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tv   News  RT  June 20, 2018 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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what it says is that one if the cia is so great why the heck are so many twenty something year old able to walk in with a thumb drive and walk out with this information and get it all the way there and apparently at the same time be keeping stacks of child porn in their house but nobody at the cia knows that is a failure on their part don't tell me you're the intelligence gathering you know information when you didn't know that this guy had access to this computer took the stuff and sent it away and he was told it could have been anything and then god it's just leaking things that the american people should know about what happens when it's something they shouldn't what happens when it's someone who can see it's so easy and they're going to have to say i'm just saying oh you're so weird so weird. no i mean that's exactly it you know in the end it just it is it's that thing of like look you know everyone uses these things to attack like wiki leaks and things like that again i can't stress the slow our money paid for all of this
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we have a right to know and no soldier was put in harm's way i didn't hear about some platoon getting slaughtered because of shoulder the shoulder released all this information we never heard of and about the no individual hurt and remember we never actually used any of these right so i'm not sure why so he it was dangerous and his victims on all these things that happened then and oh my god where do you know how did all these problems he may have caused except go back to when it all came out they went oh that's nothing so it's either nothing or it's an obstruction of justice you have to decide these lawyers to bring a shroff and said back in may that our client was deeply saddened that he might face espionage related charges this week she says that with all the evidence is clear the public will discover what he's hardly the villain of the government tries to make him out to be. which is why i would weigh the idea of putting him as you know it's always he was with a hooker he might have a go in the fifty's they called you a homosexual and now it's all of the porn. and so i urge people to maybe go about
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it's a weird thing to bring up in this and suddenly to only come up now again if you know people trading kiddie porn working for the cia you have a bigger problem and you need to fix it on your and not not this and it's just so people realize like according to the washington post back in twenty twelve the federal government has a good idea of how much we say is secret in the federal government is keeping petabytes that's a million gigabytes each of the information secret every year that's an awesome amount of damage that's also not a democracy exactly that is a dictatorship by the omission of information by hiding these things you are you are not allowing people to happen knowledge you are not allowing a free democracy you are not allowing free speech you're expecting people to have the correct opinion based on very little information and only the information you can say that you have a properly functioning government if they believe that that much of what they have
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needs to be secret at the but it's had a but it's proof that that's absolutely ridiculous art as we go break or watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we cover the base we're going to twitter and see our poll show with our team dot com coming up we bring you the second half of strong storms in the be a huge deal as well because of our author of the book the cartels do not exist drug trafficking culture mexico they too are watching the.
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zia's says harlan kentucky. we've always moved them boys you can go green street bunnies leaving only. a co money since she was almost no coal mines left. the job to grow all the coal mines it shouldn't be that it was love to see these people the survivors of a world disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in the million years i would see that and it's how it's happened. to commit the sloppy corruption in the u.k. that's what people respect the case for them the most ferocious bottlers of
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corruption they're the concierge of global banking corruption and they do a fine job at it but they don't do it here in shantytown. ph d. and author as well those of all as the book the cartels do not exist drug trafficking and culture in mexico is challenging the official narrative surrounding drug cartels and the governments that hunt them down recently sat down with the volatile discuss his new book and the holes it's creating and the official legend surrounding the cartels today we present the second half of that fascinating interview where shannon's of all they get into what we know and don't know about the official story surrounding cartel kingpin take a listen. it's a fascinating issue you mention chopper really i want to go back to that moment there. you said that basically it seemed like you sort of dismissed chapal as far
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as his influence and power as a sort of drug lord that came up from being a sort of image of the you know his back stories but he was more like a man a sort of a tough guy within one of the kind of like al capone type of guy right and now he's up and basically takes over as this major drug lord and then we see assume that he was so feared that he could even break out of jail and pose a serious threat even you know there was talk about you know he could pose a threat to trump for example but are you dismissing his ultimate influence and power. and i'd not doing so out of pure expect you lation i mean if you if you follow. the main events surrounding his downfalls his many folds up at least you know you will find many contradictions between you know the official discourse claiming that he's seen with this drug lord you know as you mentioned that you know at some point he sore going to drug trafficking and more in over fifty countries of the world right and who apparently you know surrounded his skin self constantly
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with with guards up to three hundred armed guards accompany him everywhere he would go and then he says he's downfall in the most precarious way the first one of the second the second time he was captured in mexico that happened three days after president obama visited them presley and wake up and yet don't still compressing and pick up any of them and talk and discuss about his policy on national security and almost as if pressing the ticket and it was telling president obama look we think we can handle this we got this three days later chappell was captured without any gunshots produced and then. the third time in final time he was caught as you know as you know. in the most humiliating fashion right after this interview which and actress mexican actress kay they've got steel he was detained. very easily
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hours before rolling stone published that article so there's a lot to be said about the timing of this captures and if and the e.c. i guess axis that the state to show would whenever it decided to capture and chop wood that's just first the first thing that i would say but the second thing is the most important argument that i make in my book is that there's simply no money to be found right under his name and for his defense and on his accounts right and that's something that is very puzzling ray because a lot of. pundits would say well you know he's very skilled in masking you know the money and they versifying and in hiding it but you can never really then that and the fact that he is extradited completely powerless. and basically vulnerable to whatever u.s. authorities a new with justice would want to do with them so this man who held the most powerful empire in a criminal organization in the world suddenly is without any power extradited in
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the band and then and then the story gets even more twisted right currently for example the da and u.s. intelligence is now selling the. still the most powerful organization but also that the school you know and it us into a new generation school cartmell it's also in the game also controlling drug trafficking in overt and other countries and then it will set us are still so of course an international organization again controlling drug trafficking in three or four other countries they tell us also that the one that cartel the juarez cartel also have money and movement of money in flows of money and all over the world and what is really interesting to me is is to how to accept that you know the possibility that these organizations can basically distribute the world among themselves and their world of drug trafficking and very peacefully go about their business say for example controlling the drug trade in north africa. but they
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cannot somehow find that peace in mexico and they must fight each other for this very precarious territories in the truck on in the state of get out all right and in places that you know would not matter much if you're controlling say for example the flux of drugs in new york city. so there is it's very it's very difficult to make peace with what you hear in the news and it's been coming from official discourse in what reality shows you once these drug lords are captured one thing for example that was noted immediately when sean penn did that interview with chappell i don't know if you remember but. using a cell phone answering some of the questions posed and it took him a few days to do that because they couldn't find a translator for the questions written in english into spanish for him to be able to answer so this man who supposedly controlled this men's empire that had
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a foot in fifty three countries that had a council under money every they couldn't not have available to himself a translator for the questions of champagne and there's many contradictions we can go on and on on how these characters are made basically of official discourse that has never been verified the same happens for example with the famous article from forbes magazine claiming that a chopper was one of the richest man's richest men in the world and what you would see in that article is that it's based on pure expect you lation and of course some of the u.s. intelligence you know how many how much money it's made in the directory but of course assuming that somehow he controlled a monopoly on drugs and so that is and that is basically that many and among many others the contradictions that i work on. absolutely and so i mean i get i think the argument you're making is ultimately these cartels can exist without the state
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ultimately supporting their infrastructure and this is an argument that we've seen from critical journalists across the board that same illicit drug trafficking is largely controlled through state apparatus. intelligence agencies are aware of it allow it condone it oftentimes the bigger traffickers and dealers are really the ones who are being escorted across the country whereas the migrants who are maybe caught in the border trafficking drugs are sort of small time players what is your take on trump's efforts to sort of you know to curtail the immigrant who are draft trafficking in drugs and sort of as he calls them criminal activity what is the purpose behind that rhetoric we see this is the most fascinating thing they the drug trafficking that's a national security threat in mexico at least it's a very recent invention you know before the year two thousand nobody thought or even imagine drug cartels to pose any real danger to civil society. or to the federal or state governments before two thousand what you would see also not only
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in the media but even in novels and fail in in music in any cultural object being produced about the drug trafficking is that you would have this this organizations were actually very precarious the work cartel was not even in news you know before heavily news before you know they were the year two thousand and most imagination in most public opinion about them was that you know they lead very precarious very difficult lives you know the often threatened by the state after two thousand what we see is the root transformation the radical transformation of this discourse and the of the drug cartel as a national security threat comes directly to the mexican government from the u.s. agenda in for two reasons and this is what i'm discussing in the book on the one hand you know the first objective is to circulate this military is a gemini you know from the you. into mexico in the very same way they did in colombia and they still do in colombia specially now with the election of and second you know for the appropriation of natural resources that we discussed so
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most of what we think about drug cartels then really comes from this discourse in this t.g. operational. selling of the drug cartels some sort of a national security threat in this of course explains the insistence on the part of christians from to keep talking about this organizations if they really pose any sort of an immediate threat not only just to mexico but of course to the u.s. border violence supposedly spills over and so what i'm arguing here is of course not to deny that drug trafficking can be an issue for especially for social health and for policing purposes but it is not in the it's never been a problem for national security in the field if you would think it is it's only because it's been circulated insistently from the part of our government in mexico and in the u.s. with this two objects in mind that i discuss. absolutely as well to thank you so
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much for coming on and joining me today really appreciate your insights thank you so much thank you for this time. well you can be snug as a bug when it comes to smart bugs always seem to get the short end of the stick or bottom of the chute for that matter but all that may be changing thanks to an incredible new experiment involving honeybees and the concept of zero yes french and australian researchers have discovered through greater than and less than experiments that the honeybee may indeed inhabit rarefied air within the animal kingdom as being one of just a few creatures on earth capable of understanding the concept of zero or nothing dire a researcher at our mit university in australia and a co-author of the new study exclaimed we've long believed only humans have the intelligence to get the concept but recent research has shown monkeys and birds have the brain. as well what we haven't known until now is whether insects can also understand zero but this is of course old news to any kid who is
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a fan of buzz the bee honey nut cheerios i mean after all are nothing but those little tiny whole grains zero. zero zero zero zero zero that's a great a ball bat like the bees actually would know when you know they're flying up to those things they know like ok there's nothing there that general is after they've begun under it we know a lot of analysts can understand one two three how much of something but not bang up and to recognize nothing is usually there's the thought that it takes higher intelligence so that's a big deal to me was worth the horror that is our strong remember everyone in this world for about the real love of slideshows well i love you i am a robot on top of the wall asleep on watching those hawks afraid to die. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murderer i would
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prefer it be the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people was terrifying there was just no way that hasn't been that we hear even many victims' families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families want to that's going to give them peace it's going to give them justice and we come in saying. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. get a phone no i don't have one was the last time that you went on the internet no i am
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not using these village is it safe to go. are you sure there is no music ters there that all good maybe should build the baby doesn't cost him his that is but. i want. to see more don't want it only for me is a death as part of those of good deeds. that was worked i was. previously yes they are being formed in a very muslim member of the society. if you let them. go.
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after three years of conflict it has been estimated that out of a population of twenty seven point four million twenty two point two million people in yemen are in need of humanitarian assistance so why are the u.s. and u.k. so committed to the saudi u.a.e. war on yemen. kentucky. police chief. a co money says he was no coal mines left. his job for ground zero the goal was just said i just. love to see these people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever
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happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's happened it's happened. by. the thought. russia records a decisive victory over egypt and the world cup after a nail biting game and three two what. i. call the russian side it's pretty obvious that the paci will be massive undoubtedly the atmosphere is building up already a lot of people here a lot of jubilation. this is our to international coming to life from moscow with
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me one very good thanks for to me and. we start with our special coverage of the world cup russia's team has pulled out another victory all the qualifying for the knockout stages of the world cup that's after they beat egypt three two one we've been keeping an eye on the game with our co-host former denmark and like manchester united both first. peter schmeichel joined by artist neil harvey. just looking at pictures from a fans i'm going to get swatted now they're around to give a tank moment the one hundred forty four million people in russia on a lot of them be watching the game tonight and they've been celebrating the gongs in cities all around this vast country. have you on. the owner of the of the atmosphere here we are as being
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absolutely electrifying for for all of this tournament we've had most of the south american teams and their fans been marching to form a thing that i think of when the second go and then another even now i'm not thinking here that's a massive loss and there is some video shoot out is there a series done now no but did you want them to suit their mood. was that it was. that it was. the have to have a. little . blue she gave me is reason i was reading that price that. was. the.
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of the of the. i always had the impression that no one really believe that russia was. doing a thing as an organizing country absolutely sure that this could happen as a football team. no but what has happened over the last six days five days it is you know it's the trains the mood. what the world cup is this is what these big events torment it brings the world together and people in reality don't care where it is as long as it's nice and where there's nice and no places where they can actually party and it's organized well i have to say it's been organized really well and and you know people have
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been allowed to do what what they want in terms of party this is what happens when multiculturalism globalism works and people come together and i'm just wondering how many friends is dying waving his flag and dancing around that just outside the kremlin and of all places i mean you friends he's going to make this is you know it's a policy but it's it's a party to that alcohol this is the party of just high spirits people really tell you much more how many fresh actually want to gain i don't know if i can say without alcohol. a stunning and memorable victory for the hosts russia against egypt. cases the first off was quite a sight of all the russia having the better of it alexander golovin really pulling the strings as his team created several chances and also romans up and running them it failed but towards the end of the hoff mohamed would been quite quiet throughout the first off tons shot from the edge of the area narrowly missing the right hand
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post in the seconds off very early on dissolved in how the shot which is deflected into his own goal by ahmed thought see that was the second goal we've seen here in st pete's as i'm not really got the ball rolling twelve minutes late good work by mario foot on this on the right fed cherish who finished quite neatly to me. good to know that after the game we managed to catch up with him to get his emotions coffee this is so it's ok but. we can't relax now it's important for us because in now we will play again as if they'd been the best team so for their will and you can go home early if you relax three minutes late so awesome job made it three nil before the vote out of his chest one post to defend and slammed past the cape and we also managed to catch up with him in the mix so after the game. it was but this
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is the feeling is just amazing the world cup in russia the stadium the atmosphere and to score two goals is just amazing it's great and we are extremely happy that we have won at home that we are able to win and go to the next round because it hasn't happened in a long time before you build them. scored a consolation goal from the penalty spot to make it three one but ultimately it wasn't enough the russian player is understandably ecstatic with the result that takes them through to the last sixteen and brings joy to every russian here in this country he would say that the party is because russia won they won three one against the two tonight a convincing win but it took a little better than luck to bring the taco stride off our time and now we can see the first goal here a man he probably feels like he needs a drink now when fancy conceded the first goal and this is how it happened this was in the forty seven minutes is nil after on and i was saying to pace ok not missing
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the first forty five then this happens. because roman so many shots putting weight no danger and so. on to his name got in the way i have to think and he left the fence and that would have gone off on straw yeah i guess that's how about the shot was my own wind was but it sometimes something happens in congress playing and if you ask him what happened. that is he was saying i don't know but that kind of set the tone and then very shortly after that the second goal. was scored and would you believe it dennis cherish if you didn't even start the first game and can he came on and scored two and again. turned out the right place at the right time to set the ball in the high and the egyptian goalkeeper and now he is a top scorer with renowned for the author who would have thought that golden contender wasn't in the starting eleven and this is a world cup a surprise a survey so so what we talked about the change today between small of and super
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smallest out on the bench and super was upfront i have to give you credit you were in favor of the season is a good change you like to see but he didn't disappoint i'd like super in the sense that he came on and changed the name but again saudi arabia west of all of that nothing so i think you know now that you know chance of his is vindicated face decision because as you can see zuba scored the third goal and in some style i know it's a long ball up but he has control of the ball was really good the way he took it under the foot of the defend and the way he started then he's he's a really really good player for four for russia so three mail and really just chaotic scene syrian central moscow this point deafening cheers from that from the crowds below us then it was just a flick and you start to wonder is there a comeback on when this happened this is in the seventy third minute so that the gold a man for egypt is pulled down most along the referee gives a free kick and this is where we saw document things first of all what
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a finish that water what a confident penalty kick that is you know it doesn't matter what the goalkeeper does in that situation that you pick the right side well i'm going to put it out there because the gold a very very rarely pick the right guy so i guess an absolute perfect example on how supposed to work the referee things that. free kick but he gives is committed outside the box so the rules that there are a system he then says you have to have a look oh i can tell you that was inside the box he cannot argue the decision the referees already done that so that can't be changed but the plays where the offense was was made could be changed and first gave the free kick when you listen to the assistant and then he was he realized he was inside the box straight away get the penalty no complaints from anyone. this might not have had a major impact in this particular game but this could be you know very significant
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in later much especially in the knockout rounds this is one of those incidents where sometimes you don't get the penalty should have done and you're complaining that cost you the tournament in previous world cups i was think that's kind of an iconic item you know we had the visit in my mom previous to her and i think rapidly becoming the iconic item of russia twenty eighty could be the mustache if maybe it's going to be the mistress of victory the way things are going it's the chit chat so mr nash there it is everybody wants to be the russian manager because he has the golden touch now this was a gimmick started by a late night russian t.v. host i wanted to show support for standards of chess of who we still go to see smile it happened yet. and everyone's been encouraged to go first that's a semi smile i would say. that's when he has that he's very very i was probably on his wedding day i think the focus is this is good you know this is this is binding people together it's like becoming the nominee of their way there with a everyone talks about the world cup and they have this.


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