tv Documentary RT June 12, 2018 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT
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i put. on a team of russian artists of found their own way to welcome players they created mosaic portraits of football stars lionel messi and mohamed salah it took them two months and sixty kilograms of stone to create their out works we asked the artists about their inspiration but not something that is there for these or i can so well trouble one of them is still a very sing star this is messy and this is a law which is now because they are the most popular at the moment of course they will not visit us there are many fans come here who know them and will be pleased to see them and be photographed next to them with players and fans ready for the
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first kickoff of also another group playing a crucial role in the upcoming event here's the referees take on this thing for world cup including video assistant technology designed to help them make the right decisions so we want we want to use technology and we have to use technology only in the moment that is really needed if the human aspect was completed to success that means that every noise exactly what you have to do to take the important decision but then he was so difficult to try to understand once intimidators when called technology so technology are to be really good tools of prevention of good tools. but not changing the approach of referee to take as a first in there's a final decision how would you assess russia's readiness to host the world cup. i was really impressed i didn't have any doubt. remember the configuration club but now the coffee i'm all for before starting this world cup with that they
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already saw especially on that point if you want to put a show in their facilities and using so we are really to russia for what they've prepared and what to do giving us to prepared these incredible events and the opening match of the world cup where russia faces saudi arabia kicks off on thursday at moscow's luzhniki stadium and for the whole tournament we've got you covered. and i'm coming concert by controversial muslim rapper about a clown fear to stun people in paris eighty nine died in a terror attack at the venue in twenty fifteen challah do bensky has the details but just a word of warning that you might find some of the report upsetting to watch. was. this theater in paris has become
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synonymous with tragedy. plans by a controversial muslim rock but to perform here have struck deep court why well just take a listen to some of the lyrics. defining what. this song was released early in two thousand and fifteen with this horrific attack and it's not only the provocative lyrics about france's secular tradition in medina's career he. even has an album called all of the rapper himself says he's against violence and the. struggle nevertheless thousands
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have now signed a petition calling for his gigs. to be cancelled and some politicians have joined in on the protests. no french person can accept that this guy's going to spew his filth at the very sight of the bad a clown massacred we have had enough of complacency and worse of this incitement to islamist fundamentalism. the ruffin the dean of the particular an unacceptable provocation the families of the victims are not being respected. the hosting of the rapper made dean of the pastor klein is a number but insults the memory of the victims of the thirteenth of november twenty fifth there are symbols that cannot be desecrated i ask emmanuel mccrone to ban this concert lawyers representing some of the relatives of those who were killed and injured in the massacre and now calling for the close it to be canceled. week the worst of the victims and the victims themselves we cannot understand or support
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the fact that at the battle and theater where people were killed in islam is horse occurred someone can sing things like that we've been gauging opinion only issue with people in the french capital. and i think he can perform with the better clan i don't consider it an issue wouldn't go at all i wouldn't even consider for a second. but like i said he's proud really. is not a problem for him to play at the back to climb to denounce the things that happened so we have to let artists express themselves but i don't understand the feelings of the rick tim's family this and those who are affected by that took it seems one of france's darkest hours continues to test people apart so let's even ski. paris i have been trying to get in touch with the medina on the bow to calm fears of a comment on all this as soon as we hear anything back we'll let you know what they say. this is out after the break desperate and left stranded at sea how the newly
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the bill of rights these are the losers in this america. welcome back more of tuesday's news now and eleven people on a river cruise in the russian city of volgograd are confirmed dead after their boat collided with a barge on monday and these are pictures of the vessel being removed from the volga river sixteen people were on board in the time of the incident the search operation is now over and russia's investigative committees launched an investigation on the passenger vessel was reportedly overloaded and had to mark a light switched off when the collision happened. after less than two weeks in power italy's new government is already making good on
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its campaign promises the interior minister is close to port to a vessel carrying migrants and he says that the country's new goal is to protect its borders while your poor if you know it was built i want to put an end to this human trafficking which puts thousands of lives at risk so in the same way that we raise the issue for the aquarius we will raise it for all our the vessels that follow there are the countries i'm hinting at france where instead of accepting the report of the migrants are objects if they hope the same what is in north korea to protect the external borders if europe is one of them. the vessel that was turned away was carrying more than six hundred migrants including children and pregnant women spain's offer to allow the ship to dock that those on board had been rescued off the coast of libya over the weekend and were hoping to disembark insistently the mess of two major italian port cities of strongly oppose the interior minister's move. but all the roads which doesn't find the harbor can come to the worst of me this city has
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a great capacity for care and humanity and will open its arms this by its economic problems when i'm going to the growing of a record that this is a moment of shame for our government which is undermining the culture of acceptance that characterizes the italian people there in this is drawn in the worst kinds of european nationalism which are a prelude to naziism and fascism. italy's being one of the countries hardest hit by the migrant crisis more than half a million people bring to the country by boat from north africa in the past five years this year alone italy has taken in more than thirteen thousand by grants more than either group spain or greece and many of the newcomers arrive in italy something that's divided opinion on the island each inviolability is just not right that the invading us they're illegal if a person arrives here legally they are welcomed among these people they're also illegal immigrants and that can't be tolerated. they need to be checked we need to know who's arriving these six hundred people as you said we don't know who they are
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not all of them are honest people honest closing the ports no i don't think that is right are only telling migrants have gone everywhere and they're welcome to squandered away malta also refused to accept the ship saying the italian coast guard was responsible for operations in the waters off libya best is from the european council on refugees and exiles believes you policies may be contributing to the problem i think there has been a serious failure among many of the countries of the european union to address this issue particularly the sofa not being a thorough burden sharing. i rather hope that the stance of the new very new spanish prime minister will begin to show other countries in europe and say well we should also play a part as well but i do understand the attitude of the italian government in saying that we've already born an enormous influx of people who are the real answer to
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migration flows of the migration crisis as it's term is to try to enable people to live in their countries of origin you you have to actually try to ensure through diplomatic and international efforts the peace for people so they don't feel the need to flee for their lives. a controversial way of boosting voter turnout has been given the green light in the u.s. state of ohio the supreme court has backed the state's policy of removing an active citizens from their register with many now saying the initiative may result in voter suppression looks at how the move could affect u.s. democracy u.s. politicians always stress how vital every vote is when it comes to election season go to the polls and vote vote your conscience vote free our future there's no such thing as a vote that doesn't matter. at all. and speak and vote your conscience your vote really really really can't so it's somewhat hard to believe
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your right to vote can be taken away so easily but that's exactly what's happened in the state of ohio the decision of held by the supreme court means you use it or lose it when it comes to casting your ballot so imagine you don't like any of the candidates and you decide to skip out on any election after two years a letter drops through your door checking up on you if you don't respond and don't vote within the next two years your it's spelled from the voter all entirely if you miss the mail that's it no more votes the state claims that the policy is necessary to keep its voter roll up to date but civil rights organizations are raising the. alarm the supreme court got this one wrong the right to vote does not use it or lose it the public trust in the fairness of our elections is badly shaken this decision rule few of the far flawed suppressors across the country who want to make sure they choose and candidates win reelection no matter what the voters say votes is should not be purged from the rolls simply because they have exercised their
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right not to vote at least a dozen conservative states have pledged to adopt the same law but according to the american civil liberties union the policy could purge seventy five hundred voters in the last presidential election alone had it not been repealed and it's believed almost one hundred fifty thousand people have lost their votes of the past two years when eligible voters are thrown off states voting rolls simply for not voting within a two year timeframe that effectively takes away one's right to vote is voter suppression this is a win for voter suppression and a loss for voting rights how do you want to take away people's right to vote just because they aren't impressed with the candidates the last eight years and don't want to vote in a country that praises its elections as free and open how's that for democracy voter suppression coming home and the many political campaign is becoming obvious to more and more people in the united states is more of a mirage a marker see there's
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a real lot of markers mirage or markers that you know people got to vote sometimes they're allowed sometimes they're not they're forced to select from to party designed to cover up for what has really become an oligarch and a government that does the work for the wealthiest what's emplaced laws for the wealthiest and we're seeing there are trouble as we saw under obama as we saw under bush and clinton this is a two party problem u.s. has become an oligarch that uses a voting other way to try to hide the fact that's not really democracy. a suicide attack. in the afghan capital has killed thirteen including children twenty five other people were injured in the bombing of the entrance to a government building islamic state says it carried out the attack have been a string of incidents like this in afghanistan of late with many families now finding themselves displaced.
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our house is a bomb from the air by the u.s. air force and on the ground by ice and militants. and i know i saw children relatives drones targeted their elders our village is completely destroyed. there are no facilities to leave things we lost everything. right now dozens of peace campaigners a march into kabul from the city of god's name which is about one hundred fifty kilometers to the south of that group expects to be there by the end of the week where they plan to present a list of demands to afghan leaders they want to cease fire with the taliban and the timetable for foreign troops withdrawal. that's your news for now thanks for watching have your tekken again for your next world news update from the international in about thirty five minutes.
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when the whole make its manufacture come sentenced to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round listen to the one percent. time we can all middle of the room sit. around anymore you don't need to. apply for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside out it's. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money just kill the narrowness and
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spending two hundred twenty million album fly a. book it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy a great so will transfer. and thinks it's going to. guys are welcome to the kaiser report to get the you know the public so much to cover and in just a few minutes to cover it so let's get into it stacy ranks you know we have an innovation economy don't we and in fact we're so innovative here that we actually have innovations in poverty you know where inventing new ways to be poor why
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america is the world's first poor rich country or how american collapse is made of a new kind of poverty consider the following statistics the average american can scrape together five hundred dollars for an emergency a third of americans can't afford food shelter and health care how to care for a family now cost twenty eight thousand about half of the median wage which is sixty thousand dollars and by themselves of course statistics a little but together these facts speak volumes the story they are being beginning to tell is this america it seems is becoming something like the world's first poor rich country i read that it's very interesting they get into this it's innovation on poverty it's a mix for elements later on in the article including what he called a certain pure tonic goal. radicalism that prevents people from.
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escaping a mindset of deterministic. pursuit of goals outside of a more community minded spirit that is also contributing to this new neo poverty invention of the american. geist didn't make sense oh no i had it back there why oh oh. just checking yes yes it's been confirmed that made sense just to put into context this guy is a professor at i believe it's harvard his name is a mer hake he also lives in the u.s. and london europe you know so like us he's had the experience of that there is another alternative to how you run certain services and basic necessities of life how you provide those to the population whether it's most important being health
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care shelter education things like that so he's coming from actual experience of you know you can have a health care system that is not so violent and gruesome and abusive to the members of the health care system you can have it you don't need to have this outrageously expensive crazy system it's not necessary there's a way like germany to educate your population at a low cost to all and yet achieve great results and huge manufacturing capacity but yes the puritanical kind of background that you you must there's a certain sort of. germanic puritan his who of like you wanting to like abuse yourself for no reason and yet it's caused great distress american exceptionalism is a concept that doesn't really apply to america it's not exceptional in very many
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ways and that in many important ways not in the ways that you would look toward in a society that is healthy there's only one country in the world that deserves that kind of exceptional list moniker and that of course is france the french exceptionalism as well justified it's a jewel amongst country but is it getting hungry just thinking of him on the show as elisa they know was a croissant. well this guy is. philosopher as well so she puts it she says america appears to be pioneering a new kind of poverty altogether one for which we do not yet have a name it is something like living at the knife's edge constantly being on the brink of ruin one small step away from catastrophe and disaster ever at the risk of falling through the cracks it is two components massive inflation for the basics of life coupled with crushing asymmetrical risk so the asymmetrical risk is in particular how he points out that risk basically has to been taken off the balance
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sheets of all the corporations and you see that reflected in the s. and p. stock prices and the banks stock prices and values is they don't take any risk at all there's a huge amount of socialism in america for corporations for the corporate elite whether it's in the energy sector of the banking sector or of the housing sector is huge and that's how the housing sector the largest private land lord in the states is blackstone group so this is a huge private equity group and they own the biggest section of they've bought up on the cheap all the properties handed out by basically fannie mae and freddie mac. for them to take over during you know during and after the financial crisis they also have a majority of the a.t.f. market the exchange traded fund market which is just a rant a system of putting black rock in a position to scrape money away from pension funds in another land grab money
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grabbing way is completely unnecessary again he talks about it's not necessarily on paper absolute poverty because the america has on paper one of the highest income levels in the world is something like the fourth or fifth highest after several small european countries where the average american has a relatively high income that of a person an anomaly rich country only his income does not go very far most of it is not by attempting to afford the basics of life we've already seen how steep health care costs are but then there is education. there is transport there is interest and rent there is media and communications there is child care and elderly care all of these things reduced the average american to constantly living right at the edge of room one paycheck away from puny one emergency away from losing it all like even just the childcare thing for example you talk about france i have a girlfriend in france who had a child and she didn't have to work for like three years after and the state provided basically all sorts of access to child care from
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a few months old she could take it to the crash take the child to the crash and go look for work or go have time on her own my sister who had to return to work soon after having a child basically childcare costs were more than her income. what's that that seems like in st well i often hear the argument that well sure are in here they have the greater lifestyle and but the reason being they don't want to spend any money on their military because the us is your military protectorate but how stupid are americans to pay for europeans defense at the expense of having quality of life so most americans quality of life compared to most europeans is horrible and they're subsidizing european quality of life so if you're living in france era living awesome really great compared to the typical american life and thanks to the american taxpayer so. do i peer tanika lism gets in the way because it puritanical
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will say that while we are down with god you know our belief in god gives us the strength to subsidize the european lifestyle europeans have a great lifestyle but we've got god you know so is that really a fair exchange i would posit know well everybody has their own different. views on religion and what they want and maybe you know the monks live in and you know. hair shirts and they live totally basic lives and whatever but i want to talk about this article because he says that you know the basics of life the costs are soaring in the united states but incomes have collapsed at the same time so you have health care didn't used to cost half of the median income even a decade ago after all but now it does so what happens when in a decade or two health care costs all of the median income how can an economy let alone a society function that way so in a way i'm kind of curious like our. in north carolina obamacare costs went up forty
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four percent and then another like thirty percent last year the projected to go up another ten or twenty percent next year so in a way i'm kind of fascinated by this gruesome experiments it's kind of you know like really gruesome experiments of the past in history that we've seen as like how how gruesome will this get like how awful like what will we do to ourselves. as they would say in france look that up and you'll be appalled but you mention medicare as well and this is the health care system in france is kind of like the medicare system here in medicare you still have insurance the government basically provides insurance however and sets rates for things like m.r.i. and x. rays and things like that so you have to be pretty much have to be sixty five to get on to medicare some long term disabled are also put on to medicare quite early but the headline this week from the u.s. government remember the this is
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a body of people going to buy trump the republicans but medicare to go broke three years earlier than expected trustees say in twenty seventeen medicare covered fifty eight point four million people eighty five percent of them seniors at a cost of seven hundred ten point two billion dollars very poor also show that medicare is total cost will grow from three point seven percent of g.d.p. in two thousand and seventeen to five point eight percent by two thousand and thirty eight. so the year it's going to go bankrupt max yes twenty twenty six just when you qualify for this state run a fish and more efficient french like health care insurance policy that. i have thought that the devil you know i've been trying to stay one step ahead of the devil my whole life the american collapse that everyone a born after me unfortunately is going to be horribly. treated by the progressively surveillance. state and gulag casino the phrase that i used to go
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like to see this gentleman said that there's no new name for this rich new american poverty that's being invented i coined the phrase i call it the casino gulag yes that's a new lies seen as right so they're going to take my medicare away from a just in time so all the money i paid into it all these years is going to go up in smoke it went to the military it went to don rumsfeld which is the twenty trillion dollars that the pentagon lost under the rug so where they can't find it and so that's partly my money that they are using now to you know buy chateaus and so it's alone and have a great lifestyle in europe not in the front and but all america and finally trump orders immediate steps to boost coal nuclear power plants as a matter of national and economic security so president donald trump last week directed energy secretary rick perry to take immediate steps to bolster struggling coal fired a nuclear power plants to keep them open calling it a matter of national economic security so we've just said the basics of life and
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one of them of course you need energy you need heating or air conditioning or the lights on in your house and now because it costs more to provide electricity through coal or nuclear power then wind or solar or gas well now he's going to force us to take his buddy's coal provision well this is a great example of how capitalism a should and should not be played right so in capitalism is what are the losers now in this version of capitalism the winners are the legacy coal industry they're going to keep their jobs. despite the fact that there is solar energy that would create millions of new jobs and transform america into a legacy away from fossil fuels but those are the losers so the innovators or losers the new people who are going to get jobs are losers the people who are now in student debt are losers the legacy of coal guys are the winners the legacy oil guys are the winners the legacy old central bankers are the winners innovation youth dynamism the constitution the bill of rights these are the losers in this
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american this version of america i'm one we for the collapse i look forward to the end of america i give it thirty six months and then we'll see something new and that's the way it works thank god stating for the second half a lot more about what. you know world's big partners. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to be deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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