tv Keiser Report RT June 9, 2018 5:30am-6:01am EDT
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isn't our most progressive state is our most racist one everyone thinks california is our most progressive state and why not imposes the highest tax on the richest one percent it is aggressively implementing obamacare and it is standing up to president donald trump on everything from immigration to the environment and yet the golden state is also number one in poverty and inequality in america and he goes through a whole bunch of data but this is the point is that it's all talk no action is the case these liberals are actually harboring some vicious neo cons and what you might call their the neo you know. the economic model that's terrible neo liberalism ala liberalism got confused there first second because liberals in the same twice there it's not a utopian vision that some imagine a big it's conservative slash fascist well it's quite apocalyptic if you look at
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some of the data and facts that he lays out homeless and cabinets of hundreds of people have cropped up around the state in the last two years occasionally they are ravaged by hepatitis a which killed twenty people last year and silicon valley one hundred thirty two people died on the streets in two thousand and sixteen from eighty five and twenty fifteen in san diego one hundred seventeen people died from fifty six part of this is directly related to the cost to rent which are directly related to the cost of so-called progressive policies which is really about people who are very wealthy say in beverly hills or santa monica or silicon valley not wanting housing units built in their area so they come up with all sorts of environmental restrictions and and building restrictions to avoid anybody having access to. basically lowering the price of their housing as well right i mean we've been traveling all over the world for you. years and you go to places like egypt
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and you see people who are genuinely poverty stricken who are living on a few dollars a day or you go to north africa and you other areas in north africa where you see similar types of extreme poverty and now we're seeing that in america permanently entrenched underclass of poverty stricken really folks that will never ever escape poverty and are just living on the street and there's no going to be no turning back and here's another point he points out it's so gross and horrible and just sounds like one of these night of the living dead sort of scenarios but he said last year san diego city workers nearly killed a homeless person after accidentally throwing her and the ten she was sleeping in into the back of the garbage truck she escaped just seconds before being crushed by the trash compactor so this is really like this human garbage and human waste we showed a video from
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a few months ago in the bart station in san francisco you're paying millions of dollars to live in a little colville there and in san francisco and this crack addicts well known heroin addicts all sorts of addicts in the stations and human feces all over the roads and it's you know this is the progressive nirvana that's the point we know two things we know that the u.s. economy is generating a permanent permanent class of garbage people zombie people that are on the streets and will never come back we also know that the progressives and liberals of the state like california don't see it they don't for some reason it big nor it they don't understand it they don't see it they don't understand the connection between their warmongering policies you know dianne feinstein would never voted against a war and all that money goes into a war that could go into let's say helping people not live on the streets she doesn't see the connection she's not liberal she's not progressive she's a neo con she's a war hawk but in the stone. california spin it is something completely different
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and sadly because this is contributing to a collapse of many aspects of the american experience i want to also talk about the racist policies in the actual outcomes of california but in terms of this neo con sort of really nasty violent state thuggishness of california the genuine heart of the so called california progressive liberals democrats is that they were forced to reduce their population in their prison population by by the courts the court said they were grossly overcrowded this was human rights violations so they had to reduce the population of their prison by twelve percent between two thousand and eleven and twenty fifteen but they have a very very powerful union ok unions are progressive but these are prison guard union and it's super powerful so that's why in the state they pay more for prisons and they do for education and in while they reduce the population of prisoners by
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twelve percent the prison guards were very upset with this so in fact they increased the budget for prisons by half a billion so so they wanted more they had to give them more money in order to make them feel bad but california today spends more per prisoner than any other state sixty five thousand dollars annually which happens to be the same amount it cost to send a high school graduate to stanford university for a year one of the best universities in the world that best the equipment that's how much a cost of lock up one person for stealing a slice of pizza well you know i came up with a phrase a few years ago lag and that's the american economy is becoming the casino go leg you have a few people who get rich in the casino of wall street or because they become professional oscillates or have you and there's a very small percentage of the one percentage that hits the casino lottery billions but everyone else is living in a good leg this is the new good. this is the american girl leg and the seat of
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every major city across america and it's the result of corruption is the result of . a government in freefall is the result of a central bank that is not accountable to anyone and just prints trillions of dollars to go drop bombs and bail out banks and there's no turning back you know our from dmitri orloff wrote a famous essay collapse gap a few years ago so that the soviet union and america would both collapse for the similar reasons just that the us would take longer they physicians' i said soviet union was like falling out of a one story window and america's like story falling out of a twenty story window and i think we're seeing this now play out real time america's falling out of a twenty story window it is a collapse get the soviet union america collapse roughly at the same time for roughly the same reasons and now america is having its boris yeltsin moment with donald trump so that he talks about the racist outcomes of the education system and
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part of it is caused by the prison system takes up so much of the state budget so there's less available for california schools and these schools if you look at per capita spending on students it's actually the fourth lowest in the america also they have you know the pro immigration policies which but don't have the funds to adapt to the all the languages spoken in the schools so all all the classes are held back because a lot of the students don't speak english which is fine i think if they just teach them all to be bilingual instead but they're all having to catch up on english but he says that progressive leaders who daily denounce republicans as racist have blithely presided over a significant decline in the academic performance of black and latino eighth graders relative to their counterparts in other states today less than forty percent of non white non asian students. state education standards so that actual
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outcomes for a black and non whites other nine white students in california are worse than most other states so their actual results are worse let's correct and i guess it has something to do with the presence of the entertainment industry which is very good at telling falsehoods and spinning turning tinsel into box office gold and then you have san francisco in the high tech industry which just builds incredible walls around reality and they could live in cyberspace they don't actually live in the real world so as a result like calcutta like conditions in l.a. and in san francisco the casino is growing by leaps and bounds and some of the only countries that have already been through this like soviet union you know they're actually moon in the other direction they've got their stuff together and they're heading toward a kind of a more equitable future and he also points out that environmentalism is used to justify de facto racial segregation in california's housing because they brought in
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all these environmental regulations in the early seventy's just when you know the civil rights movement had just started to give more equitable participation in the housing market for blacks and other groups and so they got locked out by through environmental regulations and they said legislation that would have encouraged for example more housing density near transportation hubs was snuffed out last april garnering support from less than one third of legislative committee members quote progressive organizing lamented benjamin ross in the left wing magazine dissent evolve stealthily into a defense of the residential status quo it is a status quo that beverly hills is happy to preserve like i mean i've said on this show many times about this in the black community in america you know that racism is part of the american d.n.a. it's they're not going away it's only become more accepted as practice.
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through interest rate apartheid or through jeremy to prison expansion but at least like they these guys in california are hiding behind all their kind words and maybe they do hashtag me too when they wear a little pin virtue so you know what a virtue signal and that's that's enough and you know that also that the prop thirteen tax situation in california also locks in low tax rates you can your children can inherit your low property taxes they're shutting out all newcomers into it so it's kind of like an oligarch it's part of the feudal system that is by the way you know hollywood again i thought i love this phrase that i came up with the girl legacy though and for the black community in america i often said now for years they should adopt krypto to give themselves a way to escape the fia currency nightmare that's why our friends a bit mari. they are i bit mari colonise your life is your life you have to add tinsel town to your house your gulag has seen
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a state i don't know black people go to good morning right now download the app. we've got to take a break don't go away much more coming your way. in july twenty second two thousand and ten a freelance journalist working with. militants in syria. on a sacrifice he has established such as memorial day while reporters who often risk the sake of the truth and through that. you can submit to your published works in the video or written form until june the twenty.
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food will not bring people together and i'm sure that his vocal be an exceptionally good logo on the field of play the door also for the image proof of the feet of the nature of russia to show that they are able to organize a vocal. welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to go to acapulco and speak with jeff berwick of the africa's pod cast as well as they and marco polo go and crypto polka conferences jeff is also now part of israel's block producer team a potential competitor as well as collaborator to fish the block producer candidate that max the stacy are involved with jeff welcome back to the kaiser report m house
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it's a pleasure and. a collaborator not a competitor and that we can all work together on this yeah absolutely jeff you got started in crypto in a bitcoin the same air that we got started to climb back in two thousand and eleven and so we've saved pretty much every shift in the industry we experienced a mt gox crash in twenty fourteen we've experienced three or four seventy to eighty percent corrections in the price of bitcoin and we've seen the rise of some alternative models and some interesting models and certainly dan lehrer who actually wasn't talked to us a toshiba nakamoto during the earliest days of bitcoin went on to create steam it went on to create a bit shares and now has created ios and he's what what is can what can you tell us about the us jeff well as you pointed out the reason
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why i really got interested in us at the beginning was because of dan lehrer's involvement he is probably the most accomplished person in the kryptos space aside from suppose you not promote whoever that is the only other person who's. nearly as accomplished as the telecommuter in the area and we sit down there is more complex because this is actually his third blog chain as you mentioned he's done early shares you a couple years ago it's still doing fairly well. it's been growing and started seen a couple years ago as well after a bit shares and i got on to go in and you guys go into that afterwards but i was one of the first people on that and i was really amazed at how well worked and was really designed for ingeniously if that's a word some of his in a genius way so and i was like well who is this guy and i got to know mitt turns out he's a man who capitalist as i am many as a lot of the same sort of values and beliefs that i do in complete freedom for humanity and complete free markets and things like that so when i heard he sort of
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you got very interested and once i heard what he was working on i got incredibly interested because this could be a real game changer this could be bigger than what a big korean has been so far it essentially could be the operating system of the essential ised new world that we're all moving into rate now and of course it has competitors like a theory and others but i'm really bullish on ios for those reasons right now i've been reading some of. the work and watching the videos and so let's talk a little bit on the technical level because the point that he makes is that crypto currency a bit cawing part of its charm is that it's decentralized and it does not encourage or gravitate toward centralization but dan points out that the way that the rise of mining pools have happened in bed point you do have some concentration which could leave. some some last of the decentralized properties where it was just there is an
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attempt to show. break that tranda and to make it more truly decentralized and the technology years is delegated proof of steak so tell us what now you are one of the twenty one bloc producers who will be witnesses and part of the delegate approval stakes system as is a. finish them back to the safety of out of that as well but can you tell us a little bit about deligated proof of thank jeff yeah i should point out that we aren't so necessarily going to be one of the twenty one but we are hoping to be it is a voting process and ours is called liberty block at liberty locked out iow and as you pointed out it's a very different system than big question or even how a theory has been set up to date and we should recognize that when because it was started two thousand and nine no one had ever done anything like this before it was the very first attempt at anything like this and it's going to incredibly well i
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think everyone would have to agree as you pointed out you pointed out you brought back my p.t.s.d. on some of the crypto stories with mt gox and all the crashes along the way as it been all roses along the way at all and part of that is because this is a brand new technology and that what we have is the sort of second generation of people coming along who have seen with this technology can do what the value of it is how important it is and are trying to improve on it in various ways and we've seen different approaches taken on it and probably the biggest sort of competitor to ios is the theory and it's a very different model essentially a very in a set up to be essentially a cyrillic i have big brother computer not in a bad way and not like the government but sort of a high computer that's incredibly smart and it makes a lot of the decisions of how things work in the ecosystem generally rimmer comes from a bit more of an article kept was free market perspective and he says let's let the market decide where it all goes let's not an actual human beings decide now of course when humans get involved those sorts of variables happen including greed and
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collusion and all that sort of thing but dan's fairly certain that those will be weeded out in the free market so as you pointed out ios is delegated proof a stake delegated essentially means that you can vote if you own egos tokens you can vote not like in a government election where using violence against others we're just voting for what how you'd like to see the eco system go and you can a select as you mentioned. there's going to be twenty one long producers that will be the main bloc producers and yours u.s. fish and the liberty bloc and there's many others of course and we'll see what the market decides and how that works and as far as decentralization goes that is a very tricky issue that you can look at both sides as you point out big question is incredibly decentralized anyone in the world can become a miner but due to the nature of the way things were many of those miners have turned into mining pools and we now have less than probably five or ten major mining pools that control most of the bequeathing mining so in fact with twenty one
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bloc producers and euros which the market can decide at any moment if it wants to turn any of them off if anyone is doing something they don't like they can just stop their vote for it well we'll see how that works so certainly this is a complete experiment in true free markets via books in technology is going to be incredibly fascinating to see how it goes right one thing dan larimer did in the design vs that i noticed is that transactions are free which sounds like a very friendly consumer choice to be made by the designer unlike let's say if area and i would think that he's building on his experience as you point out with that shares and with stan it so he's very consumer facing in that regard he has that experience of a consumer facing crypto product and you know you mentioned decentralisation and mining if i can just digress for a second and get your comments on what's been happening with some of the smaller
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proof of work coins like exam cas recently subjected to a fifty one percent attack and as sam's like this is an increasingly greater risk for some of the smaller proof of work coins out there in the crypt our universe your thoughts you know i think was an excellent point max we're still trying to figure out and i don't think it will be figured out completely for years maybe even decades what the. best way to do these things are so there's many different people doing different things and yes if you have a smaller block chain you have a lot more risk you'd have the risk of someone being able to overpower the system if you have the ability to view the way the system is set up through mining and to have more than fifty one percent share that's why because it is so important so powerful because it's so big now it's the largest supercomputer in the world times five hundred or thousands even i think i believe now so there's really no one that can just come in and overpower the network a lot of these smaller coins of come out and sort of their own block chain are
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trying their own things they're starting to realize that if you don't have the mass you can very easily be taken over or hacked or or how things change that you the really no one wants except for the person changing them and that's why ios is going to be very interesting a deaf way it's raised over four billion dollars so far it's got the attention of hundreds if not thousands of not tens of thousands of some of the smartest people in crypto who are starting to develop on the platform now and i think what we'll see and how will price see a lot of things move just from their own block chain move on c.e.o.'s itself including steam it could move on to u.s. big shares could move on to ios and that will make them much more stable and stronger and we'll see how that goes of course the big issue with the therion has been today can it scale it just had one app called crypto kiddies which pretty much crashed the entire system and down there murs says through his way that he's created ios that it can handle tens of thousands up to millions potentially of transactions per second and he's already proven that he can do that through steam
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right you know it just wouldn't be fair to say that your interest in cramped is it supports your thought about liberty and freedom so the actual technology is not something you spend a lot of time thinking about but thinking about how the technology and packs us national liberty and freedom i think and that's are you have an archipelago which of course is a almost a festival. all of this type now we've been talking about vitale peter and a couple of times now he's weighed in and he is suggesting that those could be open to cartels that wall a merge to prevent this open competition as you've described it to the voting that goes on for the twenty one block producers and a way to that argument from the talent that you say jeff when the dog speaks i listen he is a true genius as is dan larry where i consider them both to be the top geniuses and innovators in the space so i never discount anything the taliban says but it is
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interesting they've both diverged on this one issue should we control things from the top down using computers and ai possibly or should we let the market and people run the ecosystem themselves we'll see this is what's going to be so fascinating in the next year or two we will find out which method is the better method i'm sure i'm pretty sure both will work but one will probably be the actual winner of this and you'll be able to see within a few years which which system works best i truly don't know which system is going to work because that's the beauty of the free market no nothing's ever been tried like ios and that's where i'm watching incredibly carefully and incredibly excited to be involved in it because i think this could be world changing if it succeeds right some people compare it to early days of computing in which operating system sort of went out and that's all we see now on a trip to space so tell us more about your blog for this or over there. so what are some of the products and services that you guys are going to be dealing with there
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if you become one of the block twenty one black producers jeff yes the liberty blockades of liberty blocked out io io we've teamed up with amber a pedia which is i think going to be the first airdrop on egos actually ever p.d. as a competitor go sort of with the pedia based on the block chain so it can't be controlled like wikipedia has now become a also working with e.g. guy asset management which of the more the test. guys who really work on the tech and they've been working like crazy getting this all launched last few weeks so really it's about the team and it's very heavily an arc of catalyst in we our tagline is from decentralization comes freedom and essentially that points out what you just mentioned max is that i consider freedom to be the most important thing for humanity it's the best thing for our prosperity for peace on earth is to have complete freedom and i believe that ios has that ability to do so and is set up that way and we intend to be one of the block producers that really focuses the
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most on making sure that it keeps us in our who capitalist true freedom groups and one of our products that we already started to do is a natural online way to vote for egos block producers as you may know right now in order to do it you have to be pretty techie you know command line and stuff like that source i know i can go to vote dot liberty block dot aioe and it's already set up and you can actually vote using a graphical user interface as a first step of us trying to help this ecosystem to really get rolling in these early days excellent separate thanks for being on the kaiser report always a pleasure max all right well that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with a mask as our ses everyone i think our guest jeff berwick if you want to catch us on twitter it's kaiser report until next time. for a world cup twenty eight team coverage and we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers
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of all time but there was one more question by the way it's going to be our coach. guys i know you on the roster is a huge star a month and a huge amount of pressure from after you have to come into the center of the to tell where we are and you know all the great the great if you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we needed to get the talent going let's go. illo. and i'm really happy to join the fall of two thousand and three in the world cup in russia meet the special one. needs to. be arty teams latest edition bigger than a better jersey book. this
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is. the church secret indeed just like priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it literally i like to call this the geographic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot were the previous standards. the highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system did that and of themselves as the i and then i included used this out and. i think that donald trump is really confident about his capacities ability to
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persuade people and the power of us personality and all this kind of things and i'm sure the kids and then will try to play this card will try to give donald trump something he can tweet so he can he can show to everyone look i'm the first one and the one who rolls the art of the deal and the first one can make a deal with this guy every other american president before me fail. i succeeded. but it. was going. to have. to see. more of.
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those faced international oh that. be challenged by its main architects then go on to the us the g. seven summit in canada is modeled by discord with anger over u.s. tariffs and division over donald trump's suggestion to reinstate russia with. a failed asylum seeker has been arrested after a teenage girl was sexually assaulted and killed in germany he was detained in iraq off free fled germany with fake documents raising questions over the government's handling of the refugee crisis. and google unveils a new range all. gender neutral couples instead of real guns on gonzalez on the program we have said.
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