tv Cross Talk RT June 11, 2018 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT
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because. it's only because. god knows lord yeah i'll. let you go on the you live someone go out of the. bottle spoiled my if i left. but i've got to use a well yeah me and. any. law that alters will. i just because. it's not gonna. can't be true because i saw a lie that you said you were part of the special military forces of football since why vladimir putin to call to europe. to go. see it all you more. but it but i don't put it on deliberate
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ocean which is just one moment. and you can find it how do you know it's a real because we think your life is a lot of us to be russians are different so you looks just like you are silly if i say i understand so we don't know if this is not the feeling is there for me pursuing work i'm sorry the trip into how you want to answer. the drivel going on. no. i don't know anyone who watches scary russian who are going to mentor without any experience in a. moment to wait for the actual football the opening match of the twenty eight hundred for world cup is this thursday moscow's nikky stadium we've got great coverage lined up for you of what is the biggest event on the football calendar. a nine year old british girl has been placed in rehab for her addiction to online gaming her parents say that she was playing for ten hours a day without taking
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a break. the game in question is called for tonight and it's an online multiplayer survival game one hundred players are dropped on a virtual island but only one you can make it out it's become incredibly popular as well with more than forty million downloads since it was launched last year lied about the parents of the nine year old calling for it to be banned we had no idea when we let her play the game of the said dick to nature or the impact it will have on her mental health this is a serious issue which is destroying our little girl's life and someone needs to step in to ban it before it becomes an epidemic we've asked the developer for mine for comment on the case if we have anything back we'll let you know what they say
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meanwhile we discuss the potential dangers of gaming with a psychologist and former hacker. son he's fourteen and. she plays for him and i see him played a lot the great thing about as i see him interacting with kids all over the world there are lots of ways to communicate with people around the world other than video games and our children are losing a little bit of a site as to what's real and what's maybe virtual i think video games are paul of all coaching now the story that broke recently of annoying your old was how to have because of being informed on and we don't blame the parents i don't blame the children games on bond i just don't see the use of them i don't see how they're productive there is such a tendency to spend so much time on the computer at least that studies show that the more time they spend in front of a computer or on their phones the more likely they are to have depression and other mental disorders it's been says studies by the university of california for example
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in twenty fifteen well computer games are actually being found tarnishing increased memory especially in three d. games there are many ways to increase memory certainly pen to paper a pencil to paper all sorts of memory games that you can play with a book thing going to also can teach that you know what you can maybe they can be good to be a study being sensible you know if your kids on it for many many hours and there's a problem if your child runs a borsak over time now is going to be a problem so it's just about moderation i think it's just sensible use of the toy interacting socially though is really important thing that children are losing you know they start to feel like their friends live in their computer when indeed those aren't real people those are real friends that are in their lives especially with children in their in their young formative years for their brains are still developing with the increased risks of mental problems because of it i see no reason to you know make video games part of that when they're just all together not
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necessary or clocking up more screen time low facebook is back to hiring humans again for that all important fact checking process i'll tell you why after the break. that's. what politicians do do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. more some want to be that's.
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what you're going to be for us this is what the four three in the morning can people get. interested falls in the waters in the. first six. welcome back facebook seems to be running out of options and it's a long battle with fake news the company has gone from human fact checkers to an automated system and now it's back to hiring real people again is all t. is done a quarter. in the never ending crusade against fake news facebook has come full circle it's now hiring so-called news credibility specialists to presumably look
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through and determine the fake from the truth was the individuals with a passion for journalism who believe in facebook's mission of making the world more connected as a member of the team you'll be toast with developing a deep expert see in facebook news credibility program after media outlets picked up on facebook's new position the social media giant took down that ad re uploading it with a few tweaks and a new title news publisher specialist yeah that raises less questions but wait a second a person deciding what info you should get on social media haven't we seen that before this is just a system that they put in place that allows people to inflate news sports news into the tranny topics and and also suppress news thats the one in twenty sixteen facebook fired employees apparently after pressure over liberal bias in their trending feed every once in a while a red state to a conservative news source would have
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a story but we would have to go and find the same story from a more neutral outlet. then they put an algorithm in charge but that didn't go as planned either with the technology accused of being ineffective and biased within days fake news started trending and they even recently shut down the feature altogether from research we found that over time people found the product to be less and less useful perhaps in deciding what's credible and what's not it makes no difference whether an algorithm or a person does it especially if zuckerberg wants his brainchild to be more than a one sided platform i am i am very committed to making sure that facebook is a platform for all ideas that is a very important founding principle of what we do well then problem solved no need for news credibility specialist after all donald quarter r.t. . with stories based on the unidentified sources getting bigger headlines in the mainstream media the all important job of fact checking is getting ever more
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difficult but it seems that you can still say what you like when you're using those unnamed sources. the latest headlines from a sane anonymous sources network. can't wash pool according to someone and the same d.c. house notes i know someone who spoke to donald trump recently about life in the white house and donald trump's biggest complaint was that he's not allowed to watch porn in the white house has got him into a past so how sandels deeper into the force keeping trump's urges down state actors broke into the d.n.c. undermined hillary clinton to help donald trump with. lives in a separate bedroom and trump asks. according to a book based on evidence you'll never see. according the site of notes i spoke to people who spoke to the president. is that why she probably tried to dig her way
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out stay tuned for twitter expert suggesting just that security footage of millenia trauma proving that the white house sinkhole is actually hers keep tony long that's was molony on the verge of giving away or escape routes exclusive analysis by saying experts state shooting for the latest news brought to you by a s a. three economists who worked with the french president on his election campaign last year are expressing their concern over his increasingly right wing policies they're calling for new initiatives to reduce inequality. the government has acquired an image of an administration that is indifferent to social issues a growing number of french people including some of the most fervent supporters and twenty seventeen are disillusioned and many of those who supported the candidate are expressing the fear of a reorientation to the right well one of the biggest criticisms we hear about president. is that he is a president of the rich and that's because last year his government slashed the
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controversial wealth tax in france but that only benefited around one percent of the top french families he's also been criticized for the controversial immigration bill which actually saw discord within his own party one m.p. was so incensed when that law was passed in the last few months that he actually quit or march and that's because that bill saw detention of migrants increasing from forty five to ninety days and also look to speed up deportation there's also been the changes to the labor laws here in france which people see as making it easier to hire and fire people all of these things have sown such to school to france that we've seen people sometimes in their thousands and thousands out on the streets in france protesting and sometimes these protests have turned into rights against his policies.
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oh. one recent poll showed that only forty three percent of respondents the saw my call in a positive light so why has president decided to implement policies which seem to be so unpopular one of the reasons michael government says these were the policies. that he was elected in his manifesto pledge now also if you would argue is all about attracting foreign investment and making the french economy stronger in the long run many people are so unhappy that there is a growing chorus of people calling on president be the candidate of the center that he promised to be in the run up to the two thousand and seventeen presidential
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elections. reinforcing that president of the rich image. not just the dishes that need changing resign. ruined france incapable of hiring emergency nurses but buys dishes for the emmys a for over five hundred euros the dish for dessert. fifty thousand euros a trifle for these people mccraw on at the exclusive service of the oligarchies.
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years right for this hour i'll be back in thirty six minutes for your next altie international will see them. below we here in st petersburg attending the annual st petersburg international economic forum our topic is from the atlantic to the pacific we all know the world is changing we talk about what moves these changes and who's behind. my uncle or the kids they come to say the boy tonight nobody will. know who they can.
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you know move on the which i did on the control got to move this because of a mostly an increment going to be a to ensure. the must. is not so much about the will suffice as a constant because. it's a million years. ah. yes phone no i don't have one was the last time that you went on the internet no i'm not using to meet these village is it safe to say. are you sure there is no music ters other than that all good maybe should be the baby does
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a glossy his that is but. one one one one one question we're doing it only for him is death as part of the that was a good. bit more work i was. previously and yes they are being formed in versions of the inventor of the so i feel. like you have. a legacy call guys are the winners the legacy oil guys are the winners the legacy all central bankers are the winners innovation you dynamism the constitution the bill of rights these are the losers in this america.
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i imagine a times you were going underground as well britain continues its diplomatic war with the largest country on earth foreign ministers from russia ukraine germany and france to meet today in berlin coming up to show cia sanctioned torture in a journal former cia man ray mcgovern who served under seven american presidents tells us about american black sites in europe and warns us about the new boss of lonely britain may have to understand three hundred thirty million gods to get a post rex a trade deal with the world's largest democracy we talked to india's former foreign minister yes under secretary general of the united nations structure for the role that's all coming up in today's going underground but first the british house of
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commons witnesses defense questions today and what are you gay defense department is here is its boss declaring some kind of war with russia. should go away should churchill up but to raise a major government doesn't just want russia to go away we placing a disgrace deportation scandal home secretary is this man who wants private corporations to help defend us from russia we will also increase our cooperation with the private sector by someone with a private sector background myself i understand that government cannot deal with these kinds of challenges alone because anyone who banks that have bailed out a bank or who has taken a privatized train in britain knows how efficient the private sector is and remember these for profit corporations are not necessarily targeting isis terror they'll also be targeting russian terror north course tax by hostile states the attempted murders in salisbury war outrageous attack on our soil using military
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grade nerve agent that in itself was a brazen message from the russian state. we also know that the way that terrorists attacks are now planned and conducted has changed. people are increasingly being radicalized why their computers and smart phones yes terror from those radicalized by computers and smartphones a military grade nerve agent that doesn't kill a russian terror plot that has no conclusive evidence whatever is he going to do community policing to gather intelligence or a centralized police state there is approximately at the moment some three thousand subjects of interest to the security services. are sort of looking at each day and there's also a further twenty thousand of what they refer to as the close objects of interest previously investigated not any more of the twenty thousand i think there will always be that's a few hundred that although there are close subjects at
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a local level these agencies might be able to sort of help with them and maybe come with an intervention program of some sort yes there are twenty thousand innocent until proven guilty people who have done nothing wrong that can be pinned on them they're going to somehow be intervened on even though they can't be arrested information against them will be shared around people on the list won't even know they're on a list and will have no ability to counter miss identification or false information and what with russia being lumped in this will stop people like the script files being poisoned thankfully the usa arguably remembers german coffee and those russia could detonate the entire u.k. at a moment's notice with or without terms i could use a job ads secretly shared lists in fact the us system of checks and balances from congressional appointment hearings for the cia's new boss geno house ball to the senate torture report lifted the veil a month speakable crimes joining me now is
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a cia veteran ray mcgovern ray thanks for coming back on there whether you have that much faith in the u.s. system but what did you make of the european court of human rights finding with you when you're in rumania for hosting cia black sites i thought it was sick. good of course it came late we knew that the lithuanians in the polls and the rumanians and many other countries including thailand. had cooperated in the kidnapping torture and so forth. of these cia sites but it was good to get it on the record and people should take notice oddly it also indicates that gina haskell will probably not be able to land in places like berlin or paris without some trepidation that should be arrested on the spot under the principle of universal jurisdiction i have to say though that they haven't been direct connections with the new boss of the
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cia to that but you think anyway the united states will be that worried that alone their arguable proxies of a one hundred twenty thousand dollar fine seem to be. critics well i have to mention that china has bill is directly responsible for what happened to the shiri one of the people who was also tortured in lithuania when she was there onsite as he was water boarded in thailand so the fact that she was able to dance away from that charge during the senate hearing was really unconscionable the judges according to some news that she was more kicks accuses and rectal feeding of of it all right. less sherry well you know it was really gruesome you mention the senate investigation report four years in the making and released just before the current
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chair richard burr took the chair of the senate intelligence committee now the first thing he did was recall the copies of that senate for your report what does that tell you all right he was involved he was in the house and the senate intelligence committees when all this was going on there joe. and at the hip the overseers are not overseers they're over lookers and what they do is kind of take care of people like gina has spoiled and instead of requiring her to answer the questions they let her go to executive session boss in fairness to gina hospital many people in the mainstream newspapers of record whatever they say say there's a context of the nine eleven and surely you're not suggesting nuremberg rules should apply the f.t. here the japanese own financial times said a hospital coworker said the torture was okayed by the white house the department of justice and the cia's had caught is not. you can't ok
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torture ok. the us is signatory to the universal declaration on torture the un declaration which says no no circumstances civil war emergencies of any kind exempt a party from the prohibition on torture worse still torture doesn't work no matter what president from says you know i go i was an army officer an infantry intelligence officer i know the drill ok if that's the case why do you think the recent twenty six team pew survey said the u.s. public were kind of divided on this forty eight percent for torture forty eight percent forty nine percent maybe against torture well precisely for the reason that you it used a few minutes ago and that is you said in fairness to jena house bill the media is saying that such and such. please don't quote the major media in fairness to jena
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has the major media is a tool of the deep state of our country and the major media including new york times doesn't publish anything sensitive without checking first with the cia so you know why do americans believe that hollywood t.v. . they've been they've been brainwashed into thinking that torture works and the senate committee report that you mentioned four years in the making issued in december of two thousand and fourteen proves that all these techniques based on cia original documents doesn't work that nothing no actionable intelligence was acquired they could not have and was not acquired by other reasonable normal legal interrogation techniques and are now claims that you case is right now a sharing intelligence obtained under torture the british shadow foreign secretary
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and lethal and very writing to the british foreign secretary barnes johnson that this how dangerous would be the practice of sharing intelligence amongst nato nations of intelligence obtained under torture well with all due respect m i five m i six takes their cue from cia and the americans i mean what more do you need to use but ambassador craig murray in east on he's in receipt of interrogation reports we which he knows on the scene are gain from torture ok and he says to the foreign office you know this this really shouldn't be foreign offices are british citizens doing this and he says well if british this is our doing it sure kick it in and followed it craig very quick to his great credit so you get a kind of bureaucratic inertia here were if the americans say it's ok if so facto it's ok well it's not ok you are at the cia how can you police and my five m i six
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the cia or f.b.i. to not use an intelligence file that may have emanated from one of the united states is black sites around the world let's say all let's say you want to prove that al qaeda is hand in glove with saddam hussein to help justify a war against. saddam hussein well you know what you can get that from torture we had this prisoner he wouldn't admit that there were close ties between al qaeda and saddam hussein so we sent them to the egyptians a friendly service and guess what they got into it at mit in quotes that yes he sent all manner of operatives up to baghdad to be turned to be trained in explosives and and chemical weapons and guess what that was used by colin powell it is speech before the u.n. on the fifth of february two thousand and three just six weeks before the war to justify what he called the. sinister nexus between al qaeda and
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saddam hussein made out of whole cloth whether colin powell was deceived as he claims he was or whether re he was smart enough to realize what was going on that's an open question but it was right from torture and it was the case with the torture works you get people to say what you want them to say that's the only time it works and it only works with inaccurate information. you were of course at the cia under many presidents i wondered what you thought or made of the fact that britain's new home secretary sajid javid says that secret lists of people from m i five should be circulated in civic society to intervene on people to combat everything from isis to russia what he would do you think of that idea of secret lists secret lists you know what i remember about secret lists or one of the nazis came into the netherlands for example and each mayor had
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a secret list in those days it was on paper ok the names of all the citizens including their religion ok now the mayors with some conscience destroyed those lists before the nazis get a hold of them the ones that wanted accommodate they said oh yeah well here are the jewish people right here and those people are taken off immediately to auschwitz and other concentration camps with that's what you get from secret lists those who are bad enough on paper on computer they're really mischievous another proposal he has it's been reported here is the first time this would be able to be done at airports in britain and all ports people who from the security services immigration offices would be able to question people who have arrived who they suspect osp eyes not being terrorists but for being spies what do you make of that initiative well this is part and parcel of this trick pony and overreaction to. to terrorist
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events now what you're going to do is just harass the general public to the point where actual sensible regulations are completely discredited and disregarded it's quite amazing how people have lost all sense of proportion because of nine eleven because of seven seven because of terrorists acts and no one asked why is it always that that they do these things or do they come out of the womb shouting i hate great britain i hate america no it's not that at all look to the causes of the terrorism that's a much cheaper way to stop it and just finally pictures were beamed around the world of you being injured that you know as pows hearing she says she won't torture people as boss of the cia what sort of would you say would be a chill the chill sent through nato counterparts of secret agencies here in europe now that she's in law.
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