tv Watching the Hawks RT June 7, 2018 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT
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an air and artillery strikes killed and injured thousands thousands of civilians including in disproportionate or indiscriminate attacks that by a late add international humanitarian law and our potential war crimes in the report amnesty highlights the losses of four families living in rocco who between them they lost ninety relatives and neighbors thirty nine from a single family almost all of them killed by coalition air strikes. this report of course flies in the face of the official numbers coming out of our friends our good friends at the pentagon which claims that the united states who is responsible for ninety percent of the airstrikes on rocka and coalition forces only killed five hundred civilians in injured just one hundred sixty nine in the half year long siege when reporters confronted the pentagon's public affairs representative one colonel thomas v.l.
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on these discrepancies and the amnesty report his response was interesting as far as how do we know how many civilians were killed i'm just being honest no one will ever know. no one will ever know that sink in war is indeed held so when the politicians the generals and defense contractor cheerleaders parade themselves on new speeds and television screens across the land justifying their war as humanitarian intervention or touting new sybille human saving military technology to not be dazzled by the theatrical of the circuitry because at the end of the day a bomb is still a. war by friends is never justified or heroic and when it comes to civilian casualties no one will ever know those numbers and it's for those innocent lives lost that we must always be. watching parks.
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you go to one old lady in your street looks like the real the prettiest would be analyzing let's leave the bottom. line for the day like you love not i got. the please. please please. leave the song. well they were on the watch of the harks i am told that is on top of wallace we've talked repeatedly over the last couple of years about the amount. civilian casualties that are reported first is you know the numbers of how much how many you know how many military engagements happen in an area and of course it's always it's this tiny little amount and it's impossible to
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tell because you know we just don't know who is there you don't know who is there but you're bombing them yeah that's the whole point if you don't know how many innocent people you've killed it's because you didn't pay attention in the first place and look let's let's be honest i don't think this speaks for a majority of soldiers of the group speaks for a majority of generals but there is a very real push with politicians and certain members of the military. who make these decisions that i don't think at the end of the day they care i jog or sleep don't think that they care anymore about how many innocent lives are lost because to them it's all about the profit it's all about the the overall mission you know it's we need to drop this many bombs there i mean amnesty international researchers they did they did their homework they visited forty two coalition air strike sites across the ruined city of raka they interviewed one hundred twelve civilian residents and i'm sure our military didn't take the time to do that when they tried to do their number counting on how many innocent lives were killed in this and they talk to hundred twelve civilians who all law you know who all not only survived all
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of this but then also lost loved ones the victims highlighted in this amnesty report tell of that they cut across all socio economic ranges i mean you're talking you know everyone from one year old children one year old babies to eighty year olds imagine living in a city where your family your own family think about your own family and you lost let's say your sister or brother is one year old and also your grandmother who is eighty years old how are you going to feel about the country that does that to you regardless whether it's the united states or any other country dropping bombs on the city this is why i cannot stand warfare well it's the same reason when you when you go to baltimore and you ask people why they don't like the cops it's the same reason because they've watched. their family members because by cause and the same holds true when you see the u.s. military with a flag being the person who caused the death of your loved one you're going to have feelings about that organization you're not going to trust them you know and it's
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that's unfortunately puts everyone in danger and the reason that they can't say you know why there are so many deaths is how much artillery we're using it's. i mean there's no other reason to put this much artillery into a space unless you're literally trying to wipe it off the map which is disturbing considering syria is probably in that area has had people in it civilizations for tens of twenty thirty thousand years that was really bad so u.s. british and french coalition forces carried out tens of thousands tens of thousands of these air strikes the u.s. admitting to firing over thirty thousand artillery rounds during the offensive just iraq alone army sergeant major john wayne troxel the senior enlisted advisor to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff had actually stated that in five months they fired thirty five thousand artillery rounds to targets in iraq and just for comparison in the invasion of iraq just over thirty four thousand rounds were fired during all of operation desert storm both the marines and the army fired
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a little bit more than sixty thousand are still areas around so that's how much of one city in one area what could possibly be law that's why there's no just a for war and not something i use this is some great thing and we should not be going after them so there's better ways and there's better ways to handle warfare doing this kind of thing than just indiscriminately bombing cities at the end of the day it's ridiculous. according to actor brendan fraser in two thousand and three at the beverly hills hotel the former president of the hollywood foreign press association philip burke and not just a brush across the bum but a serious physical violation of fraser's body after what the organisation claimed was an independent investigation they asked fraser to join to sign a joint statement the statement claimed that although it was concluded that mr burke and her touched mr fraser the evidence supports that it was intended to be taken as a joke and not as a sexual advance and that all parties consider this matter to be concluded
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including that the hollywood foreign press would like to continue to work with mr freeze year mr. fraser's response was as you would imagine he said i don't get the joke the most insidious thing about brendan fraser is experience is how ingrained the notion that actors are merely puppets to movie directors agents executives and their sleazy cohorts at places like the hollywood foreign press an organization whose members were brilliantly and simply described as a group of eccentric hollywood parasites policy under a stanley of the new york times and bottom feeders by john powers of l.a. weekly and we're not alone nor are the victims and witnesses like brendan fraser and even myself we were told our shame and our pain that nothing that we should be silent or lose our careers maybe as more men come forward like brendan fraser we can break the bottom feeders of hollywood and beyond once and for all together.
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this is one of those important stories because i think a lot of men want to fight against the me too movement they want to say oh you know it's changing times and it makes me uncomfortable now i'm going to watch what i say and do and it's not that bad and we're joking well guess what happens to men and women yeah you know i want a more storage you need to have come out before you realize this is something that's a back doing all of us not just a small population. and we're all innocent we're all guilty i've said this before on that show you don't know anyone who's who's not guilty in this situation all seen it and witnessed it fraser alleges that he was not allowed to see the report of the investigation which is ridiculous by the hollywood foreign press and only a summary of the report and then they expected him to publicly claim that he agreed with everything in it that's that's ridiculous especially for someone to violate but we see this happen to women all the time you know basically but a phrase you got treated like a woman in this situation which is was in your mind it was. just in their defense
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the age f.e.a. hollywood foreign press responded in a statement saying quote we've shared the results of that investigation with mr frazer and again apologized but also conveyed our need to abide by the investigations binding that the exchange was not an intended sexual advance tab doesn't matter if an act of sexual misconduct is meant as a sexual advance they're saying like well it wasn't intended that way so fraser's role oh so brendan fraser is supposed to be you know it's a compliment it was. if you read the description i suggest you do of what actually occurred there and to say that he doesn't know his own body the reports like oh no it wasn't it was just a brush it was a joke it was no it doesn't matter that it wasn't intended it's not well i don't really want to have sex with you so it was really just a power play it was just to make brendan fraser feel emasculated and little and weak in a professional atmosphere so doing exactly this is exactly what happens to women
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will squeeze your bum in the meeting and then no one will take you seriously exactly and that's how it works and if they think as i am glad you brought this up it is not a rarity that sexual assault harassment happens to men it's not it's not and the statistics prove that it is a harder road in my experience and my experience a lot it's a harder road for men because of that inherent emasculation. it's a very it's a different way of shaming them and the idea is you're always told it's very rare you're an audio you couldn't handle yourself you're too weak so the national instant partner and sexual violence survey and the centers for disease control there are there are studies of this have suggested that one in four men will experience some form of sexual victimization in their lifetime in two thousand and twelve the pentagon we talk a lot about you know the military and what happens the pentagon actually estimated that twenty six thousand and three hundred service members had experience unwanted
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sexual contact i feel that's dangerously under reported obviously those numbers out of the one point three million soldiers there are fifty three percent of those that were reported involved tax on men by other men in the in our military this is a problem and the thing is we have to you know that's the thing about working together on these things is that we can't just brush off the brendan fraser is the you know the the terry crews we need to stand by this we do because these leases these men most of the men are hiding. to gather they hide each other there are pictures of the hollywood foreign press president back next to you know kevin spacey giving out awards there was there is collusion west and there was about power at the end of it exactly as we go to break hark watchers don't forget to let us know what you think about topics we've covered on facebook and twitter three or four shows that are too dark coming up we go from the ground to the straight and
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resurrection of jesus or any of john was there and there's our case the secret poisoning of the u.k. with the host of parties going underground i should say to. the. i think the last to the interventions military interventions schol to those who usually be to listen to learn this in the regime change also perform upset and take a rock could set them all saying take a daffy in libya but i think this is a b. to listen and i think we should we all should tell people exactly these nations listen so regime change is not pows who should accept our limits but the ideal for
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regime change military into the issues from outside this is mostly all that. is in. the church secret indeed just like priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it literally i like to call this the geographic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a. threat is simply moved to a different spot were the previous standards not known highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that of that's the last the i intend to. use this data and. stuff.
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that stuff is. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to be preached. to going to be press this is what before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters of my. question. welcome to max kaiser financial survival guide. looking forward to your pension account. yonks this is what happens to pensions in britain. watched kaiser report.
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earlier this year we had the bizarre poisoning case of yulia and serve a scribble that the u.k. prime minister theresa may into a full blown cold war frenzy tossing russian diplomats left and right like charlotte flayer in the royal rumble x. the public still has yet to be shown any real evidence connecting the actual poisoning to the russian government then just last week we had the incredible headlines coming out of ukraine that yet another russian journalist one arkadi. was found murdered sending russia gators in cold warriors the world over into a tizzy until of course. showed up alive and well as part of some elaborate stunt to have tina a hit list of future potential charges targets except as the guardian writes quote there has been no hard evidence published yet to link the plot to moscow or to explain why the fake death was necessary to obtain the names earlier we were joined
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by the host of going underground journalist and author to help us sort through these strange cases and the russian paranoia that follows. well in fairness in nato nations no one's even talking about what's happening in some butts of ukraine on the border of course with the don't yet and on the other hand of course we wish there were some journalists who who did die before their time michael hastings gary webb some of your competitor it's and the most dangerous places where journalists risk their lives mexico in iraq but you know on the statement in the b.b.c. here in london on the c.n.n. we don't really hear about journalists deaths that much except when it is of course this guy about shango you're talking about and it's not in the news at all it's less in the news than the even maybe the death of that palestinian paramedic. resident on the joy of which there was no big who're about the fact that she was
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shot dead no they've just let it simmer a russian journalist was killed and then he came to life as suddenly perhaps more suddenly than what happened with the north koreans who the b.b.c. and other mainstream media television outlets reported had died in north korea really your gil just been appointed to become army chief of staff in north korea these these are miraculous obviously these deaths are being announced but when it suits geopolitical policies that nature recognizes exactly the media major media outlets seem to fall in for this pretty quickly and when you went on social media you had major reporters you know the mainstream best of the best just immediately punching out that story spreading even if they weren't talking about it on air that this is what russia does this is what happens here we have to be concerned what
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effect is that fervor to report anything negative on russia before their facts are and have what kind of factors that have on journalism today and what is it teaching future generations of journalists about how to deal with it how to report. well one is of course hoping that the public at large is going to start wondering why it is that as soon as stories like this emerge they're not double checked and triple checked they're just taken straight from the ukrainian secret services and hopefully the wider public will start to doubt the facts they are given even though the governments major nations seem pretty brazen about it the british foreign secretary worth johnson tweeted very quickly this is not just a journalist these are government figures in the past twenty four hours forty eight hours while president putin of russia is still demanding consular access to the script files supposedly given
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a lethal military grade nerve agent but two are alive now germany the german government and i should say again there were voices from across europe giving their sympathies for the bab chang go ukrainian case they're all saying there's zero evidence that russia was responsible for the lethal i keep saying lethal obviously is not lethal it is a military grade nerve agent that is not lethal they're responsible for that it really is and credible and you mention the kind of hypocrisy that on one hand you know the old you kind of pass over very quickly over like you know michael hastings and things like that but on the other hand you know bill don't dwell on something that fits the geo political scene what my question is is do actions like this actually put journalists in more danger because if you think about it you know now if you hear of a journalist in peril now we're all going to say well are they really here when you
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see you know staged elements like this where it's like oh it was bad now he's alive and things like that you know it's kind of a boy who cried wolf syndrome. it could very well be the case but of course the point is that it was a journalist covering i don't know u.s. weapons to islam ists in syria in the middle east or a journalist who is trying to uncover the pathways of weapon sales from nato governments to. islam is groups that would want to do home to me and learn to know you in washington or or then those journalists probably wouldn't be given that much publicity it is only when journalists working against perceived enemies when they die the coverage i mean we've seen that it's when they do it's well journalists sometimes it's a dangerous job i mean that's that's what they're saying about any israeli
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journalist who's in there when you know you talk about michael hastings and other cases where journalists have a cover of things like you know iran contra or the cia selling drugs and their deaths your conspiracy theories to be think anything else and in the script will case that seemed also again anybody who had any other thought besides it was you know a russian agent twirling his mustache as he painted it on the door i guess you were a crazy person i mean with all the official inconsistency isn't secrecy for no reason surrounding mess cripple case what should raise the eyebrows of viewers and journal and other journalists the most about the whole event but isn't being talked about. yeah i mean the script has been devastating it's been devastating for people as if ordered by the security state even though this is without conclusive
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proof as i said the german government reportedly saying there is zero evidence to conclusively prove that moscow had anything to do with what happened in england when. russian agent who then became a british agent was well he was reported here in the murder crimes as being dead in one edition of the times when he and his daughter suddenly recovered from an incident about which there has been total secrecy and and very little transparency we're just we just expected to take the say so of the government and what's even more frightening now and i should say there are some honorable exceptions in the mainstream media now complaining about this the british home secretary says we should have lists of people in the mentions not just this in respect to fighting isis diet in fighting russian terrorism he's been explicit that there should be lists and no person it seems that he has no process of being able to identify whether you are on one of these lists that the british government is going to have
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. and then m i five the secret service here can share information about you to different agencies and you don't really have a comeback of being able to say i wasn't i've been misidentified or the information is inaccurate all of this coming out all of a attempted assassination apparently that didn't. didn't work and then was blamed on russia and that without any conclusive proof and indeed we're waiting of course from still for information from the u.n. o.p.c. w. committee because britain went ahead and bombed syria when the o.p.c. w. was looking at chemical weapons in syria it seems increasingly lawless and i have to say for what it is very difficult for journalists to find the truth when you're being completely blocked and right now you know we we appeal to people if they've
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seen surrogates cripple or his daughter yulia to come back whistle blow we want to hear from them without them being filtered. through the british security state yes i couldn't agree more and it's scary when you think about that ok now we want to do you know people who are alleged spies or whatever we want to say we want to make that list so when you go through an airport like you know they're going to out there's incompetence and then there's also danger in that they and i worry about both sides of that because you know when you paint somebody as a spy you know publicly and then they're not you know especially for a foreign country that destroys that person's whole life moving forward or let's say they bungle one to expose one of their own agents it on no fly list for spies or whatever they're putting together over there it's a really dangerous territory you saw firsthand with muslims here in the u.s. during the terror watch list and the days of those lists still go on it's a very dangerous territory one of things i want to ask you too is prime. ministers
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we had that incredibly aggressive response condemning russia you know even before the investigation and even really got off the ground that felt awful lot to us here in the states a lot like you know george bush post nine eleven we got to go into iraq it felt a lot like you know the era in the first gulf war you know the pushing over incubators with babies and all of that it has there been any fallout to her kind of you know aggressive push towards blaming russia and all the other people that fall behind her and one of the citizens in the u.k. kind of on the ground feeling about all this. it's no exaggeration to say that there has been a kind of his theory against russia in this country where a few days ahead of the biggest sporting tournament in the world not one that the united states qualified full iran did russia did and did and even the advertises
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for right into coca-cola in this country they won't put the would russia as part of the world cup logo on it so terrified sponsors of mentioning the. russia has something to do with the world cup this is the level of hysteria and as you say there is an element of what the united states must. experience in after nine eleven because that that was how the screwball case was being sold to the british people before it ended up as some kind of damp squid but as i say the legislation that is going through parliament in the next few days is indeed to stop people of british airports and ports if they are suspected of being a spy not necessarily being a terrorist of being a spy so i don't know what happens if. my real from a foreign agent by the united states going to heathrow airport in london i suppose what they can stop you immediately well i hope that you can fly here at some point
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to our finances as you as well or anyone else so you're the land of the free have a constitution. or you do. sort of always a pleasure out of your knowledge of retards we are going underground always a pleasure sir. as if i may have and i get to say the words that i wanted to speak on this since the very beginning nasa found evidence of life on mars i'm serious today math announced at the mars curiosity rover found the very first truly conclusive evidence that organic molecules exist on the surface of mars turns out that about three and a half billion years ago the gale crater was a leak and in that lake we're living carbon based creatures in addition nothing else at the mysterious nothing plumes that were observed also help prove that billions of years ago mars had liquid water and organic life. and while they're
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still figuring out what kind of organic life the molecules and methane are from these findings are still about one hundred times bigger than any previous main because it proves that mars was capable of supporting life now that we know life was possible on mars were thousands and thousands of steps closer to bringing life to my lover love a great way to end the show are about as our show for today remember everyone in this world and of mars we are not told that we are loved no so i tell you all i love you i am i robot on top of a lot of people watching those hawks out there that have a great day and everybody. he family was engaged in massive political financial corruption which led to
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happened. tensions are high had a friday's g. seven summit in canada with world leaders engaging in tough talk over new u.s. tariffs and trump saying he is ready to fight over the issues. from the world cup to world war three foreign policy shares in the spotlight with domestic issues during. sixteen q. and a session with the public. and time for a wake up call the british parliament's upper chamber the house of lords is paraded over members falling asleep during sessions we get reaction on the streets of london. to space i would be let's have nothing against let's say washington state i'd love to be paid for having a campaign. long day just listening to other people all day long so i get on a bit let them have.
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