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tv   News  RT  June 18, 2018 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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which was more direct than some would expect while the newspapers of the time filled with the praise of sabi the chairman's individual letters often focused on the failures. we have a question really stop her from all the people who work and the rest of the prophecy of the day i assume you're one of the very few recession benefiting from yes if the soviet union didn't like to document everything i wouldn't have anything to work with and everything that they've documented lets me see various aspects of people's lives for example this fellow could have appealed there fyodorovitch here in one nine hundred thirty four he's given a prize of a thousand roubles for his good work but later nine hundred thirty six he's considered a suspect person so you can see how the standings change based on their successful implementation of economic plans different changes in policy and you can see these people rise and fall in fortunes reviews documents what is it like as a researcher to work around with documents like this i mean it wouldn't be fair to
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describe them is it treasure trove or is it something pretty clear. well i'm always excited by them. it's sometimes people think i'm odd because michael michael would like this beautiful document and they're like it's about harvest to sticks. do you think anyone before you or your work. not on this one but on this one this is actually larry he's the guy they invited me to cure of and he put his book on education put this in documents so you can see right here in the front of everybody who's worked on it and even sometimes which pages they've used and his own way of the americans who come here and look at this one the origins of this fellow is russian. one nine hundred seventy nine.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race move his arm off and spearing dramatic development but only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. join me every thursday on the elec simon chill and i'll be speaking to get us through the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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right. so. having a native english speaker is both a barry t. and a curiosity for a provincial russian university samantha's class is also rebuilt many cultural differences in how the russians and the american approach that world you've spent the last six years trying to get this glimpse and early soviet alive but i also assume you had to immerse yourself in the current realities of russia what are some of the cultural behavioral patterns that carry over. you know
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from from that time till now i mean things that shock me that the sort of things that chalky and things that are persistent. may reappear you know decades later oh you mean the what russia doesn't really have much of respect for law it's very interesting because americans are generally ruffalo as if there's a rule we don't even question it we simply get we stand in line we pick up our garbage. we just you know if there's a rule that says you need to have students do an evaluation and we don't even question it we just cannot the student evaluation i remember here for student evaluations teachers were scandalized the idea that students who didn't know anything would be evaluating them it would turn the entire system on its head and russians like to get around laws that they find annoying or inconvenient and part of this is the think because to do things the correct way is often very difficult if not impossible there is sometimes i'm reminded of the novel catch twenty two
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when i live in russia because you know you need the sprocket to get this piece of paper but to get the piece of paper to get now one of the characteristics of contemporary russia is how an event in its development is you've got some regions like to look at for example where the local correction corruption has been brought to a minimum but at the same time you have regions in the caucasus where you can i do anything without the bribe and that they reminded me of of the research you're involved in right now about the differences between the collective farms. that are got from your research is that what matters in russia the most is not they had what you call framework but you know the actual person in charge is that still the case. in russia i think very much so i think that personal networks are very important i think you know my students looking for jobs now it's often more important who they know than the qualifications that they have it's also you know
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if you're friends with somebody they maybe protect you they help you get resources that you don't have access to but you know the sort of good old boys' network exists in a lot of american small towns too and that's what it reminds me of the good old boys network and it's because the normal channels of communication often don't work certainly in the soviet union the only way to get things done was to ask your friend who you know paid someone with some falling key to get you some seed you know you see this most acutely during the war we have shortages of everything you have this barter system in the. chairman chairman become sort of the go to fixer one more carlo i found interesting was you mentioning about stalin wanted to have. competition technocrats staffing the state system and there is a similar desire on the part of the current putin administration to have the technocrats in charge prefer some reason and i have this felon and ministration of the president mr quinn find enough of those people do you think they. perhaps do
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they have a problem with the recruitment system or do they run against this informal system of relationship if you mention what's what's been the style of this era the level of education was a huge problem you know you have people that have i have one guy he's the head of the. district land organization in the district he's a chronic alcoholic with a second grade education you know at some level you cannot expect competence from these people most people only had a elementary school education some people did have university but it was very difficult and so just getting the level of education up so they could can you deal with the volume of paperwork and just regular work that they were expected to do they also expected an awful lot from the xp. and i feel deep deep sympathy for my rikon chairman because they were expected to organize harvest on the collective farm they were expected to go out and do propaganda work they were expected just
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study leninism and marxism and they were expected to have all of these different meaning some of these people had like eighty four different meetings a month. they simply couldn't keep up and i think that modern russia faces a lot of the same problems that you have chronic understaffing of a lot of bureaucracy and even when you get staff it just seems like it doesn't work particularly efficiently because of this desire to fill out all of this paperwork with soviet union try to fix things a lot of the reforms involve more paperwork and more paperwork and i think in this reliance on fixing things through paperwork reform is a problem that the putin administration. you said before the event of the high def to tell me tara is my russia was on to govern in other words the central authority didn't have enough manpower resources technology how much is that still an issue today i think it's a huge issue particularly in provincial areas because you have i bend a village is where it feels like you've gone back into the nineteenth century some of them don't have electricity most of them don't have indoor running water or
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indoor plumbing. you know health care transport are all very difficult you know if there's a bus it's you know far away out on the road it only comes occasionally while the roads are still mud. now polls and in russia consistently show that people's attitudes towards stalin changing from negative. to more neutral and even positive how do you interpret that well i think. russia took a real blow to its sense of self during the. yeltsin years it lost a lot of power a lot of prestige the economy was terrible and i think under putin russia has sort of come back into a sense that it's a global player that its voice matters the economy has picked up russian people are becoming more proud of being russian i remember even six years ago when i first
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came here people kept apologizing to me for how terrible everything was that this wasn't like america and i had to finally tell them to stop i'm like i knew when i came here that this wasn't going to be like america you know and that for me was weird because americans never apologize for a country like welcome to america enjoy. and for people to be ashamed of their country was so different and now i don't really see that i see people are more proud of their country and i think putin has you stalin in particularly the great patriotic war in the victory there as a way to inspire nationalistic pride now you said before that the russian people a generally good at gaming or circumventing the system and i wonder what's been your experience in dealing with the bureaucracy and the red tape which i'm sure you run counter. quite extensively i find it very frustrating. and it's often very counterintuitive for an american because we're expecting that it should be easy people should be helpful if i have a problem you shouldn't yell at me you shouldn't send me to
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a different department. things are very difficult to fix here for example i have to bank cards from burbank one of them is issued to the name of some month long without the h. and the other one is some month and and they cannot merge the two accounts because neither one is how it's written on my passport even though i have my passport and clearly the same person is issued by the same organization but they can't fix it in the u.s. you would but since you have stayed here for such a long time six years already i assume the you perhaps also gotten into the habit of. and that's curbing the rules but perhaps being a little bit creative with how you apply them. i am not sure that i have noticed you but some of my friends have remarked that i have become. fully risky. but you know the reason i'm asking this question is because obviously through the american perspective this country may have major issues with corruption
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its legal structure. i wonder what's your gut feeling about how to fix it do you think the american system would work in this country or would russians have to come but their own understanding of what the rule of law is and with the understanding be different from oh i think it was absolutely be different you haven't completely different history at the rule of law i mean russia doesn't really have much in the way of rates even citizens or the rule of law up until about one thousand nine hundred five when you get this are making some concessions then you have the jim is and i think you were moving towards the rule of law you know you have these stablished and of independent bar you have elected representatives even though these are increasingly manipulated the franchise to get more and more conservative monarchists in the duma but then the soviet union blew that out of the water even in new york adamic work i think there is. a bit more understanding of the complexities of this country than. we would normally expect from american
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scholars because some of them do come. with a degree of what russia is supposed to do and where it's failing i wonder how challenging do you find this balance between. looking at your own country and of this country. with an open mind i guess a degree of compassion i don't know that i find it challenging where it gets challenging is trying to get other people to listen to and accept your work there are certain narratives. that it's difficult to break out from my work the idea that stalin could have been interested in democracy has hit a wall with a lot of people you know a lot of comments stalin was a dictator the u.s.s.r. was to tell its hereon it was really a ruse. look at the one nine hundred thirty seven repression and even you know within academia there's this putin is often a joke this idea that. he's some sort of evil dictator who oppresses his people.
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not only and they could challenge some conventions some of his habit of walking her cat on the leash raised a few eyebrows but the locals have quickly gotten used to the crate care merican lady. i certainly get a lot of attention but most of it's positive my neighbors think my cats are pretty good asked lots of questions about them how difficult was it for you to adjust to your life not just in russia but then. you know in provincial russia which has its own challenges the first six months were really kind of hard in part because i was alone in the dormitory once i got a cat and start making making friends and i had people to meet for tea or to go visit their home on the prize also provided you know. it was fine. in many ways is not that much different from my hometown they came from a little town where there were more cows than people. and i sort of like the slower
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pace of life. the relationship between russia and the united states because from mediocre to bad to worse i think over the last. five or six years have you noticed any difference in how people relate to you how they treat you no not really i think russians are pretty good at delineating the actions of a government and the actions of citizens. every now and then for example in victory day when we talk about who won the war i can't some push back you know they asked me did america say we won the war of course we said we won the war it's our textbook. but then you know there's some push back because of course the soviet losses were far greater and people are very proud. of the relatives that served and died. i realize that there is a great pride in this and that the soviet union sacrifice was big but most americans probably don't and so some issues like that they've pushed back but
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overall most people know me most people are very friendly do you ever find yourself in a position of having to explain can down the road the actions of the american government because i think there is a tendency in russia to sort of treat or perceive every american as the representative of the united states responsible for the policies of the country. well my students know that i'm not a particularly large truck fan. so sometimes they will ask me about his policies i think just to see my reaction. for the most part know most people are pretty good at realizing that i'm not responsible for the actions of my government do even follow the american politics these days i do you because you know my family still lives there i still have interests in the u.s. most of it makes me sad to be perfectly on this one enduring thing that i noticed in how you describe this region. english language interview says that you use a lot of collective pronouns we and ours and that that sounds very sweet but i
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wonder if this place really feel like home to your maybe a second home it does a i've been here six years i'm very fond of. the people are wonderful when we aren't under like four feet of snow the region is very beautiful but there's talked about it before there's a lot of red tape but there's also a lot of a mess of hurdles and hustles i assume with your life own every day pretty much not speak. i've gotten through a lot of those they are annoying when they crop up but they're rare and i really enjoy my students my kids are wonderful thing russia and the united states can never get along on their i use. in a level rather than personal well i hope so but i think a lot of people have a vested interest in the us having an enemy and currently russia is the most viable enemy well i guess and perhaps war and war is both ways on both sides a very fearsome.
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i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten light colored timestamping each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you long to be ultra rich eight point six
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percent market saw thirty percent just last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per circuit first second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars . china is building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one business so you can't afford to miss the one and only. clear.
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cut. of the keyboard player played. a form the russia world cup brings some major upsets five time champions brazil are helpful a draw against switzerland and against the odds mexico stunned the reigning champions germany with a one mil victory in moscow. this
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is art international coming to you live from the russian capital my name stuck with thanks for joining in this hour. the world cup has been dishing out plenty of surprises on day four two thousand and fourteen title winners germany and the most successful team in the history of the tournament brazil were both in action to guide you through the games just save merino and peter schmeichel were at our studio in the heart of moscow. costa rica school their one nail and it was a terrific free think think. think think think some are. from mexico with fantastic they face high rises so quickly did i cause germany all sorts of problems they for sure found a way to play against germany they defended. people in the last twenty minutes is a bit desperate they defended people what they did was play them so well that
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really read where all the witnesses were and in behind kim it's a right folks that's a lot of space and i was exploited and that went. up to the gold as well so having left out i actually typified have a pride in it will live through the match pretty much as have a look at that goal and i think we can run it just talk us through it thank. you and. for you to use a very. strong seventy. by many people to be a world cup star and in his first game scoring this goal but he was exploiting. germany is that the sense that they did offend incredibly i mean i've never seen germany play it was always the problem and why was such a problem having a quick winger like that on the left why was he causing so many problems for
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germany germany had a lot of the bo they lacked so much imagination but as soon as the loss of all the midfield players like they did take part in into finding the transition and the counter-attacking from from mexico and i was sort of dissing germany here but it was plenty of effort in the second half wasn't i mean they were throwing everything as much as they could anyway to. the saving moment of the game went on the more this with germany became when they were trying to win the ball back and then the mexican play a very very clever in the way he defended and i see how shifty he was outside the stadium today on the machine you caught up with a few of these mexican fans and so you can get the atmosphere saying. i was. jubilant mexicans not only they essentially outnumbered the german fans maybe three to one they were also maybe five times louder in the stadium itself ah. when the gold went in it was
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set in the media area and behind the glass we had a large lot of mexican support as the bee is went up in the air they started dancing one guy even lost you some broke in the tribulation so the atmosphere coming from the mexican fans was absolutely surreal the mexican fans camped out in moscow for the past four or five days very much jubilant some of that was climbing on top of trucks and dancing and singing also looks like a custom some bros wrestling masks different national costumes and all such we've seen them all today here and in abundance as well. but now i have a. major show so it will wise a major victory for the team you can only imagine that they will just go on a complete rampage of happiness in central moscow and i think we should feel sorry
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for one too i mean fans who. feel awful civil boarding a plane and flying it's a rush to russia instead he travels two thousand kilometers all the way from student. film you spend a month on the road arriving in perfect time for the match accompanied by his dog only. he's being loose in mexico and what we have to say it was a very very cold morning german performance is a love it is true and. i thank. you i'm seventy years old my tracks are easy to see the use of the transport would be too easy i'd love nothing to our country are.
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the old good let me show you three are very expensive on the way to feel the joy visit filling me taking i just this is such just. really feel sorry for this family so if you are in a moscow you see a guy and attractive you know stop him and give him a hug i think you deserve. a strong faith to go on sensual because the thing i got brazil off to a great start and missed a terrific strike from him safe and it's a strike that we're saying a middle man quite often isn't it i'm just talk us through this one jazz. guys thank you or would thank you for your. favorite position and these so i don't want
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to. show that she was preaching the moment the poll asked you. to focus of the show and impossible for fossil. fuel to go for it to move people from i don't think is a drama for these big teams not to win the first match. when i was in jena doesn't wind in doesn't mean portugal doesn't win. well for germany to do brazil doesn't mean i don't think it's a drama for them as they all know. i think they all know they're going to and. it's probably good for them to put their feet on the ground and these from the office would for the. for their country and also to keep. coming but obviously football nations lots of expectations critics will come and not my profile of of of and but of the profiles. of
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the. it will come strong immediately again a single day all will qualify and the rest of the stuff teams will come in and it's been a very good stuff the underdogs hasn't it and they doing something in particular that they haven't done before mazing before football. i'm pretty sure that. judging from tino is the i'm pretty sure that people that's really love and it's not just for fun. is for some team people these i'm happy i'm really happy with the result the result of this is the beauty of football as switzerland a special player they don't have. the book keeper was all the shower was fantastic let me feel this as we predict it will slowly afraid of each it was not. work for
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us it will for the team. some of the far. better than the some of that in the future wolf and in football is possible this teams. can beat not. six of them and primes is possible you know in ten times. it's possible to get three draws and we need one and this is a beautiful also audio very wood with mexico to reach early with with. we want america very good against france so in this one of the smaller teams they know how they can compete against the better teams and they do it in a very pragmatic way very compact very slowly great focus during the lean mean answering veterans and it's great for the fans teams we can hear them asking fans so we join cells here in moscow and see how this whisperings are doing and rushed
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off brazilian fans are telling me that they don't understand how they reward able to defeat switzerland in the first game of the world cup match was very very bad press you didn't pay for every hour in the second half goal for all switzerland was . was not allow that and now we have to wake up the guys in red are absolutely psyched and they're telling me that this draw is like a victory for them yet. i really lost my voice we had a really good game this like and winning the chevys you've already won so thursday we really. expect that's we equalised we have been disappointed that we didn't win. but after what i saw earlier on sunday i'm sure that the fans of chief. well good.


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