tv News RT June 15, 2018 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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what denuclearization would be it's not clear how we would ever get there and it's frankly looks like a. gaudy photo op but all of the difficulty tales lie ahead we surprise that we're happy that the g. seven summit. yes and no i mean this is donald trump as a human wrecking ball that's that's been his style and it's certainly. you know look at work for him. on the twenty sixth floor of trump tower it worked for him in the campaign i don't think it serves him well as president and again to go back to my area of expertise i just think that donald trump desperately needs his own version chief of staff of a james a baker the third somebody who can walk into the oval office close the door and tell him hard truths and one of those truths would be these are our closest
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allies this does you no good whatsoever. you know hold your hold your fire instead of attacking justin trudeau in a fit of pique on air force one. to say what you can only performance and chief of staff in the past what do you make of the new york times report that he's called the white house a miserable place to work. well i guess we should take his word at it for it you know remember when he said that taking the job might have been god's punishment. leon panetta told him to go out and buy a big bottle of scotch right at the beginning it's a thankless tough twenty four seven job even in the best of circumstances this is a difficult challenge for any chief of staff in fairness to kelly but i do think he's failed not only to manage up with donald trump but to some extent he's failed
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to manage down you know in a in a functioning white house with an empowered white house chief of staff who really acts as an honest broker people within the west wing feel that their voices are heard they feel that they're there they're vested they're invested in decision making and you have an happier shop. stay right there we'll have more politicking right after this break.
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and no the whole lot of congo the kids think compensate oh boy tonight nobody on the ball and people know who come up and they can. go and. get the kind of quick. nor. was it i didn't. mention the to move this bit of understanding to the local university in so. doing must be. does not suffer because of the cause it is a constant visit with us. a million. politicking i'm talking to chris whipple general stone author of the new york times bestseller
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the gate keepers how the white house she said every presidency which is now by the way out in paperback the turnover in this white house is among the highest in modern history the former chief strategist steve benen says this is how trump governs in this is his super power drama action emotional power. how do you like to that you know it through and it works it works in the campaign and maybe it worked on the twenty sixth floor of trump tower as i've suggested before it doesn't work in the white house you can't really run the white house effectively without empowering a white house chief of staff to execute your agenda and tell you most importantly tell you what you don't want to hear donald trump has failed to do that even though general kelley by all accounts has made the trains run on time and made the white house more efficient i still would say that donald trump desperately needs someone
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like a leon panetta or a jim baker who can walk into the oval office close the door and tell him hard truths and there's no evidence so far that trump has wanted someone like that around how long will john kelly be around will he be here through the midterms. that's a great question larry i don't have a crystal ball i think this is kind of like a bad marriage where the two where the partners have agreed to kind of muddle through for a while hard to know how long it would last i think donald trump would benefit from having new blood in that position and so i think he could use a new chief of staff. but so far i think trump is willing to muddle through i'm not sure that he has anybody else in mind and not easy to find another jim baker or leon panetta to step into that role someone you direct command. i can't give you a name larry because it's as i say those guys are few and far between so it's hard
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to imagine but i think that he needs to find somebody as i've said before who is grounded who's comfortable in his own skin who's been around the block and who can tell him hard truths and that's that's a tall order. chris whipple always great talking with you thanks for your time today great to be on with you larry while president trump and his team face many questions a home whether he gave away too much in return for way too little at the singapore summit north korea's state media touted conjunctions success in his dealings with america who's the real winner or loser and what happens next with north korea's nuclear arsenal few people know the so-called hermit kingdom better than our next guest old friend compatriot michael general oyo senior fellow at the u.s. china institute at the university is something california former c.n.n.
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senior asia correspondent and the author of meltdown the inside story of the north korean nuclear crisis mike has visited north korea seventeen times and d.d.b. on the us at c.n.n. i'd be in washington or l.a. and mike would be in north korea those were great days weren't they mike allen on time ago but there are three issue hasn't gone away when was the last time you were there i was there about forty five years ago all right what's your assessment of what happened in singapore. i think north korean leader kim jong un had a very good summit he got a lot and gave away very little the north koreans have been looking for decades for their leader to get an equal base to face meeting with president of the united states. nor kim jong un's father kim jong il wanted that and didn't get it and his
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grandfather kim il sung whom i met three times when i was working for c.n.n. wanted him didn't get it so this is huge for north korea it gives kim jong un face legitimacy equal stature the president of the united states and he got all that without actually taking any serious concrete steps to give up his nuclear arsenal so i'd say he's the big winner and enormous questions remain now about whether the north koreans are going to do anything in return for what they got from president drop but on wednesday the president tweeted there is no longer a nuclear threat from north korea well i personally think that's absolutely not true the north korean still have a significant new nuclear arsenal they are still producing fissile material of weapons grade plutonium and uranium they still have short range medium range and long range missiles to the extent that the u.s.
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and north korea are being friendly or the odds of north korea using that against the united states go down but the reality is they have will that if the american goal has been to try to get rid of it we're in concrete terms not any closer. what do you make of freezing the regular military exercises how long the republic of korea forces and that's viewed as a major concession to north korea how they're going to read that in south korea. i think the south koreans are very perplexed by this because president truong made that announcement apparently without consulting the south korean government or as far as i can tell without consulting his own secretary of defense the dynamic in this summit frankly as someone who's followed the korea issue for a long time was really strange because the drug administration went into the summit saying they were looking for north korea to agree to c.v. id complete verifiable and irreversible dismantlement of its nuclear program and of
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course last year president jiang threatened to go to war if the north didn't take steps in that direction but the statement that they came out with was very bland the north koreans agreed to less robust steps than they had agreed in earlier agreements with the united states and then president trump unilaterally offered this concession which the north koreans have been angling for for years and as far as i can tell so far he hasn't gotten anything in return. ok what is the i'm begging you know one of the specialists on this on china and all of us i think the chinese have to be absolutely thrilled with what's going on first of all they don't want to see conflict on the korean peninsula and i do think in fairness to president jiang for all the questions about where this process is going to go it's far better that the discussion be about how the u.s. and north korea can get along than about whether the u.s. and north korea are going to go to war so the chinese are pleased that the level of
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tension is has been reduced but also when the american president says he's going to scale back u.s. south korean joint military exercises and suggested that he could put on the table for future negotiation the whole presence in south korea of american military forces the chinese have been dying to see a reduction in the u.s. military presence in northeast asia because that simply weakens the american strategic position in the far east and the result is that china is strengthened so i think beijing has to be thrilled is there any risk that kim jong un could lose his leadership on a do you have any idea if there are factions in north korea against him. people have been trying to figure out the internal dynamics in the north korea for a long time and there's been endless amounts of speculation my own sense is that kim jong un although he was quite young when he took power after his father died in
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two thousand and eleven has proved himself to be a pretty ruthless operator he had his uncle executed he had his half brother executed he's had lots of other people either executed or removed from power so i think his position is quite strong and what he's gained domestically from this summit if you look at the way the north korean press has played the meeting i think boosts him immeasurably i think one of the most intriguing questions now is whether or not with a significant shift in the whole tenor of relations with the united states is kim jong un going to show that he really is serious not only about reducing north korea's nuclear arsenal but now trying to implement some change in north korea he's he's talked about wanting more foreign investment there are more elements of a market economy he certainly in his own behavior tried to become more normal international figure meeting foreign leaders. less like the hermit kingdom we've
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seen so that's going to be really intriguing question we don't know the answer but it's not impossible that he could turn out to be an important figure for change he's got to run that country for that he's only ans early thirty's he could live fifty more years and i don't know that he wants his legacy to be an impoverished. train wreck of the country when he might be able to turn it into a more prosperous place as we've seen in many other countries in asia like south korea japan hong kong taiwan singapore my guess and when london was in reaction there until somebody. well i think the general reaction in the west is astonishment that it happened. a certain degree of relief that the u.s. and north korea have moved away from war but enormous skepticism about where this goes if you look at the british media coverage or international media coverage as
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well as an american media coverage and the comments in almost every serious north korea watcher the sense is that kim jong un got a lot and president trump didn't get much the question now is whether this opens the door for something significant to happen in the future you know the north koreans have always said they said this to me and my visits there their ultimate goal was a fundamental change in the political relationship between north korea and the united states an end to years of enmity and hostility and for north korea that so he's been the precondition to do anything on the issues that the u.s. cared about like nukes and missiles so if they're getting that the question is will they now take some serious steps as the administration keeps saying insisting they believe north korea will or will a north koreans do what they've often done in the past because pocket concessions and put their hand out and ask for more with while giving very little that's a big question mark mike the president on wednesday put out this tweet so
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funny to watch the fake news especially n.b.c. and c.n.n. they're fighting hard to downplay the deal with north korea five hundred days ago they would have begged for this deal when it looked like war was going to break out on country's biggest enemy is the fake news so easily promulgated by fools. you were to be one of those networks so did i what do you make of that tweet i think it's very frightening that the president of united states should meet with a dictator of one of the world's most repressive countries with one of its most appalling human rights records and a nuclear arsenal and a long track record of issuing explicit threats to nuke the united states and come out of that meeting and say that the media is the biggest threat to the united states is frightening i think it's reflective of all the things that make donald trump in my view such a dangerous figure the basic values of democracy like
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a free press don't seem to count with him and it's interesting that he seems more comfortable with a dictator like kim jong un then with a stencil allies like the prime minister of canada or the prime minister of germany . mike great talking to you hope to see again soon thanks for being with us ok take care mike chinoy senior fellow at the u.s. china institute at the university of southern california thanks you for joining me on this edition of politicking member you can join the conversation on my facebook page or tweet me at kings things and don't forget to use the politicking hash tag and that's all for this edition of politicking.
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from an anonymous. and twenty fifty. over me in the t.v. reality h.q. in moscow mine is calling braves two pm here this friday the fifteenth of june starting off the boy water starts to the twenty eighteen world cup a glorious start for host russia the five nil thrashing of saudi arabia in the opening match electrified supporters across the country and set the stage for the rest of the tournament the now the focus shifts to the southern resort city of sochi and one of the most anticipated matches of the championship portugal against spain.
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well cup started with a grand opening ceremony where british pop star robbie williams performed those top player now there was the old russian boy who first take all the greeks and why you must. look at that i love. that it's just so friendly and welcoming and i mean it's as good as we were hoping that he'd be in the house have russian hackers have to yet not yet. but you're expecting it.
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will pop in there like i'm not going to delay that. with a lot. of good luck with a lot of you come up with this is not the law. i am the world cup spirit even reached the u.n. security council in new york with diplomat showing up at the headquarters in the city wearing their respective national team kit they posed for photos and even had an impromptu kick about with the secretary general and turn your head as acting as referee i should expect. this were that to watch the opening ceremony in the game between russia and saudi arabia. a fetus. the navy seventy thousand people came to the fan zone in moscow on thursday to watch the opening ceremony and the match that ended with more than a convincing victory for russia the leaders of the two countries were in the v.i.p. books in the stadium for the game now perhaps you want to guess from these pictures coming up while they were talking about as russian school started to climb.
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a little way the saudis believe me came with me now to talk about it is that peter schmeichel film and i mean i tell people and also money and i could manage it jason really i think it's safe to say sniff a sinking fast but this is exactly what russia needed it's going to do so much good for for the holiday and it's for the atmosphere around the russian team i mean i've been traveling around russian off six months and it's very little positive i've heard about the team they have now won five of those and they've convinced people that they can actually play football and compete at this level and i hope the russians are not like the portuguese because for us the distance between super optimistic and pessimistic is very strong and i think that they didn't have reasons for be so pessimistic but now i'm a bit like like people say it's nice because of course is a great result of course maybe one volt becomes crucial when all's for egypt and russia to finish with four points which is very possible to happen.
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but the tournament second match is a heavyweight clash between spain and portugal that's taking place in sochi. and friday i mean yeah it was a hit and it clearly was you know and he made a prediction saying about portugal against spain this is what he said. portugal in spain no freshman at all because they know that both are going to
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qualify so i can imagine a fantastic match between dupion champion. researchers say probably the best team at the time i wouldn't be surprised with any result at all i think portugal can win against spain asking spain of course they can win again portugal and the draw will be more than a normal result i think they are. two very good teams spain probably a better team than us. solutions better swards. proportionally quite a solid team i think better than the team that one day you will want that and to young players in the team. so i think probably the group phase one of the best matches if we can because i would have mark bosnich and sports pundit and former goalkeeper for stride to tell us how he sees his team's chances for the tony we had a difficult qualifying campaign we had to get through the playoffs we played syria
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in a playoff and basically syria hit the post in the last minute if they had scored that goal they would have went through then we played on their wrist and beat them quite convincingly then the manager resigned. before he resigned just out of the blue. stepped in he's only had the team maybe for three months in total he's had a camp with them in turkey look it's going to be a very very difficult opening against france that we saw in two thousand and six the same got to last sixteen australia's best record ever in two thousand and ten they got knocked out of the first round but they had the same points as two thousand and six only difference being the goal difference i've been in game two thousand and six we won three one i've been in game two thousand and ten against every loss for neil so this game against france is going to be. absolutely everything for us we're going to have to leave it there are very much i think you know to somebody else just to give you an idea how big these guys are. i was on a box. thanks wolf. we also talked with some other former football superstar sort of party that wrapped up on the first day
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of the tournament. it was a big game and a very good victory for rush on earth so quick to start to turn on a it was amazing the way the crowd was responding to the game amazing well done i think that russia deserved to win and i'm happy for the russians i think it's beautiful for the world cup everybody happy a great great start our last football so this is good football out of goals and a joy specially also with all the people here in russia definitely i would like russia to go as far as possible because all the time difficult the first game you see so they went through they have won and now having their chance if their window second game against a.g. to potentially be quite if i straight away the opening match was also a very special moment for one russian go we want to introduce you to angelina kind of an athlete with down syndrome who is the one who got to flip the coin for the start of the first match is a story. from
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