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tv   News  RT  June 18, 2018 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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formal together to get through this. that weekend they attended mass. when we got to the lord's prayer. saying the lord's prayer out loud was a real confrontation. forgive us our trespasses as we praise the futurist but it's against them. i had to abandon. something i had been saying. from probably thoughtlessly thousands of times over my over my life. and if anyone would have asked us well what would you want to do if you if you ever found who did this i didn't i just why be so angry i want i want him dead to maybe i don't know i never had this happen it was this so painful. eight days later that she burst buried their twenty three year old daughter.
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apply to many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i got some. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman each kill the narrowness and spending to twenty million fly a. book it's an experience like nothing else on it because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game like great so what more chance for. thinks it's going to. zia's says harlan kentucky. over both of these moves the places you go street fanny's leave.
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a co money since it was almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal miners are said. that it was a drive to see these people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's happened it's happened. for a world cup twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers available to us but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. guys i know you on the us he's a huge star among us and the huge amount of pressure you have to go i mean eight percent of the beach but the way we do and we will show the great game the grid is
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good you are the rock at the back nobody gets us to you we need you to get the ball going let's go. a low as i want to you know and i'm really happy at the draw and out to him for the two thousand and three in the world cup in russia meet the special one i was also pretty sure needs to just read the review the aussie team's latest edition to make up a bigger need to just say look. what does society do when someone commits a horrific act of violence. for centuries seeking justice was a community affair. and disproportionate blame fell on the poor mentally
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disabled and people of color. in the eight hundred hundreds some capital offenses were targeted specifically at slaves the stablish in a racial bias that continues today. executions reached a historic peak in the one nine hundred thirty s. averaging one hundred sixty seven per year but then in one thousand thirty six. a gruesome execution caught the attention of the media. on aug fourteenth in owensboro kentucky raney the thea was publicly hanged by a white sheriff's many buck but the oh was innocent. one new york times reporter wrote ten thousand white persons some jaring another's festive saw prayerful black men put to death today and davies county's piton gallus . the outcry over rainy bothy is hanging did
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not put an end to capital punishment instead it drove executions behind prison walls out of public view. state officials built death houses and institutionalized the practice. it's a death by far it's a scripted death in the beginning it was hanging it was not only hanging but it was public and so you see the crowds come in and bring in a picnic lunch and celebrating then we move from hanging to the electric chair and then we began to have the horror stories that happened out of the electric chair. and then has been a move to lethal injection and lethal injection is likely going medicinal so that we'll just be putting them to sleep. but not everyone agrees. the idea that they should go out in an opiate haze that it should be a pleasant that is absolutely perverse. the debate about the death penalty has
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become increasingly polarized and politicized we want a system that's fair we want a system that respects the dignity of human beings the idea that we were executing innocent people was terrifying and there was just no way that we hadn't and that we want some people kill with an attitude so callous heinous sadistic that they have forfeited their right to live i believe in a turn of one and that is when we execute this person we know he will never kill again why is it that the death penalty really comes down to in many cases just where you live who your d.n.a. is we cannot recognize injustice when we see it at people not being treated fairly and people not getting a fair shot you can be critical but you can be critical of the idea that the government has the right to kill and also hold compassion and concern for victims
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maybe in some books of justice the person for this act is serves to die but do we as a society deserve to kill them. today capital punishment largely falls to the state in which the crime was committed. and laws and methods vary widely. most states use lethal injection. but some still use gas chambers. the electric chair. hanging. and firing squads. carrying out the death penalty is intrusted to specially trained guards like jerry givens. of the sixty two executions the jerries conducted thirty seven were by electrocution and twenty five by lethal injection. lethal injection is
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considered the more humane form but for jerry it made the job of killing another person a lot tougher. when you talk about execution and electrocution is a button you push and washing push the button because it flows in the current comes out and. that's all i had to do was to push a button but when it come down to death by lethal injection you have seven to. a chemicals. you have four flushes and three deadly chemicals that is inserted into this man and. my self as an execution i am at the end of each the rant i'm pushing a poison. down to tune into the body so i'm more attach
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to this person then it is pushing a button and release and then they let the current flow wide self. fifteen days prior to an execution the condemned would be moved to the death chamber where gerry and his team worked. all nine of us were executions and we put that a good execution that what we stood by. the preparation was mental as well as physical we practice and practice and practice prior to the execution. each of us knew our jobs out sign it and we never allow ourselves to get that close to anyone you know we train for that we train this way you don't get that close to . the day of the execution. twenty four hours prior to that we we have a call a duck watch. a guy will act differently because he knew that this is the last
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everything. this is the sale when to condemn space. this is where the warden really is don't want these clergy person. to sit with him. doing this course of the day to condemn is given a shower his last meal his last visitations. by six o'clock hour preparations in the stocks and to the inmate his place today. at home in new hampshire karen in her family were slowly recovering from their injuries. not some much
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for wasm physical abilities things like the loss of. especially for me my rose colored glasses you know. just the reality. people are different things are not the same. when even with one and i. are. working through things and i'm working through things. it had been six months since the bombing and karen had not yet seen her good friend celeste who was with them at the finish line and lost both her legs. and then planning. initially i i couldn't bring myself. to do that.
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because i felt. celeste and sixteen others lost limbs that day ron was one of the lucky ones doctors were able to save his leg but the trauma and pain still lingered we're going to have to work for a long time to get to burne new normal whatever that going to be. after months of deliberation attorney general eric holder announced the u.s. would seek the death penalty. the defense will argue that zocor was pressured into it by his older brother that he was a popular well liked college kid led astray. you know it's got to be held responsible and i agree and i and i am to believe that . but i also thank you. just can't stoop and.
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karen son was the same age is no car. didn't seem like such a hard decision when it was abstract. you know i've got family and friends who are very religious and don't believe in it there and that i have others who say. it's the right thing to do they're so sure. i don't know that it's right for me to make that decision to take someone else's life. in philadelphia shannon's killer was still on the loose. the she worst pressed france or so but the police had none. it's just like you're in
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a coma you mean you're just like walking through something but you you don't know exactly how you're going to deal with them how am i ever ever going to get through this. this is tremendous sense of loss. and you know for some time i could visualize feeling that walking through a door squawking in the house and walking through the door seeing our dopy bed she told me. she was so kind and generous and loving and helpful and she always would come to us and say mom dad i have to make a difference. sharon was a little mini thing. she had a tremendous appetite for learning. everybody loved shannon everybody loved her she was looking straight away but over and over. in their grief vicki and sil turned to each other and reached out for support. this takes time and doesn't you
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know everybody goes down a different path in a different time line to this journey toward healing begin attending support meetings for families of murder victims. there they saw the devastating toll of sorrow and anger. the father of one of the murdered daughters we know well took his first drink and he never stopped for a year and then she lost his job and marriage. but welch's daughter was one of one hundred sixty six people killed in that smithy mcveigh bombing of oklahoma city. one night about a year later he woke up in the morning and he had this dream and his daughter julie was there telling him dad had he murdered me are you going to let him murder whole family. also saw the high price people paid for putting their lives on hold as they waited for an execution. we start finding out what murder victims' families
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go through if you decide to say look i want that man executed it would take fifteen twenty years as much longer for it actually to happen and we just saw the effects that this had on these family members we saw destroying their lives. her. get a phone no i don't have what was the last digit you went on the internet no i am not using these village is it safe they just. are you sure there is no i was a target there and they are all going to be sure that the baby doesn't cost him his service but. one one one one one one on what they were doing and we thought he is dead as part of the deficit to get.
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the boy. that was what i was. previously. yes sad no they are being false fall in love where he has food member of the society. he lets. on. i can imagine i don't know i wasn't there but i can imagine a russia defending its national interests in a way that doesn't help the hawks in the united states but couldn't has this image of such a hard guy. and i would only blame him for not caring about american public opinion even more because it seems like no matter what he does there's an unfair response
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number less what i'm saying is it's gotten very personal. as he should be. one of them because. as. we. see. the moment it was a. double that he moves. in school i'm. only
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interested in the reasons as it's been said so but what's mr rudd coming to school in the. winter with him and is it. and i've known you moved can you hear michel i. diminish then.
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let's look at the. headlines on international on day four of the world cup proved to be a shock up with switzerland holding giants brazil toward droll and mexico defeating reigning champions germany ultimately spending fans in rapturous ha i. ended monday is a big day for england with the three lions taking on. the head of the match on t.v. put both teams fans to the test. it's all of the.
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i think a bit of both i could see we were going to have a little bit of the game the idea here is this today is the at three o. six take the five six seven and. then other stores coalition crocks widen in germany. and terry a minister is quoted as saying he can no longer work with. with the latest world cup starts on your world's top headlines welcome to the program here on r.t. and.
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so three russian host cities are gearing up for world cup clashes today sunday's games left many fans stunned but none more so than the fans of germany and brazil just a marina and peter schmeichel now breaking down the action in our studio in the heart of. costa rica the school there one nil and it was a terrific free think think. think think think think think think some are. mexico with fantastic thanks a france rightly so quickly did i cause germany all sorts of problems they for sure found a way to play against germany. and. i . think. you're going to have scored seven singles.
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i tipped by many people to be a world cup star and in his first game scoring this goal but he was exploiting the i mean is that the sense that they did offend incredibly i mean i've never seen germany play they lacked so much imagination the longer the game went on the more desperate germany became and they were trying to win the ball back and make him play a very very clever in the way he defended the chefs he was outside the stadium today on a machine caught up with a few of these next. and fans and cycling up the atmosphere saying. jubilant mexicans not only they essentially outnumbered the german fans maybe three to one they were also maybe five times louder in the stadium itself.
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so the atmosphere coming from the mexican fans was absolutely surreal the mexican fans camped out in moscow for the past four or five days very much jubilant some of that was climbing on top of trucks and dancing and singing also looked like a costume party some bread rose wrestling masks different national costumes and all such we've seen them all today here and in abundance as well. thank you i think we should feel sorry for one german fans who didn't take the sea off the civil boarding a plane and flying it's a rush to russia instead he travels two thousand kilometers all the way from students. so he spent the money on the road arriving in perfect time for the match accompanied by stalled only to see the scene lose to mexico and what we have to say was a very very disappointing to him and performance here's
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a look at his doing. i'm seventy years old going to track series eight see the use of the transport would be too easy to do and nothing to do with the country. but me so you need to be very expensive on the route to literally visit filling me taking this. so i'll just ask. you. if you. really feel sorry for this family so if you are in or around moscow you see
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a guy an attractive you know stop and give him a ha i think he deserves. it from fidel sensual because the thing i got brazil off to right start him is a terrific strike from him safe and it's a strike that we sing the middleman quite often isn't it and just talk us through this one jack of ties. thank you for you. as usual and these. think you have all of these useful piece of plastic shorts and impossible for form of casual to go for it and. i don't think it's a drama for these big teams not to win the first match when i was in jena doesn't lean in doesn't mean portugal doesn't win. well for germany to resume doesn't mean i don't think it's
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a drama for them as they all know. i think they all know they're going to and it's probably good for them to put their feet on the ground and these probably all should for the. for their country and also to keep to keep calm but obviously big football nations lots of expectations critics will come. up my profile of. pundits but the profile. of the. comes along immediately began saying they all will qualify and the rest of the system seems to. have with someone else pressure. they don't have but the work people will slowly shout of was passed let me feel this as we predict it will slowly to some of the far. better than the sum of the in the future and in
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football this possible that these teams. can beat. six of them and primes possible you know ten times it's possible to get three draws. and this is a real difference let's see how the swiss fans are doing and rushed up. to the eyes in red are absolutely psyched in there telling me that this draw is like a victory for them. already lost my voice we had a really good game this like it winning the championship already so first day. there will have to be a break in some in rostov brazilian fans are telling me that they don't understand how they reward able to defeat switzerland in the first game of the world cup
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match was very very bad stress you didn't play very hour in the second half goal for all switzerland was not. was not allowed the and now we have to wake up but after what i saw earlier on sunday i'm sure that the fans of she will go by a seal well get back to party mode very quickly. because. we're in rostov on don southern russia but i'll tell you one to. day this place feels more like the copacabana beach in rio perhaps but as soon as i said good piano does it feel like rush hour more like brazil this is more like brazil i know but these wonderful time wonderful people we love to be here in russia sold that's a good kind of fun does it feel like russia or brazil here now that's totally
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brazil here mate it's warm everyone having a good time samba it's brazil in russia right now. how the us years now both feel like this stuff pretty much all over the place. well finally i can see that at this point fans are trying to catch up as well have a log. house here in rostov on don how are you feeling here it's very nice and the people very nice to us here us like a family near football family you know we're focused family. of them at the on. this it good run of the.


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