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tv   Cross Talk  RT  June 12, 2018 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT

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particularly the g c p o as an international agreement endorsed by a un resolution makes his watch mr trump and america's behavior with much pessimism for now we cannot be optimistic about their behavior and i think the north korean government should deal with this issue very carefully the united states is not the sort of country that anyone can trust as the iranians know quite well the j c p o a was an agreement that iran made many sacrifices for iran shut down much of its peaceful nuclear program a legitimate nuclear program so under these circumstances i think the iranians have a very good reason to be skeptical and the north koreans should be careful even the iran has very good relations with south korea more extensive relations but the united states is dangerous. it is just two days until the biggest sporting event of the year the twenty eight hundred fifty four world cup gets underway the germany england squad who are the latest arrivals in russia had of their first games on
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sunday and monday respectively meanwhile there is some concern coming out of the french camp after an injury scared touring one of their training sessions teenage sensation killian a limped of preparations with an ankle injury following a teammate he at liver tweeted that it was nothing serious let's hope it's not more positive news for team egypt though they're in the same group as russia remember star forward mohamed salah has returned to training head of schedule a dislocated. his he got just really right before the world cup and it was expected to miss it however he still unlikely to feature in their opening game against uruguay on friday. under very own r.t. host considered one of the very best minds in the game joe same opinion has been making his predictions last week he picked the countries to make it out of the group stage. he believes will be the last four standing.
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well case law is getting even harder portugal why of course the forests because of my heart's blood gets. rid itself much and then spain against russia distinguisher very unlikely the jewel because they must reveal. it from just a to me and then from this against nigeria and i would say. from this is going to win and the substance in australia. i'm going to leave because i cannot see or think this whole brazil mexico. i like.
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brazil team szymon these three and so when. you live again. in little poland's in the years in the corps or front in the bills and sin they will like it enough to continue the funnel to kind of do its. soul belgium's the. whole city and you feel all of this has to be here look at all this work we get built to be it's you know these are the spaces in jena was. the best team. against a good team. needs that's the sound i will for them. there is the real and some good. stuff but for me the man plays a role in the whole evening. and it's germany and germany is just so. one more thing the final for germany.
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because to south america. this is. germany. but the city. is getting really dishes from a canal you know. much expertise. miss it. will find out his champion in the coming days well for more all of the manchester united manager is predictions you can head to our team dot com and if you think you know better than that happy when you can challenge him just head to facebook or twitter and use the hutch to much. alone this year's tournament hasn't even begun yet fisher ready looking to the future with its member nations expected to vote on the host for the twenty twenty six world cup on
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wednesday artie's alexian are chef ski sums up what the two competing bids are offering. the joint u.s. mexico and canada bid to host the twenty twenty six world cup looks like a done deal at least on paper the north american bids sole rival morocco barely passed the features a valuation scoring two point seven overall against four say games and accommodation in morocco were considered high risk the african country would need to invest a whopping sixteen billion dollars into infrastructure to host that event and the projected revenue of the north american world cup is two times bigger. the twenty twenty six bid is well presented and strong in terms of government commitments but would need to build most of its tournament related and one to infrastructure the united twenty twenty six bid on the other hand has promising levels of infrastructure already in place and fully operational but there is one obstacle on
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the world cup's journey across the pond and its name is donald trump starting with purely practical things after all the us president introduced a travel ban for a number of arab countries yeah you probably will be gone by twenty twenty six but you never know. due to new entry regulations the currently being proposed in the united states in relation to citizens from certain countries there are significant risks to discrimination free entry to the country is also building a wall on the border with a country which is part of that bid mexico wait what trump also demands mexico pays for that wall occasionally getting a very hard no from the neighbors down south hardly the most cordial alliance ever . know mexico will never pay for a while not now not ever sincerely mexico all of us and then there's a personal aspect as well remember the famous or should i say infamous whole
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countries remark of the united states is. racist he really is the devil this is an actual quote from the actual president this is the gift that he decided to give the american people they're not all countries for one donald trump is their president. well technically those countries account for fifty four votes and that is more than half of the necessary hundred and four needed to win the bid hard to blame them if they decide to support morocco against the us and now add that to the football federations of the countries blacklisted by trump and when the us president tried to extinguish the blaze and secure the bid he might have made things even worse. the u.s. has put together a strong bid with canada and mexico for the twenty twenty six world cup it would be a shame if countries that we always support were lobbying against the us bit why
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should we be supporting these countries when they don't support us including at the united nations today's on the giani in frontino this rain is going through a massive reforms and one of them is that the decision on who gets the world cup will be made through an open public vote by all member associations it leaves one to wonder if trump had that in mind when he tried to bully the countries into a voting for the us alexy russia skee r.t. a literally twenty six world cup will be the biggest since the tournament began in one thousand thirty and will consist of forty eight teams sixteen more than the current format football consultant and former fifa communications director was gregorio earlier talk on break his expectations for the vote. is it easier to try and host this massive tournament in that place or does it make more sense to try and absolutely absolutely want to and this would be kind of your only factor in our
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the need to go to morocco already when you have one single country but different states it is very complicated and you can imagine if you have three different legal systems in all. it's for sure more more complicated than if you have one single country either the end of the money is talking and if you see the forecast is a more than fourteen billion u.s. dollars for four for the united bid and i think seven billion still enough but it's half for the more. i think that there will be the main reason for a lot of voters to go for united but no doubt there's also been some extreme lobbying going on from each of the big hopes of. dalton been trying to get the african nations on side morocco jumped out in front in that who do you think has the upper hand in terms of trying to wrestle votes or at least support or you just
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mentioned trump you know for me trump was the best campaigner for moral core and. i don't want to quote what he said the africans but i think. he was not very helpful let's put it like that for the united bit and it might be difficult for some countries to vote. for the united be it purely because of geopolitical reasons and because of the trumpet in his ration that will be for sure something negative for united but. just a reminder the opening match of the world cup where russia faces saudi arabia begins on thursday at moscow's luzhniki stadium and of course through the entire tournament we've got you covered. moving on there has been more discord in the german government over how to deal
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with migrants arriving in the country it's been reported that has rejected a comprehensive sixty three point plan put forward by her interior minister jus to a disagreement on asylum procedures talking me through it earlier peter all over. what we were expecting on tuesday was that horse and offer would deliver what is being called his migration master plan and then as of tuesday progressed we realized that wasn't going to happen the plan itself essential e even though it is hearing incredibly detail essentially means that germany would be able to turn away migrants out the border that should be the responsibility of another e.u. nation to look after seems very simple no that is not and that has caused a huge run in between angle of merkel. for the interior minister as we understand it at the moment the author is refusing to budge from his position on this but it
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comes at a time when the whole asylum process is very much under the microscope here in germany just last week a failed asylum was arrested in iraq after fleeing germany know he is the main suspect in the brutal rape and murder of a fourteen year old girl in the city of mind a lot of questions being asked over just why this person who'd failed in his our application for asylum was still in the country at the time of this of this fourteen year old girls killing now this isn't just a split that's in germany though over what to do over the migration policy it is an e.u. wide split in some sense we've seen italy come forward and say they weren't going to accept a a ship in the mediterranean that was full of migrants now that move was strongly criticized by the french prime minister. spain has indicated is ready to welcome the vote we happy to hear that and i tell you mr deputy that we obviously are ready
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to help the spanish authorities and examine the situation of those on the boat who wish to apply for refugee status. horse the author is trying to circle some allies across europe we've heard from the italian foreign ministry saying that. dini who's his opposite number in rome that they will be having meetings on immigration in the near future we also know that the austrian chancellor sebastiaan curtseys in berlin for meetings will also fit in a meeting on wednesday with smith with mr hoffa on this issue but this is where it comes to a point this isn't just a merkel the hoffer problem this is a germany e.u. problem as well because at the end of the month angle a merkel goes to brussels for the big summit where she's got to try and convince of the e.u. nations to get on board and show a united front in her migration overhaul that she wants to see even sweden and denmark and of neverland's entranced of their
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systems against. illegal migration so i think the german government has to do as well according to the majority open opinion among the european members. and zero for knows this very well and two years on their fall in that kind of search. in the end there will be a kind also of a compromise but. very strong influence of the of the or insist the party of the. city or. just a quick word on those pictures that popped up in the corner of your screen there are fireworks going on on russia day the day marks the independence from for the russian federation lots of fun going on around cities right across russia and moving on in a move that could see the u.k.'s exit from the e.u. speed up british m.p.'s have voted down an amendment that would have allowed the
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opera house of parliament to send negotiators back to brussels if they were unhappy with the terms of the deal it's being called a victory for the prime minister under government however the narrow margin of the vote against reason may may be pressed to make concessions on. the former. are in buying is no suspicion of having links from a school for reportedly using russian money it's believed the new campaign has been following a parliamentary inquiry into find our two bodies which dropped off inches. which this questioning was all product of the british government's fake news inquiry which was set up back in twenty seventeen really off the back of the trump russia allegations and politicians in the media here in the u.k. started asking the question could russia have had a hand in bragg's it and today it was arran banks's turn in the hot seat banks's a millionaire businessman who turned into
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a political jonah and he had funded the u.k. party here in the u.k. for a while and then he funded this big leave dot edu campaign so for a lot of people he's seen as sort of the the person that bankrolled brags and he's sort of styled him himself as the bad boy of brags that he even wrote a book with that name and over the weekend several newspapers splashed these big stories saying that he had quote repeated contact with russian officials in the run up to the referendum but arran banks once he was in that room with that committee today he really batted away those allegations and he was quite adversarial as well he pointed out that the committee was made up exclusively of politicians that had wanted to stay in the european union and he said things like parliament is actually the biggest source of state news in britain as for the industry the point is that you be the guardian boards. as we lead misleading headlong
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and then do you another. and say you're talking to believe well it's will be true but that is what happens is that they are the greatest page fifty. the form if they fit at the bottom of the website and they don't publicize the website so you said that you are you me if i share with you that we have see among us how to face these great many cases birds but the juicy bits of the herring were about the big scary russia story that as one of the parliamentary committee members referred to it we want to leave big scary russia. with fundamentally. it's a. good i get the point that you give those the best of the system and have a drink with you you get the sense that the very real is that the civil war i mean this relationship with for quite some time. what we what we were going to
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get we going to get the homes whole difficult month was from the beginning from the to the media really good use of the business what was the best with us from the depths of the bottom line according to our and banks is that he is the target of a witch hunt in the media it was a pretty combative meeting between the braggs it bankroller and the parliamentary committee and i have to say it was really sort of illustrated in the way that he ended up leaving that hearing today i'm just going to leave you to enjoy or quickness of it because nothing much the g.c. said is going to get into the need to do have been over what happened because of the. specificity of part of it because of the use of the minutes interview the way he wants to. preach is going to be great if it is good for business exists because
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you are with the people who just want to live with the mentality of meeting new people into a new. sort of atheist. and radio host john go on to list the media simply out to bust russia as well as undermining the u.k.'s vote to leave the european union when you see the headline here imagine that mr banks has been in moscow again and again and again he went to moscow once there's been three meetings when you actually read the details the story he is a very successful businessman some people say he's a millionaire i'm sure he meets lots of people i mean he was famously pictured outside the escalator to donald trump's apartment with knowledge of fraud he has many contacts this is another story where they're trying to bash russia but the democratic decision of seventeen point four million people who voted for brics it. you're tuned in to our to international and we thank you for doing so time nodal
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for the latest report marx and stacey have more than an eye on poverty inequality in the world's biggest economy it starts in moments. guys are welcome to the kaiser report to get the you know the public so much to cover and in just a few minutes to cover it so let's get into it stacy ranks you know we have an innovation economy don't we and in fact we're so innovative here that we actually
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have innovations in poverty you know where inventing new ways to be poor why america is the world's first poor rich country or how american collapse is made of a new kind of poverty consider the following statistics the average american can scrape together five hundred dollars for an emergency a third of americans can't afford food shelter and health care how to care for a family now cost twenty eight thousand about half of the median wage which is sixty thousand dollars and by themselves of course statistics a little but together these facts speak volumes the story they are being beginning to tell is this america it seems is becoming something like the world's first poor rich country i read that it's very interesting they get into this it's innovation on poverty it's a mix for elements later on in the article including what he called
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a certain pure tonic goal. radicalism that prevents people from. escaping a mindset of deterministic. pursuit of goals outside of a more community minded spirit that is also contributing to this new neo poverty invention of the american. geist did that make sense oh no it was there why oh oh. just checking yes yes it's been confirmed that made sense just to put into context this guy is a professor at i believe it's harvard his name is a mer hake he also lives in the u.s. and london europe you know so like us he's had the experience of that there is another alternative to how you run certain services and basic necessities of life
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how you provide those to the population whether it's most important being health care shelter education things like that so he's coming from actual experience of you know you can have a health care system that is not so violent and gruesome and abusive to the members of the health care system you can have it you don't need to have this outrageously expensive crazy system it's not necessary there's a way like germany to educate your population at a low cost to all and yet achieve great results and huge manufacturing capacity but yes the puritanical kind of background that you you must there's a certain sort of. germanic puritan his who of like you wanting to like abuse yourself for no reason and yet it's caused great distress american exceptionalism is a concept that doesn't really apply to america it's not exceptional in very many
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ways and that in many important ways not in the ways that you would look toward in a society that is healthy there's only one country in the world that deserves that kind of exceptional list moniker and that of course is france the french exceptionalism as well justified that's a jewel among this country but is it getting hungry just thinking of the show as elisa they know was a croissant. well this guy is. philosopher as well so she puts it she says america appears to be pioneering a new kind of poverty altogether one for which we do not yet have a name it is something like living at the knife's edge constantly being on the brink of ruin one small step away from catastrophe and disaster ever at the risk of falling through the cracks it is two components massive inflation for the basics of life coupled with crushing asymmetrical risk so that asymmetrical risk is in
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particular how he points out that risk basically has to been taken off the balance sheets of all the corporations and you see that reflected in the s. and p. stock prices and the banks' stock prices and values is they don't take any risk at all there's a huge amount of socialism in america for corporations for the corporate elite whether it's in the energy sector of the banking sector or of the housing sector is huge and that's how the housing sector the largest private land lord in the states is blackstone group so this is a huge private equity group and they own the biggest section of they've bought up on the cheap all the properties handed out by basically fannie mae and freddie mac. for them to take over during you know during and after the financial crisis they also have a majority of the a.t.f. market the exchange traded fund market which is just a rant a system of putting black rock in
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a position to scrape money away from pension funds in another land grab money grabbing way is completely unnecessary again he talks about it's not necessarily on paper absolute poverty because the america has on paper one of the highest income levels in the world is something like the fourth or fifth highest after several small european countries where the average american has a relatively high income that of a person an anomaly rich country only his income does not go very far most of it is not by attempting to afford the basics of life we've already seen how steep health care costs are but then there is education. there is transport there's interest and rent there is media and communications there is child care and elderly care all of these things reduce the average american to constantly living right at the edge of roone one paycheck away from puny one emergency away from losing it all like even just that child care thing for example you talk about france i have a girlfriend in france who had a child and she didn't have to work for like three years after and the state
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provided basically all sorts of access to child care from a few months old she could take it to the crash take the child to the crash and go look for work or go have time on her own my sister who had to return to work soon after having a child basically the childcare costs were more than her income. what's that that seems like insane well i often hear the argument that well sure in your they have the greater lifestyle and but reason being they don't want to spend any money on their military because the us are a military protectorate but how stupid are americans to pay for europeans defense at the expense of having quality of life so most americans quality of life compared to most europeans is horrible and they're subsidizing european quality of life so if you're living in france era living awesome really great compared to the typical
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american life and thanks to the american taxpayer so. do all i peer tanika lism gets in the way because it puritanical will say that while we are down with god you know our belief in god gives us the strength to subsidize the european lifestyle europeans have a great lifestyle but we've got god so it isn't really a fair exchange i would posit know well everybody has their own different. views on religion and what they want and maybe you know the monks live in and you know. hair shirts and they live totally basic lives and whatever but i want to talk about this article because he says that you know the basics of life the costs are soaring in the united states but incomes have collapsed at the same time so you have health care didn't used to cost half of the median income even a decade ago after all but now it does so what happens when in a decade or two health care costs all of the median income how can an economy let
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alone a society function that way so in a way i'm kind of curious like our. in north carolina obamacare costs went up forty four percent and then another like thirty percent last year the projected to go up another ten or twenty percent next year so in a way i'm kind of fascinated by this gruesome experiments it's kind of you know like really gruesome experiments of the past in history that we've seen as like how how gruesome will this get like how awful like what will we do to ourselves. as they would say in france look that up and you'll be appalled but you mention medicare as well and this is the health care system in france is kind of like the medicare system here in medicare you still have insurance the government basically provides insurance however and sets rates for things like m.r.i. and x. rays and things like that so you have to be pretty much have to be sixty five to get on to medicare some long term disabled are also put on to medicare quite early
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but the headline this week from the u.s. government remember the this is a body of people going to buy trump the republicans but medicare to go broke three years earlier than expected trustees say in twenty seventeen medicare covered fifty eight point four million people eighty five percent of them seniors at a cost of seven hundred ten point two billion dollars very poor also show that medicare is total cost will grow from three point seven percent of g.d.p. in two thousand and seventeen to five point eight percent by two thousand and thirty eight. so the year it's going to go bankrupt max yes twenty twenty six just when you qualify for this state run a fish and more efficient french like health care insurance policy that. i thought i just gave the devil you know i've been trying to stay one step ahead of the devil my whole life the american collapse that everyone aboard.


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