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tv   Sophie Co  RT  June 15, 2018 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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researchers say probably the best team at a time i wouldn't be surprised with any result at all i think portugal can win against spain asking spain of course they can win again portugal and the draw would be more than a normal result i think they are. two very good teams spain probably a better team than us. solutions better swards. proportionally quite a solid team i think better than the team that one day you will see more talented young players in the team. so i think probably the group phase one of the best matches if we can become highly mark bosnich and sports pundit and former goalkeeper for straight to tell us how he sees his team's chances for the tony we had a difficult qualifying campaign we had to go through the playoffs we played syria in a playoff and basically syria hit the post in the last minute if they'd scored that goal they would have went through then we played on their wrist and beat them quite
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convincingly then the manager resigned. before he resigned just out of the blue. stepped in he's only had the team maybe for three months in total he said it came with him in turkey look it's going to be a very very difficult opening against france that we saw in two thousand and six the same got to last sixteen australia's best record ever in two thousand and ten they got knocked out of the first round but they had the same points as two thousand and six only difference being the goal difference opening game two thousand and six we won three one i've been in game two thousand and ten against germany lost four nil so this game against france is going to be absolutely everything for us we're going to have to leave it there thank you very much and i think you can be surprised maybe to somebody else but it just to give you an idea how big these guys are. out on the folks who will not. be goalkeepers recently found. how the opening match was also a very special moment for one russian girl athlete angeline account of who has down syndrome which the one who got to flip the coin the start of the match has a story. if you.
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are the scum of the folks do you think she. was right. from our own personal motive for killing people here and even if the right. just sort of stood out here should create an. atmosphere to eat it up that's the beauty of it that's the little kitten it's looking. to take a chance on the good news there is a lot of. catching up. to .
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see. and it's not just angelina who's had the chance to meet some of the world cup stars eva lots of players have also been finding the time to enjoy the festivities and meet some of their supporters. oh. shut up. shut up shut. up. to. the.
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perp . to. the pearl. looking ahead to saturday and day three of the world cup has four matches on the lineup now one will see favorites argentina take on iceland the smallest nation to reach the told and here's what i'll stop pundit chose reno thinks might happen.
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was in and i would say an incredible talent against a very very happy team i was the least happy plays shows happiness and they look and they love to compete without any kind of pressure they're not going to give an easy and this is time to argentina but argentina means the talent so i think they're going to win. and meanwhile thousands of worshippers have gathered at russia's main mosque in the capital to celebrate the end of the holy month of ramadan among those celebrating this friday morning with muslim found who've traveled here to see their teams in the world cup ordinary. human rushes to support morocco's national team today we are playing our first game in some pieces book this is also a great chance to visit moscow's main mosque to celebrate the end of france doing the atmosphere is great here muslims came here to mark the end of ramadan is
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different from morocco and i'm taking part in first of prose for the first time. so in addition to the match the sun the way india catherine burke which is still nil nil in the second hour fifty seven minutes in they're going to be two more fixtures later this friday spain will be going head to head with neighbor and rival portugal in that much anticipated group b. clash that starts at nine pm moscow time before their note six pm the other game will see the underdogs iran looking to end morocco's eighteen game unbeaten run for that match his easter rally in some petersburg. basically. going to. take. a look at the. family not. that. the others let loose it is also the holy day ok those bits are with the month of ramadan and most of the food was great and over
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a period. the may should have been wishing each other well i like you don't have to do so much but when you miss it today is that kids it is. a the old friends view all the friends outside of the soccer match. i like to wish all the fellow muslims a happy such a to the moroccans our opponents and a. lot of surprise i beseech your kind of people we don't just mean. we're going to be great. that's what's happening in the northern capital but we've also been meeting some of the fans who are in sochi to watch tonight's spain portugal match here's what they make of that trip so far. a lot of people are much actually nicer in welcoming than
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we do. we dissipated a cold place in both temperature and personality but clearly we found the exact opposite of this place is super clean super nice the people are nice. i haven't seen anything like. both teams have been through that final training sessions before that match which will take place in the fisht stadium which was built for the twenty fourteen winter olympics michael's been taking a look around. broken sophisticated and welcome to such and. such he was like the soviets caught this it was where the elite came for the holidays the politicians militaries in the axis they all had their own designated sanatorium and this one for instance was for the teachers and the scientists i wonder if name could see in you and that scene mates will appreciate the salvia because this will be
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priscilla's home for the world cup. so one of the really really cool things about such is the you can literally feel on the beach working on your sun time in forty minutes later you can feel his no forty skiing whatever you fancy and the world cup is in june and even then you could do it so we were pretty well i think about two thousand five hundred metres even if you go and ski the still out of things to do ok on me for instance i'm going to go for. the. coke zero zero. zero zero zero one of the big attractions in such it is. of course the all to drop list been fulfilled no one raises the issue of. both of us. have won it.
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in a minute i'm going to see if i can do it with these guys have been doing in the last four years. twenty more of these world cup coverage to come just to let you know that group a game egypt and you're a go i want to go first of last night sixty two minutes and still goalless that between those two will keep you posted and look forward to those two big games later on tonight as well as team gets good up for your exclusive coverage with joe saber radio peter schmeichel. and all reporters out and about the host cities you're watching altie international.
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and. i think. russia took a real blow to its sense of self during the yeltsin years and i remember even six years ago when i first came here people kept apologizing to me for how terrible everything was it just wasn't like america and for people to be ashamed of their country was so different and now i don't really see that i see people are more proud of their country and i think. stalin and particularly the great patriotic war and the victory there as a way to inspire nationalistic pride. but
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still you should. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to present. something i want to. see what. it's like to. be that. interested always. welcome back to our other news now donald trump apparently told the world leaders at last week's g. seven summit in canada that crimea rightfully belongs to russia details of a supposed conversation of the payout on the online news source buzz feed trouble also reportedly questioned why the west has sided with ukraine over the issue to me become breaks down the story according to buzz feed at trump told leaders at the g.
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seven summit that crimea is russian because everyone speaks russian there on the second day of this summit trump made a few comments in regards to russia saying it used to be the g. eight before russia was kicked out and he also called for russia to be reinstated saying that they should be at the table so that they can solve the world's problems together naturally some leaders were opposed to this including mccrone and merkel but first some background of crimea joined russia after a referendum was held were almost ninety seven percent of the population voted to join russia and international observers were present at this referendum but it's pretty big that this is all coming from a u.s. president so we'll just have to see what happens now when asked to clarify whether trouble actually made the comments the white house press secretary would not be drawl. i don't wear any comment like that i know it's been reported but i'm not going to comment on a private conversation i wasn't part of that i don't have information on. the
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series of terror attacks in paris on the thirteenth of november twenty fifth in a still very fresh in the minds of people where the assault on the theatre in particular has been a source of confusion and public debate a group of survivors and victims' families have now filed a lawsuit against the government over its response to the atrocity. has been speaking to their lawyers. one of the dorcas movements in more french history series of coordinated terror attacks across paris one hundred thirty people killed ninety of those at this popular music venue. while that's harrowing was unfolding inside the battle plan outside what eight soldiers from and tear up the trolls the parliamentary inquiry later revealed that they were told not to intervene moreover they were also the people giving their weapons to the police sticking rigidly to the protocol. now eighteen families
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of victims have filed a lawsuit against the french state damone thing says. only led they. they were described in the media as the force specially created against the threat of terrorism so why was this force which had the chance to intervene told not to. if the soldiers had entered the battle last night or if they had given their weapons over to the police how might that have changed what happened on the heretical night in paris they say luther what question or one answered is why it took two and a half hours for the order to engage to be given when the officers were there from the beginning. the army however insists the soldiers had taken all measures possible securing the area around the batek clan and protecting the flu victims the military intervene spontaneously they arrived where police were already present the
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military secured areas around the battle plan in coordination with and at the request of the internal security forces but now one of the lawyers representing the victims' families has made a startling claim to r.t. saying that the allegations come from a member of the gendarmerie who wants to remain anonymous. on the minds of the birds a clan a tank there was a squadron of gendarme assigned to protect the house of then prime minister vols this squadron was alerted immediately and deployed to the site equipped with assault rifles they entered the batek land and extracted a hostage or a woman and they were able thanks to the hostage to get information about the situation the other hostages inside but then this twenty six man squadron received a very curious order they were told to stand down. and he claims there was
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also another unit ready and equipped with emergency medical supplies but they also not deployed. if this equipment had been available to help view. it seems hurts while the decision to intervene was being taken is possible more people would have survived surely the question about this anti terror operations center know and its role is why have we spent so much money on wouldn't it just a political masquerade to make people believe that they are protected when we clearly see people were massacred with kalashnikovs just a few meters from this unit and that they had terrorists in this site but were told not to pull the trigger party has asked the police to respond to these allegations so far no response has been forthcoming but these are questions that the families of some of the victims at the vatican want answers to they want to know what happened that night and what more could have been done to help help their loved
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ones so that davis gave r.t. r s. most people have posted a selfie that they may have later regretted but spare a thought for one russian teacher whose swimsuit snap landed her in hot water with her bosses that is until the internet weighed in.
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well that's if you're global news this hour we will be back with more of our special world cup coverage little bit late says about twenty minutes left of the each of your ago i gave a group a school still goalless that will have analysis on that imo with our style hosts peter schmeichel interesting reading exclusively on nazi in the hours to come i'm calling brian moscow back with your next news and a half an hour to see that. my
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uncle the kids seem completely stable boy tonight. even though proving that we can. get. on with that i. can show them the movies because if i'm listening to. mr sutton we must. not so much because i consider the tons of a few rough. collateral
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and they lending as property and what happens prices are artificially pumped up and jacked up and some people can't afford housing the way to fix the housing problem in the u.k. is to take away this fractional reserve banking as property so that prices would come down to the level that is traditionally affordable by the average person in front. hello and welcome to crossfire where all things considered i'm peter lavelle has been rather trendy over the past few years to talk about the new world order fair enough but what we are experiencing now is the end of the old world order the
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recent g seven in canada and trying to station to engage north korea are just two examples pax americana is undergoing a significant transformation and the old order is fighting back tooth and nail. cross talking the old world order i'm joined by my guest john merrill in washington he is the former chief of the north east asia division of the bureau of intelligence and research at the u.s. state department as well as author of korea the peninsula the origins of the war also in washington we have michael flanagan he is president of flanagan consulting and a former congressman and to new york we cross to george samuel lee he's a fellow at the global policy institute of london and author of the book bombs for peace all right gentlemen crossed rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate michael let me go to you first here i think it's pretty fair to say after five hundred days in office we're beginning to
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see what an american first foreign policy is under donald trump so my question to you is america first under trump compatible with the post world war two liberal order that the united states herald into into being and is. two thousand and eighteen a significant date for that order that appears to be well changing if not breaking down go ahead michael. thank you peter i think that the their american foreign policy your question presupposes that we've been the same since the second world war and i think while we've had very likely goals from administration administration that are very similar i don't think we've had the same execution of that foreign policy and i think you're seeing a very different execution of the foreign policy one that's more trade centric one that's less interested in in making a macro once over the world got to embrace everything deal but taking deals
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a bit at a time much as a businessman would and i think you're seeing a level of foreign policy interaction and product that is unfamiliar to many in the structures now but is in no way bad and i think that that's giving a lot of pause to professionals who have been doing this for years and excellently for years but different doesn't necessarily mean wrong and i think in the right direction i'm not i'm not judging i'm five i'm not judging if it's right or i don't know what i'm going to be describing i'm describing it because i don't know if it's right or wrong it ok and i'm glad you brought that up because i'm not talking about the new world order because i don't know what that is ok but i do know what we've had for the last seven years ok let me give that more or less the same question to john because michael gave a kind of from an american point of view but there is a lot of american allies around the world that see it very very differently than the current occupant in the white house go ahead john well i think the asian allies are coming along. and he's he's right trump's foreign policy approach is
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different than his predecessors it's more realistic more hard nosed and even a little more improvisational i think there's a tendency towards neo isolationism and there are doubts about alliances particularly when there is a perceived asymmetry of burdens and interests yet so. i think this he also feels the traditional alliance management emphasis that we've we've had has fostered excessive dependency and created moral hazards so he's trying to solve in my opinion trying to solve some problems and he's a disruptor ok by george your turn i mean and i think you see that with korea it was ok i think you can see it in a lot of different things right now in this sense and i think these tendencies towards isolationism and or overblown i think john really mention and i mean a lot of people have. benefited from american large jets particularly in trade and
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security i mean you know the united states is willing to go to guarantee the security of europe borders but not its own country i mean you know when is this going to stop enough is enough go ahead george. yes but that's always been the key to america's overwhelming presence in the world it's been the leader of this massive bloc this massive nato european union bloc and that's given it america this huge influence now. america had to pay a price for that that the price it paid was that it was running massive trade deficit with everybody because you know in return for their not contributing very much to military spending america gave them. privileged access to u.s. markets it didn't matter very much because the as long as the dollar was the world's reserve currency the trade deficit would eventually eventually all go back to
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america anyway and into finance but now trump has sensed that american economic supremacy is on the challenge and with the rise of china and the china russia bloc that is a real serious challenge to the united states so he's now trying to shake this up and saying ok now the a this block that we're. dissolve they really have to jump to it they have to follow our goals they you know they you know what what we want whether it's in the middle east or anywhere else they will have to follow where where in the polish state they say ok well i guess we have all four abel's such as rail and you don't really agree with it but it doesn't matter will over look at now they're trying to doctrine is that you have to really follow it because if you don't follow us then you will pay a price and so we and we see this with the in the case of iran america's not just walked away from the j c p o a it's actually imposing yandell tease on the
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europeans who are actually sticking with the agreement and so that's what. he's trying to consolidate this block in order to confront at some later date the new colossus of merging on in the world which is china in alliance with russia ok you know michael and i tend to agree with george there but the issue is that it's not really a bloc of even remotely equals it's one country calling the shots if you don't fall in line you'll be sanctioned like the u.s. is saying she did scold him quote adversaries and foes i mean that that is kind of a upping the game of sanctions would you agree yeah i were america bitch i mean that's kind of what what the administration has been talking about with the america first policy for your forgive my my use of the vulgar the the administration really has is not driven ideologically to have a one world borderless society is as perhaps the obama administration was leaning
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toward and is not looking to have a pax americana as the neo cons and the bush administration were looking for i think it's looking for global leadership in the finance sector in the trade sector and i think trump is absolutely focused in that direction and where there is some big line crossed like chemical weapons or the belief of use of chemical. because to step away from that argument here or to be able to talk about some really egregious behavior by a world actor the administration is going to shrug and move past that and i say we have bigger fish to fry but michael in players like russia has ever been michael you know trumps critics in particularly in the liberal media saying you know trump wants to move away from a rules based. international order well i mean if i take what you say logically speaking then the united states doesn't give a hoot about the united nations is going to unilaterally bomb whatever country it wants it will impose sanctions on any country it wants me to walk away from the
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deputy of the united nations i mean that's the extreme ok that's where this is going to and that's why i'm not talking about the new world order because i don't know what it's going to be john go ahead and jump in there i noticed you were reacting well i think that's that's a little extreme way to put it but we've seen trump do in the case of korea is settle a long festering problem and break with traditional prescriptions and being being willing to sit down and have a dialogue with the leader of north korea and calling him the leader of north korea because one of the things that american media do all the time yet is they call him a dictator or a tyrant anyway he's having a conversation and he's trying to bring to bear i hope he's successful he seems to have had some success so far he's trying to establish a degree of a poor and to schmooze the guy and hoping that that will bring him along.


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