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tv   Going Underground  RT  June 18, 2018 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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ok that's fair enough. there we had brazil and switzerland. let's move on to creeping here it is. serbia brazil city didn't get i didn't like silver did look good so i told the media my prediction is that i was not thinking that serbia was going home i was wishing that serbia was going home which is a different thing because i want i want my men to go on on a holiday but i knew that they have so many good players they are strong they're not true are they really want to do it i know many of them i know the spirit men a minute i was in my teach about the feeling of the syrian players to go to the world cup and they look really strong but you could see that when switzerland got a point against brazil obviously they can get three against costa rica probably they can get one against serbia and then if they go to five. my prediction can steal can still go with brazil and and switzerland but i have to confess
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i want my play to go. well as we've all meant great. joys a said germany and mexico germany at the bottom that green. i don't like to go germany i think is going to qualify with six points. and and mexico has a big chance now to qualify even with five so you from mexico doesn't lose against three of them which is very possible and doesn't lose against south korea which is very possible all lose one but when another one to choose also normal i think mexico will if i would five or six points and i don't believe that you're going to have a football scandal with germany going home so i think my prediction will be correct and solid and then the final two groups g. and h. of course games yet but. in g.
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you said england and belgium speaking of that i think is absolutely senegal and poland. well i went for some of all because i like african countries. and african country too to go to all three through which i was thinking between nigeria and some girl one to do it i don't think magic is going to do with let's see some girl they have some some good players they have players in the league so awfully that. hopefully they can do it finally you being with us what five days it is your last day today just tell us what have been you your impressions of moscow and also the world cup you know the. atmosphere in the city amazing and you know where we just in the most iconic place in the city were of everybody's coming i can imagine so to two nationalities probably even more on the streets that
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mysterious fantastic of the city is beautiful the weather is amazing of you do i have to believe that these are the best to do and in every endeavor it's a vision and present amazing experience for me. but now i need a little bit of what. the fall is but we will be back. with the four semifinals and final show it's been a privilege working if you think i'm ever really enjoyed it much as all that i want to do it it's a lot we wish your say thank you. but we're going to take a break air for a few hours now here at our table later you know nail will be here with them our skull keeping legend pretty schmeichel to talk for the rest of the day's games including of course england against an easy. come on england can i say that wife.
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that's it from our world cup special studio with andy fall of there but we continue our coverage right here as always bring you the latest tops news stories of the day with me in the dia today as i mentioned england and step into the spotlight tonight in the city of volgograd pete oliver has been catching up with friends ahead of the game. it's all about hogan it's all about football i think up it not going to get to here we're going to have a little bit of a give the idea is england versus tunisia ten. twelve thirty forty fifty six they. have cold air after what's you know what's it am i not made our best thanks very much you've got to be sixteen i believe five six seven i was. what happens in england game similar to england it is you want out of it by going to be very tough game but we will in. other words they're not going.
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to let the nose of the funds being as well behaved in a decent as these behind me unfortunately i did with the sort of horrid behavior by you create as an england fan straight on salif being thrown up as well as songs that really cannot be repeated but i spoke to the chief executive of the england fans federation about them about what happened there i was in lynn funds should be doing well here in russia we've always encouraging good funds to do what the vast majority of us do all the time which is just to treat the place with respect you're really impressed with the degree of hospitality we got here every told him it's there's always a media story about most of the experience trouble is a bit immune to that sort of thing that would be exciting newspaper called the sells newspapers because the mission reality i'm here in the middle of the great river vulgar minutes i mean on during around the marina here come across something of a familiar sight on one of the yachts. not just an english flag but also an english
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money. permission cozza permission granted let's. end up in the water you've been doing a little bit something special for the world cup tell us about the well we've sowed all the way here from gary and it took us thirty six days to get all the way from bulgaria on the crimea on the i will say we travelled under the crimea brit. one day before mr putin you've provided a bit of something for those like myself who are even if the first time yeah we've written a small guide called the englishman in volgograd because usually on the only englishman in vogue. there's a few more yeah absolutely it's just the top five of everything around from my own perspective that's the stadium right there what do you think what is your tip for england taking place right there what's going to. three. zero
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clearly a party atmosphere in volgograd a far cry from the picture some british media outlets were painting had of the world cup. and. look at some of the scary russian hooligan rumors that have been floating around. i'm here at wembley stadium the home of english football now if you're thinking of visiting russia for the wild card a quick look at some of the u.k. newspaper headlines over the past few weeks and months would be enough to make you think twice. that put people off going to vote for the people i call myself yeah she's white to all the white to volunteer off the one i meet in so's friends and his friends hoping that singled out the fight he will be used russian fogg's tried to go their own training camps apparently ready it's all good english. don't break well put
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together a flick up bring it on bring the altruists yes bring on. the top of the stable hood and moscow and right now i'm going to head to a local football pitch where fans often get together for a kick around in the evening so let's get them to have a listen and hear what they have to say and his friends hopefully single that don't go for any go at least not russian fogg's try to go their own training camps apparently when it's all good english for myself yeah yeah for having to meet so spring. going on from the ultras yet bring on. thinking that it's not texas for a start now when you listen to the media that are not the truth are rushing studs everyone no one. likes to play and to make
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it the face these are most likely some rare occasions triggered by gold and emotions running through the pine but it happens everywhere not just in the the. we see this in all the european countries too but even if a single man gets hurt because of this it would be enough. possible a very good security cheering the progressiveness is not our main point. so. now recently england fans will claim. that i'm stood up for the national team played against the netherlands the question being tossed in the fans go to wash up looking to cause trouble again do you feel like sometimes all the english get in trouble is was not doing what i did just following suit on it looks like english trying to be put it down i get the big. come you look for yourself if you
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find any video games tell me if you're equally going to put it in any way the media is a media the studio which is really what it is but i do not agree that you should put me off with anyone else. no. one team which has already made quite the impression at the world cup has been iceland and its viking fans and joining me now is the vice president of the country's national football federation could turn into said the stand thank you so much for coming on to the program to talk to us now it is iceland's first world cup is it living up to expectations. yes it's great to be here and we are really proud of our team to be here so yes it is fantastic isn't it and i guess what a start you had the the draw against the mighty argentina in your opening game it must have felt almost like a win were you surprised by the result. yes or no it's
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a football match as ninety minutes of levon against the lever and then everyone can win so of course i'm not surprised and i believe in my team and we have a really strong team but it was a good good game. we have to that point we've got. i mean we have been looking at the fans obviously from all over the world but the iceland fans they've been famous the viking chanting and you know they've been playing a huge support and actually one of my colleagues said to me when those pictures came out of the celebrations they said have you seen pictures of the iceland fans it looks like the whole of iceland is supporting them. which is a great comment how important all the support is and playing in the team success. i think. i mean there are a lot of my son is here in russia and then the rest is in iceland supporting the team everyone who are watching the team on a saturday and we're all just following our. they have
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a great support from the. population and just the nation everyone is wearing blue and this is a big thing for us both. in our hearts yes it certainly looks like it is now you've still got to play nigeria and croatia in the great state is what a you'll predictions. too strong teams have to play. like i said before i believe in my my team and i think we can. qualify from the group so i'm always. have a good told good feeling before we enter the field so i hope we will stay longer in russia just. like an entourage of you against nigeria how well do you think we're going to do. i think we will win two one if i have to tell you some numbers. and croatia. we take force first just one might start the time so i will
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just start with a match on friday ok if. it's fine with me how tall are you going to go. i mean. when you enter a tournament you always go into every match to win so how far do we want to go of course we want to go all the way. and if our team plays good matches and we saw it at the euro that we could go we went to the court to find us we can do everything we want to do that's the beauty of the football so like i said before we are headed to stay in russia for a few weeks there and i have to ask you obviously about your impressions of moscow and russia so paul. i've been here now for a week and i really like moscow it's really nice to be here i'm looking forward to go to. correct you. on wednesday so i'm happy to
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see your country it's really beautiful it's the people here so nice so i've never been to russia before so i'm so happy that i had to tends to be here just thank you for your hospitality and fantastic to have you here with this. system vice president of the national football federation of iceland enjoy the rest of your time thank you. those are our. coverage of the world cup highlights i'll be back with more at the top of the hour. with coal make this manufacture consent institute of public wealth. when the roman closest project themselves. put the final clearing go round lifts only the one percent.
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with no middle of the room six. million more you mean. this is says harlan kentucky. the employs people street fanny's. a co money city it was almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the wisest said. that it was a laugh to see these people the survivors of a world disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's happened it's happened.
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when else so small seems wrong but old paul just don't call. me old yet to shape out he still comes to educate and in games from an equal betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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well welcome to sophie and co i'm sophie shevardnadze both russia and the u.s. are calling for relations to be rescued but hostile rhetoric is still growing louder on both sides cannot go on washington let bygones be bygones robert english former policy analyst at the u.s. defense department international relations scholar is with me today to talk about this. ghost of the cold war is hovering in washington and moscow as relations between russia and the u.s. into the series of personal jobs and escalating decisions what is inhibiting the understanding of the two great powers how long will the current confrontation persist and who will be strong enough to stop. robert english former policy analyst at the u.s. defense department welcome to the show it's really great to have you with us here so interesting times really didn't. start off with henry kissinger quote he says
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that demonization of lattimer putin is not a policy it's an alibi for the absence of one. yet is there a coherent policy line on russia in washington there are seven or eight coherent lines but all together they produce incoherence by that i mean the congress thinks it knows what it's doing. there are some individuals let's say the department of defense who have one orientation in the state department which is a revolving door who have another and so on no a coherent administration line has not emerged because they're fighting internally because trump started off as a pragmatic complainer a he wanted to make good with russia but then they stopped wishbone tat his hands does this mean that the american line towards russia is pretty termite no matter who the president will be no no this is
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a this is unique with trump no tied his hands in particular because the pass this legislation requiring sanctions right and that is certainly tied to trump personally because of the suspicion that he colluded with russia or that members of his campaign team. up to no good with russian representatives and that to who knows there's this anger because hillary clinton lost and blaming it on somebody who has this sort of outsized anger at russia that's why trump is uniquely tied with another president might not be so you feel like making russia u.s. adversary is partially part of the internal political fight in america they're using russia adversary against trying to weaken him is that part of the game for somebody who is it's not the only thing. one has to admit that russia hasn't helped in this there but russian actions that have made it easier for the people who dislike russia for the rooster folks in washington to do what they've done but yes
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they are. it's against trump there's suspicion of russia there's a whole combination old cold warriors trump pater's hillary supporters democrats who just can't this is early except a new presidency people who are genuinely concerned about russian actions what happened in england all these come together to paralyze our russia policy but also doesn't it come down to strong president weak president because i mean i understand your checks and balances anderson and you can't just do whatever the president wants to do but want to strike price present like frist as reagan like he wanted to make it with soviet union and everyone followed suit i feel like maybe if hillary clinton were president. one day decided that she went to make it with russia everyone else would agree with her more or less and because he's such an outsider it seems like he met with much more resistance is partly that but the first thing you said is the main thing
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a president who comes in whether it's china russia any foreign policy issue with a hard line reputation if they decide then to find accommodation accord a treaty they have a much easier time getting it past the establishment getting it passed congress someone who comes in with a reputation as we or soft whether it's china or russia or whatever it might be they're constantly met with suspicion and resistance so reagan was a tough guy and that he could make peace nixon kissinger were hard on russia then they could have they taught you're probably right hillary clinton who would suspect her of colluding with russia or making a bad deal she's as tough as they come on putin trump came in reputation not just soft but super soft so he's always going to have a uphill battle to do you think is done fixing ties with russia is it like a done fadel for him you know sitting in washington sitting anywhere in the united states we don't say anything anymore we never know never we never know what's
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coming next is this feeling that this administration has not settled down. on what's happening with negotiations with north korea on off on threats of war my best friend trade war with china trade with europe we're going to have an accord no we're going to pose massive terror so iran we haven't even got to maybe the most dangerous of all the issues so i can't answer that we don't know we all hope that we find some stability in this administration can focus on one issue or another well at least on predictability it keeps you guys tone to make you straight all right so in the years after the cold war the funding cuts mean that fewer and fewer russian experts were being trained in american schools what does that mean for russian knowledge in washington how does this influence policy. it's not a good time. for russia expertise we have and it's not just now but it's the last twenty years there's
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a strange combination of. lost interest in russia so fewer people after the ninety's were going into study oh boris yeltsin they have a democracy now it's kind of dall it's a crazy place but pretty strong arms control go watch oh that was exciting so a lot of people how do i now let me put it solely on people awake so now we do have a renewed interest but we have problems in our academy but say we train political scientists we train area experts very poorly thirty years ago twenty years ago when i was in graduate school we studied history first we learned the language and the culture very deeply but only then did we move to politics and we didn't always stop with politics we learned some economics we learned some strategic and military affairs and our experts were sort of comprehensive these days it's much more narrowly focused and there's much less interest in culture and history in the past and that produces very narrow or one sided experts so even though you're right we
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have interests now people want to work on russia they're interested whether it's to go into intelligence or business or anything in between but i feel like even though there are fewer acts are it's there still are experts i mean look at yourself and there are like bunch of people of your generation who really do have a knowledge of russia what russia stands for and what it represents what it wants but if you like the state department. or the white house don't really pay attention to the expert opinion do they even take that opinion into consideration when making up policies towards russia so i have great respect for the state department there is a large qadri. of mid-level officials who spent their career in russia in prague maybe in beijing back to russia developing expertise they tend to have very balanced and sensible views but you know what happens every four years or maybe every eight years we have an election and it's the secretary the deputy secretary
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the assistant secretary the deputy assistants the political appointees in the basters who come in and we've got to say every administration it's not just wrong but it was obama before and it was clear before that they put in more and more political and i'm qualified people because their campaign contributors because it's politically advantageous and therefore the competence at the top declines well their latest trumpet wiser in russia and europe on the hill and she's not like a putting lever and it's not like her views towards russia are super favor rule but she sensible and she's pretty magical which is already a very good and rare thing for american if as an academic colleague i have great respect for if you go to the hill for her work i had her as an invite to a conference at our university in los angeles she knows the caucasus as well as russia central asia she knows trade and oil with economic issues i have and she's balance straight she's not an idealogue she isn't hate anyone can she have
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a real impact on a policy i don't know i hope that she's working quietly within the system and in tandem let's say with people like our new a basket or here in moscow jon huntsman was also known as a moderate a sensible person and don't forget he has experience in business international trade he's been in china and other foreign postings my hope is that over time people like hudson and hill will move this administration in a pragmatic direction but then we watch the revolving door in the white house at the n.s.c. and i don't know. when it comes to russia and people in iraq it does seem like the politicians. glick they have a longer view of relations with the united states what i mean is russia scenario which try to be friends with the guys in the ninety's and they were trying to be friends with the after nine eleven but then them americans broke their promise pushed a nato towards russia's borders and then there was serbia iraq accent or etc etc.
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do the americans says decade old can continue to be one assessing relations with russia because it does seem to me that the media in america have. a much shorter attention span and so does the public we see the whole picture you in the legal way cycle when you are so right this is a bigger problem even than you know the average journalist working in foreign affairs working on russia i have to remind them as preparation for their interview with me what happened five years ago it's as if not just with every administration but every turnover of the bureau staff no americans you know we tend to approach everything as if we can start from scratch it's a very enduring and positive characteristics of america a kind of can do overcome the obstacles don't get stuck in the past but sometimes we go too far and there are elements of the past that can't be ignored if we want to approach a country that doesn't just mean russia china has historical grievances it issues
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with its neighbors with us with japan korea iran the shaw nine hundred fifty three the airliner shoot down we can't approach any of these countries as if it all started with each new administration and yet we tend to do that it's an american weakness it's also a strength but mostly a weakness but i also feel like fresh equals like the perfect enemy like the dr evil for america is a very good narrative for americans. having russia as an enemy is much more logical than this undefined terrorism think maybe we're show us relations are actually a victim to a perfect narrative that russia fits into as a perfect enemy there's there's something very important to what you're saying i think it works both ways i think we have this reciprocal us in russia and america is a good enemy for russia and part of it is as you say it's almost psychological if it
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wasn't there you have to create it there's a tendency to find a demon or an adversary the black and whites the cowboy but there's also concrete things that each side have done to help fuel that enemy image but you're right we are the two biggest powers in the world still china is only a century and that doesn't help and i don't mean to say the cold war is back the way it was and say in the sixty's seventy's or through the eighty's but we stand astride the world and we have this relationship that eased a bit after the cold war but then we both fell back into the old tropes and patterns so easily that is exactly what we and then talk about after the break so hold your thought there we'll take a break right now when we're back with robert english former policy analyst at a u.s. defense department will discuss more whether u.s. russia relations have crossed a point of no return stay with us. many
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times he should go to one of the most of the be in luck because a lot of on the bus were. just me about what i mean i well me and nothing. but the same. i don't want to prejudge. in which you. both get. what i was was a. dumb move to move the middle. east.


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