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tv   News  RT  June 18, 2018 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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provided it's verified the political views of any particular person working for wiki leaks doesn't matter the fact is if the transparency organization had they received material about president trump they would have published it and julian made that very clear and when he discussed discuss the lakes we've seen them publish material about syria about russia about the united states about saudi arabia their publications of cut across the political spectrum to say that wiki leaks is in any way politicized is i think just wrong it's a they can't they can't determine what they receive and so what is your client what does or does he want from to raise a million some sort of guarantee. i mean there have been previous extradition proceedings that have gone through with united states ones that kind of guarantee it is perfectly acceptable under international law and under common extradition arrangements for the british government to give an assurance against extradition so if he were to leave ecuadorian. effectively ecuador in territory in the diplomat in and in the embassy where he is and has himself over to the u.k.
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it is perfectly possible for the british government to give an extradition an assurance against extradition to the united states and that's what could have resolved this case in two thousand and ten and can certainly resolve this case in two thousand and eighteen there's a demonstration war between six and eight in london there are other demonstrations to mark the six years what is the mental health state of your blood really in a search it's an incredibly difficult situation we've had doctors assess him and say that there is an extreme risk to his physical or mental health that calling on the british medical association to put pressure on the british government to ensure that he can have the health care that he needs obviously as being inside the embassy he's not been able to leave to go to hospital or to seek any for a minute medical treatment and the british government refuses to allow him to leave for that purpose and they say arrest him if he does so it's a very serious situation it's causing him permanent damage and it's time that this is ended and it's within the power of the british government to do so it always has been and i could end tomorrow if i wanted to general it's. thank you thank you tuff
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in the break as new figures show that on talk to guy has lost three trillion tons of ice in twenty five years to award winning scientists tell us why they yes sixty in ten could mark the beginning of the end of the human race solar thermal coming up about two of going underground. to. get a phone no i don't have what was the last time that you went on the internet no i'm not used to meet these village is it safe to say. are you sure there is no actual music ters there and they are all going to be should do the baby does a class of his that is but. i want to go on one i want to ongoing question were the one and only you know for me is
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a death as part of the voters are going to get. a. lot more work to respond previously yes and no they are being false forms in love wearing the suit member of the society. let's have. them. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see that. as he should be. one of the more so if you be in luck because on the bus with.
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just me what i mean are well me and i don't know but the thing is you. get. one of those was a. dumb move to move me. to school. only in the spirit in the prison instead of instead of a watch musical blood from a system that.
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went in with him and is that and then have none removed can you. hear me shall i. diminish pretty much them. welcome back in the past seventy two hours the fast food chain mcdonald's has announced that its one thousand three hundred u.k. branches will no longer use plastic straws phasing out one point eight million straws a day but is the move a drop in the ocean given that the world's fourth largest employer stands accused by environmentalists of a range of earth altering activities from deforestation to massive environmental pollution the activities of multinationals contribute to what some scientists refer to as the anthropocene the era of human domination an era that may spell the end of the only planet in the universe known to support life professor simon lewis and
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person mark maslin of the co-authors of the human planet how we created the anthropocene and they join me now thanks for the river coming in let's begin the mark with what is the sea so many years ago scientists started to realize that we were changing the earth but we haven't realized until the last decade how much we're actually changing it so if we look at the amount of earth or soil that we move remove more than the rest of the natural processes if you think about the amount of concrete we make we can actually have covered the whole of the world two millimeters thick in concrete so all these massive changes and actually what we realized is that we were entering a new geological period a period that wasn't dominated by plate tectonics or by super volcanoes but actually by arts and so we are now controlling the destiny of the earth and clingfilm the book is full of the excluded from the classics yes we hate plastic.
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simon this book dates it to sixteen ten i should say there are lots of ice core data or proofs of this these as well but sixteen tell me what happened in the year so we need to say in terms of the anthropocene that earth is moving to a new state and then we need a marker to say when it began and this. marco we think is when different species from different continents started to jump continent as europeans arrived in the americas the first time after fourteen ninety two and one of the things of those movement of species is that diseases were transported and that caused the deaths of around fifty million native americans and those native americans were farmers so those farmer's fields that were there across south america grew back and most of the trees carbon so they took carbon out of the atmosphere and we can see that impact in ice cores from antarctica and in sediments and natural data archives of around the world so this provides
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a moment to say this is the beginning of the end to proceed so when species are mixed and we see a new evolutionary destiny of planet earth and it's the last globally cool moment before the warmth of the anthropocene before climate change really kicks in in the early adopters of this. perceived connections with years and so there are particular in russia yes so so people have had an idea that there's been a human epoch that there's a time when humans dominate the earth and that started off with the brute force in the eighteenth century and he had this idea that it was a human pork mainly due to the kind of changes that humans are making to life so cutting down forests moving plants and animals around for farming and then actually people were using the term the anthropocene in russia after the after the. october revolution in one nine hundred seventeen and we think that's because ideas of
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change and ideas that were going to change the world politically and economically go hand in hand with thinking that we can change the world environmentally so there was a lot more comfort in discussing those ideas in the early twentieth century in russia and in the east then there was in the west that we've been a bit slow catching up. these ideas but then. as i mean people have commented the fact of the climate change conference has been going on in the vatican in the burbs you do as you mentioned before organized religion did not like this anthropocene very much in in really year in the early days of geologists saying getting evidence and saying hang on the earth is much older and the time that people have been here will be the first ones in the united states things it's only six thousand years old yes by adding up all the dates in the bible and it's obviously completely absurd you know we know that earth is four point five billion years old and humans arrived very late on the scene if you took. earth's history
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as an entire day modern humans that look like you and i we appear at four seconds to midnight so we're incredibly recent but we've had enormous impact on the planet so much so that we are now a force of nature like the old forces of nature changing over billions and millions of years we're now changing it today so what we do now matters. surely we've only recently got this kind of full range of data because there were a lot of scripts is a lot of sketches skepticism when people would just go it's warmer or since records began britain has got warmer records beginning in the eighteenth century homeport was the that kind of new data to support this and to proceed in argument well i think the most important thing is that the anthropocene goes beyond just climate change it actually looks at all of our impacts and in many ways us discussing
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climate change for the last twenty five to thirty years has mosque the fact that humans are doing huge amounts of damage to the planet as well as changing the climate given example since the industrial revolution we've cut down three trillion trees that's half the trees on the planet just that alone is a huge effect if we look at say land mammals and we actually weigh them all sixty seven percent. livestock thirty percent of our humans and only three percent is all those wild animals that of course the b.b.c. in the other t.v. camera crews go follow around so we completely changed the make up of mammals on land but we've sort of forgotten about this and it's only now that we're looking at it in toto that we can see our huge impact on the earth which is the same as changing into a new geological period and this is industrial capitalism i mean you say it was the primary force so in the book we describe that there are five major periods of human
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society the first one the hunter gatherers second one then is the agricultural revolution third is the mercantile capitalists who then rediscovered south america and caused genocide their industrial revolution occurs and then the last one is actually cap is consumer capitalism which occurs after the second world war and it's that consumer capitalism that's really accelerated all these environmental issues and actually now running out of the. troll and this legacy of inquiry of. pejorative way of colonialism and discovery the age of discovery very important and you alluded to it earlier when it came to. the extinction of native american or put extinction of native american life in the space so what happened in the sixteenth century is that europeans spread across across the oceans and created the first global circuit of trade and the first kind of you could see it as
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a global empire. and from there we then moved through the discovery of enormous fossil fuel reserves and the ability to use those which again then spread worldwide as we see in china today and then finally a new reorganization of the world after the second world war to be able to increase that productivity and increase the consumption and that's the problem we have today is that we're producing three hundred million tonnes of plastic each year. and there was seeing plastic in all the oceans and we're seeing in micro fibers in in the drinking water and enough food and you know these things come back to rebalance so we argue in the book is that actually this constant increase in the amount of productivity and the amount of consumption globally can't continue without serious
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repercussions and in the end some kind of societal collapse there are various saviors towards the end of the book possible xavier's. donald trump could be a savior as we can provide protection is to is now involved in the trade war fifty billions of tariffs on the chinese goods protectionism is that one of the unanswered that's not as strong as the other ones you i don't think. what we need is we're a globally interconnected culture set of cultures and that global interconnection means that we can help each other around it makes sense to farm the foods that grow best in the places they do so we don't cut down rain forest just because. there isn't a good place to grow food that we can grow it elsewhere and move it to the places where we need it so actually actually in terms of energy and information which we think are the ultimate drivers of contemporary society actually we need technology
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from the global north to go to places like. india to allow them to leapfrog the fossil fuel age and go straight to renewables go to straight to green clean technology to produce the energy that those people need and to change those consumption habits so that people get what they need but without the environmental impact we just mentioned a shift in different stages including the immediate return of them together a system so people are going to be surprised maybe not germany corbin's labor party but how you can return to that through a very modern idea where you talked about all the time in think tanks around the world a universal basic income were the key thing is trying to break the consumption cycle and the key thing is that everybody is trying to actually work as many hours as they can to generate as much money as possible to increase their life and increase the wealth of their children and that's great but it becomes this sort of
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self-fulfilling prophecy which is i work so hard so i deserve a new phone or a new deserve a new car or actually my neighbors have something and even nicer car i've got to have that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy but it doesn't make it any happier i'm not any happier even though i'm more wealthy than my parents were and so the interesting thing is that if you start to think about what is the basic needs for most people which is shelter food and a little bit extra so they can sustain themselves and that's what university culture of course you have to have culture and again but that also allows you if you stop worrying about money and have a safety net you can do some really interesting things with. culture because you can look after your elderly relatives without worrying about whether you're going to feed yourself or your kids you can actually become an entrepreneur and go i'm going to risk everything for the next five years seeing if i can make the next billion dollar company but guess what i don't have to worry about feeding myself
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because i have that safety net so it's a really interesting idea that allows people to be creative more artistic consume less but at the same time actually add a lot into culture and society so should we give album g.d.p. growth as a measure of the success of a society. important thing about universal basic income which feeds into that growth argument is is that it gives people control so it allows them to take some opportunities that usually lie out of reach and also give them opportunities they know for example to be environmentally damaging work and if people won't have the impetus to go work for whatever work they can get then people have more control about what's produce and therefore what's consume and that would change growth and that would change the dynamics of always going for more and more g.d.p. even though much of this g.d.p.
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growth might be repairing massive environmental damage and is so is not a net benefit to humanity as a whole broad as i would nurse present thank you both that's it for the show we're back on wednesday world refugee day till then people talked with us about social media we'll see on wednesday wolf tones birthday i'm one hundred eighteen years to the day the mother that you can learn your the hets one movement for u.s. marines and beijing's books are about. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murderer i would prefer it be to win the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict just found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people was terrifying and there's just no way that doesn't mean that we're even many victims' families want
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the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. oh. oh. oh why. not
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cut. out for the. day five of the world cup with england take on chinese yet in volgograd ahead of the match both teams fans to the test. i told the pope told it's all about football i'll take up a little bullock to cheer you up we're going to have a little bit of the get the idea here is staying with us to see that. goal. today sixty five six seven. and they proved to be a shocker with switzerland holding giants brazil to a draw and to mexico defeating the reigning champions germany sending fans interactions. i.
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and another stories coalition cracks widen in germany as angela merkel's interior minister is quoted as saying he can no longer work with her. it's two pm and you're watching r.t. international live from our moscow studio with me and welcome to the program. three russian. three russians who sissies are gearing up for world cup clashes today sunday's games left many fans stand none more so than fans of germany and brazil josie marino and peter schmeichel break down the action in our studio in the heart of
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moscow. yes costa rica the school there one male and it was a terrific free thank you thank. you. thank you thank you mara who. actually come with fantastic thank you for inspiring me so quickly did i cause too many all sorts of problems they for sure found a way to play against germany who has since. two years of. school and seventeen goals. he's tubed by many people to be a world cup star and in his first game scoring this goal but he was exploiting the minister that defense if they didn't finish the incredible i mean i've never seen
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germany play they lacked so much imagination became went on the more desperate germany became and they were trying to win the ball back and then the next game play very very clever in the way he defended last year shifty he was outside the stadium today on a machine caught up with a few of these mexican fans and psyching up the atmosphere saying. you have. jubilant mexicans not only they essentially outnumbered the german fans maybe three to one they were also maybe five times louder in the stadium itself ah. so the atmosphere coming from the mexican fans was absolutely surreal the mexican fans camped out in moscow for the past four or five days very much jubilant some of that was climbing on top of trucks and dancing and singing also looked like
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a costume party sopranos wrestling masks do. friends national costumes and all such we've seen them all to day here in abundance as well. i think we should feel sorry for one guy high german fans who he didn't check b.c. often civil boarding a plane and flying it's a ross that's a russian state he travels two thousand kilometers all the way from stood on a truck so he spent the money from the road arriving in perfect time for the match comedy prize dog only to see the scene lose to mexico and what we have to say was a very very disappointing german performance here's a look at is doing. is
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i'm seventy years old my tricks are easy to see the use of the transport would be too easy to do nothing about the country talking. to me so you need to be a very expensive and the even physically visit feeling me taking the choices to the sun just. look. look look. look. look look. look look look look look. i really feel sorry for this fellow so if you ask are you see an attractive you know stop and give him a hug i think he deserves. it from fidel sensuality christina and called herself a great shot and miss
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a terrific strike from him say i miss the strike that we saying. a middleman quite often isn't it and just talk us through this one jason. and you were would you for if. it was asian and these women. that she was with all of these useful piece of plastic shots and impossible for forceful man to have to go for it a little before i don't think it's a drama for these big teams not to win the first match when i was in jena doesn't wind in doesn't mean portugal doesn't win i have. a welsh jammed into brazil doesn't mean i don't think it's a drama for them as saying they all know. i think they all know they're going to win it's probably good for them to put their feet on the ground and these from the office would for the. for their country and also to keep to keep coming
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but obviously football nations lots of expectations critics will of come and not my profile of of of and but of the profiles that. it will become strong immediately again and i think they all will qualify and the best of the system teams will meet them. as switzerland of us have they don't have but it will keep us all the shah was asked to let me feel this as we predicted it would slowly some of the part about a and the some of the in the speech wolf and in football is possible that these teams of can meet and. six often times possible you know in ten times is possible that they get
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three draws and when one is and this is. different let's see how this responds day and rush the. guys in red are absolutely psyched and they're telling me that this straw is like a victory for them yet i really lost my voice we had a really good game this like that we need to check to see by reading the first day we really. there will have to be a break in some in rostov brazilian fans are telling me that they don't understand how they weren't able to defeat switzerland in the first game of the world cup match was very very bad for if you didn't play very hour in the second half go for all swiss land was not. was not allowed the and now we have to wake up but after
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what i saw earlier on sunday i'm sure that the fans of she will go but i will get back to party mode very quickly. where in rostov on don southern russia but i'll tell you why today this place feels more like the copacabana beach in rio perhaps but as the exec of bia. does it feel like rush hour more like brazil this is more like brazil i know you know but it's a wonderful time wonderful people we love to be here in russia showing that's good have fun does it feel like russia or brazil here now that's totally brazil here it's warm everyone having a good time some it's brazil in russia right now. by the us years now the load like this stuff pretty much under the
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place. well finally i can see that the way it stands are trying to catch up as well have a long. year in rostov on don how are you feeling here that today nice and the people nice to us here us like a family near football family you know we'll put the family. oh well. this is a good run the. code the food the vibes are absolutely amazing. amazing day for football. i.


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