tv News RT June 19, 2018 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT
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of the six though of course it could be negotiations but even talks like this we've seen the ripple effect up to now just with these threats that have come into place never mind tariffs actually going into place themselves and caleb talking about that impact and you have to consider the source here but richard lui the founder and c.e.o. of j.p. dot com that large chinese e-commerce company one of the largest online retailers by transaction volume in the country they say this isn't going to help the united states should we just assume this is coming from a chinese company and not be right but what's his point. well if you hit an economic superpower like china you can expect that they're going to hit back now we've already seen a response in terms of tariffs our agricultural sector we've been selling food to china and you know exporting our food they've been buying it well they've already been hit but now there is talk on the chinese side of hitting us in the energy markets right china is a top purchaser an importer of american oil american natural gas now there's talk
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that china might respond by hitting us in the energy markets and let's step back for a minute you know the way that china has approached this with their made in china twenty twenty five has been let's cooperate china says you know they're going to invest in new technology research technological breakthroughs they want to bring american companies in on it they want to do it in a win win way where both of us american companies and chinese companies can get richer in the process and we'll make new scientific breakthroughs but it seems like that you know punishing china for made in china twenty twenty five is going to have the opposite effect it's not going to be win win it's going to be lose lose we're going to lose out china is going to lose out but how much is china really going to lose out let's keep in mind because at this point china's got the whole world to trade with you know you know they're not exactly dependent on the united states to keep their economy with it's not holding it world in their hand kaleb absolutely you're right i want to quick move we only got about a minute left alex caleb mentioned energy how do you think this might impact the energy industry us energy and industry you cover this a lot or you know the kill bit in our excellent point there when you're looking at
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oil let's bring up a graph right away give you a good idea of where the u.s. stands here look the u.s. when it comes to oil exports has has grown exponentially it's beat out saudi arabia as number two in the past couple of years we've seen this energy industry just sort and when you're talking about china this is according to shipping data from thomas reuters i can us crew to get this this these are huge numbers crude oil shipments to china have soared in value recently jumping from just one hundred million per year per month i should say in early two. thousand and seventeen we're looking at a billion dollars per month now that's huge oil industry has already been hit here we're seeing stocks of exxon going down from last friday for of chevron and just think now you're going to have russia and the saudis open up those pumps a little bit more they're going to open their taps oil prices are going to go down this is not what the u.s. wanted to see and china has other people to fill the gap yes they do and one of those countries happens to be you ran and you know that's going to get
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a wrister dong trump skin for sure but we appreciate so much you guys taking time we're better informed because of the arctic correspondence alex my highly bitch and caleb bop and thank you both for your time thank you. and time now for a quick pause for the promotional cause but hang here because when we return we'll talk with the c.e.o. of zappa dot org nick spann host plus lauren fix the car coach is back and we'll get up to speed on the auto industry news including tesla that some say turned into a flame thrower you heard correctly as we go to break here are the numbers at the closing bell mixed day on stocks but the fifth point is notably up four percent for the day as we went to air above sixty seven hundred dollars we'll be right back. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of
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the world of politics school business i'm show business i'll see you then. what holds us in studio something good to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure more some more want to press. it to the right to the press this is what the forecast for you in the morning can be good good i'm interested always in the waters of morality. question. confronting truth.
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to have you back a year and a day after amazon acquired luxury and specialty food retailer whole food it's clear the formation of that critical leverage point for amazon to infiltrate brick and mortar grocery sales is reshaping those sectors specifically it pushed established players to find a powerful tech ally in the name of google google's new program shopping actions will promote certain retailers in exchange for a skim from the sales receipts target wal-mart home depot cosco wholesale and ultra beauty incorporated have announced as ben being partners google says the program was conceived as a response to countless google queries of where can i buy this which tend to end sooner or later in an amazon purchase meanwhile amazon has moved as expected to offer a ten percent discount on certain sale items and other special deals at whole foods
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for paid subscribers to amazon prime while only a small fraction of items will ever be on discount at the same time the program may increase foot traffic in those stores and create an impression that prices have come down at whole foods which is sarcastically been tagged by some as whole paycheck the stigma of a reputation for high prices has been noted as a significant barrier to growth at whole foods. krypto back hedge funds are seeing disappointing returns on their investment according to the firm hedge fund research global hedge fund invested in crypto currencies have in fact seen a negative return that this comes on the heels of bitcoin losing more than half of its value in less than a year with a market cap dropping from three hundred billion to one hundred billion dollars a recent string of high profile hacks hasn't helped either additionally a recent report from the bank of international. settlements or b i yes said the crypto currencies are more likely to suffer trust and efficiency breakdowns on top
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of that the swiss based group pointed that most people aren't treating crypto currencies like money instead of holding them and using them more like speculative investments on that topic we now turn to crypto xin are pleased to be joined by nick spannaus the c.e.o. of zap dot org and a pioneer of bitcoin and blocking technology nick we're so pleased that you would join us we appreciate it spending some time with us as someone who saw a lot of this from the beginning where do you think we are in the development of crypto currencies overall or the way to be thanks for having me by the way i think we're right at the beginning i mean. we're so early i think it's like the wheel was just invented and it's rolling downhill and world cave people and the we're laughing that we see it roll down the hill but we haven't seen the new innovations that come you know the bicycle the car the airplane the the steam. mill of the steam motor you know the steam engine i'm sorry. all these things that
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come where in the flintstones or we're headed to the jetsons of that's a great analogy i love bet i may steal it from you so what do you think are the things that kryptos have to do the people that are involved in this space to be more widely accepted and how does you know put my former regulatory had on this how does regulation play into more acceptance in the crypt of the crypto world. well. you know it's going to happen it's happening as we speak adoption is occurring. in the gym geometrical at a geometrical rate there's no stopping it. companies are creating their own cryptocurrency their own tokens and tokenize in the service is their computation power their ability to store. information people are
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purchasing these things tokens and. being part of the ecosystem in addition all the people that are. out in the that have not been banked in the past have a way to be bank now there's three billion plus people that don't have a bank account and it cannot be part of the worldwide economy but as cryptocurrency becomes more prevalent in those areas and pervasive in those areas all you have to do is drop a android phone in the in the village and all sudden they can get a crypto loans to to buy more farm equipment buy more seeds and they can be part of the world economy even maybe the kid knows how to code and get paid in the currency and it's just growing like wildfire there's no stopping well i mean i mean. you know i mean i'm a former regulator and i believe that they that we need some basic not overzealous certainly don't want to for innovation some basic regulation but not everybody agrees and that's ok i think if there's something there it people can have some
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confidence in deregulation it will help but do you agree or no. well yeah you know . regulation has its place of course with crypto currencies the transparency. level is so high in comparison to what we've had what we have now what we've had before that you know it's a better for regulators because the currency is so transparent the blocks is transparent immutable no can go back and change or fix the books from in the past so i believe it's better for regulators let me ask you we reported last week about william shatner captain kirk from star trek getting involved in the crypto space and and we've seen snoop dog and dennis rodman and some other celebrities get involved in it do these celebrity endorsements help or are they somewhat a distraction and make it seem like crypto currencies maybe are as seriously as i
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think you and i both think they should be. well of course because of the currency in the crypt economics of sirius and taking a world by storm and well sometimes maybe some entities. need a celebrity to get their technology out this people can actually go down and read the white paper and see what the technology does and but i think better strategic alliances with the corporate partners of people that have more ability is such as. mr sean combs who's a part of our efforts he. you know he's a businessman just yesterday who was rated top one hundred smartest business people in the world by forbes so there's little difference in what someone would determine as just only a celebrity endorsement if you have a strategic partnership with someone who. you know understands business and the business world that's even better i think captain kirk says to get involved in
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something i am certainly going to pay attention and i'm glad he is quote unquote beamed into this space at an expanded to c.e.o. of sap dot org thank you so much for your time nick hope you come back here we were boldly going where no man has gone before excellent thank you sir take care thank you. and earlier today the c.e.o. of car maker audi was arrested arrested related to the ongoing scandal that started with volkswagen over emissions cheating devices installed on their vehicle audi as part of the v.w. group this makes rupert stadler the audi c.e.o. the highest ranking v.w. group employee to be detained related to the scandal he was reportedly taken into custody in order to ensure that there was no witness tampering connected with the ongoing investigations according to c.n.n. money the news comes days after german regulators issued a one point two billion dollars fine for emissions cheating that fine in addition
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to the already more than thirty billion dollars that v.w. has already paid seem to be something people are taking note about and here to talk about audi and the other auto industry news in this story jammed up stories that are jammed up is car coach lauren fix lauren thanks as always for taking time to b.s. with us what's your take on that arrest. well we kind of thought that the somebody to be arrested researcher was v.w. group or is going to be staff from audi but the fact is these engines are all volkswagen engine so someone from volkswagen in their engineering department is obviously not the only one's going to take the fall they've been trying to protect upper management because they're not the ones making the final decisions that we know of so this is going to be interesting as it all unfolds but the fact is they cheated diesel does work if you use what's called add blue which is an additive in the exhaust it's made of urea and then it does make it better for the emissions for the environment however when you cheat the system you pay the price and this is the
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price that volkswagen and all of their subsidiaries are going to pay more and do you think that diesel autos not the truck fleets but do you think that we're really you know moving beyond diesel to regular gasoline or are they still going to be around. no diesel is still here as a matter of fact jaguar land rover is a full lineup of diesel products and i'm actually testing a jaguar f. pace diesel right now which i totally love general motors it's got a full lineup of diesels coming in mazda is got diesel coming in hyundai's got diesel coming in so and diesel trucks are very popular as well and the smaller the f one fifty in the ram and the chevy silverado so i don't believe that diesel is going to go away i think the answer is going to be mixture of solutions to paint on where you live i just drove the jaguar i place which is all plug in doesn't make sense in the middle of the country and may make sense on the edges of the country where there's an infrastructure so again it depends on your needs your driving
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style and of course there's a cost involved too and then we don't know the impact to the environment down the road some people just don't want them to go lauren we reported recently on how a c.e.o. that you love to hate maybe i should say to you on must that is flamed i don't own personal i know i'm talking in cheek but he reported about his flame throwers that were selling so incredibly but now that is news that they are as you might expect being incorrectly used for things like barbecuing food of all things but in a weird twist the tesla car company is now investigating that car is catching on fire the actress mary mccormick posted a video showing her husband michael maurice's tesla model s. suddenly catching fire on a busy los angeles street and it looks like there's a poor beneath that what do you make of all this while on the flame throwers i should tell you anyone that ordered one and a friend of mine did you have to pick them up because they can't be shipped because it's compressed so it's compressed gas and so that was an absolute no go in the end
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all those flame throwers he supposedly sold didn't sell but as far as that car was parked and in santa monica the car caught fire and oddly i was just having this conversation with someone about the fact this reminds me of battery one two three which was the battery company that supplied batteries to fisker fisker was a predecessor of tesla it was put together behind rick fisker who is a. powered and battery powered the car company died because of the fact these batteries were catching fire in people's homes here we are getting what an odd coincidence that now we've got cars catching fire this is not the only one when the national transportation safety board is now involved and they're overlooking this again we have a problem the reason is the batteries are cooled by ethylene glycol that material is highly flammable so when you heat up one cell that coolant that's supposed to keep it cool heats up the cell next to it and it causes
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a chain reaction so it's not like a fire that burns out it gets keeps heating the next cell so it's a long term burn which causes firefighters to be very concerned where they think they control the fire it comes back and that's why you're seeing what you're seeing is that it's a chain reaction of battery cells catching fire so interestingly real quick we've only got about forty five seconds but tyo does their shipment from japan to the u.s. increased by twenty two percent in april and i was surprised at the camry has been replaced by the rav four as the most popular toilet vehicle the u.s. but will that large import increase united states make the automakers a target of the trump administration's trade tariffs and sanctions that we've been talking about on the show all the time. we have to remember a lot of these vehicles are built from toyota and honda nissan here in the u.s. even volvo is opening a plant in south carolina on wednesday and so everyone's going to build here in the u.s. and that's what's going to cause more products being used here to be built here and until that tariff balances out and we don't know what the results of that are going
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to be right now it's you know they're playing this negotiation game back and forth we're all in limbo ivory manufacturer just going to try and build as much as they can here for this industry for this area for north america and we'll see what the results are not in the end but right now the red ford does not surprise me it's a very popular crossover were fresh out of time but thank you so much for being with us lauren fix the car coach and the president of the north american car utility and truck of the year old ward thanks for being with us lauren. thank you and that's it for now catches it boom bust slash r t. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murderer i would prefer it be to limit death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found
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innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying there's just no way that doesn't mean that we can't even many of the times families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victim's families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite you know we've been through this this isn't the way. oh oh. oh. oh. oh oh
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oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. oh oh oh it. is day six of the well couple of the most anticipated match all this tuesday has just kicked off the playstation rush for a take on egypt in the second group stage game plus. into a game that saw an own goal and a goal keeping house. and in the form of a software engineer believed to be the source behind wiki leaks exposure of the agency's controversial hacking tools faces more than one hundred years in prison
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over the largest information leak in its history. this is altie international and we're broadcasting live from our moscow studio with me. welcome to the program so two matches have come and gone while the third and final games just got underway on day six of the world cup right here in russia let's cross over live now to our special studio world cup h.q. overlooking central moscow. good evening our welcome to our to establish a day six of the fifth twenty eight world cup the skies are getting a little dark
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a little a little moody hopefully peter schmeichel inside me isn't i think he's excited because we have this great game to look forward to when i was just kicked off russia or egypt but i tell you what it's one minute and forty seconds into the game . is that stuff is made to change is one was obviously forced to him because he's got injured and then she says i've come in in the game against how you played so well of course he's playing today and zuber plays up front not smaller and one minute and ten seconds into the game he says i nearly found. a pass through and it was that close to open the chance but they're linking up quite nice so and you would have been saying then that the manager is having an absolutely what is having a blind at this point putting these guys in and if they have such a great impact what about the egyptian change so it's obvious as was one change about it who started the game instead of. against your go i he's on the bench today and mom is in now we've been talking about the different permutations of this game
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what are the teams approaches who's looking for a draw who's going for the win there are so many mind boggling permutations with goal difference what do you think is russia looking for a draw here but you know i can imagine that in two sets of fans once a draw as a starting point you want to win speed saudi arabia frag know you convinced everyone in russia that his team can play football so he will try to win that but having said that a draw is a really good result for russia if it puts egypt so much on the pressure meaning that your guatemala they beat saudi arabia which we think their. will do then russia and saudi arabia they are in pole position for the for the next better for this championship and you know a draw against egypt in this game no matter how you twist and turn is really good no defeat obviously would be a disaster if you look at it now don't look so pretty russia on top of the table they lose suddenly they find themselves down in third place and everyone's panicking about whether they go three so it's very important i defeated a opens up
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the possibility of of. russia and egypt finishing in six points and then it goes to two goals scored difference goals scored so then it comes down to how much the other two teams beating saudi arabia so let's hope it doesn't get to that because it's very important we've seen this in south south africa when the host leaves to try moment because flair and the party in russia at the moment is incredible we want russia to be there we want russia to go along way but we feel it has been said that you know saudi arabia on the greatest team based on the initial performance so we will probably learn an awful lot about just how good russia are out from this egypt game because the egyptians he said very good defensively they have a dangerous weapon from insula so this is the real litmus test we find out because it will russia so exactly and the way that egypt played a game against your why with with obvious why hours and provide me up front to two
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guys who are equally as good as ice and dangerous i still are is they were very defensively they go for the play exceptionally well they were very well organized in the press me the way they organized themselves they played then broke out very quick counter-attacking but once it got to the final station where you know you have to create a chance out of a contest counter-attack you know quality but with mam'selle and the team the qualities that it's what we've been doing so incredibly well since he came to liverpool. and that's why he was so sorely missed when you played your part and i'm just interested is a as a former international how much attention de paid to where do you come first or second in a group or is it just let's just get out of the group any way we can please first of all let's get out of the. it's difficult as it is the competition would seem very few so for games if what teams saudi arabia is one of them panama maybe not
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the greatest team in this tournament so so the competition is fierce and i think the two games we've already seen today i think they proved that you know put poland news into center which is for me a big surprise but also japan beating colombia that's another surprise so so no one has a patent on a patent on winning games it's all difficult for anyone to just getting out of the group is fantastic. and then your fault you look at how do you cross to the other group of spain winning the group you want to be second or do you want to you know we had a situation in in there back in eighty six where germany would play germany last game with both qualify for the next stage already i'm not saying they lost on purpose but they played their second team allow coaches german so we played the best team won the game and then did up plain strain in the next round and they played tunisia actually i think and that's
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a big difference because you don't want to play spain or maybe if russia win this game and they've got six points then they'll start cherry picking do we want to come to up a second team who knows but no goals so far seven minutes can piece one of us needs to go and watch this game i think should be you know the experts happy i'll stand firm and i'll join you in the initial. ok now the fixture has brought thousands of fans of both teams to russia's northern capital it's been very wet that it hasn't been a spirit let's check it out. who. yes yes. but how much that laugh. now is a lot of hard work then i hope everything goes smoothly our team will be on top
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nossa law will frighten us if we're going to lose today we got out of the look up so we have to get voted so today i'm how muscle has going to be in the game today on the news with you and your we hope we win today and at least repeat the last game school. russia. now this is the hermitage museum residence oracle it's a camp called kitties i kept telling the arty bosses they don't need to spend all that on marino when all you need is a tin of kitty can't bring in a top pundit and this is a kid he's proving that quality still the selection russia to be age will find out if it was a good one in the next couple of hours but the kiddies has been on great form so far to think victories for russia of a saudi arabia and iran over but that cat back in a safe room and treat it well it's worth its weight in gold so far. so else worth their weight in gold correspondence outside the stadium in st petersburg we caught up with then earlier as he chatted so egyptian fans. how much sun is
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starting at that game there are many of these gyptian fans who are feeling very positive in particular one pointing out to us that without the habit so that egypt just struggle to school goals and so as far as they're concerned he is really the talisman of the team and so he'll be giving them a new dynamic going forward and also perhaps making those russian defenders and fullbacks think twice before they board and the russians it will be very confident after that very heavy. victory over saudi arabia. very favorable goal difference set for the wall for egypt to have to go for it they have to get the three points and so they'll be pushing forward and tried to get an early goal of a possible which could open up space at the back now as for the atmosphere you probably see behind me thousands of these fine streaming into the pieces by a stadium they've been doing so for the past few i was. yesterday we managed to
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catch up with some of the play a little k with regards to some of the famous. switch off ok to to incite piece by this thing this pops one of the most iconic symbols of ancient egypt but this one is actually located here in st petersburg. ahead of the game between russia and egypt we're going to go out and ask some fun if they can tell the difference between those monuments in russia and the ones located in egypt. so there's a rush. to measure that group. that's actually. this is egypt russia. well she was right well let's see if. because of the community. if you did egypt this is.
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