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tv   News  RT  June 13, 2018 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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world cup festivities kick off in moscow within the russian capital offering a cultural showcase for fans from across the world on the eve of the international football's biggest tournament. artie's a top london for the world cup manchester united manager. picks out who he thinks will be fighting it out for glory. he says of course it was. going to be. another news summons the french ambassador and demands an apology after emmanuel
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lambast the italian decision to turn away a migrant rescue book. by broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is our t.v. international i'm sean thomas certainly glad to have you with us now the two thousand eight hundred feet for world cup gets underway in a matter of hours following the opening ceremony hosts russia kick off the term in against saudi arabia the excitement is well and truly ramping up for global football's biggest event which billions are expected to watch and our own top flight squad is primed and ready to bring you the highlights of the next month.
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i think gentlemen good evening and welcome to. the world cup to our beautiful studio here right in the heart of moscow let me introduce my coach for our coverage of the championship of the next month peter schmeichel the great dane at very very safe pair of pants and a fantastic presenter but to say you're a safe burns in a studio as well as a few dusty for that and i just want to say there are two things i think that you're going to benefit from by changing into aussie during this challenging form we're going to bring you the expert punditry inside people inside the game play is now i just hate to say love jersey rain you know people who will know the things that you could never possibly have experienced the other thing is. just listen carefully apart from the clinking of being classes you can hear i think if you
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visit. some. in the background it's a wonderful scene wherever you're watching us from in the world i just want to get deep breath and just so caught up because that's what it's about it's it's a world cup and it's here and russia risen bracing it and i hope and i believe the fans are bracing it and it's something to enjoy doing things for pizza i think so and it's so nice that it's finally here we've been talking in preparing myself i've traveled around to all the eleven host cities i've seen all the stadiums i've been very excited about that but we're in a way where you know our studio here with the view over the curb and the red square there where the big sort of opening not officially open but there's a big concert that's a very the russian president will be the future press. i will be there i'm going to . catch up on that i believe need to stop you go girl i'm going to get it on his
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thing tomorrow we have to face again and it's just exactly what we've waited for this is much about this isn't it as well as just watching the football it's embrace of the host country and the culture it is i mean i'm we hear a lot of of the talk or the running into any every little cup. now we hear it's all about football i and the river and the forward to that and we can see thousand of football fans have already dealt with him russia you saw them before you can hear them are they taking in the whole state is before this opening game that we have tomorrow between my friends on your right now just have a look at this. thing i.
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know a lot of the last fill up on the net. well frankly i'm not sure if i should be making any noise right now but we'll look at what is going on behind the night one two well it's one of classical music and oprah and the other people football have come together to become one an unusual makes from the first glimpse but that's only the first glimpse of course the person behind me placid domingo is a massive real madrid front for example and you know the people watching him they're the best proof that football and classical music go together very. very well this is not the only event that must be high school for two football fans there is a light show going on on the walls of the bolshoi theater and in the other parts of
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mosco a fan center was opened it features a massive plasma screen so fans can gather together and cheer for their favorite team and of course on a way here we could see a lot of groups basically moscow city center is bustling with all the fans of the old people who have come to moscow to watch the main football events of the planets i don't see too many spanish fans down there now i know but that's because the spanish fans today might be a little bit upset passion pre-term a tournament because their countries football association decided this morning to sack the coach and that is two days before that huge game against portugal i got it we're all here because we had to dismiss the manager of the national team if they have provided no information to the royal spanish football federation we learned to only five minutes before the press conference i think it has to be a message to all employees of the rule spanish trouble federation that this is no
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way to act as a chairman of the president of the spanish football so if you've got really angry. it's all slighted yes he's shown he's only been a job his name is rubio yes if you want to put in a job for one month i mean simply he turned up this morning with a cold because he felt that the conscious being disloyal but he hadn't informed the football association and also a month ago on may this sudden thing he got elected on the promise to make the football federation of spain stronger so he's played with his muscles today but i think he's learned. the spanish team and he had always been a coach for the rock up he's landed them in with the payment given the multiple but you really want to have you know two days before you start the world cup i think if you're always being honest and if you haven't been set next tuesday. also in the press conference he probably said i slightly sold myself when i heard this news but he was much more diplomatic than he is a big question he's been experience and director of football college that everyone
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respects and in spain has been a player at the highest level since one everything there is to see to win maybe a maybe a part but he's been you know he's someone that the players will they will listen to but he's a different voice he's not the voice that they've been preparing with and this is where the tricky part comes in so the coach he's been looking at everything the player for months so. he knows exactly what he wants to do against portugal he's got his eleven names he knows he's prepared for that game and now someone else with different eyes is going to look at that game and maybe pick one or two other players with might. upset the rhythm yet and whatever anybody says. this is not how they would want to enter the competition is coming here they are the second favorites to win this welcome after the result of course most experts most pundits
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across the world they have the necessary favorites they could still do it but it cannot be it's going to be that if it more difficult i think the chances have been anything to do it this time the really good i think with a cherry on top now if you will see some magical pictures well funny first match of the children kicks off with russia taking on saudi arabia and while some are at this time i think you have one more good one let's see what josie moraine you have to say about the opening match today in. russia saudi arabia huge pressure for russia the day they start the world cup at home. and the world is watching them and this is the big chance to qualify is to be the saudi arabia that in spite of some talent is a nice team is. i'm from a different reality and russia has to win it.
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now maybe four legs are better than two when it comes to making predictions killie's the oracle can now i remember very well from the confederations cup spots on three tied down to fool with making predictions last year and the count was open for the russian flag over the food bowl for they certainly much patriotic out good to say it's also a cold save the russia will easily get out. to prove that it's not. patriots and it's german steel as his name to be used to mexico. and what will be interesting to see is these pictures come out the best the cat the sailor is more merino what are you going to say if the seal beats marine all of it finding a mark for most. of the world cup favorites sweeping right across russia and people are already thinking about the future lots of countries want to be in this position now and fee for members of voting for the host of the twenty twenty six competition
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. with the winner this year. than up this is. going. to be the first time this tournament has been paying the cost three countries like turkey for nations when they favor for a truce but while morocco parts of. the north america bit off as almost a ready made world cup experience with stadia already built or under construction the twenty twenty six competition will see forty eight teams sixteen more than the current format competing in a match. earlier we were joined here by water to good goriot he's a football consultant and former fee first communications director worked alongside . sepp blatter he told us why he thinks the north american bit swayed more voters. more rockets a fifth time that they're bidding for the for the world cup so i mean they played
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the motional card the presentation of the bit today they were saying. people go it to africa because africa gave a lot back even if it's true but maybe that was very smart because some of the people thought that these two were restive if he forced criticize in the past also in brazil that they're doing stadiums and then they have the so-called why the elephants you know i mean the u.s. they already already to do to host the world cup so there are a lot of reasons. the u.s. but what about the distances that. possibly needed the teams certainly the fans they have to travel fast enough have been a distance from canada to mexico what you know the. income. of the world cup twenty twenty two so just ahead of the twenty six world cup there will i think a distance of maximum promised so they will host the world cup basically and one
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city and i think after that the fans might be ready to travel home for the numbers of it all of this but i think. they will use the world cup experience also the three countries i think it's not it's not a negative factor right well let's just get a bit of reaction because after the announcement representatives from the three countries i'm speaking about they held a news conference and they were asked about their impressions of russia yesterday we spend a lot of time going through the different compounds of come for the races and all around the center of most school and i so. thousands of people going to the plaza and i saw something that. i was really excited all were mixed all were working on the streets all who were kind of a great family having fun mary give us
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a purchase i think one hundred ninety thousand tickets. hundred and ninety thousand get get get a lot of that that's a huge number of tickets for anyone who says that we don't have passion for football you're going to see a lot of americans around here over the next month huge crowds i've seen how he finding out and specify i think it's fantastic we're just looking here at the red square and so people really waiting and. it's a fantastic experience rove said it to many people working here for the first time it's easy to say when really in both the record but you have to enjoy that because it is a once a life changer for everybody i've seen people already know the only message on all the shirts so. hopefully. a fantastic event this year feature made it easier for fans to get access to the championship they introduced fan i.d.'s having what is essential and does have its perks they come with an
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insured visa free travel and free rides between the host cities so you can just imagine how many fans are heading to russia and some of them have started to come in rather unconventional style. our first time to be in the world cup. since twenty years ago i have the first match. with the pope or the way the first match but the other ticket had finished.
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we will drive the russian than the other car because it wouldn't be the same the joke is to try to rush a lot of. the russian car. no matter how far the team goes we will follow it in the car and so the longer the team stays the longer we drive and we were up for that we were excited. because if i'm seventy years old my track series eighty to use other transport
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would be too easy i'd learn nothing because the country car. the odor but we saw over the tree are very intensive on the roof of the drawing visit calling me taking photos to this is such a. traveling in style and hubert that he just still that well maybe he's closer to home he's now successfully arrived in moscow along with his canine companion and he was even met by a police patrol they didn't give him a ticket on when they were very friendly met him on the outskirts of the city and accompanied him police escort to his final destination but started his journey back in may and covered more than two thousand kilometers to get to russia.
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the trump kim summit in singapore was certainly rich when it comes to optics but what about the substance both leaders are clearly looking for a win the process has started there are plenty of obstacles ahead and no shortage of people whose worst nightmare might come true peace coming to the korean peninsula short term gains at the expense of the longer term growth south some of vesting in the future and products and employees you're taking all that future revenues if you're booking it today just like the man is buying back all the stuff in his own store yes he bought back all of us stuff in his store and he has a lot of revenue but now my store is empty and he has nothing to sell so the next quarter he says my sales are zero because i have nothing in the store to sell i bought it all myself so similarly with apple they'll buy back all their stock they
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want to bask in the future and when it comes time to report earnings in a year or two from now they'll have nothing to report. on. welcome back you are watching r t international let's take a look at other world news now italy has summoned the french ambassador after president criticised italy's decision to turn away a migrant rescue boat or to show dubinsky has a sore. this week a humanitarian vessel was denied the right to dock at a port on italy's island of sicily the rescue ship was carrying over six hundred migrants including many unaccompanied minors and pregnant women they had been rescued off the coast of libya but are now currently on route to the port of
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lengthier after spanish authorities said that they could dock there well the french president has been scathing in his attack of italy in regards to the situation describing the country's actions as being cynical and irresponsible italy is fierce at that criticism by france and is demanding an apology. the french ambassador has been summoned by a foreign minister who on behalf of the italian people will ask for an explanation for the insults directed not only against the government but also against a nation which is among the first in the world in terms of generosity solidarity and hospitality if the french or the humility to apologize the story will be closed and we will work in the interests of everyone this president has said took told a cabinet meeting that under maritime law it's dictated that in cases of distress those with the closest coastline have a responsibility to respond and in his view that was sicily but it has since
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emerged that leaders on the french island of corsica actually offered the vessel to dock there before they were criticized harshly by the central government in paris so some including italy suggesting that they some double standards when it comes to migrants and france they've also now asked france to take on nine thousand migrants from their own country. on the basis of the agreements a migrant reallocation from two thousand and fifteen friends committed itself to work in one thousand eight hundred sixty migrants and instead in three years they took six hundred forty so i asked president mccrone to move from just words to action and to morrow morning welcome the one thousand migrants france promised to welcome as a sign of concrete generosity and not just words. well a meeting on friday between the french and italian leaders did look to be in jeopardy is this war of words has been escalating but we understand that it will
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possibly still go ahead meanwhile a meeting between the italian finance minister who's due to come to paris to meet the french finance minister it was initially cancelled but that is said now to be back on these are tense times though between these e.u. neighbors and this is not a spat that is likely to blow over very easily. marcello or for friends of the french president's remarks or good damage relations with. nobody here can understand how president marker on one can blame the eternally being heavy unknown in money time in attitude when defers heavy got very close to the noncompetitive attitude is france so basically what this up is that the everybody's interests here in is that the fact is that the present in the current said that. having a very negative and provocative added to the soul instead of calming down the cries
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this is apparently excited celebrating it and this is something really worrying because the tension is very very high between growth rates. and president trump has repeated his call for russia to be invited back into the g seven saying that member states already spend so much time of their time talking about moscow you know we spent probably twenty five percent of our time talking about russia and said to myself would it be better if they were here now i'm not for russia i'm for the united states as an example. let me put who was sitting next to me to table instead of one of the others and we were having dinner the other night in canada. across live to our correspondent carol modern who is in new york with the latest kaleb tell us about this latest attempt by trying to bring moscow back into the g.
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eight. well let's remember that donald trump already made this call last week the g. seven summit happened and he called for russia to be reinstated to the group he said they should be able to rejoin the body and when he said that it sparked quite a conversation some people were agreeing with him others not let's take a review of what happened. as for the presence of russia in the g. eight we will see for sure italy was traditionally a supporter of the russian presence in the g. eight we have seen the line activity from russia in a whole variety of ways of course including on the streets of the u.k. so we need to see i think before any such conversations can take police russia needs to change its approach now let's recall that the reason russia was expelled from the body that this took place during the situation regarding crimea there was a referendum in crimea ninety seven percent of the people in crimea voted to leave
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ukraine and join with russia and it was in response to that that the g eight dropped dropped russia became the g. seven but now we have this proposal from trump trump is steadfastly calling for russia to be readmitted into the group and for the g. seven to once again become the g eight so people are wondering there is obviously difference of opinion of that within the group trump has one position but there are many who are opposed to him so people are keeping an eye on the situation but as of now trump seems pretty adamant that he wants russia involved in the g. eight writer to come up and force their keeping across the situation we know if the story develops we will be calling you. switching gears now londoners are holding a twenty four hour vigil to mark one year since the grenfell tower tragedy the deadly fire took the lives of seventy two people survivors and relatives will be
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gathering at the base of the tower on thursday at noon for one minute of silence there will also be church services throughout the british capital to remember the victims and ongoing government inquiry into the causes of the fire has been halted for the memorial events archies optionor times he spoke to lucy my sued the london representative of fire brigades union about the anniversary i speak to my members who went into that family the my friends the heartbroken about what happened they literally were having to make the choice between who they were going to save and who they had to leave behind the control workers who had to listen to people die on the other end of the phone you know these people did an amazing job there's an inquiry going on at the end of this inquiry we may get some answers we need to listen to the evidence we need to find out from the people on the scene from the victims from the firefighters from the emergency services what took place there's already at the moment that people a k. thing it contained you know it's you can feed it just walking around this area i
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mean on one site you know at least once a week almost every other day i'm on one side here and you walk around and this is failing in the community is it's is bubbling away there under the surface and everyone's having hope for this inquiry for this inquiry has to deliver those arms as it has to give justice to those seventy two people and if it doesn't. i think they have a lot of anger. over those for me i'll be back in about thirty three minutes with a full picture news stay with us. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murder i would prefer it be in the death just penalty. because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying there's just no really hasn't been that we hear even many of the times families want the death
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penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in saying. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. with the whole make this manufacture consent to step into the public well. when the ruling closest to protect themselves. with the final merry go round the certainly the one percent. in the middle of the room six. million more you don't need proof.
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just so. this is going first broadcast signal world from washington d.c. i'm far children thank you for being with us we've got a full lineup and we'll be talking for oil prices and reform of the euro few years leading up to a meeting at the end of the month and the u.s. federal reserve as we expected discussed yesterday on the program has increased the federal funds rate interest rates whack a quarter of a percent to two percent but first we pop star of the show right into a major. media and financial news surrounding the a.t.m. t. and time warner merger that was approved late yesterday judge richard leone of the u.s. district court here in washington approved the eighty five point four billion dollar merger between eighty and t.n. time warner handing a major defeat to the u.s.
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department of justice the decision allows the birth of a media giant with massive and little let the capacity in creation and distribution of content from sesame street to westworld the president also throws wide open the door to murder more murder media is that a moment when the corporate media landscape is already shifting rapidly and i trust lawyers from the justice department had demanded that both eighty and time warner divest certain assets before merging and sued when the parties barak the chief of the and i trust division now says the office is reviewing the decision in detail before deciding whether to ask for a stay or pursue appeals and here to help us delve more into the issue and what it might mean for consumers and margot's professorial lecture at american university and andre barlow of a partner at doyle barlow that's him and mozart welcome to both of you andre have to say one.


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