tv Cross Talk RT June 19, 2018 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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period and then they brought it back in to enrich a bunch of corrupt c.e.o.'s right well anyway jay clayton says that the fact that there are fewer shares available for the public to buy this is feeding the demand for these i.c.'s by the ordinary investor clinton should just basically follow the law in the securities hey we've got to take a break when we come back more j. clinton bashing so don't go away. apply for many clubs over the years so i know the guy even saw you guys. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch to the final school it's about the passion from the families it's the age of the super mom killed you know their own lives and spending to the twenty million. it's an experience like nothing else
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going to be true so i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game great so well with. the base. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be culturally rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trades per circuit first shock and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one does not show you can afford to miss the one and only boom
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both. shows the same wrong but all in all just all. to me lol that is yet to shake out this day become agitated and in gains from it because of the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox swiss customs are here permanently all the site is controlled by them and they impose the opening times where. it is from is all plus the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by artists like
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pecan so and modigliani i can't boards and sold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet but also discreet because they concern fraud. some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets are camped inside the geneva freeport such reflection that you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business. welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max keyser time now to turn to rally in stone
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houses then cash around welcome thank you for thanks for having me and great to be here yes great to jab me on the show and then pass is that his name often put a rico there was a lot of buzz about it it's a fork of. cash so tell us why or when and then just explain for the audience out there what a fork is i mean if you can do that in a fairly sync way sure so we forked back in may two thousand and seventeen and we forked from z. classic actually and we did that to take these ek snork library and which is for easier knowledge proofs so a fork is basically where. a guitar is cloned and then built upon to create a new project simple as up right ok and so housemaid going then cash what have you added feature wise so one of the first things we did bowl is try our best to implement some level of censorship resistance so distribute our ledger especially
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as possible through a node network and then on top of the work start to layer encryption so all the interim node communications are encrypted so i was kind of the first thing we layered on top and we then started developing applications so the first three were messaging up acacia musings the case narcs silos one to one those ek starts are kind of the specials of software that yeah they're the kind of cool privacy technology that makes a lot of what we've built so far on previous e technology so it gets back to one of the you know z. cache that's their kind of their call to action there it's a privacy and so it's in the same camp as minera all right sure you know the privacy but it's kind of like an iterative going and trying to take new technologies and so the other features the. have it the privacy is opt in or opt out it's optional that's what i'm going to say that's the big difference between us and say moneta for example someone had to use a kind of jumbling technique to prevent people linking transactions and addresses
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together and whereas we have zero knowledge proofs which is optional so you can transparently send then or you could do in a shielded way that means that the ledger just has a kind of timestamp so he won't see the sender or receiver and you would see the amount so you know politically speaking now crypto has come on the radar of different governments different regulators different agencies and sometimes they would highlight these privacy coins in the dash or they'll say. you know an arrow and cash and they kind of you know put them in a different category how are you guys reacting to that and so we're very regularly painted with the kind of evil prophecy coined brush however prophecy is essential to the everyday life and without privacy it be very difficult to do business for a start and in a competitive landscape if your competitor can see the contents of a bank account on the contents of your transactions then you don't have any competitive edge so we're firm believers in what we're doing we're doing it for the
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right reasons and providing in a kind of clean transparent way fighting to privacy in a transparent way there you go so censorship resistance is one of the you know the key super important in syria and it's part of the bible of big point of course censorship resistance and immutability and other features of it is what defines it and it didn't have the kind of privacy features that some thought they could improve upon because of course everything is transparently on the block sure so you know you can it's a terrible place to do crime actually a record of it if that were your intention but censorship or existence of privacy it's hard coded into the constitution of the united states right we have this right we have to give it right so in the case of money in the white paper it says the peer to peer network for cash has done. an attempt to compete with visa or is it to refer to attempt to recreate the anonymity of a cash transaction using paper money your thoughts so is both so ultimately we want
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to make send cash as usable as physically possible and to do that we need to be told to to as far as transactional throughput goes with likes of visa to really have any kind of mass market impact to make it really useful but we also want to really implement the ability to create transpower create confidential transactions as well as transparent as i can only be both because i mean a big cloud has all scaling debate and you know it's slow to scale and then all these old clients came into existence sure because it seems like this is a bit of the missions are at odds with each other it's like you can't have one without the other i know but anyway that's that's the goal right now let's get induce a bit of controversy here so you were hit with a fifty percent attack we were indeed yes this is been you know talked about it fear in the big going community for years yeah so now you know it's happening so explain to the audience what a fifty one percent attack is and talk a little bit what happened and then what was the reaction to so on june the second
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and we were already monitoring our production so there are a number of rental cost power sites in circulation to snow the amount of available hosp our for our network was hugely mushroomed because a lot were kind of on high alert so if it is where someone controls the majority of the network through that control they're able to inject forge limbaugh walks into the chain and by doing that they can effectively undo transactions they create on the main chain so the. consensus is that the if two miners find blokes the same time whoever built builds a block on top of their chain first becomes a legitimate chain so if you can amass enough cash power to do a faster rate than the main that. any proof of work going on you can effectively attack in that way which is a pretty large vulnerability and it's fundamental to the hasn't been tackled for any real proof or quite anything but coin derived has the same vulnerability if you
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like and so things have changed massively. paper everybody was mining on c.p. use and small g.p. use that it was very decentralized. even us because it's hard to prove the capital cost of launching an attack would be so big that it the incentives weren't really there yet so for to take a step back put this into perspective so when pickling was launched it was open to a fifty one percent attack if anyone like thought this would not mount anything the charm of because in the early years was that nobody thought it would be anything exactly is money yeah it's like a magic internet a magic internet money is like we're not even to spend five dollars hacking this thing because it's garbage yeah right so then it but it kept growing and growing and adoption hash passing power kept growing and that's the key to all this stuff is that now you've got big line with how many hashes per second. x. so hash you know that they have to rate new prefixes to describe how much has power
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this is the biggest computer ever created ever it is a massive superconductors like passion every ten minutes right there knock it out these blocks so they can't be attacked at this point because they're too stupid to attack it before but now the cat's out of the bag so that you can look at all these different points and you can say ah. then cash you know further x. number of dollars it makes sense there's an arbitrage where i can rent a bunch of house power i can control the network i can inject blocks so what did you guys do to deal with this so we're really lucky we've got an amazing team we sprung into action immediately worked all through the night alerting all of our partners exchanges merchants to raise the number of confirmations required to receive that. is unsure of somebody can. trolling our or controlling the majority of hostile work for three or four hours wouldn't be able to have enough to actually live transaction support through surveys that from twelve to one hundred and that gave us a kind of comfort body or to prevent further attacks or a way to build
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a feature that automatically increases the number of cons from ations based on some kind of activity on the network there's a member you certainly are yeah so you want to be a consultant and then cash in a moment at this rate welcome but can't can't can't that be built into the system like if you see certain outside influences building the network recognise that in confirmation time to scale to the number of times you would defeat that attack right we're going to tackle it slightly differently and so what we're going to result is i just wanted five to. be about a little bit longer than five seconds i think i better see their plan of attack for this and so the reason that they were able to execute with us really housing a finger on the pulse and seeing it happen in life was that they were able to mine privately knott's a feature of pick point and it's a feature that's kind of went down to every other corner so we want to try and find a way to prevent people mining in private delaying the broadcast of the blocks and then basically surgically implanting them in chains whenever they want to do it to come to the transactions so we're going to have
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a walk penalty for delayed block injections and then further down the line we're going to try and look to leverage our secure node network that could be a huge network of nodes probably how many developers you get a team of fifty three people about half of them are developed and aliza take to put in a fix like that it's going to take us probably a couple of months through the short to mid term solution for the longer term solution of using our nodes as kind of new trees it's probably going to take more like a year that's a really long term fix but the deal licenses out to other clients a similar problems is not a bug but a feature so we're a fork we do it through the open source community because right it's open source. well i think it's every it's against the license it out here tolbert but i think it's a really important thing for not just us but for. whole prufrock ecosystem really these attacks have a huge impact on everything they spread fahd's and it's not good for the industry so it was a race to media picks up on and says aha we told you these things are vulnerable
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they're not safe and it's begins a whole cycle of dallas again and the industry is pushed back so it is pronounced ra it is relevant i think you're actually the first american to pronounce my name right so does it leave you irish i'm scottish oh a scottish manager we drove over. so ok you get it you get it's act like this is serious business in the crypto business it is still telling about the culture it's on cash so you have to rally around it as an organization right in the valley there's certain value is that need to be expressed so talk a little bit about that so we've recently completely professionalized organization we've recognized that the industry is moving really quickly it's an extremely competitive marketplace and in order to really make the most of what we're trying to do here we have to ensure that we're surrounded by the best possible people so we've professionalized in the seven distinct divisions each are headed up by really experienced leaders guys that build businesses from the ground up guys that been in
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crypto for a very long time so we like to think we kind of have a rough idea of how to operate and that's what really allowed us to react quickly. preventive measures in place against the attack occurring again but also a kind of forward thinking plan in place to help the industry as a whole circumvent and eliminate the risk of these fifty one percent tax take a five years from now how many coins are they going to be in existence right now there's like two thousand when five years from now how many will there be that obviously what i'm getting at is that it's going to be a lot less i think in my view but what do you think i think you're right i think you're right for sure the i.c.a.o. landscapers a wild west people are through in together really rudimentary white paper documents and raising millions of dollars and a lot of these people don't have the business skills to really do. do something with that capital this is not a nice yeah this is no and i say i'm just launching it like a mini or a big client a lifeline right here launching down to the wild and there is no i.c.l.
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you know it's not a it's so it's funding through the how you funding itself so it's through a percentage of block works so we have a new white paper that just launched very recently which is changing our block watch slightly so this isn't you have notes that it's we have new listeners. so we're trying to distribute might one of the whining goes to funding development exactly sweep a script to senate leaders at the moment eight and a half percent goes to the five day action and yet pays for events pays for all that enough. it isn't isn't true it's always has been it has to be enough we have to make to we have to make sure that we're responsible we have a full five dollars and we're everywhere where where is it headquartered. decentralized absolutely centralized so i'm in scotland and we call direct discussed point the tour go up and the skull going really what should've happened to it to be fair. i added i was on a panel in puerto rico with someone from san cache is a woman ok she was smart you're smart they must be smart group i would like to see
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their symbol zain he said. so i should be looking at it absolutely that is my career holding in my crypto portfolio should me send cash for sure without any reality being on the kaiser report you're welcome call that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser point was made nice kaiser stacy her would like to thank our guest scottish ral and whose last name is still on it think i remember that. if you want to catch us on twitter it's kaiser report until next time.
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prefer and it's meaningless in the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict just found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying the is just no way to present and that we're even many of the times families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victim's families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. after three years of conflict it has been estimated that out of a population of twenty seven point four million twenty two point two million people in yemen are in need of humanitarian assistance so why are the u.s. and u.k. so committed to the saudi u.a.e.
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a lot of jubilation. you know watching out internationally live from studio with me . welcome into special coverage of the world's fastest who has pulled out another victory over qualifying for the knockout stages of the world cup a softer they beat egypt three one we've been keeping an eye on the game with a format and not just a nice goalkeeper peter schmeichel joined by our team's field hockey. playoffs peter truckle all qualify for the knockout stages it would take a reckless turnaround of like saudi arabia winning seven million in the next two much is not going to happen now a good evening no it's not going to happen oh i mean it would be the. biggest upset football history i think i mean at the moment saudi arabia was the only team other than obviously your god but the only team with no points who could theoretically do
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it and then at the moment that's the standard. twelve twelve goals worse off than russia was at the moment so you know that's a must be possible but it's not. going to have not the charm you haven't got the quality to beat your wife and we'll see that you're more your guy wins tomorrow it's confirmed russia and you are right through just looking at pictures from a fun zone but it gets water around give or take moment there are one hundred forty four million people in russia and a lot of them be watching the guy tonight and they've been celebrating the goals in cities all around this vast country let's see how they react. just. pray scenes and bring scenes behind us say all right first. because castrate.
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just by the crown in its main location say filled with people i wanted to say when the first girl went in i thought this was so russian so russia went ahead so i delayed reaction is i mean one russian owing to the same reaction. they kind of don't believe it's going to last when it went to you know while whatever songs and every dollar of the i can tell you the atmosphere here where we are has been absolutely electrifying for all of this tournament we've had most of the south american teams and their fans been marching two of them saying that when the second go away they and others even now i'm not sure you can hear that that's a massive part and that there's no doubt about it it's all russian singing over a man is going in sync so people that weren't in sync it is probably in russia and now coming onto the street i can see you know the house traffic is now it's
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building up this going to be a massive party in moscow so all employers we were on board the boat for b.p. and signed some or if they come in situ saying no i but this is what i would say is going to be the wildest night of the year since knee is a figure i think in russia and it's not just the russian fans because everybody else is saying he's joining in this now and it's a policy where everyone's advice and yeah tell you what he really is the reason. for the six month travel around so the host city said to my my my my feeling for the people of my control. i always had the impression that no one really believed that russia as a football team to do anything as an organizing country absolutely sure that this could happen but as a football team but what has happened over the last six days five days it is you know it's really the change the mood and the the i mean what's going on behind this
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is just. a clear sort of evidence of that and it's happening so many trains where the host nation no one really believes them and then they do it and then that the whole place explores this is what i'm enjoying here the same people waving the russian national flag and dancing because russians are i don't know being so into not that expressive and i think i think it was the scene just below is downtown but money isn't a square by the kremlin that is the statue of martial martial zuckoff and the square like you said filled with people and you know i wonder how many of them actually are football fans because this is one of those times when the world cup is i remember what my mother would get excited and she didn't even understand how many minutes when the going almost people get excited this is what football is this is what the world cup is this is what these big events twenty brings the world together and people in reality don't care where it is as long as it's nice the weather is nice and the places where they can actually party and it's organized
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well i have to say it's been organized really well and and you know people have been allowed to do what what they want in terms of partying and she died it's a local people turn to show all the guests how well they can party and as you can see everywhere. you know the party is really going i'm just marveling at how many new friendships are going to be made because everyone there are no barriers now everyone's just chatting whatever country come from whatever language and i wonder how new how many new relationships are going to be struck up as well this is a time when all barriers are disappearing. this is what happens when multiculturalism globalism works. and people come together and i'm just wondering how many friends this guy waving his flag and dancing around that just outside the kremlin of all places i mean you friends he's going to make this is yeah it's a party but it's a party even without alcohol this is the party of just high spirits people really enjoy much you would have any fresher actually one of the again i don't know if
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they'd just say we got out. ok. that's a wee wee dram and a small but it was a we say that the party is because russia won they won three one against the two tonight a convincing win but it took a little better luck to break that argo stride after that and and we can see the first goal here a man he probably feels like he needs a drink now and fancy conceded the first skull and this is how it happened this was in the forty seven minutes is nil after on and i was saying to pete ok not much to see in first forty five then this happens. roman zalman shops pretty weak no danger until. auntie's knee got in the way i actually think he left the fence and that would have gone out for throw yeah i guess that's how bad the shot was and how wide it was but it's sometimes something happens that you can't explain and if you ask him what happened fatty that is he would say i don't know he just wants the
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ball is in sequence of the ball out of balance it hit the hardest part of his leg the knee and it bounced off of the goalkeeper had no chance but that kind of set the tone and then very shortly after that the second goal. was scored and would you believe it dennis cherish if you didn't even start the first game in kenya he came on and scored two and again. turned out the right place at the right time to start the ball in the high end the egyptian goalkeeper and now he is the top scorer with renowned us from the author who would have thought that golden contender wasn't in the starting eleven and this is a world cup a surprise a survey so-so. talked about the change today between small of and super smallest out on the bench and super was upfront i have to give you credit you were in favor of the season this is a good change. he didn't disappoint i'd like super in the sense that he came on and changed the name but again saudi arabia west of all of that nothing so i think you know now that you no chance of his is vindicated face decision because as you can
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see zuba scored the third goal and in some style i know it's a long ball up but he has control of the ball was really good the way he took it under the foot of the defend and the way he started then he's he's a really really good player for for russia and he's shown himself to be a good player in the. shuffle game he's had now a little more than a full game we scored what seagulls he showed a lot of the and fights that's what more could you want to use there and it gives russia the option to actually put the ball up to him because he's strong enough he's physical enough to keep the ball up and let the team come up. when we saw what he got substituted with smaller that's what actually played a lot better when he came on he's a different kind of player he likes to fall in the he likes to get the ball and build it up and zuber is not that kind of player so it's two different things and the end of the day it's who is in the best form and that guy then dictates how
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russia place. so three now and really just chaotic scene syrian central moscow this point deafening cheers from that from the crowds below us then it was just a flick and you start to wonder is there a comeback on when this happened this is in the seventy third minute so that the gold a man for egypt is pulled down most along the referee gives a free kick and this is where we saw bottom in things first of all what a finish that water what a confident penalty kick that is you know it doesn't matter what the goalkeeper does in that situation that you pick the right side while i'm going to. put it up there because the gold a very very rarely pick the right guy so but yes an absolute perfect example on how supposed to work the referee things a free kick that he gives is committed outside the box so the rules are that the.
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