tv News RT June 9, 2018 7:00am-7:31am EDT
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more metal sauce don't piss off. the rules based international law that is being challenged by its main market the government of the us the g. seven summit in canada is marred by discord with anger over u.s. tariffs and division over donald trump's suggestion to reinstate russia to the summit. also become a failed asylum seeker has been arrested after a teenage girl was raped and murdered in germany he was detained in iraq after he fled germany with fake documents raising questions over the government's handling of the refugee crisis and google unveils a new range of emotions including in salads and couples who are gender neutral they actually politically correct we take a. look
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at the welcome it's just gone two pm here in moscow you're watching r.t. international. this is g. seven summit in canada has been dominated by divisions the us was left isolated by global leaders who accused it of sowing all sorts of discord on the global arena. however is the fact that the rules based international order is being challenged quite surprisingly. not by the usual suspects but by its main market the government of the us well before reaching canada donald trump course the split by suggesting that russia should be reinstated to the group it was agreed to keep that issue off issues agenda. here we all agreed the return of russia to the g seven format summits can't happen until substantial progress has been made in connection
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with the problems with ukraine canada's position is absolutely clear that there are no grounds whatsoever for bringing russia with its current behavior at into the g seven before any such conversations can take place russia needs to change its approach. russia out. russia the fact. that those for the presence of russia in the g eight we will see for sure italy was traditionally a supporter of the russian presence in the g eight well despite the tension there on the sidelines of the summit trump and macro did find a moment to try and reignite what's been described as their bromance but the french leader posting this video with the conversation.
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well the firm handshake here afterwards also drew attention some pointing at the microphones grip did leave a mark on trump's hand if you look closely one of the things the two leaders did discuss also was america's new trade tariffs which have caused resentment in canada and the european union samir a cub has more on the. probably the past couple of days the world has witnessed increasingly tough talk from the american president who's clearly set on forcing canada and the europeans to accept his administration's stance on tree oh please just represent you know this story. we have we have to say he's launched a stern challenges to his counterparts on twitter which he was to say hasn't been well received in diplomatic circles trump has abandoned the traditional etiquette of not openly criticizing other intend to use the attack on the host of the summit prime minister just joe as well french president emmanuel beck wrong prime minister trudeau is being so indignant bringing up the relationship that the us and canada
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had over the many years and all sorts of other things but he doesn't bring up the fact that they charge us up to three hundred percent on dairy hurting our farmers killing our agriculture it doesn't stop there it's emerged that no meeting with british prime minister theresa may take place even though such a one to one on the sidelines would normally be customary to top it off the white house announced trump would cut his visit a day short to arrive early in singapore for his meeting with north korean leader kim jong showing a certain lack of respect for the g seven itself a far cry from obama's experience at meetings in the past few years a virtual love fest for all concerned francis mccrone said the show would go on despite trump's unorthodox behavior you don't maybe the american president doesn't mind being isolated today but we also don't mind being six if need be so with so much uncertainty emerging from the clash of opposing views in quebec the outcome of the meeting is very much up in the year. between you'll be leaders and so us
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president is bed and. no ideas because also the judge is so we are talking about did these through asians to be better if we have. not only covered with turn those we have covered on almost every subject and lived between the buses and washington so you have been you mean and united states who become bigger and bigger. well amid the divisions there critics who say the summit is becoming increasingly irrelevant to the new world order last year's meeting described itself as a gathering of the most important industrially advanced democracies although this year that was changed to seven of the world's advanced economies and things have changed economically too since the summit first gathered in one nine hundred seventy five we can have a look because the g seven share of g.d.p.
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has steadily declined since the eighty's it's plummeted from fifty percent to something like just over thirty and some of the world's largest economies including china india and russia are not represented jeffrey tucker the executive editor of us a fair books thinks that the g seven is losing its importance especially not one that's just the g seven which excludes china or russia as trump himself put it it doesn't constitute if you believe these figures known half of the world g.d.p. it's no longer a relevant body even in the sense that they believe there is a more fundamental problem here the world economy is increasingly decentralized integrated in a way that eludes control by anybody any g where the g seven g a g twenty g two hundred the big topic of discussion is trumps and creates a trade war stuff his demand for a national production punishing other countries and starting in destructive trade
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routes and raising prices this is all very dangerous behavior and to the extent that something like the g. seven could contain that problem it's really hard to know whether or not in the future of these kind of governing bodies are going to have much relevance to the way the world economy works. a failed asylum seeker suspected of raping and murdering a teenage girl in germany has been arrested in iraq together with his family who managed to flee the country with fake documents raising questions over the government's handling of the refugee crisis peter oliver has more on the case. fourteen year old cheese and i went missing in western germany in mid may she was last seen in the vicinity of a refugee center in her hometown her body was found on wednesday buried near to that same area on friday the main suspect in her murder was arrested by police thousands of miles away in iraq. the defendant who is accused of homicide was
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arrested by kurdish security forces in northern iraq at two am on june eighth upon request of the federal police it's being alleged that the suspect was able to make a quick and easy getaway from germany using false documents to travel through turkey and on to iraq. at departure control they presented two documents allegedly issued by the iraqi consulate we're still investigating this each document was issued for four people they were in arabic and had photos also they were boarding passes in a german residence permits issued in the names we knew here. when she went missing her mother actually issued a really heart wrenching appeal by a facebook to chancellor angela merkel to try and appeal for any any answers to where her child was do you mrs america this is an appeal for help i turn to you with this cry for help because i feel let down by the german state as well as by
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the police there's nothing worse for a mother in the world than not to know where her child is away from the tragedy of the killing there are major questions being asked of the authorities here in germany right now just how was this man able to flee the country using false documents and along with seventy members of his family all while being known to the authorities after his asylum application had been turned down. it must be clarified how a criminal suspect is able to get on a plane even though his identity is not clear. one has to wonder why the suspect after he had already perpetrated mild crimes it was known to police was not in custody the asylum system in germany is under the microscope right now the federal office for migration and refugees or bumf is currently being investigated as part of a scandal into whether it was being granted an exchange for cash or gifts at one particular
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office among the twelve hundred people who when they were processed through the bremen office raised red flags two were said by security services to be extremists while forty four had links to islamist groups germany has been left shocked at the killing of this fourteen year old girl but there isn't another element at play here someone may have come here to this country fleeing persecution only potentially to have committed this crime and returned back to their home country using false documents or that has the potential to turn this tragedy into a political powder keg with explosive qualities peace for all of our. protests at the gaza border have been going on for ten weeks now and according to garza medics on friday at least four palestinian protesters were killed and over six hundred injured by the israeli army so let's get more details now from our
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middle east correspondent paula slay she's in tel aviv paula good afternoon again as these protests continue the casualties continue to mount. unfortunately the casualties do continue to mount as the protests show no sign of ending now yes today a twenty three year old palestinian protest about the name of it was hit in the face with a tear gas canister and there are disturbing photographs that have emerged that show the moment when that canister was lodged in his cheek and it is emitting tear gas while at this. same time the tear gas is coming out of his mouth that the canister itself had to be surgically removed now he is a regular attendant at the weekly protests we've seen along the israel gaza border for more than two months there has to date been at least one hundred twenty five people killed and some thirteen thousand injured in those clashes between palestinians and israeli soldiers most of the injuries are due to tear gas
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inhalation now yesterday four people were killed we're also hearing that as many as three hundred and eighty six were injured as thousands of protesters converged on the israel gaza border they were waving flags and kites they were throwing stones they were burning tires and the like what was particularly noticeable about yesterday's protests is that it is also dubbed jerusalem or could day and it comes on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan which is traditionally a time when matters are her right the muslim world soon marking commemorate the palestinian claim on the city of jerusalem and also the right of return now of these radio army has responded by saying that there were ten thousand palestinians rioting on friday at five different locations along the israel gaza border they say that there were dozens of kites and balloons that were used with explosive devices attached to them and that they exploded in the air the israeli army has repeatedly
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defended its use of live ammunition saying that it is justified in protecting its sovereign borders and it has repeatedly accused him us of using human shields by sending civilians to these demonstrations having said that we have heard from human rights watch that has accused the idea of behaving in such a way that it says points to the deliberate wounding of the limbs of protesters take a look at the deployment of small abuse careful planning and significant number of injuries to do more limbs does reflect the number of bullets to target those limbs . now the palestinian envoy to the united nations has condemned friday's killings it has asked the united nations general assembly to call an emergency session that it says it hopes will discuss a resolution that would be aimed at protecting the lives of palestinian civilians it would be similar to one last week that did receive enough support to pass
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a vote in the security council but that was vetoed by the united states a general assembly meeting was called on wednesday. ok thanks paula for the update that was artie's poor asli in tel aviv for us thank you. venezuela's president has called for a political dialogue with the opposition amid a growing economic crisis in the country nicolas maduro also accused washington of interference that was after the u.s. urged other regional players to denounce the election of venezuela as a legitimate american is also calling on countries to isolate venezuela. the venezuelan people deserve better than what the regime of nicolas maduro offers them a cohen fellow member state to apply additional pressure on the madeira regime and some in washington also believe that involvement in venezuela's sorry internal affairs should go much deeper to you is it now explains could it be that some hawks
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in washington are having second thoughts on how great their tactic of orchestrating regime change is i've got a couple of quotes from a us magazine for you of course no one wants to see a regression in which military coups to the norm certainly expecting a faction of the military to depose the current regime and restore democracy entails risk did worrying about the risks and side effects of regime change just outweigh the goals set by the folks in d.c. you wish look at what the piece is called elephants in the room it's time for a coup in venezuela this wasn't just from some reporter writing for the magazine the author is a man who advised george w. bush the president behind the of ghana's stand and iraq invasions a few more revolutions took place while he was sitting pretty in the oval office yeah and apart from the couple of lines i've shown you the whole piece is one big
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call for regime change it says there are no guarantees of course but that's no excuse for complacency so bring it on with a coup no biggie just a major us foreign policy website running in peace coing for the violent military overthrow of another country's government wow sure restore legitimate constitutional democracy is the nature outcome of june to take over. but just one slip like that can overshadow the image of the american press right rather than for a crew the international community should encourage even as women including soldiers to restore. democracy the question is how to get rid of me before he completes the destruction of his country introducing the venezuela coup hungry news it's true that men as well as have found themselves in deep deep trouble but since when has it been for some foreign media to decide when there is to be a coup they can be bloody they can claim many many lives and throw countries into
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worse chaos oh we should forget that we're reading the papers from a country whose folks in charge have said things like this for the safety and the security of all people in latin america it is time for me to around to go we have many options for that as well and by the way i'm not going to rule out a military option we have troops all over the world at places that are very very far away venezuela is not very far away and the people are suffering and dying we have many options for venezuela including a possible military option if necessary and he's talking about near venezuela is and people are dying and where were you in puerto rico when the hurricane hit and it was even closer to the us and people were dying the u.s. says it has a history of supporting coups all through latin america it's a joke to say that the us wants freedom and wants to protect people we have led to
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the overthrows of elected governments in chile and quite a mile in venezuela in brazil you know it's just a whole litany of cases where the us has overthrown democracies in latin america and everybody in latin america knows it. now i'm sorry a province in canada has shaken the country's political landscape after being led by liberals for the last fifteen years a controversial conservative doug ford has been elected as premier in a landslide when his brother also a politician is perhaps though more famous for other reasons. future of mankind so we'd like you to look what we like to say people are going to be a big thing that the prime minister is walking upright brave and from now i want to go and do the job the conservative bully also wants to bring twenty five thousand syrian refugees into canada.
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so therefore please stop this wrap. up of smoke crack i haven't smoked crack in over here yes i should look at crack cocaine olivia donda did says that i want to conduct i've never said in my life to her i would never do that i'm happily married i've got more than enough to eat at home. want to get their hands back in the cookie jar you see the controversy already it's just started and we see what the provincial levels of done justin trudeau number one in my opinion he's totally incompetent to be prime minister.
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there is a voice it's a change to noise i spoke with to congratulate him on his election as premier designate looking forward to working together to create jobs and on that unity. so there was a desire for change i do think there's a shake will be kind of an earthquake for the liberal government if they want to win in two thousand nineteen because the opposition the conservative opposition leader in other words. is perhaps another version of the doctor ordered. in at the federal level and they will feel energized by this thought. still ahead germany and russia have played a pretty we'll cut friendly in moscow although it was the country's politicians who took to the pitch not professional football players will tell you what happened just after the break.
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dimitri orloff wrote a famous essay collapse gap a few years ago said that the soviet union and america would both collapse for the similar reasons just that the us would take longer. positions i said soviet union was like falling out of a one story window and america's like story falling out of a twenty story window and i think we're seeing this now oh yeah real time america's falling out of a twenty story window it is a collapse gap the soviet union america collapsed roughly the same time for roughly the same reasons and now america is having its boris yeltsin moment with donald trump. bring people together and i'm sure that the exceptional good will go on the field of play the door for the food for the feet of the nature of russia to show that the tool to.
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welcome back not google is changing its use it makes inclusiveness and diversity a priority but is it really politically correct one quarter takes a look. google just unveiled its latest project for politically correct inclusion this time they're going after offensive m o g s. l started with the salad m o g deemed offensive to vegas because there was an egg in it so they decided to drop that offensive food item but the n.t.v. going problem won't be solved with just that.
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still a pizza sporting some pretty offensive pepperoni google also pushes the pan of food m o g featuring prawns and mussels swimming in a stew and worst of all the bento box m o g it's got not one but two eggs in view and these revolutionary changes in the world of a modis are not just about beacons. dangerous looking dagger has been rimmed with gems and changed to a turquoise color so it doesn't remind people of mass knife attacks and angry goat has had this frown turned upside down to make animal lovers happy and most importantly of all the revolver m o g has been transformed into an orange water gun finally google is ready to tackle issues like gender neutral family m o g's. before there was only
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a collection of day lesbian and straight families this one is lesbian and now this one is gender neutral so google knew what to change but there are some areas that left out entirely. whereas the engine origin of moji there are church mosque shinto shrine kaba and synagogue but none for a buddhist temple and the m o g for the wedding only depicts a church let the outrage in sue there may be a day when google's modi's are one hundred percent offense free and that'll be the day google deletes of mo g.'s altogether donald corder r.t. . ok you know geez they didn't get quite the reaction the company was likely hoping for on twitter at least nine hundred sixty in twenty team will have flying cars and travel across space twenty thousand we removed a mag from a movie because it hurt someone's feelings google we value inclusion have
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a more inclusive saladin moji also google trends is not a welcome subject will be monetize your video if you even mention it also google we also value making drones for the army oh my god i'm so thankful that google is representing me at first i wasn't sure of being vegan was ok but this salad in moji has verified my existence i feel so included where once i felt alone in the barren wasteland. now it is the second day of light emitted in state visit to china where he's meeting not only his chinese counterpart but also the leaders of various eastern nations our correspondent daniel hawkins is in china for its covering the shanghai cooperation organization summit. very much a tightly packed show jewel this year for the russian president here a mission daoist mr putin as a ready had talks with hassan or a whiny the iranian president no doubt the iran nuclear deal would have been something key on the agenda given the announcements yesterday from china's
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president xi jinping and putin on their commitment to the iran nuclear deal to keep that deal alive to maintain peace and stability in the region but it wasn't all hard work and also did find time for some relaxation in the form of a little. cooking masterclass. looking very. different so. much goes to the ultimate goal of the. ever present or whoever goes over for an exchange of gifts has also become a bit of a tradition for the russian president at these sorts of summits of these sorts of events and a lot of speculation going on as to what exactly he would present this year to his chinese counterpart we've got the answer today and that's an entire russian bathhouse made apparently over two hundred year old treat the chinese delegation seem happy they said they would assemble that as soon as possible something. for
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the chinese president xi relaxing after his busy day of meetings and events so very much a tightly packed show jewel and everyone here in a discipline of course for the speeches tomorrow by she should ping and vladimir putin will bring in all the updates to date and today and tomorrow do come out of today's meetings. and hawkings that now there are just five days left before the fee for world cup championship kicks off here in russia and the famous trophy is now on display in moscow after touring the country that it's unveiling there where we managed to catch up with the football great roberto carlos. have the cowries. and team that team that become champions. well during its tour the cup visited not just the host cities but so many other parts of the country today and it will remain on display throughout the tournament until it's presented to the winning team at the end of the final on july fifth day.
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the opening game meanwhile is just around the corner on june the fourteenth but it's not just national football teams that are arriving in the country at the moment official delegations have been are welcome to members of the german bundestag and the russian state duma played a friendly match in one of moscow's central park see if they are looking very fit team russia one five three with both men and women playing against the germans r.t. managed to speak with the vice president of the bundestag tom stoppard men about the relation between sports and politics. i consider the issue just united boycott this event fundamentally wrong people it's a sporting event which millions of people around the world are looking forward to it and we want to demonstrate that a sport if you match can also be an anchor point for political negotiations the chancellor has said that good relations with russia are in germany strategic interests the majority of people in germany think so was well.
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i am sure that germany will manage to get into the semifinal and if they manage to do that they will probably get into the final i think that we have a good team formed by york in nov so i am optimistic. we played against the duma eleven years ago i took part then also however we lost badly and now the fifa world cup championship is a good opportunity for us to get a second chance and i think it's good when parliaments meet each other at the personal level as well you can see russia getting off the winning stuff for the moment at least that's how the news is looking we'll be back with more in half an hour.
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