tv News RT June 15, 2018 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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understand how to first amendment actually works in this country are they that hypocritical but in their palace walls in atlanta new york city they are that hypocritical and they are the poster children this is a fascinating question number one i.m.h.o. that's what the kids call it in my humble opinion i don't believe anybody's press credentials should ever be taken away i want to hear affray think let the public decide number two. my dear friend you made one mistake that's not the mainstream media anymore this is the faint streaming we're doing right now this is that they are in an existential threat for their life but you know when pharaoh came along and all of us sunday turned on our d. and don't remember the reason why this started initially everything in view of today's idea report was hillary clinton i mean this is where all this started but that's for a different issue what people do it's funny how they get very selective with their
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rights and by the way we are not a democracy where constitutional republic we all know that but it's funny how people especially because this is a take away his right to speak i believe there is nothing better no greater example of the glory of our grand republic and the first amendment the disks that their turn to kim jong un and say you got one of these people you know mr owen i've never been one for dictatorship but you know just once i'd make an exception for that guy but this is our country this is what it is he kidding yeah let me and you and that's the way it is so there's something tyrell strangely beautiful about this juventus and squatting from this petulant. person with with a younger issues yes. you know it's really is and when i look at all of this i agree with you ana with the more voices the better and ultimately what our job
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should be doing is not throwing stones at each other as news organizations calling out when we do wrong of course but what we need to be doing is all getting together to better educate the public on how to read and digest news and to make the right decisions and be an informed electorate some thank you always having me on always a pleasure to have you on line i'll take care so i know of one on radio thank you sir. all right as we go to break log watchers don't forget to let us know what you think about topics we've covered on facebook and twitter and see our poll shows that r t v dot com coming up our own sean stone brings us a startling look at the foods we are consuming as he talks with one of the filmmakers behind the new documentary eating you will why you want to miss this state of watching the hawks.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest on the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. yes. kid a. little bit going on in kim's illness redoes should i'm concerned you've been talking to her the whole joking there on the christening i'm done with will soon enough other equal distance as i moved away closer stance me if i can manage and
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own laws because i don't need then suddenly i'm doing the deal with that devotional putting in as a sign as a suit i started as it all took the sitting on. my thumb to the kid same compensate oh boy tonight but it was simple enough to come up because. it's not. going to. get the kind of. nuclear on which i'd written on a good show about the movies because of i'm listening to michael going to be a good show for her still so often when the stuff. she.
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does not so much of it feels like it is a constant because if you must say i'm a huge so. you are what you eat arc watchers well that's saying maybe old the meeting couldn't be more true and timely yes that baloney one in there with about one hundred first names in a million preservatives that one yet this afternoon is now you or at least a part of you along with all the potato chips fast foods and factory farmed meat and pesticide covered greens that you would decide to put your body we are what we eat and we are eating many and what we're eating many experts now believe is dangerous to our health and possibly responsible for the epidemic of chronic health
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conditions across the united states and around the world this is the heart of a new documentary entitled eating you alive which takes a scientific look at the reasons we are so sick who's responsible and how we can win back our bodies from a dangerous diet sean stone recently sat down with marilee jacobs one of the producers of the film to discuss just what is eating us alive. thanks for joining me today i want to start by asking about your new documentary eating you alive tell us what is the purpose of this documentary. well sun really appreciate you having me on the documentary was actually born out of our own experience our own journey our production team was introduced to the information around a whole food plant based lifestyle and it all of the benefits that it touted and we were intrigued and disbelieving but thought why not just give it
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a go you know you never did sound like there was any downside to it so or any negative side effects so we thought that we would try and actually follow can avert the director and my business partner he was the one that initially said you know i really like to try this but i don't cook which of you willing to help support me and that you know in that way and i love to cook and sound like sure you know my family on my side could benefit from this little experiments and then when we heard when we mentioned it to the rest of the production team they said well why don't we all just do it together so we did and we all experience such transformational change and results that we were questioning why didn't everybody know this it seems like the answer and i know a lot of people would you know take issue with that and want to argue that point but in our own journey in our experience in our observation of others there really is no other way to achieve the kind of results that we're seeing with medications
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and procedures and that type of thing it really is just about food. food yeah and so the what you're addressing though is chronic illness and that's i mean the sense that we're seeing with americans is an overall inflammation problem an issue of bloating and that's why there's so much obesity in united states and the numbers seem to have a chronic heart issues and other diseases that seem to really be deriving from an essential information right. yes even really and just to go even more basic than that it's you you have the total body breakdown you know if it's the car engine doesn't have the oil and the fuel that it needs and a lot to think it won't run and at a very basic level that's our body if it's not being fueled with the things that it needs on the cellular level to operate function properly then it breaks down and disease is the exhibition that breaks down. so essentially when you approached you know this is this documentary. and you're basically saying look we're going to
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approach it really as from a perspective of a plant based diet like what was the actual like was there an experimentation process was there any kind of experimental application that you that to portray for example i know some documentaries they've shown the guy that went to mcdonald's right and he ate meat balance for a month basically in his whole body fails so what was the sort of experimentation or proof that you had with this documentary and well first of all it started with their own experience you know we we dove all in whole foods plant based whole foods no added oils no highly processed or refined foods like sugars or flowers. and just seeing the changes in our whole team that was one side of the experiment so then we started looking for stories and people who would experience the same thing because we didn't really want to make the film about us were more behind the camera people than we are on camera people and so we really wanted to tell our story but tell it
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through the stories of hundreds of others so we interviewed approximately about one hundred five folks across the country on the majority of them absolutely war physicians you know honestly physicians who had not only to treat their patients with this protocol primarily and then use you know procedures and medications is the follow on it if it's needed but suspicions who were experiencing chronic disease themselves and were. suffering from the results of that and once they went down the staff healed themselves reversed their condition not only treated and came to kind of a maintain the maintenance but a reversing the damage that had been caused which then moves into prevention of getting the damages to begin with in the first place so preventing chronic disease are no goal is part of the goal so this whole comprehensive message we wanted to tell to enable others everybody you know the masses the world around as to how
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you can not only treat but reverse and prevent all of the chronic diseases that are really the top killers more than any terrorist activities more than guns more than you know just anything that you want to think of that we start mindful of the statistics you know or this this in this are only killers chronic disease is our number one top killer more than any of those things combined wars and all of that so it seems like we should be addressing this and yet we're not so this film and i really look at that and hence the public to say you don't have to wait for somebody else to to help you with this this is within your power your control you take the steps you can actually reverse your disease and live a much healthier you know vibrant life and be economically free you know financially free from the burden of debt that surrounds health care and pharmaceuticals and all the rest of it of course and strikes me that
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a lot of the problem stems with our education system and the government itself is basically offering this food pyramid that every kid sees right and everyone knows that food pyramid with like the base staple is the breads and the grains and then you have you know like i have five helpings of fruit and vegetables as though like for investable to mix together one obviously is much more sugary than the other and and then you know your portion of meat and so essentially it seems to me that you're putting that on its head in a law or in a in a way and. it's largely combating to me the major industries that have promoted this dietary lifestyle for so long which is you know industry is basically behind cows and dairy right everyone should drink milk and you should be you know you should basically eat your corn which is you know a lot of having a lot of corn syrup in our things because obviously there's subsidies going to the the corn growers and really it's a small farmers anymore it's big agro big you know about agriculture big industry so what do you see really driving this overall narrative that we've grown up with about how we're supposed to eat. you know and i think it's in part
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a i wouldn't say that it's all it can be conspiracy you know to start with that people have ill intent or evil intent and so that's how this all grew i think tool to a large degree it's ignorance ignorance to begin with i think there's enough science out there to prove that what we're talking about is viable and truth and can change things in a radical fashion but now we step into the conspiracy because now there are financial benefits to the way things are. the pharmaceutical industry probably would cease to exist at the level that it does were it to everyone take this step and take control of their health and there would be no need for these chronic disease drugs that are really what supporting the pharmaceutical industry to its success at this stage of the game and then obviously when you talk about the again take so the heat from the dairy and the chicken and you know animal agriculture and
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then all the grains that are grown to feed the animals not necessarily just the humans but to feed the animals and then the by products that come out of the use of those grains it's like what we've got it's grains what other byproducts won't get out of them like the corn syrup that can be utilized which is incredibly damaging because we were never meant to eat it in that fashion. so so then we get. the conspiracy because now somebody there's a profit to be made so they want to protect their interests and i think that combined ignorance then with you know motives and you just have an all around the precipice for disaster so i think it comes back to the power of the people in all honesty we can expect really government and we've seen i think at this point we've abdicated our power to governments and then we expect governments to you know turn
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around and take really good care of us and that i think it's a it's a false belief you know that revolutions and anything major that ever changed in our world in our world history things that impacted the change came from just people the common people who decided that they had enough and they wanted to take back the power and i think our health care industry and and our chronic disease burden all of that is coming back to the very same philosophy if you want change you're going to have to take the steps to make it you can't say i want change oh and by the way you need to start initiating policies and lobbying for this and that and the other thing so that i can experience that change it can't be that way you have to be intentional you have to be responsible and you have to be passionate about wanting it and driving for that change for yourself and once all that power comes together from the common people's heart demand these changes then the
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industry follows along government follows along you know it all comes later but it has to start with the give us. the yearly warming of the ocean surface in parts of the pacific ocean is known as el nino southern oscillation can upset ecosystems dramatically in tropical and subtropical climate which is why nasa is use of something called ally da are lighter could be the key to saving the amazonian rain forests light or light detection and ranging technology creates a digital reconstruction of not just the top layer of the forest canopy but deep into it three flights over the forest with leider using three hundred thousand laser pulses per second in two thousand and thirteen two thousand and fourteen and twenty sixteen allowed scientists to see exactly how the delayed rainy season and
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hotter temperatures caused by al nino. nasa found that the mortality of trees in their branches was upwards of sixty five percent higher in years and el nino was active all because of stress and we're seeing it in rainforests around the world you have to remember hawk watchers everything we do affects nature and as we hurt the environment through pollution we are affecting the planet. here's about effect being a more positive endeavor in the future for us and the lives in the rain forests of the amazon. and that ladies and gentlemen is our show for you today and remember everyone in this world we are not old enough so i tell you all i love you i am tyrrel been keep watching those hawks and have a great day and night everybody. gathers
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financial survival guide i don't buy any i cause honest futures. almost friday as of last summer my ex from the future crack up watch kaiser. listen rather trendy over the past few years to talk about the new world order fair enough the recent g seven combat in canada entrance decision to engage north korea for just two weeks samples pax americana is undergoing a significant transformation. and is getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos him in build dismissed it to do it look like you know. this isn't my cup of tea is going up the study hall maybe you know john. the
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only palestinians who gets the most help from its jerusalem counterparts i don't think this is of those who in the world and the vision didn't know when to do this . and that is a lot at that age to have this lady of the muscle that you had an identical t.v. in the doesn't seem to do more in the middle sauced don't put this off. i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside out it's. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch pull the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money kill the narrowness and spending two hundred twenty million on one player. it's an experience like nothing else i want to do because i want to share what i think what i know about the
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a terror attack victim he claims to have an account. from an anonymous police that sheds new light on the events of one hundred fifty. welcome to world international story dominating our coverage this hour the world cup getting off to a glorious start for the hosts russia. of saudi arabia in the opening match electrified supporters across the country and set the stage for the rest of the tournament as well well now the focus shifts to nearly two thousand kilometers east of moscow to the city of you catherine burg where the second game of the tournament has just kicked off.
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getting underway now the second game of the world cup with egypt taking on group a favorite euro quiet now it's billed as being a battle of a star striker as well with europe why featuring louis suarez and addison danny well egypt's most solid who's had a record breaking season for his club liverpool will start the game on the bench due to his recent injury after the match we're going to be providing live updates for you you can see the box the bottom of your screen there will keep that score called up to date with every goal that goes through that throughout the day now these are pictures of the fans making their way to the stadium a colorful atmosphere there outside the a katherine berg arena a stadium built more than fifty years ago so it's been given a state of the art make over an increased stand just for the twenty eighteen world cup.
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going to. joke about that guy. and i'm guessing where they are right this minute now we'll look to catch up with popular later on in the tournament that come a long way off to roll to see how they're getting on with that world cup experience the grand opening ceremony set the mood of course for what was to come on thursday with british pop star robbie williams performing one of the best players to grace the big stage brazilian striker rinaldo was also along with a russian boy to kick off the tournament it was quite the night to be in moscow. i. think.
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it's just so friendly and welcoming and i mean it's as good as we were hoping that you'd be in the house have russian hackers have to yet not yet but you're expecting it. will pop in there like that let me know when you delete that. good luck with the number you come up with this is not. a free for says the nearly seventy thousand people came from the fans on in moscow on thursday to watch the opening ceremony and match that ended with more than
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convincing victory for russia the leaders of the two countries were in the v.i.p. box at the stadium for the game perhaps what you might guess from these pictures when they were talking about was a goal started to fly in from russia. talking about that opening match itself throughout the evening on. co-hosts peter schmeichel and show us a merino give us that breakdown of russia's first ninety minutes as world cup host .
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yes hello again and five russians have a magical start here more than a little way the saudis believe me came with me now to talk about it is that peter schmeichel for mining i tell people and also money and i could not make a case in really i think it's safe to say smith facing pressure but this is exactly what russia needed and it's going to do so much good for for the holiday and it's for the atmosphere around the russian team i mean i've been traveling around russian off six months and it's very little positive i've heard about the team they have now won five of those and they've convinced people that they can actually play football and compete at this level and i hope the russians are not like the portuguese because for us the distance between super optimistic and pessimistic is very strong and i think that they didn't have reasons for be so pessimistic but now
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i'm a bit like like people say it's nice because of course is a great result of course maybe one volt becomes crucial one knows for egypt and russia to finish with four points which is very possible to happen. for the tournament second matches a heavyweight clash between spain and portugal that's taking place in sochi. on friday i mean i was ahead a little earlier as you know and he made
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a prediction saying about portugal against spain this is what he said. portugal in spain nor freshman at all because they know that both are going to pull the five so i can imagine a fantastic match between dupion champion. researchers say probably the best team at the time i wouldn't be surprised with any result at all i think portugal can go and win against spain i sing spain of course they can win against portugal and the draw will be more than a normal result i think they are. two very good teams spain probably a better team than us. last solutions better swards. but portugal is quite a solid team i think better than the team that one day you will see more talented young.
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