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tv   Documentary  RT  June 10, 2018 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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but i'll say that the way the law was written. i didn't have it in my mind that i would be walking down the corridor of a totally free person but i'm thinking it's a twenty years here which is us allah yes a lot but not in texas standards because texas is our last census like it's candy. to teach these are the two options that could
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happen here and we need your vehicle power ok and where do i fall from that from here you would follow this way ok so that doesn't make sense that it makes sense or ok go on is if i'm getting in a vehicle and you're turning to do whatever you got to do his c.d.'s yes he's already here pow pow so that's what happened and what's going to happen you're going to follow this why this and this is what happened this is what they said i'm not sure if i'm going in a vehicle our power i need your vehicle and then i. i'm not sure if he felt like this or like this but he felt he felt toward where he were is nearing lilia so is this guy here getting in. this wasn't this guy getting the only option if he fell for discovery here shut it compound he went over it he could get in a vehicle that's the only way if this guy was leaning forward on the street where he was given a big green get shot from inside the vehicle and that's what they all say that he
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wasn't getting in the vehicle when the shots were fired yet he said yeah but they said he did it and he said i didn't see it because i was just getting in the vehicle because he's wanted done it. this guy was one of them getting in a pony option that's the only person that can shut it they just they ramrodded let . this guy get in because one that i shot him that's they forbade us don't want to get it done. some good magic or clean shoot stole and it twice about it goes very fast so what happened in between and we were just brought in the longest but it's we get out there. i get go knock on the door nobody answers and i'll come back or nobody answers because i'm getting in on the if you know if there was a pontiac grand prix or grand am to your car if if you're sitting there or see someone else that it doesn't seat and you have to lean your seat forward yes just for the person to get the back seat oh you liked is two shots back and where were
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these bullets placed in the head coach clint was sitting in the passenger seat. so he it turns out it was. but in your first statement you said the bullets were on the right of his head right that's why we get because he was like this months probably going to hit him here yellow and probably hit in there i'll know exactly where they demolish no they hit him somewhere in the journalism and they haven't left it out they could have hit him on the left that's it that's in the papers. could have had him in that. could and i'm pretty sure. on the second murder. is my worry is that they could be based on a david made a statement as well the forensics are so important they have those and all they
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have is go differences there's no d.n.a. there's no fingerprints. to vehicles and life organs there's no one from your birth me. first you stated that clean took the final shots right you know in your first state in the first i.b.s. why did she do that say mark i told you were friends i've known mark a lot longer and. i got told investigators first two of those gators i'll translate more. can i ask you a very very honest question. and i hope you're not offended but this is my common sense again speaking so i'm not attacking you and i'm not judging because i wasn't there this is what i think. i think it's really hard to believe that someone lies in court to protect his friend. and will not lie to protect his own life.
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never lied in court to protect my friend you said. that was a statement we have a statement but it was really really important it was your first statement you said clinton shot this guy. he killed him he said. figured i never thought he would get i figured you shoot someone in it you think they're going to. do it do you want to trista come out truth to the. well everyone says something different so. i want to use that in the truth. and you say gee.
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that turn comes when you're right really yes but the dog is still there should be on and it's going to play anyway. like this here. now to to hit it in the shoulder to shoulder. and one of the co-defendants said. he was actually aiming. for from twenty centimeters off then you can hit him in the left no. with your left hand then yeah then you should have to you had to
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reach around like this or disguise oh here hold a gun shooting. maybe you can. go that side without. where. you'd have to leave yeah and then no to god but here goes yeah what do you know what but why would it jerry belief this if it seems so clear to us prosecutor. gets a prosecutor has a. good story he get people to book to believe it now to defend. his attorney's got to be regarded to counteract it. apparently didn't have a good attorney no he didn't so that's that if you don't have a good attorney. most time you lose anyway. and
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i'll get the body found when he was shot stabbed over and over to the torturing room towards the sterile and saw the car. was it was the oil that he was moaning he was money he wasn't moving but he was money and what did he do. mow clint had a gun i had no gun i hope put him in the trunk and you have no gun. and what were your options oh i'm not going to win now that i think back on it i could win i love it easily that's what i think i love my god i just seen this guy kills one person and he could easily say ok you have to go take care of these people you just dismissed all the cops are after us. i was thinking of that in the
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meantime does this victim is moaning in the trunk. so didn't you feel like i need to help this guy more what i'm are going to do to save him by myself other than contact the authorities. you didn't do that either. so i looked at it was already. bored after sitting in the car thinking i can i can call my own one or it can just inform someone mostly guess what i had says something actually i do say some of the hospital i salute and we could just drop my boss out the most room and take off this somebody else person he should've just haven't heard out of the camera's on the hospital. it is so tight next out there. and. they took him up there sort of creek. and only put him out there at the creek and in the recorded finish are the last two shots were unnecessary then my prick.
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who shot mark mark did what i. claim told him here though it. could put him out of his misery he lived or you lay down there with it so he threatened mark and. so you grabbed a pillow stuck the gun in the pillow tried to have a pillow. darnell or mark. but on other words pillows he fired shots in the pillow so they put the pain on the head just on the back of his hand someplace else and then they shot him mark they respond with what gun twenty two are all over kids can tell you i said all three of my guns. you want only one i didn't have your stuff. but if all three have a gun why would they go to that creek because clinton says so if they all have a gun you have to ask them doesn't make any sense to me.
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you were the first group. here's the problem and this is the thing about texas law. there's what's called the law parties now i wasn't indicted as the primary shooter i was tried as a primary shooter i feel that all these people they had guns hostage you know forced them on a do everything everybody's got a gun but the person testifying everybody's in fear for their life. none of them would have been here and here motive. but that's the press kid to say about emoting when i said it was for the car to go see the girl but i said lucy and
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i was the first on right after this they say that and made it her car but. throughout the interview process marcos in it one of the basically says something about a. the car being taken right and so the police this coalesced on today because a makes a capital murder so you can kill somebody and walk away it's not. worth it you can kill somebody walkway come back and take their shoes it's not caramagna if you kill somebody for their shoes it's capital murder so they had to prove this theme that i killed people for the core to take the core and they wanted to prove a continuous episode because the second market one of the figure out a way to get us all to come up with was they both cars were taken to go see. the girl in the other night and of course nobody ever brought up the fact about me having.
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a legacy call guys are the winners the legacy oil guys are the winners the legacy all central bankers are the winners innovation you dynamism the constitution the bill of rights these are the losers in this summer. and is getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of suze a member of the commission to do it for you if you believe this using my complicity is going up to sunny oh maybe you. know john. nobody should be the only palestinians who gets the most hopeful news jerusalem counterparts i don't think there's some of those who in the world of the vision didn't know who could do this. and that's not just the heart of this lady of the muslims i know if you can
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be a muslim she would do more commitments also some presume. hello we're here in st petersburg attending the annual st petersburg international economic forum our topic is from the atlantic to the pacific we all know the world is changing we talk about what moves these changes and who's behind. i walked up to the truck plant to sit in the trouble to. paint the new so you can give us a ride this is. supposedly he had family in midland i mean new out there anyway. you know him i train never seen i've seen we've just got to guess we just got again i'm not going to pay for ten hours work again this is something i can ask my fifty
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feet away and carjacking a man in his car i don't know since i'm saying he wanted to put up here and always a cigarette some to drink so i go into the berkshires i come out this do sit in a car and a truck and i'm like what's going on as long as i it's cool america at this time like. a man when you talk right so i get into the car and i drive off. and he follows me when i play ross what are you doing. he said we need to get rid of those core. that's ok we'll just do he said when you don't just give us a kind of grin now i never heard young friends i hope it never seen hundreds of every again i was inside the group showers which the police never went there and interviewed anybody conveniently they never talked to him are fact in evidence you see the photos of bush are part of that there's a sub gas station a small gas station and you'll hear nice days i'm sure you've seen these big shopping centers they've got low gas stations in the parking lot yes there's one
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like that at the berkshires there's a little gas station right there they never talk to the clerk by i don't know i mean the police never there ever investigated the crossing. that is i mean they would pay for what happened as they just drove like three weeks later took pictures of the parking lot sale weeks later that's three weeks yes all they did there's no police report there's nothing they've never investigated they never talked to the store clerk they never issued or maybe release asking anybody seen any witnesses they were based out of my kidnapping and that's all they ran with so we stopped we're called upon jack oldfield things a problem now he had a lot of. money and sam are talking plants walking back and forth on here the trucks like to test the truck. plants walking back for the iron man samurai here about the time here sorry sand you got it down trodden twice.
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now for people with paige i know for a period where you could hear our first very very good. hero as you know who's going to rear or barricade the.
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car you know. they say. but this. player. page was here. how did you know about it. he said i knew he had a deal but how did you know. he. ordered. it that who did he have to deal with. but that he told him that i want to know why. did they pay. the us to doesn't. he come in there at first we didn't know what use in their food and then he was like i'm in
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here i've got thirty years for. murder and they need to send in one on telling us about this case. how they drove who shot whom he was sent a lot of stuff to the shin the men stand. where they hid where they were hid the gloves something but he took a ministry took him somewhere else how they were at a pump jack and he shot the naked. he is they fit david yes david perry. new page says his lawyer paid up the district attorney and they made a deal
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a plea agreement that if they would pay his testified he get their two years in the clinton clinic young would get the death penalty. like. thirty years for david paige that's the least amount of ever seen anybody give her mother ever usually is eighty nine to seventy five i never see nobody just get thirty years here actually overheard him saying that he made a deal. he told me he said is a lawyer made to do with this you could try and he did if you testify. there they would guarantee him that he would be no more than thirty years and then he would be out in fifteen. and i'll come at some many people say to you that made it a crime. how does that work. for a lot. and it's also a lie that you have said that they were not going to connected to the murder
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because you were wearing gloves but were you wearing gloves that night i bought some asked why because it was cold. it was eleven degrees and it was eleven degrees are eleven celsius. it was cold. but where are those gloves but it stays gusty it is never they try to destroy him so i said look i think you know man. d.n.a. to my blood hair samples test and was articulate do. they know what that was i was talking about so certain are you about to close on they go back outside a crass and found a letter out there. but when they said the gloves to be tested they asked for d.n.a. testing on alex out of the gloves and i as i was thinking what would they do then.
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so they offer he'll be deal in this matter how many years there was it actually if you're sixty sixty to sixty. so first they offered you sixty years and then day and point offered you thirty eight years back. and didn't feel right now i didn't feel right at all because you've helped and i i figured you help me i hope you more. this is where the criminality of the state's actions come in because they're bound by supreme court law i mean that is the law of the land if you make a plea bargain you have to inform the defense when i go into a trial i'm allowed to know everything that's going on. my lawyers had a hearing before the trial and put the district attorney's on the stand under oath
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and ask them as there been any talk of plea bargains and they said now they all said no ok or we got that report the new attorneys i did they get that the lawyers personal file and that's how they got this report and so they go get the attorneys billing records he's followed with the courthouse to get his money and on almost every line is met with this returning and tried to discuss plea bargain met with this attorney is like five months very different conclude. three twenty eight resumption of there would be value.
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as you try to investigate told him that he thinks that you had a killer in the second case yes. and what if you respond to. when he sent that the same scenario and what did he say about that scenario here's he never shot it down but he just kept saying i still think you're the one that did i think you ought to do. the da had their head of this on the kids here cause is horrible case on and there's me not same person so you get one side of the story as the co-defendants. those are the perfect store for him and he well they had this big elaborate trial like this never been had texas before. they just rolled his dust and after months this state of the market reaction appeals court appeal markovitch and he retired. the only reason i can think of and forgive me if this is too. short sighted
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but the only thing i could think of is that they offered a deal because you were the killer and they wanted to. close the case they wanted to have this capital murder. that didn't happen them. and how would you feel if he would actually been executed. what would he do to you or to your of soul or to your honor there's a there's a saying that our religion is and it's pretty much the only rule we have to follow . any harm none do what you will. i can do what i want to longs about hurting anyone you never hurt anyone i can't say that but since i picked up this religion i've done my best. and when it's your pickup this really doesn't sticks and so after the test of.
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in july twenty seventh team alpha attempts a freelance journalist watching the result to the sultan village of shallot in syria. to honor his second five scotti has established a hotel such as a memorial they will recognize the reporters who often risked their lives for the sake of the truth and through that use you can submit to your published works in a video or written form until june the twelfth of october doughty dot com. i am philosopher the i am.
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such. a law. not. does she don't consume the junk and enjoy. dealing with the single and the awesome in that are equal going into something and only fools are still saying if i can manage and don't cause i don't need a. putting in a solution so the answer to all. the. i think that donald trump is really confident about his capacity is ability to
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persuade people and the power of his personality and all this kind of things and i'm sure the kids i'm going will try to play this card will try to give donald trump something he can tweet so he can you can show to everyone look i'm the first one i'm the one who rolls the art of the deal and the first one can make a deal with this guy what every other american president before me failed i succeeded. with.
6:00 am
trax his support for a joint statement of the g. seven summit in canada at the meeting ended in disarray amid growing tensions with washington. face than. the face from a market to the us maybe the american president doesn't mind being isolated today but we also don't mind being six if need be no one will ever know how many civilians have been killed in syria. as the pentagon after being accused of possible war crimes one year on from the liberation of the city from islamic state . football's biggest stars lionel messi and cristiano ronaldo together with their national teams arriving in rush hour ahead of the world cup championship and
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