tv News RT June 19, 2018 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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the next day when shannon didn't show up for a lunch date with her brother sean he drove to her apartment building. for lucy and its neighbors came down and answered the door and sean said i'm trying to reach my sister or i can't reach or. the guy just would pale they say oh my god i called the police last night they were running up the steps they broke open her door and she was laying naked on her bed. by the time we got to philadelphia though the police were swarming the radley apartment building and they let us know immediately that she had been attacked and that she had been murdered. we were beginning
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to face the fact that part of us had died and i did it hit us very quickly. i just remember a prince that we'd be able to gather to get through this. that weekend they attended mass. when we got to the lord's prayer. saying the lord's prayer out loud was a real confrontation that forgives christmas as we preserve those who trespass against us. i had to abandon something i had been saying. often probably thoughtlessly thousands of times over my over my life. and if anyone would have asked us well what would you want to do if you if you ever found who did this i didn't i just why be so i. i want i want him dead to maybe i
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don't know i never had this happen there was this so painful. eight days later that she burst buried their twenty three year old daughter. survival guide ecstacy just like all the stars simply at least are. you going to get it back. it's a repatriation scheme what with the after seven years. philip the seven kaiser report. this is says holland kentucky. over all of these moves the places you could walk around st fanny's remain in.
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a coma any city with almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal miners are fed ex that was a laugh to see these people a survivor of a world disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in the million years i would see that and it's happened it's happened. i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super manager kill the narrowness and spend the two to twenty million a one player. it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share
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what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy a great so one more chance for. a nice minute. what does society do when someone commits a horrific act of violence. for centuries seeking justice was a community affair. and disproportionate blame fell on the poor mentally disabled and people of color. in the eighteen hundreds some capital offenses were targeted specifically at slaves the stablish in a racial bias that continues today. executions reached a historic peak in the one nine hundred thirty s. averaging one hundred sixty seven per year but then in one thousand thirty six. a gruesome execution caught the attention of the media. on aug fourteenth in
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owensboro kentucky raney the thea was publicly hanging by a white sheriff's many but the oh was innocent. one new york times reporter wrote ten thousand white persons some jaring another's best of saw prayerful black men put to death today and davies county's piton gallus . the outcry over rainy bothy is hanging did not put an end to capital punishment instead it drove executions behind prison walls out of public view. state officials built death houses and institutionalized the practice. it's a death by farming it's a scripted death in the beginning it was hanging it was not only hanging but it was public and so you see the crowds come in and bring in
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a picnic lunch and celebrating then we move from hanging to the electric chair and then we began to hammer the horror stories that happened out of the electric chair . and then has been a move to lethal injection. and lethal injection is likely going medicinal so that will just be putting them to sleep. but not everyone agrees. the idea that they should go out in an opiate haze that it should be a pleasant that is absolutely perverse the debate about the death penalty has become increasingly polarized and politicized we want a system that they are we want a system that respects the dignity of human beings the idea that we were executing innocent people was terrifying and there was just no way that we hadn't and that we were some people kill with an attitude so callous
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heinous sadistic that they have forfeited their right to live i believe in a turn of one and that is when we execute this person we know he will never kill again why is it that the death penalty really comes down to in many cases just where you live who your d.n.a. is we cannot recognize injustice when we see it at people not being treated fairly and people not getting a fair shot you can be critical because you can be critical of the idea that the government has the right to kill and also hold compassion and concern for victims maybe in some books of justice the person for this act is serves to die but do we as a society deserve to kill them. today capital punishment largely falls to the state in which the crime was committed. and laws and methods vary widely. most states use lethal injection. but some still use gas
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chambers. the electric chair. hanging. and firing squad. carrying out the death penalty is intrusted to specially trained guards like jerry givens. of the sixty two executions the jerries conducted thirty seven were by electrocution and twenty five by lethal injection. lethal injection is considered the more humane form but for jerry it made the job of killing another person a lot tougher. when you talk about execution and electrocution is a button you push and washing push the button because it flows in the car and the current comes out. and that's all i had to do was push
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a button. but when it come down to death by lethal injection you have seven to. a chemicals. you have four flushes and three deadly chemicals that is inserted into this man and my self as an execution i'm at the end of it's a rant i'm pushing a poison. down a tune into the body so i'm more attach to this person then it is pushing a button and release and then they let the current flow by itself. fifteen days prior to an execution the condemned would be moved to the death chamber where gerry and his team worked. all nine of us were executions and reprotect a good execution that what we stood by. the preparation was mental as well
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as physical we practice and practice and practice prior to execution. each of us knew our jobs out sign it and we never allow ourselves to get that close to anyone you know we train for that we train this way you don't get that close to . the day of the execution twenty four hours prior to that we we have a call a death watch. a guy will act differently because he knew that this is the last everything. this is this a a way to condemn sperry's. this is where the warden readers don't want these clergy person. to sit with him. doing this course in the day they condemn is given
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a shower his last meal his last visitations. by six o'clock hour preparations in the stocks and to the inmate is placed today. at home in new hampshire karen in her family were slowly recovering from their injuries. not some much for wasm physical abilities things like. especially for me my rose colored glasses you know. just the reality. people are different things are not the same.
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when even with one and i. are. working through things and i'm working through things. it had been six months since the bombing and karen had not yet seen her good friend celeste who was with them at the finish line and lost both her legs. and been planning. initially i i couldn't bring myself. to do so. because i felt. celeste and sixteen others lost limbs that day ron was one of the lucky ones doctors were able to save his leg but the trauma and pain still lingered. we're going to have to work for a long time to get to burne new normal whatever that going to be.
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after months of deliberation attorney general eric holder announced the u.s. would seek the death penalty. the defense will argue that zocor was pressured into it by his older brother that he was a popular well liked college kid led astray. you know it's got to be held responsible and i agree and i and i am to believe that . but i also thank you and i. just can't stoop and. karen son was the same age as the car. didn't seem like such a hard decision when it was abstract. you know i've got family and friends who are very religious and don't believe in it and that i have others who
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just think. it's the right thing to do they're so sure. i don't know that it's right for me to make that decision to take someone else's life. in philadelphia shannon's killer was still on the loose. the she worst pressed france or so but the police had none. it's just like you're in a coma you mean you're just like walking through something but you you don't know exactly how you're going to deal with them how am i ever ever going to get through this. this is tremendous sense of loss. and you know for some time i could visualize feeling they're walking through a door squawking in the house and walking through the door saying are dotty dead
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she called me. she was so kind and generous and loving and helpful and she always would come to us and say mom dad i have to make a difference. there was a little mini thing. she had a tremendous appetite for learning. everybody loved shannon everybody loved her she was looking straight away moving over. in their grief vicki and still turn to each other and reached out for support. this takes time and doesn't you know everybody goes down a different path in a different time line to this journey toward healing begin attending support meetings for families of murder victims. there they saw the devastating toll of sorrow and anger. the father of one of the murdered daughters we know well took his first drink and he never stopped for
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a year and then she lost his job and marriage. but welch's daughter was one of one hundred sixty six people killed in the timothy mcveigh bombing of oklahoma city. one night about a year later he woke up in the morning and he had this dream and his daughter julie was there telling him dad dad he murdered me are you going to let him murder whole family. also saw the high price people paid for putting their lives on hold as they waited for an execution. we start finding out what murder victims' families go through if you decide to say look i want that man executed it would take fifteen twenty years as much longer for it actually to happen and we just saw the effects of this head on the stanley members we saw destroying their lives.
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you'll. get a phone you know. what was the last time you went on the internet no i'm not accusing me of these village is it safe to say. are you sure there is no music stirs there that all good maybe should do the baby does a glossy his that is but. the word on the only thought. is dead as part of that was so good would be. a. bit more work i was. previously yaz they are being dull swarm in where he was with member of the society.
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to close. the hour. say five of the world cup was action packed with pulling off a last minute to one went over to get all there was there to watch the game at. least to england at wrigley field and wishbones they take home the victory here in boulder to grab some relief to be just a stream away from the back full to go to read about. the other group game earlier in sochi followed belgium crushed panama we know. we've got more war world cup coverage plus other stories coming up next hour just ahead on our team's national
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it's prospal but in the u.k. and ireland it's time for renegade and. blowing welcome to cross talk we're all things considered i'm peter lavelle the trumpet juggernaut continues on all fronts is he remaking the western world or merely isolating the u.s. also is north. korea coming out of the cold and much much more on this edition of crossfire. talking unstable world i'm joined by my guest mark sloboda he's an international affairs and security analyst we also have dmitri bob h. he's a political analyst with sputnik international and in plymouth we crossed to patrick
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henningsen he is a journalist writer and founder of the news website twenty first century wired dot com all right gentlemen rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want i always appreciate patrick let me go to you first in plymouth so much to chew on here reflect upon my introduction i'm. trying to recast the western world or maybe the whole world in its entirety or is this really just isolating the united states or a combination of all of what i've just said go ahead patrick in plymouth. you know this is this is the big challenge to determine firstly what is us foreign policy you know i think there's there's been a tendency there's a tendency by academics and by some commentators to try to look for breaking trends to try to generalize everything into sort of larger themes like is this a realist a revival of a realist foreign policy or is this a continuation or a different version of a liberal globalization based foreign policy i think it's really difficult because
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if you look at history the only consistency with a lot of u.s. foreign policy is its inconsistency so you look at you see the hypocrisy at every turn no matter how many administrations you go back to but one thing that is consistent is a kind of post world war two grand strategy and sort of the united states as it's come out of the cold war period then entered a kind of period where full spectrum dominance was its main priority and i think to some degree that is still where a lot of washington's thinking is directed pentagon led full spectrum dominance as thomas barnett sort of you know laid out during the bush administration but in terms of donald trump i think the united states is at a very interesting crossroads because the first time where it's not expanding in one hundred twenty years internationally it's actually having to reconsolidate its positions not just at home but abroad as well and i think dollar trump is the ideal chapter eleven practitioner maybe for this point you know u.s.
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history chapter eleven that's really great to have mark here i mean also when you everybody is looking for these kind of short phrases to describe i came across one no friends no enemies that would least work in the case of dealing with the i guess we can use it correct and disastrous g. seven meeting in canada and no enemies dealing with north korea at least at the time for the time being as some kind of partner illegitimate partner no friends no enemies yeah. i don't think there is a coherent trump foreign policy and i don't think that surprises us because it's quite clear that trump doesn't have complete control of the u.s. foreign policy congress has a multiple times attempted to usurp that right pushing him passing legislation forcing him to put new sanctions on russia now they're putting forward a bill trying to for bid the president the commander in chief from withdrawing troops from south korea without receiving the approval of the secretary of
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defense that's that fowles that we also have a members of congress petitioning other pentagon to so jet fighters the. thirty five's to turkey turkey a nato ally and they're also threatening against india but the one thing that congress doesn't seem to want to reclaim is their actual constitution given power and they're very they're did they really clearly or they're very choosy and they really cherry pick. well i agree with peter the big big question is are we seeing the continuation of the same so-called liberal or would truly be real world order be in be able to obviously seen something that was well i think that trump is actually less dangerous than their you know the people who were viewed in their so-called world order during the last twenty five years because if you compare the war to an apartment block you know what these people want is to demolish it completely build
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a new one russia and china as the biggest tenants right now voice in their objections their dolls the usual response is just don't worry you will be better off we'll give you new apartments right and wrong place just very you know open the crush and the walls around himself and you know you will see real estate absolutely this is not i think i did not go with the original but when he is just simply you know expanding your. patrick let me go back to you and climate at length because i think what's really interesting here is that the united states still wants to lead ok it still wants to be dominant but it's not doing it with its allies because it sees the its allies is being a dead weight ok i mean they don't pay their own way they get preferential trade deals so the this is what makes trump a bit different he still wants to be win and be number one he decides it really care he doesn't want to carry the load for the entire western world anymore because
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he doesn't see it as being cost effective again he's a real estate agent patrick and climate sure that this is the transactional nature of this ministration that you see this reflected through to the white house you see it was especially through nikki haley although she's taking her wrecking ball towards multilateral institutions like the united nations and other sort of international institutions and don't trump is sort of taking the wrecking ball maybe towards nato you could say and in some ways the european union but i think you've got two different sides of foreign oil so you're need to separate you're up and what's going in that hemisphere and all the legacy post were to look see there with asia and don't trump is much more comfortable in asia and he's doing exactly the opposite of what the previous administration did which was lead from behind this is a president now that doesn't want to be upstaged by his secretary of state he's actually taking the lead he's interfacing directly with some of the most powerful leaders in that region and i think he's more comfortable in that environment that's
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where the money is this is where the future is asia is forward looking and certainly on the cost of the global economic surge in that part of the world so this is definitely much more of a comfort zone for this president but in europe it's much more how the amount of patrick little issue that you get me now i mentioned the g. seven i mean and this is what kind of my mantra my hobby horse here is that trump is it is not in tune with the postmodernist order of things that postmodern. mine think ok mindset and that's that's the g seven ok particularly in europe he doesn't see eye to eye with mccrone with trudeau with people like that because it he just has a very different understanding of everyday politics he's not a theoretician ok he doesn't have a theory he's a he's a practitioner let me go to mark here on this yeah he's not a liberal i mean not a liberal that there's some but up and patrick thank you my brain is now imprinted with an image of nikki haley is miley cyrus driving
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a wrecking ball into the united nations and this is so here's the problem even though it's it's a divide between not only the u.s. deep state and the trumpet ministration but between trump and people within his own administration like mad dog madison and so on they still want to pursue american hegemony and there's no way america has given up on the pursuit of global military financial and other means of a germany around the world trump does see that as wasteful i've seen a characterization that he loathes the liberal international order that has been created since the establishment of bretton woods through the uni polar moment and so on because he does see it as not as damaging the us as transferring wealth and the us overplaying the role of defense when it doesn't need to around the world he sees a stance of all u.s. allies like the e.u. as rivals as economic rivals because he's
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a businessman and that's the way that he views the world on business terms and he sees the ins and outs at an imbalance particularly with europe and he faults europe as having worse trade policies for the u.s. than china jeffrey goldberg in the atlantic this week did it in article he's famous for giving this softball interview he's the one i. apologise where obama told him that his former. policy was simply don't do stupid stuff stuff yes show we did it. well a jumper goldberg got three different characterizations supposedly from three different anonymous officials within the trump administration of how to define the trump foreign policy the first one was this no friends no enemies which is a very realistic interpretation. unfortunately trump if he wanted to pursue that i don't think he's had the ability to pursue that as much as he would like.
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