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tv   News  RT  June 16, 2018 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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and we have to see how we position ourselves as europeans with this one bold one road initiative where we welcome it and will be voice our concerns so at the same time the straight chief silly amounts from is targeting china alleging foul play with technology transfer rules what kind of leverage does brussels have over china and is it doing the right thing by being tough on everyone who don't play by the rules well i guess that this has built up over the years. and it was bound to come china is in the w t o's since december two thousand and one has promised opening up as not really a follow through in many areas and now basically we have a situation where china is four times five times more invested europe than europeans are investing in china hence the resentment is increasing to say you know how come they could do everything in your we can still do a lot of very little in china so i guess that was the cilia who is
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a very able commissioner took the initiative in order to clarify this and there has to be a consequence china has been to mark until the stake has been playing this game for far too long and it's one of the few areas where actually i guess you have u.s. officials and european officials coming out of beatings with the same conclusion china has to open up right they're willing to take a short break right now when we're back we'll continue talking with your good care former president of the e.u. chamber of commerce in china discussing the looming trade war between the u.s. and china and here of suppressed facts in all of this stay with us. thank.
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you. properties use collateral and they lend against property and what happens prices are artificially pumped up and jacked up and some people can't afford housing due to the way to fix the housing problem in the u.k. is to take away those fractional reserve banking as property so that prices would come down to the level that is traditionally affordable by the average person in
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for a. tough . haul moral of kids' lives. cut. loose and limited funding to. those who don't consume don't jell ugandans enjoy the whole joyful deal and the saying i'm done we'll soon enough that equal one to two inches also moved away from the stance me going on in condolence because i don't need a little name to know. to those moodiness listeners this is also the answer to all .
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and we're back with your good care former president al qaeda chain. we're of commerce in china discussing whether we're on the verge of a global trade war so trump is saying that here upon canada has been playing the u.s. for years with their own tower eaves and that he's only correcting things that were unfair do you agree with him of course not i mean there has been a common understanding about open markets the european union is exceptionally open canada has been very good partner to the united states in the nafta agreement there's a lot of rhetoric go it coming out of there frankly peridot with virtually no
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economic understanding it's very sad to see this kind of noises coming out of the white tells. so let's get to the bottom of this huge started this mess i mean the u.s. and europe say china breaks the rules limits investment and still sticks knology china and europe say the u.s. breaks the rules slapping tariffs on their goods and the u.s.'s china and europe also have their own tariffs and so they are to blame so who really america responsibility for this standoff. well at least we all agree that someone else has to be blamed seems to be the common denominator basically you know i mean china has been in many ways a good partner for the european spot the kind of technology grab that happened with . the requests of technology transfers for european companies to china the kind of from lopsidedness of using a market for getting europeans into the market i think they china possibly actually
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has overplayed its card so i think facility munster and the european commission on the member states have a good reason to challenge china on this one and i guess that the reason the us is out of beijing indicate that china is moving and opening up some sectors faster than many people believe when it comes to u.s. china frankly there is there is nothing we can anticipate because there is a lot of flip flops coming over we have a deep relationship a single a ship that will survive this administration but also we have a relationship which is now being challenged and we have to see how to contain the damage again the whole discussion on protectionism the whole blaming everyone else is taking place with the background of extremely strong economic growth we have full employment in the us for full employment in europe economic wise the concord better than this and this is not going to last this might actually lead to
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a slowdown next year particularly. put the american economy on a sugar high given the tax refunds and then next year the economy that slow down and then the sanctions talk of the kind of i blame you will actually really start to bite the real economy so in a way the politicians in a way have a nice backdrop in order to talk about all of this because sanctions are not as free delavan to what the economy slows down that is really going to hurt so well the world economy fail if us and china and the world to vegas economists lock horns and the e.u. is caught up in this mess i mean the american tariffs and here are paying goods have already lacked to one great depression in its thirty s. is there real risk there now no one. well at this stage no because i mean look at my own country germany the economy's on the verge of overheating at that time we had a very different setting high debt europe doesn't have high debt your have very
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protective waters the terrorists are very low at this stage so luckily we are not anywhere close to the thirty's but of course that's concerning it could well be a slippery slope where the two largest economies of the world europe and the us are basically is struggling it out the third one is it's also who locked into a trade war frankly i'd come see this coming i think that at one stage in particular with the slowdown of the economy in view there's going to be some reasoning yes there will be damage yes there will be supply side struggles companies will be stressed out and certainly some consumers will be paying more in the u.s. in europe and frankly also here in china but eventually i think that reasoning will set in but maybe to define this one. here and say it's obviously wants to cut china's access to high end technologies and he sat that what's happening now is
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a war for innovation not a trade war if that's so who is gonna come out of this winner. yeah that's a real serious issue of trade discrepancies and throw. threats off a soyuz be in tariff increases again harley davidson and tennessee whisky at each other it's not really that much of a derailing force but technology this is what really the system the congress the pentagon deep down in the u.s. people want to withhold from china for the reason that china has been catching up very fast it came out with a program called made in china twenty twenty five where my former organization european chambre has made a very distance of a study showing where china wants to be global leader in ten years from now and given the fact that this is all state sponsored and this is all state guided. we have worried about that market forces will be will be killed in the process so that
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the way how to maintain. superiority in the u.s. and possibly also in europe in comparison to china this is the big topic and china i'm sure has pretty much aware of this so yes the movie and concerted attempt made wallace. to see what technologies flow into china which don't so the world around us is being so loose with areas and borders can you really slow down the transfer of technology across the globe these days i mean with so many ways to share information there's going to be asshole in any wall you've built now. yeah i guess that the honestly even despite the internet and speed of flow and everything and it's possible i mean you start with restricting chinese companies of investing in the u.s. . has been strengthened excess of chinese communist europe has been exceptionally open this might change and then of course then chinese companies conned by these
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companies they want to buy in which they have outlined in their made in china twenty twenty five strategy that they want these companies in geom all in robotics and semiconductors to grow china has to have to get all of g. access and this is not just the king or stealing china wants to genuine develop in there and hence that will be made more difficult and it can go down the road off preventing european or u.s. companies investing in china and certain areas and all the way and that seems to be the discussion in the u.s. right now that you are constraining chinese students to study in certain areas in the u.s. as well as constraining u.s. citizens working in china i mean it gets really person the end and the loser will be definitely on both sides so whatever is going on right now you touched upon this earlier how exactly is this going to affect us how will this mass impact and average. i think a joe sixpack in the u.s.
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will possibly pay more for a couple of items the chinese have been targeting areas where basically it's hurts the farmers so you have beans one of those the chinese have been identifying in the swing states of the republicans on don't trans backyard where it might hurt the most the germans and the europeans have done the same thing so you can actually expect joe sixpack in particular those swing states to take a hit i don't know how the president is going to sell this us an advantage and then of course the comment you factor is will have to pay more for steel that makes their cars less competitive on global markets and in europe as well i mean we will all be tariff taxation on average people depends on which area it is and the same time the kind of withholding of technologies we earn money from our
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knowledge we sell licenses we sell technologies we want to cash in on this and basically getting told not to do this is hurting business profits so overall it's not a pretty sight frankly so why is it that just recently there were deals in the works that would have globalized the hal out of the transpacific and transatlantic trade and it seemed like the free trade deals where in those and just sit here as they are all this free trade deals are bad and everyone is going to protectionist what's going on what's happening. it's very easy to trump a selector but you know i mean it's a shame the t.p. . fell off the table because t.p. was an excellent. asian pacific agreement not just on lowering terrorists that's way beyond it to agree on labor standards to agree on the free information flow to agree also environmental laws because all of that is something
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where a lot of countries actually are abide by international rules and in particular and of course that was a big target on china chinese as always don't and so in a way that was an attempt in order to get the whole pacific rim to agree on a certain level of production this is the quality we have this is good for our people and trying through this out five minutes after he took office so he now says that he is reconsiders it i think he has seen it was a massive blunder and it has cost certainly is allies to think about how reliable the us contractural partner when you also see that action the us agrees on paris the us agrees on iran and pulls out of that if i'm can juggle from north korea i will sing five times before signing up something with trump because i don't know if the guy's going to keep his promise in the first place so he honna
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mists of course are crying foul warnings that messing with free trade is bad but if the free trade approach just doesn't benefit ordinary people if the real folks don't see their share of global profit maybe the free trade thinking isn't the way to go. well i guess that all of us in the west particular europeans i guess have just started this process have to do some soul searching globalization was like like a goddess that was definitely going to benefit everyone and it's a good thing and it became very ideological but it did not benefit everyone some people got very rich very fast and other people have since ten years not seen a single salary increase so globalization i guess should be viewed a little bit more in separate colors it has left losers behind these losers are voting against it we have to see how it basically integrate those people again globalization as such will have to go through
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a redefinition i guess. and it's not going to be the solution to everything at the same time protectionism is not the answer to all of this is just that they're running a leech of the rich guys the banker is many business elite possibly never thought about joe six packs and whatever country not benefiting from this and this is the payback time now. mr wicker thank you very much for the sensate at it's been great talking to you were talking to york with ken former president of the e.u. chamber of commerce in china talking about a possible freeway trade war between the u.s. clear up and china and what will it mean for the global economy that's it for this edition of southie uncaught see you next time.
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vision rather trendy over the past few years to talk about the new world order fair enough the recent g seven combat in canada and trunks decision to engage north korea are just two examples pax americana is undergoing a significant transformation. to the same companies saying oh boy tonight i think. people know that they can.
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move on which i. can show them the movies because i'm listening to move going to be a good show. and we must. not so much because i consider the tons of a few rough among the others. matched as a financial survival guide stacey let's learn about fill out let's say i'm not so i get an earpiece on greece some banks have to fight wall street spot thank you for taking. destroy that's true. that's slavery. i think. russia took
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a real blow to its sense. of self during the yeltsin years i remember even six years ago when i first came here people kept apologizing to me for how terrible everything was it just wasn't like america and for people to be ashamed of their country was so different and now i don't really see that i see people are more proud of their country and i think putting his years stalin in particularly the great patriotic war and the victory there as a way to inspire nationalist pride in. their. graves that was. put on. there.
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that. day two of the world cup sees a six goal thriller between portugal and spain with a hat trick from christiane rinaldo i. i. and then friday's other two matches your boy battled to a narrow victory over egypt iran defeat morocco ones and. also in the headlines on our team donald trump says a meeting with vladimir putin could happen this summer and suggests russia should be invited back into the g seven. plus survivors of the two thousand and fifteen paris massacre sued the french government over its handling of the atrocity r t hear from two lawyers involved in the case.
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my. warm welcome to the program from all of us here at r t h q i'm jack and the things are to me at this hour. day two of the russia world cup has drawn to a close the evening game saw a clash between two of the tournaments favorites spain and portugal and in the earlier matches europe way faced egypt and iran played morocco here's a round up of all the day's action from our very own world cup team in the heart of moscow. i. was born into i want anything more to finish anything this will help me cope with it and thought it was orginally
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playing four three three fifty on now that i was thinking the show that i would have made me but it's for my manager after this next thing mentioned i thought changing ring if it is still on all of this show you say i love as much as unusual i wasn't as a political family and those. rules happened when i was up expecting to much. and again. i have to say that i mean there was a game. we lost. the game for and for the first time. the patriots simply found those they were able to. they were not afraid to have the space behind them. more often than every other team. in fifteen minutes. and was when. the free kick situation arrived intelligent experience christiane looking for that
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that's tricky. position loves it. and is intricate in the transfer of it's absolutely not do you feel it was a fair result overall for a three icing so because i don't think anything was perfect i don't think it's was . able to be to be the dominance of the ninety minutes we've got the goals to show you things so let's start with the first one in the very first minute here we are renowned with a penalty. not like he's going to me stealing very often and. he made a decision before he goes he goes i even if that really goes so goes well that's an option and the ball is fast passing. not long after diego costa was causing all sorts of problems was nice and big man put himself back in we can have a second go i mean this is what he's all about as. the future has five portuguese
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years portuguese of all people india will post cross the score in the middle five red shirt. everything starts with a long ball we train all year who is the only one in spain capable of and then i will sing of time effort must be ready for that experience and is strong player too i think you should be happy for that duel a little bit of more protection from the second ball and all the red players were not able to cue that second ball and it will go short. and for the people now just before half time great goal for portugal great time to score a goal right now there again say this one. is my boy it is hurts me to say. no is. is a bad mistake is a mistake but it doesn't do those you know i think that you know the season pass
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a performance you. haven't stood for the best. and the good thing with the best is that in the next match you with not afraid confident to go and ready to help is to use it well we. would love it face so they won in fast time and i fortunately looking at this game you could tell there's a lot at stake a lot of pride at stake today you could sense it was rivalry between these two teams when they came back i of course it wasn't long before we got another goal was let's see the next old i think was an equaliser there for a. at the end cost an. awful lot of a times. and the managers really feel a little bit like to be destroyed by players decisions on the beach and in the heat they're not able to sing. and sometimes it is a little bit of a look of leadership on the beach because sometimes we are not able to communicate
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is not possible for some of the others to mark the last. position on on those to be challenging year by play like the skids and then we also missed. in the face of the ball but there's a bit of the will to concede the second off you have to go slowly the world to try to create an emotional problem with a team that is losing two one and you give them a chance to get into the game with a battle show i case that made it seem to me and then i went ahead didn't know it with a great strike from a man is this show you this unity and stuff and stuff is sinking knows that his forte is how he doesn't need to see the ball in in the net to know that just for the fly of the ball is beautiful it's the ball we used to call the three fingers which is x. the up part of of the food no chance for the keeper because it will give them an
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impossible fly for for gain is a five to six shot. we challenge in the box we can fire up and see over the past the press not to commit too much maybe was afraid to make fun of it but you have to make it short and to try to win the ball and then the ball comes into a space where out of touch and probably. often and this was more focused in close the inside space even probably the management told you that natural is not a very offensive fullback so. more important for him to close in space and for example in the other side jordi alba which is a play that he's getting there paul the prime so it's probably the goal. you don't feel the traveling to lose your sleep because of it because it is a google now that storing that freaking what to play i mean from the first minute
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until the last minute you always felt he was the man on the trail actually just just looking at his face you can sense that he's the one out there that my changing and this is. what i used to call the. feeling of the game. the specific intelligence have clean football. knows that the team is in trouble he knows that the team is not creating you know in these frustrating on the beach because nobody could see portugal to score a goal and he knows that one of the possibilities he has is a set play and we told at the time that he was he's good on these on these on these and on that and it was on set pieces that position is a position where i saw in train free kicks for hours after training sessions asking one of my assistants could we do all stay with me give me
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balls. and he was looking for that he was giving his what he to pick a he was waiting for that contact. i don't think is for me if i am the referee probably i don't give that full because i know the nature of the players i know what christina was looking for in spain but he's been clever his is is to be in control of every detail of of the game he gets the free kick and put the free the ball down and i felt i was looking at him for about an hour before is running on twenty three is not the best on. three kicks i think for the number of free kicks it takes in the club and international team is not scoring as much in the past couple of years as he used to for much us tonight and in the first two years in in in real madrid but this one is a critical one this one is is a crucial point is not just the crucial point is. the what can affect the
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self-esteem of the self-confidence the way to approach the next two to match is the rivalry what it means for the portuguese people that is at home. and it has these little. these little these little extra feeling a final for a kick in the dying minutes of popcorn ejects a top corner and he's most kids first man because a command they don't have followed and. i think the wall is correct the position is correct and the problem with christian is that he can go both sides and he was the goalkeeper of the alps. and there is also another possibility that the free kick because now sometimes they are doing which is to go into the wall and gives you a big question mark are you going to.


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