tv Documentary RT June 9, 2018 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT
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return of russia to the g. seven format summits can't happen until substantial progress has been made in connection with the problems with ukraine canada's his issue is absolutely clear that there are no grounds whatsoever for bringing russia with its current behavior back into the g seven if there is be any conversations about russia's future in relation to this particular group they have to change their ways they have to change the route that they're taking and the sort of activity that involved in. i would rather see russia in the g. eight as opposed to the g seven i would say that the g eight is a more meaningful group than the g seven absolutely as for the presence of russia in the g eight we will see for sure italy was traditionally a supporter of the russian presence in the g eight. to top it off the white house announced trump would cut his visit a day short to arrive early and think up or for his meeting with north korean
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leader kim jong il and showing a certain lack of respect for the g seven itself a far cry from obama's experience at meetings in the past few years a virtual love fest for all concerned france is my concept the show would go on despite trump's unorthodox behavior you don't maybe the american president doesn't mind being isolated today but we also don't mind being six if need be. or to discuss this further we're now joined live by former pentagon security policy analyst michael maloof michael thank you very much indeed for joining us well here we are discussing another president tweet i mean just let's look at what happened here canadian pm justin trudeau announced all the states are ready to sign the to some it's joint statement but tempest tweeted that he's refused to and said that his team will not be allowed to do so why do you think he's made this decision. well i think a lot of he doesn't agree with with these countries in terms of trying to maintain their chairs and in fact increasing them as he pointed out. you know tariffs on
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some my u.s. exports are around this levi you also got to keep in mind he's not a particular lover of the e.u. countries and the most of these countries are members of the e.u. and. u.s. products going into these countries are at around this price and they're not being sold you will see you will see a lot of american cars in germany for example you will see a lot of them in the u.k. . but i think what we have we are seeing the beginning of a sanctions i'm sorry a bit of a tariff war and on top of that are the sanctions that the potential sanctions that are going to be levied against. those companies that. deal with you with us but also continue trading with that iran so we have a tremendous economic go we're very grueling here on a number of levels and i don't see it. bating any time soon when you mention that you said sanctions that economic war i mean how immediately do you expect the other
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g seven members to respond to this move by trying to. well i think they're going to respond immediately you know that they are they're going to they're going to continue to try to do what they can to lift it to impose even greater tariffs and it's going to become a train where everyone's going to suffer for it there's no win situation tariffs are good to a point he's been able to use trump has been able to use tariffs as a bargaining chip and this may be the opening salvo is bombastic approach step based want if you will of trying to get them to. lower some with tears and ice and i have the impression that they're working on that but certainly not to the extent that he would like to see them leveled off he pointed out that tariffs on the u.s. cars for example or are very high going to these countries whereas in the u.s. are very very low so easy he's got a point to it he's got a point when you say he's got a point but you set aside the fact that he's probably bombastic i mean we've seen
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before this kind of diplomacy from president trump i mean do you think in this instance that is going to was coming do you see that for instance this will resolve itself peacefully they will find common ground on types eventually it will take a while they may not they might they may settle at some level but this is part of his approach if you read chapter two elements of the deal of of his book part of the deal this is the bombastic phase the next one is to establish leverage which he's attempted to do now and ultimately control of the entire situation and they're going to be listening to him. the other the other countries clearly are leading from behind on this and they're listening to what trump is going to do next so he's clearly in the in the driver's seat on this and he can call the shots because of the robustness of the u.s. economy it's much much greater than it is in these other countries written so why isn't that a g seven also in singapore as well michael mann a former pentagon security policy analyst thank you very much for joining us thank
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you pleasure. well despite their differences trump and his french counterpart did find a moment sue bruce there up and down relationship with a man you're my craw posted this video of the pair deep in conversation. however their firm handshake afterwards has also drawn public attention some point out macross twenty five second grip even left white finger marks on the trump stand . well amid the divisions some critics claim the summit is losing its global importance last year's meeting described itself as a gathering of the most important industrial advance democracy is this year though that was changed to seven of the world's advanced economies but things have definitely changed economically since the first summit was held in one thousand nine hundred seventy five. well the g. seven share of g.d.p.
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has steadily declined since the one nine hundred eighty s. plummeting from fifty percent to just over thirty and some of the world's fastest emerging economies including china india and russia are not represented economist jeffrey talk of thinks the g seven is losing its importance especially not one that's just the g seven which excludes china and russia as trump himself but it doesn't constitute if you believe these figures not even half of the world's g.d.p. it's no longer relevant body even in the sense that they believe there's a more fundamental problem here the world economy is increasingly decentralized and integrated in a way that it eludes control by anybody any g where the g seven g eight g twenty g two hundred the big topic of discussion is trumps crazy trade war stuff and his demand for national production and punish in other countries the starting and
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destructive trade routes and raising prices this is all very dangerous behavior and to the extent that something like the g. seven contained that problem it's really hard to know whether or not in the future of these kind of governing bodies are going to have much relevance to the way the world economy works. shopping photographs have been released to capture the moment when an israeli tear gas canister became lodged in a palestinian man's face it happened on friday during a protest on the gaza border artie's port a slayer has more from tel aviv. the is particularly disturbing photographs emerged after a twenty three year old palestinian protester by the name of sabra was hit in the face by a tear gas canister while protesting along the israel gaza border the photographs show the moment when the canister is still lodged in his cheek and you can actually see the tear gas coming out of the canister and at the same time coming out of his mouth he is currently on life support that canister had to be surgically removed
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and. is a regular attendees at the weekly protests that have been happening for more than two months along the israel gaza border under the banner of the great march of return. and in these more than two months of protests we've seen at least one hundred twenty five protesters killed and some thirteen thousand injured most of those injuries are due to tear gas inhalation at the same time just we saw another four people killed and three hundred eighty six injured as thousands of palestinian protesters again converged along the israel gaza border they were throwing rocks and they were also burning tires against the israeli soldiers on the other side of the fence the israeli defense forces has responded by saying that as many as ten thousand protesters converged on the border fence terrorists launched dozens of
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kites balloons with explosive devices attached to the fridge the objects exploded in the the i.d.f. has repeatedly justified its use of live fire saying that it behaves the way that any country would in defending its sovereign borders it also consistently accuses him us of using what of course human shields by sending civilians to these kind of protests in the first place but we are also hearing from doctors without borders and they say that some of the injuries that were caused are so severe that those who are suffering. you are likely to have lifelong of physical disabilities take a listen to search and have to be very quick they cannot do the full treatment that each of those wounds to service it to you ninety nine percent of them are granted it's very complicated very big a lot of sift issue damage and they are supposed to be properly deep rooted in in the situation of mass influx this is not going to happen they don't just don't have to time to do those years of treatment they will
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have secondary. surgeries that did chances of healing are. very difficult they need a lot of care and you have we are afraid of the consequences to be honest we are deeply concerned about the human toll in gaza there is one thousand three hundred one did people who are in bad need an arrogant need to complex surgeries if these surgeries are not done in proper time people might lose their their limbs they might to spend the rest of their lives either with permanent disability or temporarily disability the solution should come from politicians i would like if one of the politicians either in gaz hour or on my lot or in israel would spend only one day in an operating theater to see how their decisions are
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impacting the people in the gaza strip. now google has unveiled a new range of emoji to make itself more inclusive and socially diverse but how politically correct are they are to donald quarter takes a closer look. google just unveiled its latest project for politically correct inclusion this time they're going after offensive m o g s. l started with the salad m o g deemed offensive to vegas because there was an egg in it so they decided to drop that offensive food item but the m.t.v. going problem won't be solved with just that. still a pizza sporting some pretty offensive pepperoni google also pushes the pan of food m o g featuring prawns and mussels swimming in a stew and worst of all the bento box m o g it's got not one but two eggs in view
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and these revolutionary changes in the world of m o g s are not just about the. dangerous looking dagger has been rimmed with gems and changed to a turquoise color so it doesn't remind people of mass knife attacks and angry goat has had his frown turned upside down to make animal lovers happy and most importantly of all the revolver m o g has been transformed into an orange water gun finally google is ready to tackle issues like gender neutral family m. o. g.'s. before there was only a collection of gay lesbian and straight families this one is lesbian and now this one is gender neutral so google knew what to change but there are some areas it left out entirely. where's the
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origin origin of moji there are church mosque shinto shrine kaba and synagogue but none for a buddhist temple and the m o g for the wedding only depicts a church let the outrage in sue there may be a day when google's a modis are we. one hundred percent offense free and that'll be the day google deletes m o g's all together donald corder r.t. . controversial conservative figure doug ford has won a landslide election to become ontario's new premier the vote overturns fifteen years of liberal control in the canadian province however ford's late brother rob was also a politician they came to prominence for other reasons. future of mankind so we would like you to look what we like to say people kind shouldn't be a big thing that the prime minister is walking a private raid and from now on it will show and adelphi the conservative bully also
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wants to bring twenty five thousand syrian refugees to canada. so therefore if they stop this crap they. will smoke crack i haven't smoked crack it over here yes i have smoked crack cocaine olivia gondek that it says that i want to go and i have never said that in my life sure i would never do that i'm happily married i've got more than enough to eat at home. for girls want to get their hands back in the cookie jar you see the controversy already it's just starting to see what the provincial liberals have done justin trudeau number one in my opinion he's told incompetent to be prime minister.
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the voted for change to know it's a sport with school to congratulate him on his election as premier this week mate looking forward to working together to create jobs and opportunity. so that there was a desire for change i do think this will shake will be kind of what on earth quake for the liberal government if they want to win in two thousand nineteen because the opposition and the conservative opposition leader in all the uk. is perhaps another version of duck for. being at the federal level and they will feel energized by this little.
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