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tv   Boom Bust  RT  June 14, 2018 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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to imagine that i say things just to be controversial and you would not withstand the level of attacks of police harassment of detention of having my passport taken of social services being called on my children of my family being i'm to threat of having to jihad this plot to behead me in nov twenty seventh i don't believe you would withstand those levels of people trying to trying to silence you if you didn't believe what you said. this is rather trendy over the past few years to talk about the new world order fair enough the recent g seven combat in canada entrance decision to engage north korea for just two example pax americana is undergoing a significant transformation.
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welcome to the alexandria show from the wonderful regent's park or central mosque here in london after a month of fasting as ramadan twenty thousand approaches it sent in more than one hundred fifty thousand muslims well appreciated over this month and its celebrations are being planned we look at what it means and its importance to muslims around the world as we talk to international aid agency islamic relief largeness where i'm at and barrenness. we also turn to the issue islamophobia as tensions continue to mount since home secretary sided jabot escalated arrive with the most some kind of britain after he detected their call for an independent inquiry into allegations of islam a phobia within the conservative party and respect authority p.l.r. cheek there's also called a number ten to address this matter of grave concern but first over to alex with
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your tweets your messages and your e-mails. first up this week is a message for c n n bob who says i'm glad there are still civilized people like you are male alec baldwin do your best on the show to raise the tone and then a few messages about season shipbuilding bogan says should be resurrecting the glasgow shipyards and those at newcastle dempsey adds great show this week very interesting views and scottish shipbuilding after india once again become a world leader and more like bronson adds another great program discussing the park area shipbuilding in scotland and the u.k. with mixed messages from ministers and from a. tested me about the series we've done in shipbuilding is the absolute loyalty and commitment of the communities we refocused on those in belfast in the syphon on the clade to their ship of the tamil nation to keep them as part of the future but just part of our industrial heritage and finally this week from nelson care who
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says. look the wee bit cold today despite the be the last the award invest well i'll tell you what nelson no need for warm vested day and i biked it has been a who's at the we just part mosque a senior conservative peer who served as an advisor to former prime minister david cameron has written to theresa me back and calls for an inquiry into some of for be other than the party describing it as a matter of grave concern to the many muslim members and supporters of the party these claims are backed up by former tory chairperson bias y.c. he says it is a simmering anti muslim underbelly of islam the four bia within the party alex nice speaks to laci. welcome to the they're like stalin show you a bit the first conservative muslim member of the house of lords recently you've written to the prime minister expressing your consent about as lama phobia within the party what provoked you to do that. unfortunately i believe that islamophobia
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does exist now within the conservative party have tried to deal with the matter quietly by writing to the present prime minister to the previous prime minister as well as have spoken to the c.c. h.q. . but unfortunately we have not received the right reply and no positive action has been taken i believe that the party should accept that there is a problem let's come off his high horse of the denial and i feel first thing the party should do is to accept that there is a problem and that's then probably time we have an inquiry led by perhaps and it odd judge i think you see and not only interview parliament days but i also interviewed
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a member of the party from the ground because i think we need to establish the extent of the problem now. over the during the month of april you and me nineteen members of the conservative party were either expelled or suspended because of the unsavory remarks they made regarding the muslims last friday two conservative councillors were suspended because of the remarks we they made about the muslim it was a councillor in bonnet and a counsellor in suffolk so there is a problem and the answer is let's. examine it and then having examined it there to see what the solutions are i care about the party i'm not here to keep the party unnecessarily so it's not one of two instance you're talking about is you see a serious of instance which haven't been in your estimation properly tackled by the
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conservatives they have been tackled is like you know sort of saying to these people or other mean expelled or suspended as the prime minister or indeed the homesite three responded to your concerns directly my letter was sent last friday to the prime minister. then public only to the reason of then public on the it was prior to my letter there were a lot of articles in newspapers but so far i've had no response and them interview we passed the home say they seem to dismiss concerns from the muslim council of britain similar concerns to use it were you surprised to see such a dismissive attitude to what you believe is a real problem i'm not here to criticize the home sector these i'm listening like me but i think let's be realistic about it and i feel that let us then look at the issue look at the problem and find the answers you've been joined in your criticism
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by by the way it's vastly a form of sheer off the yes. do you not believe. given that i think that of perhaps just a dozen members lives a lot given the significance of you being the first muslim appointed priceless by the party you would expect to see a reaction to the statement at the highest level while legacy of how the prime minister responds responses to my what i have said of it because active participation by the chairman of the party and i take it really that's what he needs he needs to keep. it needs the out so support from the association of various constituencies up and down the country you think of as a parlor that you see in terms of the party's unwillingness as yet. and what happened with the anti semitism complaints from the labor party where they seem to
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take the labor party a long time to get to grips with the issue are you frightened at the conservative party want the same experience over islamophobia i don't be against any form of discrimination i am patron of six organizations because i actively participate in interfaith dialogue i believe that there must be harmony with all the community is reaching the end of a ramadan give a message for the muslim community worldwide i like the month of ramadan it enables me to display in myself is not very easy to fast in this country during the month of may and june but denying the food is good for the mind and good for the body fasting is one of the pillars of islam now we would be celebrating eat depending on the food sighting of the moon is a great occasion is
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a cajun and families get together and they go to the mosque and say their prayers and they're hugging each other they're hugging each other because they are very very happy so i would like to wish all you have yours and don't forget there are over a billion muslims in this country in central asia and russia even though a lot of muslims even at one time desire actually told to becoming a muslim i don't know whether you know the story but he said we don't know when you found out that drinking alcohol is prohibited there's changes my decided to remain a christian so alike to everybody in every part. this global world of ours i enjoy your fasting i mean enjoy good for the mind and of course enjoy the festival of eid so i like to wish everybody happy ramadan ramadan will be fired and of course happy even fit that when the asika thank you very much thank you so much
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world shape of over fifty years has been entered by a nice person who was the first female moose a member of the house of parliament. find a sit in welcome to alex i'm sure it's lovely to have you on now you are the first woman muslim appear in the house of lords and it's been twenty years i think center for center the house of lords what's it like. thank you very much is a real you know a real pleasure to be here real good to see you if you'd asked me twenty years ago i think i would probably say exactly the same thing. it's a great platform for myself as an activist it's a great platform for continuing the work that i did for twenty years before i came into the house of lords but it's been challenging from day one it's about a sit in you speak of challenges and of course you must mean that as a women and also as a muslim and parliament when you talk about that what you mean i think the challenges various aspects of the challenges have increased or have taken different
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shape over the years i think the very first time i came in i was the first i think youngest woman to have a baby so like the very first day i came in i hadn't seen my eight month old son for nearly twelve hours you remember the house used to sit very very long hours and i and my husband and my family brought him in to see me just for a few minutes and whilst i did my mother leave you tea and fed him in the women's room it was in those days used to be called a mushroom low behold i appear not to mention any newspapers that you know so i think it was a are rising and i appeared saying what on earth is this woman has to offer to parliament so i think that pretty much set the tone and i think that you know muslim women like us who have opinions who rooted in the community who live for islamophobia you know long before it was also racism in every name in whichever
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dies it has appeared i've been an advocate against. the war against iraq both myself and. jeremy we. you were in the front you know and the mob so all those thing all the combination makes it very difficult that assists in this feeling this almost incumbent upon the women just to keep going yes but it doesn't mean to say it's difficult when you have moments when you wonder why you're doing all of this why you feel like you're fighting the world sometimes to no avail well i don't want to say that what are the choices best sopped a handful of us in the public arena i need labor party whose record is outstanding on empowerment of women really in the political process has been desperately miserable in all parts of the houses if you know within the political system it hasn't enabled you know muslim women to get selected and seventy you know we're all
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appointed this the easiest thing in the world to do but there hasn't been one more muslim woman added on our benches and i think at the moment tories have more muslim women then on up into senate i think in absolute tragedy and i still feel really sad about you know my political party that i have devoted my entire adult life since the age of sixteen that conned see itself to be as equal as it you know advocates for others i suppose whatever their view now might be having more women and that i mean it isn't just good for women it is good for society as a whole i think this is something we need to make more clear to people his the lack of understanding in that respect i think it's a must i mean surely we become i mean you seem credulous really that we would ask anyone to accept as a political system with credibility if we don't have women i mean it just is just belies any belief i can't wait for my granddaughter to have generations to be
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frustrated as i am today with a country essentially as a muslim woman i think britain you will know this you've traveled like i have been to so many. many parts of the world it's one of the best places to be a muslim woman but not in the political platform not in the political arena not in the private sector not in any of the decision making places where decision gets made about our lives very very inspiring brightness it and you must inspire a lot of young women to come into the place as we did and i want to preach about ramadan because we are in shell almost at the end of it of course i spend most of my time in scotland so are faster at least an hour longer than in london about quarter past ten but your thoughts and feelings about the that have you enjoyed as much as i have yes karim to everyone from other mubarak and. even mubarak if the this comes before and i wish everyone well please remember us and
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our family in your prayers and we should also say that amongst those non muslims amongst us of which there are many i find a real sense of understanding and respect for the fact that we are not eating and drinking people would eat and drink in front of us and i think that is part of that of our society yes and we should we should celebrate as we celebrate the opening of our fast i want to i have to say this that i have definitely witness many many more men and women asking about ramadan and what it's like and as a result it makes the twelve hours fifteen hours eighteen hours much more you are you aware of all. the time you know when it comes wishing you or your family your loved ones are very happy even barack to you and all your viewers thank you so much .


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