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tv   Going Underground  RT  June 9, 2018 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

11:00 pm
bring twenty five thousand syrian refugees to canada. stop mayor ford please stop this crap they. have smoked crack i haven't smoked crack it over here yes i have smoked crack cocaine olivia don that bit that says that i want to go on drugs i've never said that in my life sure i would never do that i'm happily married i've got more than enough to eat at home. from rolls want to get their hands back in the cookie jar you see the controversy already it's just starting to see what the provincial liberals have done to justin trudeau number one in my opinion he's totally incompetent to be prime minister.
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sharon's avoids it for a change to know it's a sport with pool to congratulate him on his election as premier does it mate looking forward to working together to create jobs and opportunity. so that there was a desire for change i do think this will shake will be kind of what on earth quake for the liberal government if they want to win in two thousand nineteen because the opposition and the conservative opposition leader in all that what. it is perhaps another version of duck for. pain at the federal level and they will feel energised by the slow. a failed being arrested in iraq the suspect arrived back in germany on saturday where he will face questioning on the case the manage his family had managed to flee with allegedly fake documents
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raising tough questions the germinal surratt is artie's europe correspondent peter oliver has. fourteen year olds he's on i went missing in western germany in mid may she was last seen in the vicinity of a refugee center in her hometown her body was found on wednesday buried near to that same area on friday the main suspect in her murder was arrested by police thousands of miles away in iraq. the defendant who is accused of homicide was arrested by kurdish security forces in northern iraq at two am on june eighth upon request of the federal police it's being alleged that the suspect was able to make a quick and easy getaway from germany using false documents to travel through turkey and on to iraq there also is a call at departure control they presented two documents allegedly issued by the
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iraqi consulate we're still investigating this each document was issued for four people they were in arabic and had photos also they were boarding passes in a german residence permits issued and the names we knew here. when she went missing her mother actually issued. i turn to you with this cry for help because nothing worse for a mother in the world than ever to members of his family all ones or bumf is currently being investigated as part of a scandal into whether asylum was being granted an exchange or gifts at one particular office among the twelve hundred people who when they were processed through the bremen office raised red flags two were said by security services to be extremists. forty four had links to islamist groups germany has been left shocked at the killing of this fourteen year old girl but there isn't another element of play here someone may have come here to this country fleeing persecution only
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potentially to have committed this crime and returned back to their home country using false documents well that has the potential to turn this tragedy into a political powder keg with explosive qualities peace for all of us r.t. . the f.b.i. has seized the emails and phone records of a new york times reporter as it moves to planned on going leaks of classified information the issue has come away or else why this white house leaks one of the reasons this hit there's always so much fun in this white house is so leaking there is even leaks about why they're leaking and so in an effort to deal with the issue is to find it to move on from its fatigue to kids whose phone and e-mail records were secretly skills engaging tipoffs by washington heralding a source close to the president exactly sure how they got to me i want to go over i'm sorry mr president but i will not do.
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you. give and take. well watch. so on a scale of one to ethical how does everyone if you about pulling a real zoe barnes for story ideas is saying here is trump's legalists a move which represents a true declaration of war didn't we fear it could be an opening salvo in going battle over reporters' ability but such intimidation tactic of issued a wish and also expected to travel to the world cup in russia those fans freeze a number of risks including holguin violence attacks motivated by religious sentiment and terrorist attack also suggested if any players here racist remarks directed towards them they can walk off the pitch for england star john barnes told r.t. program news thing that racism remains a global issue. it was a big deal and racism all over the world is a big deal in race and in this country no more so than in russia than anywhere else
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and of course from a football and perspective yes but if you go to any inner cities in the in london you see the lack of education and social opportunities for people in this country so let's not get on i often say isn't it terrible in russia because it's fantastic here it's not so yes let's talk about russia and how terrible it is in russia but let's not forget that you know as gareth southgate said we have to put our own house in order first yeah and it might be more insidious here less sort of live out in a fair. price war do you feel that people say some guys might want to walk off the pitch it's very explicit the big problem you have with that is is. if a player hears one racist comment from one person no one else hears it he's within his rights to walk off and when he walks off and they say why they walked off he said because i heard someone make a markets are who is it what i already know but i heard it or is it ten people more is it the crowd is it how many it is still fairly ambiguous as to what happens. well for more on these and plenty of other stories and features go to r.t.
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dot com i'll be back with the latest news at the top of the other so you get them. thinking that mountain. when you. can we are. you. to be true. feeling. is no. around.
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you. in two thousand and thirteen i meet clinton young was on death row in texas and. making a documentary on the death penalty and talk to him about his situation but he's been here for an souray i've been here since two thousand and three. i was not saying my name is roy it's a my other days were there now thirty thirty thirty in july or. scour the press at all that's a stretch in a sense but at the. present all star may have. had some why did they go and make it
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the third you know and now that later this light was spent almost twenty years on death row. and has been convicted of murder being involved in gang culture he refuses to talk to the police when he's arrested and he's also on parole from juvenile prison where he had done some time for burglary. has had a resident there for clinton it goes without saying that you don't inform on others but the other young three men arrested with him have no such qualms they will claim that clinton is the killer. on the run also use. grew close to those cars while walking around this one could show. more. of all the. stuff you. have to. go by near the polls. after i
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told clinton asks me in a letter to look at this case with an open mind he says he's not the killer and claims his co-defendants make plea deals with. when i look at this case i immediately know something is seriously wrong there are no fingerprints or d.n.a. or any other evidence that clinton committed the two murders only statements based photo suspects marc garneau and they fit which shows substantial discrepancies. they realize all this. i have in my face they don't want me to get it before the courts so they don't know when it's not about justice it's about. upholding the statistics and we need your vehicle power. ok the past four years i examined testimonies and got to do with health information such as crucial ballistic research i also talk to involved parties and witnesses i hope to get an answer to the question how could it really be that the wrong man is on death row.
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to get in a vehicle. still put your eye on him and is still here on. the it's no excuse. but. my the fence is i didn't kill nobody i don't know them i was on the way we're supposed to that you know who's going to go bottom lines there are so yours you know and things took a turn. and then at that point i was worried about you know trouble. they were patient and else on the corner and mark rey shut up later on this is what
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happened i don't have a fear from the troops. where their buddies the or all of those. and i was in the river in the middle markets right. there see how this is. done else you should have seen what happened right so he was leading. he lies about where he was sitting at yeah he said he was in and they all it was it was not the middle he said directly behind me because i had turned like this and talked all look because margaret says he was there it wasn't my larry why was it i guess because he thinks i did it so he'll want to be blind rabbi hier me in case i try he said he was in the middle so he can write i guess i guess that's the only thing i could think of but he was not set in the middle that car i don't know what's the
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car seating what do you think was the car sitting on our member of course it was dual me david paige mark rey and darnell mccoy ok so no one actually said that that was the car cd so i ended up saying four versions i mean yeah but i remember like i can even say the song it was playing on the radio at the time i had was a superman by three doors down i mean i just lost i remember i have i guess i got a better memory than them right when you know that everybody in this car yes they. were not there when the around the house where you are. while you. know if you slow down on those of us we were from the south. and. the three of you all. want to. j.r. come from around the house and use kind of like grew close to those cars by walking
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around that's one thing you know. and david page was standing outside the coral walking up to the core shot of they had shot here systems and the windows rolled down and the like then when you hear them. go the next reflexes dorsett back up and fill forward and that's when pace i'm going to back a hit and then i jumped out the car. so or explain it they are somewhere outside of coral here or there and then one point. it was then right and right in front by the dory stand there. a car relation of yours a route right now i don't know what will come flying no one on a car right before and during the power plant shows you know why that ok before you were sitting like clint was it no let it slip away like this and he had the gun of underwear that is and when he was gone as one
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was going to zoom dog was paying attention to two a j r and jerry's you know one of the door as soon jar reaches over to the door. with his son . so what quick fly away when do exist start on shot he says far. what can you remember how you felt when the first shots were fired it was like. i don't know i mean. i can't really describe it yes and it was like. i just i was thinking. doug allison. you know and.


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