tv Boom Bust RT June 20, 2018 8:30am-9:01am EDT
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fance. because i got what was just the right piece just trying to find a piece that i got not yet we do have but it would be going to chicago now i know not going through no no no not a job as usual but. i. sure do you. do you know she understood you still have the old law. that a lab was no more. that you should be doing by going out of business than without your downloading a low going up or you're such a good idea is that you should w.
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bush to wean. them. away. and the great city manager at burra military which he joined as appear on the written shed his impressions all rushing twenty eighty cents. a hug or enjoying the atmosphere at the festival what do you think of this will come so far. as to who. has over to to read the book. you know it's ok to say cause people enjoy being how many teams e.g. coach n.z. and during the world cup five five five is not a record that must be a noise we all recall but this is very well for me i don't look for the record though the global community coming together it must be like a drug is that where you keep guns underlies it all but i like the style you don't like to make sure to kill a thing for the night. it makes you wonder what it feels would be for mexicans the
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finished piece and it's also been that she she was in the range of my kids and only two mission two kids is i would have known over the delights of this if you one don't know what their house. has to go on social media and make me say it. so russia founds will pretty much know for certain whether the teens through to the knockout stages off the today's game between saudi arabia and the euro why a win all drool for europe why is all that's needed saudi arabia will give it their all but the much will be held at the bus stop every.
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meanwhile teams in group b. start playing that second games on wednesday with portugal taking on morocco first and that again taking place right here in moscow and will be tough for the moroccans and the atlas lions as they're also known are taking part in the world cup for the first time in twenty years in iraq and central to find a federal told us his team will do that that. is a mixed team there are players over thirty and there are some promising athletes under thirty such as iraq who plays for eye exams to damn southampton's who fell there are some very interesting players like the teams kept saying maybe from eventis he's a very interesting player and the team's leader as well but above all we are
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a team a great team of players who work together we're like a family and we know that forty million fans are looking at us and they'll be supporting us all the way because we'll be representing our great country's return to the world cup after twenty year break and to be honest there are a lot of hoops at home now and we'll do our best to give the homeland the performance it deserves you know portugal's national football team known as the navigators make their seventh appearance at the world cup. christiane no one elbow holds the team record for the most number of caps and goals he's regarded as one of the greatest players in the game was all over the world. my boss for the. number one.
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lunch hour. receiving about three years now and the dream is finally becoming to lead to foxconn to take in a lot of different things that i decided not to because i wanted to join was the world cup. so those were the three things you love most about russia. but it was a. little bit let me go with it on russia. believe it. for me does a problem for me because my country pakistan needs to tell study football to check the world cup. hopefully i can spread a message of peace and love from pakistan to russia to football and eleanor's the trio to peaceful nation. yet you are.
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also playing today iran spain now iran currently tops group b. off the beating morocco spain has just one point off the drawing with portugal. co-host shared his thoughts on the upcoming back. pain in the royals i think you will start as a very experienced coach with multiple. experiences in the in world cup. obviously spain spain i would say that spain we play is a lot selected for the walk of be also a candidate for the exciting as amazing it is. their potential so i see. but there . will be in a way where they're going to create some little problems. spain
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to hold the record for the most unbeaten games in a row twenty nine in fact and they also want to world cup not so long ago that with twenty ten becoming the first european team to win outside europe iran meanwhile won all of its twenty eight world cup qualifying games it's the fifth championship for the team and some of their most dedicated fans are taking part for the first time either. trying to run. here. so whatever you. want. to force.
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the first. century. russia. is. the most important. head over the world cup co-host peter schmeichel did a tour of the tournament's host cities. where spain take on iran today was one of the stops. i've been invited to a traditional titan muslim wedding today and the best idea i could come up with as a gift was to cook my own. which is the most traditional just on this so first time i'm doing this but i'm pretty confident and i'm off running sending
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them to me all the left's nice and even non going to cut it like that it's sick and i'm now going to prepare the syrup which is basically just half honey and half shoka lot of calories in there put it over here. there's no way that i can bring this to the happy couple that's going to mean bad luck for the. wife i mean you want. so that's a that's how it's supposed to look. and. it's just. it's.
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never experience anything like that but i'm going to leave and see what. is known as one of russia's major sports it is the current champions in volleyball they've been football champions ice hockey champions and also water polo champions . water polo i've never tried that before i'm going to have a go. now it's hot and if you cool got so much respect for these guys. but also it concerns me that football has to do something that i can do water polo.
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and. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of the global wealth you long for the ultra rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember one one doesn't show you can afford to miss the one and only boom but. after three years of conflict it has been estimated that out of
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a population of twenty seven point four million twenty two point two million people in yemen are in need of humanitarian assistance so why are the u.s. and u.k. so committed to the saudi u.a.e. war on yemen. thanks for joining us today the u.s. has announced its leaving the u.n. human rights council secretary of state my pump and other u.s. officials castigated the body accusing it off a poker see and political bias. president wants to move the ball forward from day one his called institutions are countries who say one thing and do another and that's precisely the problem with the human rights council. as president trump said at the u.n. general assembly there's a massive source of embarrassment to the united nations that some governments with the greatest human rights records sit on the human rights council for too long to human rights council has been a protector of human rights abusers and
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a cesspool of political bias for a long time we've heard the trumpet ministrations speak highly critically of the united nations and specifically the un human rights council but now we have the dramatic move of the usa officially withdrawing from the un human rights council not being a member of this body that it's been a long critical of now we've heard from mike pompei o secretary of state and he specifically cited criticism of israel by the un human rights council as a reason for the usa withdrawing from the council's continued and well documented bias against israel is unconscionable. since its creation the council has adopted more resolutions condemning israel against the rest of the world combined now israel has thanked the united states for their move withdrawing from the council and there have been widespread reactions from elsewhere the secretary general would have much preferred for the united states to remain in the human rights council the
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un human rights architecture plays a very important role in the promotion and protection of human rights worldwide and now we've heard from the executive director of human rights watch mr kenneth roth he responded saying quote the trumpet administration's withdrawal is a sad reflection of its one dimensional human rights policy defending israeli abuses from criticism takes precedence above all else he went on to say other governments will have to redouble their efforts to ensure that the council addresses the world's most serious human rights concerns un human rights council has been quite critical of the united states in a few areas there has been a recent report on poverty in the united states saying that government policies. by the u.s. government have not been addressing the economic rights of the population there have also been concerns widely expressed about the treatment of migrants in the united states most recently regarding the issue of the separation of families along
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the u.s. border from there we have heard from the president of the u.n. human rights council and he said that the u.s. withdrawal is a topic that should be explicitly discussed by the council we did hear from nikki haley the u.s. ambassador to the united nations and she said that the usa would be continuing to push an agenda of human rights around the world however they would no longer be participating in the un body we spoke to ramsey bhutto of the palestine chronicle he thinks the us leaving the council is actually a good thing since trump has been in power the u.s. has further cemented its policy of isolation isolationism of done not just reach the council but also other international institutions and other american commitments under international law powers to cool and so forth and so on no i think they just basically decided to do what's in my opinion is
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a positive thing remove themselves entirely from the human rights council and see it's a positive thing in this is the u.s. presence in these institutions has only served to target its enemies and to protect its interests. the palestinian family has been prevented from entering a public pool in the southern israeli city of kitty have got the reason given that they were not residents of the city we spoke to the family who think it has more to do with their protection. it was a holiday and we wanted to go out we called the polling period gas and they said we can come when we got there someone went out of the office and told us that no one can get inside today except for the residents of curious get young people who are in front of us arabs as well said what do you mean you said we could come in why are you saying no now and i realized that this all happened just at the time when my wife with her headscarf came in and that was the moment when he decided not to
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let anyone in for eleven years i've been working on different projects bringing together jews and arabs and creating conditions for a joint life here for a future. and it was sad i don't understand why they make a difference between jews and arabs we're all children of adam yes we have different religions but we're all people. i was so upset when they did let us in i felt that it was racist i feel that we arabs are a minority here we are outcasts and there's a similar case in the small israeli village of a public pool there allegedly has an undeclared rule of separate hours for jews and if a better wins the regional council told us that it's the bedouins who asked for separate i was blaming them for the tensions the locals though are divided over whether such a policy is right it shouldn't be like this and i think this is swimming pool should be boycotted and no one needs to go to the swimming pool if they did it. is equal for both of the things you're quite ok this is as many people living in here
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and this is very very long to tell people what they should do and shouldn't do people need to leave really without anyone telling them when and where they need to go or they can go to israel that is between the jews and the business this is. it in this industry is really m.p.'s have already called for the practice to be ended they say it violates discrimination all right your program returns and half an hour . join me every day on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of. business i'm sure i'll see that.
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this is formed by us broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. i'm far children thank you for hanging out with us you coming up today we have spoken on the program about the media merger madness and that in you but today we look beyond the legalities and to the bottom lines of the companies the c.e.o. and founder of the stocks are mode joins us for some of the most intelligent insight you'll get anywhere plus new information about ethical lapses by members of president trump's cabinet including his secretary of commerce wilbur ross has circuit surface that is not good r.t.s. alex pilotage gives us the details from toronto and we take
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a look at real estate in the city of london as chinese and hong kong investors have slowed down their buying from some of the huge highs not long ago our chief correspondent tells us why from london now let's get to the stories topping today's financial and business at present donald trump less than ten days after he insulted the canadian prime minister justin trudeau labeling him very dishonest and weak has insulted yet another allied leader this time as general german chancellor angela merkel whom mr trump criticized related to immigration policies tweeting that quote the people of germany are turning against their leadership and stating that crime is quote way up in the country as a factual note the president is wrong in fact last year germany experience the lowest level of crime in twenty five years mr trump's comments clearly fall in our relatively new category of presidential misbehavior news and that mr trump himself
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has allowed a u.s. immigration officials the u.s. immigration officials to. separate children from immigrant parrot parents illegally trying to enter the united states which has justly garnered opposition from democrats and members of his own republican party and hundreds of religious leaders are rarely in opposition to the trumpet ministration policy is set for june thirtieth a couple of blocks away from here in washington d.c. yesterday audio recordings of crying children were released and heighten the strong hostility to the policy which to date has separated more than two thousand children from their parents when they are kept in prison like confinement canales evoking images of ghastly internment in japanese of japanese americans during world war two and late breaking news reported by mcclatchy the trumpet ministration has likely a lost lost six thousand children who knows what this means we just read the story but we'll have more on this in the coming days but what
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a repugnant and monstrous moral molé the trump administration has brought upon the united states and there is also news on this story is the business round table in the u.s. chamber of commerce have both come out in opposition to the policy of taking children from their parents the chamber's president and c.e.o. tom donohue published an official blog for the group titled separating children from families must end now donohue wrote quote let that sink in for a second our government is forcibly separating children including toddlers from their parents and sending them to detention facilities as a means of sending a message and influencing congress cisco systems c.e.o. chaka robins who chairs the business roundtable immigration committee said in a statement the practice is cruel and contrary to american values good on those folks the two groups joined a chorus of critics that also included the united nations high commissioner for human rights who yesterday said quote the thought that any state would seek to
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deter parents by inflicting such abuse on children is unconscionable. you bet big time was more on this in the coming days and specifically on the economic and business impact of u.s. immigration policy. and in the latest presidential pronouncement on trade donald trump has threatened to impose additional tariffs another two hundred billion dollars worth of imports from china if china does not make an unspecified changes in their trade policies last friday mr trump announce fifty billion dollars of tariffs on chinese goods provoking china to retaliate financially and rhetorically white house trade advisor in china hardliner peter navarro served as hype man for the threat telling reporters china has more to lose in the trade war. and big news on the financial crime beat and this time the alleged perp is j.p. morgan chase the u.s. banking giant will pay sixty five million dollars to the c f.t.c.
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my old agency the commodity futures trading commission to settle charges that j.p. made false reports from two thousand and seven two thousand and twelve in order to manipulate a key interest rate benchmark to see if he alleges that j.p. manipulated the u.s. dollar international swaps and derivatives association fix or the is the fix by quote bidding offering in executing transactions and targeted interest rate products at the time of day when the rate was being set see if the season for us meant director put the fines in the context of other rate rigging cases such as those surrounding the london interbank offered rate or live or fifty c. is now a levy total of six billion dollars in fines in interest rate rigging cases and we cover the story about a federal judge who recently approved a t.n.t.'s purchase of time warner for eighty five eighty five point four billion dollars before the ink was dry on the judge's decision comcast made an all cash sixty five billion dollar offer to purchase purchase twenty first century fox but
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fox already had an offer from desi now disney expected to increase their fifty five billion dollars stock. offer with a little bit of cash added how will the bottom lines of these companies be impacted what might it mean for consumers and shareholders here to help us through it all is the founder and c.e.o. of the stock solution the always insightful and ever delightful melissa our mo plus i thank you again for being with us when we look at what a happy and time warner currently own it's pretty incredible i mean with a t. and t. there is directv cingular wireless all the phone companies like bell south southwestern bell and mirror attack among many others that i i can't recall and and with time warner there is that flagship time magazine of course warner communications the music and the cable that goes with it and then turner broadcasting think c.n.n. plus the old school america online much much value is there so melissa what's going on with the companies and their stocks and what would a new merged company look like from
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a bottom line perspective. well the media landscape is definitely changing that's interesting because you had like you said these phone companies like eighteen nineteen these telecommunication companies now all of a sudden they're in the real money the big big money everyone's seen on the writing on the wall is for content it's creating content and it's controlling the content and then charging to view the content and so all of these companies are trying to compete with the likes of netflix which is controlling the content as far as creating it and then airing it for people at a very cheap price because if you sign up for netflix you can pay fifteen twenty bucks a month and then watch brand new shows so the writings on the wall where these companies are feeling the pressure that they have to get in eighty stop right now is down time warner looks great since this deal broke and since the news came out that stock has really gotten a lift but eighteenth the stock is down obviously this is going to cost an enormous amount of money for this takeover but it's really changing the media landscape and look for fewer and fewer companies in the future as you were discussed about all
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the bids that are out for that because probably disney is going to put another bid out against comcast i don't think disney is as is certainly going to let this go well let's talk about that a little bit. as you're sort of pining for twenty first century why would fox be such a good get. fox is a great guy and it's a good question and here's why because of the studios because of creating the content because of twenty first twenty first century fox the movies that they've created the studios in california huge money and that so they want to own those studios to be able to create even more content and they want to get bigger and bigger and bigger and i'm going to be honest with you i think disney and fox is a good it's a good partnership you think about the simpsons that's on fox disney would own the simpsons franchise then i mean it's just seems like a perfect fit but contrast once a piece of that they put in an enormous bid over the price of what disney was offering and we haven't heard from disney get this just happened last week at any
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day now we could hear something back from this the i don't think it's going to stand where it's at right now this stock right now today had up over f o x j is the stock stempel ahead up over forty five dollars a share this could go to fifty dollars a share before all is said and done or even over that everything is shaken out here pretty incredible i think folks were thrown up on the screen to look at that number going up and up it's a pretty amazing ok let's talk about does the as a standalone melissa as theme parks go ticket prices are over twenty percent what they were five years ago and it's about one hundred bucks on average per day one hundred twenty during the holidays and peak times and disney just announced that this friday a day before the new picture appear attraction opens at the california location for a mere two hundred ninety nine dollars you can get a sneak peek a day before plus that incredible two movies just came out last weekend and i guess you can tell who has
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a little one around the house and it opened at number one making one hundred eighty million dollars over the weekend but in the aggregate melissa how is does the doing . disney stock is doing great again they got a lift from the news that when it came through before initially when they bid for fox the stock got a lift and even the stock looks great now it's in an uptrend it's not that far off the highs disney has really been capitalizing on this idea of creating new new creatures new movies new content new things to interest people disney has always done a great job with that with creativity now they want to expand they're going to own more of who they're going to i think sixty percent of hulu if this box a big goes through which is a big deal because you can watch content through hullo but also disney is pulling all of their programming for you to watch off of netflix by the end of this year so that's a big deal to disney's see is again the writing on the wall for viewing shows not only through television and movies but also in the internet and disney wants to control more of that charging for to view it on their or programming and that's why
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it is it is a good deal to buy to buy fox and they can again have the studios be able to create even more movies and pictures and that's where the money is so they can charge those prices to get to express more interested to get at the parks or they have the characters they have the parades with the characters they make all the theme park and the rides with the characters that's what disney does really well so people pay for it they're following the money i want to look at. how they're doing doing that stock is down to it's very interesting the stocks that are trying to take over these companies with the exception of disney are down so eighteen team which is taking over time warner stock is down stock going to down trying time warner's up you have comcast that stock is down stock is a down trend since they put the bit in it's still down compared to disney disney is the only stock that put a bid in for another one of these multimillion companies that is up in the chart up in the price since all this news came out.
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