gun in a desk drawer of the president ready for him to take it out and shoot it whenever he wants. and wake up call britain's upper parliament the house of lords is berated over members falling asleep during sessions we get reaction on the streets of
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london. this place i'm going to be let's have a nap i went to work say why should they i'd love to be paid for having a campaign in my long day or just listening to other people all day long but let them have. a good evening my name is the this is all t. international. from domestic issues to the consequences of a third world war russia's president has wrapped up his annual televised q. and i with the public this time it lasted more than four hours on tuesday i guess the earth breaks down the highlights for us. some of the things that really stood out was what vladimir putin had to say about foreign affairs for example putin recently presented a snood of super weapons we're talking here about bigger more powerful foster nuclear missiles but they stick missiles in one view
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a challenge vladimir putin saying you know does this stuff really exist there are those who doubt new russian weapons are soon going to be put into service back in two thousand and four they were doubting the armed guard system but now we see it in syria and that's not everything that we're planning to produce and put into service as i said in my address it's too early to talk about it but we will speak out soon the president stress that this isn't about saber rattling or waving your guns around or you know measuring anything with anyone but this is about parity this is about making sure that russia has a deterrent that new enemy no potential opponent can overcome russia and here another particularly worried. me a putin how close we are to world war three when the sperm you change the in the among the don't because you know you can recall einstein's words he said i don't
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know with what weapons world war three will be fought but world war four will be fought with sticks and stones with the understanding of the fact that world war three maybe the end of modern civilization must deter us from extreme actions on the international scene all this war talk and fears is no surprise given current tensions between the east and the west people are you know when is this going to end when is this division going to end these sanctions these restrictions and let me putin said that they won't and till we will treat each other as equals until nations learn to respect each other and to compromise that he pointed to the trade war that has just erupted between your. the united states saying that the new tariffs that washington has slapped on the europeans which has made them very unhappy those aren't so much tariffs as they are sanctions as minister for one of the french government's ministers recently said that the us shouldn't be allowed to
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become the economic policeman of the world and he spoke about it publicly the former german minister of finance publicly said that germany hasn't been a fully sovereign state since one thousand nine hundred five but everybody can see what's going on but probably our partners thought it would never affect them that kind of politics is counterproductive the politics of limitations and sanctions which allowed me putin also spoke about the upcoming world cup due to kick off in about a week in all over russia really andy said that the russian team lately hasn't hasn't played as well perhaps as a somewhat expected and he said he hopes that now that the world cup is here they'll really show what they've got. us congress is set to decide whether to widen the war powers of donald trump and you bill would let the president decide who and where to fight critics warning capitol hill is formally giving away its
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controls the bill was met with fierce resistance on wednesday. we've gone through seventeen years of war. you would drop this proposal will have one hundred seventy more a loaded gun in a desk drawer of the president ready for him to take it out and shoot it whatever he wants and it will put war making on autopilot do i want my sixteen year old going to war against al shabaab in somalia my boys have never lived in a country that has not been good for both of them my son probably can't find somalia on a map and probably very few people even in this room know who all shabaab it became for the browser there are no limits on war let it be known that there were at least some of us who were warned. the new bill six to replace the two thousand and one war authorization act among other things it grants the president the right to include new groups on the terrorist list without informing the public some of
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expressed surprise that the lawmaker behind the bill earlier claimed congress had been granting a license to wage war for too long u.s. media scaf that legislators don't even know what's in their own bill and despite the bill extending the president's war powers his the authors of it think about donald trump. the president has great difficulty with three. men he's proven himself. unable to rise to the occasion you know who i don't trust . i wonder donald trump. donald trump doubted lee they like the idea of the president being some sort of a king go to war when he wishes what a disconnect here you have these two and many others in washington are calling trump an a mentally unstable in all sorts of even worse things and then you want to give him the authority to go to war when he wants to crazy war is what washington is made of war is washington's number one export. growing up the darn thing you know what we
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have are all over we're just going to. sit in front of the camera collect our paychecks and do nothing. the leaders of canada and france just in and among your micron have met ahead of the g. seven talks friday summit is expected to be tense after president trump announced stiff tariffs on imports from his summit allies. i've constantly tried to convince president trump on the climate on business but. i can lead to your decisions your evil courts and we're going to continue to defend our industry in our workers but i also know that our citizens expect us to resolve our differences and show him that his actions are unacceptable. but these are just the latest concerns expressed by g seven leaders over the last week on wednesday german chancellor angela merkel said that talks at the upcoming summit would be difficult
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. times announcement came after brussels confirmed its commitment to the iran nuclear deal europe promised to help its companies keep business ties to tehran are the french vehicle equipment industries association has just canceled its trip to iran amid the u.s. sanctions threat and he's done a bushel explains how the u.s. is affecting european economic interests. e.u. solidarity nothing but a house of cards off to europe giants from energy behemoths top to the makers of persia and c toy in this scrapping billion euro iran projects to brute the european investment bank owned by yes the twenty eight members of the sort of in support of the e.u. but ignoring thank sions is incompatible with its status of course and it gets worse brussels is painful new u.s.
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tariffs on europe's metal however some see all this as a calming plan business these days especially european union in american business is whether their bangs automobile companies i t. companies any other business they're so interconnected that america will continue to use that leverage to try to penalize some of their european companies who may be doing business with iran charmer tehran again breaking up the transatlantic marriage e.u. ministers write an angry open letter demanding america exempts them from iran's sanctions as close allies we expect that the extraterritorial effects of u.s. secondary sanctions will not be enforced on a u. entities and individuals and the united states will thus respect our political decision and the good faith of our economic operators within the e.u. legal territory. and while we await washington's reaction there's the small matter
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of friday's g thirty seven or is that g six plus one it will not be a g seven it will be a g six plus one the united states have decided to raise to a response to this is very unfortunate it is unfortunate because it will. cause a lot of damage to our steel and let me an industry it is unfortunate because this is further weakening the transatlantic relations even union wanted to avoid this situation you wouldn't want to be your across right now in the ranks of your top firms be true the party line or the world dodging bullets from the trump administration. and i can speak down to wrong paul you know exactly who he is former u.s. congressman founder of the wrong paul institute for peace and prosperity the man that many americans would have liked to see him president as well pleasure to have you on g seven leaders they seem herts by these new u.s.
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tariffs the question is can they do anything about it can they do anything to retaliate or is it just hot air. well i think they can but i'm not optimistic that they will because they complain about it but i'm not sure there is determined because i think the united states still intimidates a few of them and we do have a lot of power we have the military power we have the control of the international financial system we have the as the dollar system and we put on sanctions so they're easily intimidated but i think long term something will happen because i think there will be enough annoyance via our policies that maybe there will be an alternative to the dollar as the reserve currency of the world and i know russia and china and india and some of these other countries would like to see that happen so i think it'll come that way but i don't think i don't think it's much is going to happen at at this meeting but i think trumps looking forward to it because he
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thrives on this i think he handled better with silence rather than playing his game of starting to say hey mr trump you're a bad guy why are you doing this we're going to gang up on you because i don't think they'll follow through but trump trump loves a battle like this and i think they'll be a lot of battling there but not much will come of it but it is it is a serious problem what's going on especially if one does not like terrorists in a tariff war and i think that's a consequence of many bad policy including monetary policy so a tariff war is just horrible and eventually it will hurt united states old law but right now we still are powerful and trump has a bully pulpit and he has a lot a lot of wealth behind and he has the military behind it and i'm afraid that too many people roll over and are intimidated by his threats why won't they take an
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action is it fear is that something they could do getting together what if they just did the u.s. with terrorists collectively it would still not influence. well i think it's an unknown they know that we're powerful and i thought it was a little bit encouraged when the europeans spoke out after trump took us out of the nuclear agreement with iran and when the europeans will stand up to it this is business you know the libertarian looks at trade in a very positive way because we think trade is the answer to the fighting the more trade you do less you know i think you know russia has been providing goods and services to europe why why are we why are even they participating in our policies putting missiles up on the border because it's trade that will bring us together and that's why europeans you know of are getting to like this idea of buying and selling with the iranians but all of a sudden i think that the noise that we hear now is well we we have to be careful
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and maybe they think trouble back down which he might you know a lot of times look at hostile he was to north korea and all of a sudden you know his tune changed but i think that might just be strategy too because people are looking at that and they're not paying enough attention to some other hot spots in the world mainly in europe in the middle east and in what's going on there so i still think that the power that we have as the world policeman and the world financier that people are afraid at least on the short run that they will be injured but i think that most of the people the leaders of the other six countries are going to try to be a really a really tough on trump and make a lot of noise because they have to look tough they're going to go home and they're going to say look i stood up to the president and yet that is not the answer because trump usually wins all those types of arguments he proved it in our
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campaigning he just took that over and he said things and did things and controlled the media he's almost like don't cross me or i'll start twittering what you. are doing. and sometimes i think they backed out that may change it maybe even change this weekend if it gets out of control but i think it toward the end will be smooth sailing and they're going to agree on something and even trump is going to come around and say i'll sign i'll sign the agreement we're coming together and agree on something but they do they're not even addressing the real problems which is the financial debt get going on the central banking the business cycle that i'm so interested in and the message of free trade and the people who are are going to get struck aren't for free trade some are calling him isolationists he's not an isolationist he's a global and he's an authoritarian and we have an amp hour so he is far from an isolationist so all that noise doesn't do much good you said a moment ago you think that this will end with some kind of agreement on both sides
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we're talking about the prisoners who wrote the art of the deal was this the plan all along is the leveraging e.u. countries easy to getting the most side just as a way of removing them into position to back you sanctions on iran. i think so and i think that's why the markets are so worried i mean ordinarily if you just lay it out there and what are you saying and planning to do and what it could lead to the markets will should be euphoric so they don't believe that it's going to happen but i don't think anybody knows exactly what's going to happen because sometimes when push comes to show more things happen and people are expecting but right now he might be just maneuvering they're betting on that and he has done that on foreign policy but there are certain things that he does not back down on for instance he did he campaigned on he did not back down in on or on iran and that's why we're moving in this direction so maybe he'll stick to his guns on
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these on these tariffs but they're punishing us the american taxpayer the american consumer and he's punishing our eyes so it really doesn't make any sense if it comes through that he does everything he's threatened to do you know i think it will crash the market right now people are saying where he's talking this way beef before this this wait and see woman move or it will pretend we get something from it and march on so it's sort of an unknown and i think it'll be interesting and and worth watching over this weekend but i just don't think anything real positive is coming out because i don't think they talk about the real problems that caused our climate of hostility and trading and coming up with this because i think it all has to do with currencies and the dollar reserve currency that causes these imbalances because when we get to print the money and spend it and we don't have to earn it that causes imbalances for us to say that we with our economy booming blaming it on
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everybody else then eventually people going to get tired hearing that. can we just i put facilities full moment let's imagine this was the game plan all along e.u. countries back down only round they support sanctions trimbach cell phone is tiring . which you think would be a disaster no danger there he negotiates pace on the korean peninsula is this absolute genius from donald trump he could get all the things that he said he was going to aim for or is it extremely dangerous to be playing these games with what we're major allies. why i think it's dangerous and i hope the danger dissipates and i hope he does have something up his sleeve but his close advisers i go by appointments and advisers and even the individuals traveling with him theoretically or he will be traveling with him to north korea they. aren't friends of liberty and they're not there they're there to maintain
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a hostility to north korea so as much as i have praised the opening up and their willingness to talk i want to see it first i sure hope that my skepticism is wrong but i think you sort of maybe personally i like the idea that he would be seen as a as a peacemaker so this this hope that is the case right now i think it's dangerous to ask where there is danger i it's very dangerous because there are sometimes unintended consequences sometimes people say and do things sometimes there are unintended consequences and and sometimes there are false flags that come up and i don't like what's happening in the south china sea you know i believe that we should have a powerful navy it's ok with me to have the most powerful in the world i'd like to keep it in the gulf of mexico or someplace closer but i don't i don't think we need to be so in secure there we have to be patrolling the south china sea is that kind
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of stuff doesn't make any sense to me wrong it's been a pleasure speaking to you some fascinating views ron paul my guest former u.s. congressman founder of the rumpole institute for peace prosperity. good speech from rome we were just talking about it the u.s. north korea will that meeting take place or not it could be off again details after the break. join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time but there was one more question by the way was going to be our coach.
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guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star and the huge amount of pressure you have to the center of the beach but how would you. agree. you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get the ball going let's go. along. and i'm really happy to join that for the thousand in the world cup in russia. this special one. needs to just take the reader p.r.t. teams latest edition to make up as we go. back the highly anticipated meeting between the u.s. and north korean leaders is in jeopardy again after crude comments by donald trump's lead attorney for new york mayor rudy giuliani about getting on his quote
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hands nice. going on got back on his hands and knees and beg for bush is exactly the position you want to put him in. has yet to react to giuliani's on diplomatic clearly comments however many already fear that they may have ruined hopes for the talks. this is a great way to derail the summit in thought and humiliate the man you're about to meet with well that's the end of the singapore sam it's time to damn giuliani i'm trying to stop insulting him. or summit between the two leaders was initially confirmed by the white house back in march but in the middle of may kim threatened to our negotiations blaming military drills by south korea and the u.s. response didn't take long just nine days later he canceled the meeting however the very next day the white house announced talks on the summit are ongoing as pyongyang stated its cool to meet on the first of june washington officially said
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the summit would take place the shuttle and then on thursday to mention that the meeting is ready to go international china specialist under long thinks that the summit will happen anyway because both sides want it the bottom of the story we've got to understand that this kind of meeting all happen of either side if one of the two size doesn't want it. and why the president trying wants it because he wants to appear to score a victory before the elections so why this could turn and doing it now is because he isn't are confident that he will be able to get a good deal because he has developed his capability to deliver a lot of this there is. a missile on u.s. home soil so once it's got that that's his insurance policy and all this rhetoric about how and need is just so kind of so serving there are two of so at the back of
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it all both sides while it. to the u.k. now are members of the house of lords of being given a slap on the wrist over their behavior and memos reportedly been sent out complaining about shouting orders all conversations are falling asleep while in the chamber and this political explains why parliamentary snoozes are such a sensitive issue. most members of the house of lords which is the chamber of the british parliament have been around the block for quite some time the average age in the lords chamber is sixty nine and from the breadth of their experience the law job is to scrutinise british law and that can be pretty tiring so you march third that even the most hardworking and conscientious lords and politicians can get a little sleep paid. well
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rumor has it that the lords have now received a quiet telling off for falling asleep in the chamber according to the times newspaper a conservative pays have received an email telling them that their behavior and that isn't up to scratch and it said that the other political parties are sending a similar reprimand to their lords but according to established parliamentary convention perry is all allowed to quote lest that our eyes so imo with photos of sleeping lords all sleepy looking lords and i were london is to help me determine which of these are just resting their eyes and which all most definitely in the land of nod definitely he might be resting his eyes they've just been told
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off the sleeping too much in the guy's lost control of his neck so he's definitely sleeping but i think he'd be asleep and he won't be rested when i don't know all right i'm just looking down his and i was just ok so you're not guilty not guilty what about what about these to. the. rest in his eyes they should. be allowed to have a little camp in the chamber that's lots of hard writing a nice scrutinising a journalist and i would think not this place i would be let's have a nap before i went to work say washington i'd love to be paid for having a campaign in my office sleeping they should be allowed to have a little kick in the chamber they can do whatever they want as far as i'm concerned they're old gentlemen and they deserve a little bit of respect. long day they're just listening to other people all day long so i get on a bit so i let them have. a need to keep after that thanks for staying with us more news i will be awake in half an hour.
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if your family was engaged in massive political financial corruption which led to concentration of wealth and ultimately the downfall of that country so in america you have a similar corruption playing out as we call it money in politics and people try to get rid of the lobbyists and this cycle is being played out all over again and so the question is is it inevitable. i think the last two interventions military interventions. to those who usually be to listen to be learned in the regime change those who perform upset and take to iraq whose of them will see take a daffy and leave but i think this is. and i think we should we all should try to go talk to these nation listens to changes the pows who should accept our limits but i think the idea of regime change military into the issues from outside the us
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is mostly all that. it will. go. with welcome to the alex salmon show from ferguson radiant heat in port glasgow on the lower clyde's in this the last of our c.d.'s on back to ship building we look at this potential phoenix rising from the ashes of british ship building can a yard save from receivership in twenty fourteen be part of a bigger brighter future for the industry in our first two programs in the c.d.'s we've looked at the credibility of such on park a strategy for shipbuilding and in particular whether the government is committed
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to supplying the junk beat of military orders or to provide the baseload which will enable a large to launch competitive bids into wild commercial shipping market where the order book now tops two hundred fifty billion dollars here in faggots in meridian engineering they've been living the dream of a viable in ship building over the last four years with an investment program designed to meet them competitive in the commercial freddy markets at all and applaud and the successful launch of the first of their new jewel fuel ferries the m.v. clay and sonics today we look at this wonderful yard received from closure and speak to the management and the staff about the hopes and dreams for the future. so let's have a look at this week's tweets emails and messages and first stop this week is a statement from the ministry of defense reacting to the first program in the series they say all out war ships are built to the u.k. and with the tate twenty six frigate securing four thousand jobs and twenty years of work in scotland and british industry pier preparing to bid for
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a new tape therapy one week last we are witnessing i remember songs a national ship building some twenty ten this government has invested more than six billion and shipbuilding u.k. securing phones and secure and twenty eight hundred nineteen we expect to spend the next sas of seven hundred fifty million pounds supporting the fleet and then an email in from tim bevan whose could be catching up on the shores online is strikes me how interesting your choice of interview isas from a very detailed interview with carlos push among the president as was of catalonia a fascinating present of lebanon recently a very important people from ireland and northern ireland and that's a time when amanda term that you can catch up with all the alex salmond shows online and then from hilda who's emailed us to lisp on style requests for suggestions to the future sure as hell the suggests weaving and point so that scotland's weaving connections around the globe and particularly in rural scotland is a traditional skill the still a very important one and there were.


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