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tv   News  RT  June 20, 2018 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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or to view it on their or programming and that's why it is it is a good deal to buy to buy fox and they can again have the studios be able to create even more movies and pictures and that's where all the money is so they can charge those prices to get into express more interested to get at the parks or they have the characters they have the parades with the characters they make all the theme park and the rides with the characters that's what disney does really well so people pay for it following the money i want to look at. how they're doing how do you start doing that stock is down to it's very interesting the stocks that are trying to take over these companies with the exception of disney are down so eighteen nineteen which is taking over time warner stock is down stock going to down trying time warner's up you have comcast that stock is down stock is a down trend since they put the bit in it's still down compared to disney disney is the only stock that put a bid in for another one of these multimillion companies that is up in the chart up in the price since all this news came out disney looks great this is
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a buy expect to see the come back with something to compete against comcast for that but i'll tell you one quick thing bart before we go all of this is going to mean less and less companies in the future of the companies are going to get bigger and fatter and bigger but as a consumer don't necessarily think that you're going to get to pay less it's going to be where the fact is you have two or three big huge mega don companies and you they may be trying to present price gouge people or control the content so from a consumer's perspective i don't think that this is necessarily a good idea and from a media landscape perspective you have less people putting less ideas out there so i don't think it's really great it's great if you happen to own stocks and the stop is getting the pop it's great if you own stock in disney those are great buys but as far as overall for consumer even if you're in the television industry i don't think this is necessarily going to be great but the landscape is changing and nobody can do anything to change it it's going to happen it's setting up everybody is worried and scared of netflix like i should always. thanks for your time melissa
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thanks for having me. and now we move to air b. and b. the home sharing company which operates around the world and has since two thousand and eight when it began really transformed the way millions of people take their trips it's run into a pretty big problem in japan and rentals have dropped sixty percent are to correspondent ashley banks six points the new law legalizing home sharing in japan was initially supposed to help air b.n. b. however it's having the opposite effect leaving many customers angry under this new law air b.n. b. host in japan need to acquire a license and comply with fire and other safety regulations an order to open their homes to paying guest hosts have been operating and what some are calling a legal gray zone running
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a full time lodging service while the government which at the time only required hotels to be licensed looked the other way however that practice has since changed as soon as the new law took effect tens of thousands of listed air b.n. b. offerings were cancelled air b.n. b. says it believes the japanese government would on or bookings may be for the law took effect earlier this month the japanese government said any host without a license had to cancel any reservations made first days that would begin after the law was put in place air b.n. b. said in a statement this announcement came as a surprise to us we are incredibly sorry we know this stinks and that's an understatement the japan tourism agency says it gave air b.n. b. anough of the heads up that unlicensed post one it be able to operate starting june fifteenth according to japanese officials in the first quarter of this year ten percent of japan's visitors use home sharing and up until now air b.n. b.
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occupied a legal gray area in the country according to data bank metro. no engines in april award in tokyo had more than forty six hundred homes listed on air b.n. b. the ward received one hundred six applications and only issue licenses to sixteen according to home share data research firm holloway's air b.n. b. it listings in japan have dropped to twenty two thousand which is a sixty percent drop earlier this week the japan tourism agency said we cannot allow the implementation of the law to have a bad effect on the end bound tourism were happy to direct visitors to legal operations air b.n. b. is criticizing the agency's saying officials failed to make it clear on the registered host wouldn't be able to honor reservations made prior to when the law took effect customers are so angry they claim they may never use air b.n. b. or visit japan again which could ultimately affect your band's tourism market and
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affect air bambi's bottom line and washington actually banks are it's. time now for a quick break but stick around because when we return several of president trump's cabinet members including the secretary of commerce wilbur ross are facing pressure due to some serious ethical lapses r.t. correspondent alex pile of which gives us the latest details plus a little longer and where our correspondent elise tells us why chinese and hong kong bestor is that slow down there want significant oil in london real estate as we go to break world market reaction to present drop off in the ante on additional tariff it was the worst day of the month for the dow and the s. and p. there are those numbers at the closing bell back at a point. after
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three years of conflict it has been estimated that out of a population of twenty seven point four million twenty two point two million people in yemen are in need of humanitarian assistance so why are the u.s. and u.k. so committed to the saudi u.a.e. war on yom. thank. you there there are you hear the way. this is.
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welcome back columbia elected a new president on sunday raising serious questions about the future of that country's peace process hard right hard right wing candidate ivan duke a defeated former bogota mayor and former guerrilla gustavo petro with fifty four percent of the vote the president elect promises tax cuts and reductions and government spending and i returned to ariel herbicide spring of cocoa plants which was halted for health reasons back in two thousand and fifteen columbia's had a five decade old civil war that looked to be ending in part due to the efforts of former president one man well santos who was awarded the nobel peace prize in two thousand and sixteen some however are now concerned that the incoming president will undo the peace process with uncertain consequences for the columbia economy. and it seems it is miller time and beer is once again at the center of a brawl but this time the fight is in the u.s.
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courts pap's brewing company of los angeles which markets perhaps blue ribbon or p.b.r. a beer noted for its affordability and other flashback brands including all bill walking and colt forty five a sewing miller coors miller coors brews and distributes p.b.r. under longstanding agreement that pre-dates miller course. current corporate configuration the agreement expires in two thousand and twenty and miller corps has said that they may not renew it pap's alleges a breach of contract and anti-competitive practices in twenty six in a twenty sixty lawsuit now set to finally begin on nov twelfth after miller corps repeated motions to dismiss were rejected the stakes are very high for a pass which reported reportedly only had a five point five million gallons of independent production capacity and twenty fifteen a loss in court would leave them with a much less with much less product to sell and a difficult path to markets beer drinkers on a budget may want to stock up. and it is an unfortunate
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circumstances a circumstance especially for me who served in government for thirty years when government officials or politicians behave badly but it doesn't change the fact that when we learn about backroom deals and people lying under oath it gets under the skin of a lot of us and should archy's alex more highly of it joins us from toronto to talk about the latest couple of culprits who just happen to be members of president trump's cabinet jeez louise alex it looks like interior secretary ryan zinke he may be involved in some shady business what can you tell us on that one. you know bart i've been doing this for a long time and i've seen this at the municipal the provincial the federal level the state level every level you can imagine when you comes to politicians there's always a couple of stinkers and there happens to be a couple in the trumpet ministration it looks like this time around well we know that's the interior secretary mr soucie and talking about him well you know him and his wife set up a beautiful foundation there from montana of the blue place called white fish and that foundation has to be happens to be in cahoots with a company called hell of
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a little bit of yours you scratch my back if i'll scratch yours type of thing going on here how the burden we've heard of halliburton has to be it is the u.s. is biggest oil service company halliburton somebody that you know might want the interior ministry to help them drill in places they weren't drilling before and maybe with regulations when it comes to drilling for oil so you see where i'm going with this now the scratch your back back to the interior minister and his wife will this happens to be a question about white fish montana which is this town now is a really hip if you've got money and if you want to go traveling vacationing this is a place you want to go there's a development going on there and guess who's backing that development the development is backed by david lesser who is the house of burton chairman and he's backing a development in this town a town which the interior minister the secretary and his wife have wanted to put a microbrewery in for a very long time and it just happens that this development has
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a microbrewery that has a special space just for them to put that in there on top of that this is the interior secretary also and this is the interesting part they have given space for to the developer to the lesser back developer lesser one talk about how you guys for a parking lot in a project that when a space that was given to their foundation for a veterans piece park so they're going to build a parking lot there and on the other side of this project to project because what they have they have some lead that's going to go up in value. if this development happened so i think we have a little bit of it right here it's shameful now let's talk a little bit about the commerce secretary wilbur ross he's also under the microscope for some shifty and shady business and what's going on with that alex ok well mr ross when he came into power when they brought him up there you of course have to go in for the government ethics committee he swore all kinds of stuff up and down there and he told the ethics committee that his holdings that he had which
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are certain holdings that he have to divest that he divested these holdings now these holdings happened to be in coots with the government of china with russian company as well as a bank in cyprus that happens to be under investigation by mr mueller so you can see whoa whoa he's things are not really above board now he pledged that he got rid of all these assets and he actually did but after the fact after promising that he didn't that he ready divested this was all after the fact and it sent seems to me that his family silk continues to do business with these foreign entities down spokes person for mr wilbur says the secretary did not lie well if a lie is not telling lies telling something different a little bit later changing things around later after you told a lie and now it's not a lot i'm confusing myself even here because i think everybody will confuse when it comes down to this this is just a mess a lie is a lie is a lie and that's what happened in this case as well you know there's also alternate
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facts right that they got clear that they got the patent on alternate facts are key correspondent alex my hile a bit tough news but we thank you for bringing it to us thank you. and in the u.k. the number of debit card payments surpassed the number of cash for the first time in twenty seventeen bank trading group u.k. finance says debit transactions last year rose fourteen percent over the previous year to thirteen point two billion while cash payments fell by fifteen percent to thirteen point one billion u.k. finance says cutting edge of cashless transactions contactless payments of which cards are devices are placed near readers played a big role in the historic shift accounting for five point six billion of those thirteen billion debit transactions and fifteen percent of all payments u.k.
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finance predicts countless payments will increase to thirty six percent of all payments within ten years driven higher by the preferences of younger consumers and london real estate prices the fallen for the first time in nearly a decade despite gains in every other region across england prices went down in the past year by an average of nearly five thousand pounds meanwhile the once large and renowned purchasing a real estate in the city of london by chinese and hong kong investors has slowed r t correspondent isa alit tells us why the concerns in the u.k. property market and in particular of the london markets as investments from chinese and those based in hong kong has dropped in the first quarter of two thousand and eighteen investment levels were a four hundred eighty two million pounds a supporting two cushman and wakefield profits the consultants now if you compare that to seven billion pounds during two thousand and seventeen that's
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a significant drop in the significant fact there are several factors which perhaps contribute to why those chinese and hong kong invest is putting as much money. in that's the lowest level since two thousand and fifteen one of the main concerns is they're waiting to see what will happen with briggs it the u.k. getting ready to leave the european union and there are been concerns persisting since the vote here in the u.k. in june of twenty sixteen as to exactly investors and investors holding back their capital as they wait to see what happens but actually in the immediate wake of that vote the pound dropped a nut saw an initial surge in foreign investors plowing money into london property but that seems to be slowing down a little bit as people wait to see what kind of shape the final deal will take now another point perhaps worth pointing out is chinese regulators they've been taking
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more steps in recent months to try to stop outbound flows of capital from china going to various capitals around the world including london so that perhaps is making those investors will make it more difficult for those investors to send them money outside of china and in fact there are reports that many of those investors are now selling up as they seek to bring those profits home and pubs one example of a development which has been suffering as a result of that is paddington it's an area in the west of central london and it recently as over got over seen or seen a billion pounds worth of billions of pounds worth of investment to regenerate the area rentals a down investment is done in the area basically not seeing the type of growth that investors would have initially anticipated so those property investors will be
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hoping that the u.k. can secure a good trade deal following brags that and that those prices will continue to rise and investors' money will continue to come in. our thanks to our chief correspondent is solly for that report and our thanks to you for joining us on the broadcast we'll see you again soon. get a phone no i don't have what was the last time that you went on the internet no i am not used to me to these village is it safe to say. are you sure there is no access to music stirs there and they are all going to be sure the baby doesn't close to his that is the. one who was going
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to support the only who. is a death as part of that was a good deal. that was worked out of this. previously yes and no they are being false form of where in terms of a member of the society to. be left out there was no. matter the place he should go to one of the few more so if you begin with because. the bus route. that's pretty much what i mean i will meet and met with the most but the fancy.
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stuff. both of. when i was losing money. to move. away and spit in the freedom instead of saying i'm a watchman. coming from the.
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winter is that. can you hear me. i . couldn't say to. the host nation. i. victory celebrations we all but it wasn't just natives singing russian
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songs and cheering the host nation. i. i i i. i now the news you're not international the u.s. announces its withdrawal from human rights council of what washington polls political. say the move has been met with widespread international criticism. also. a public swimming pool. locals are divided over whether it's just. thank you joining us here on r.t. international on this day we have your latest top stories but also the latest stuff from the beautiful game. so we do start the program with our special coverage of
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the world cup russia has been partying all night long the host nation full of a stunning victory against egypt. a world cup co-host and the former manchester united goalkeeper peter schmeichel and aussies neil harvey walk ok. that's a massive part of that there and that there's no doubt about it it's all russian singing on her own the money is going to stay in st petersburg so people that weren't don't think it is probably in russia and now calling on to the streets i can see you know the cost traffic is now it's building up so all employers be warned ron paul these. p.p.a. on time tomorrow.
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central moscow has gone all for the rails three one is everything russian fans could ever wish for in this game but the most insane part about the situation in the russian capital right now is that this is not even the main flashpoint. there are people who feel hungry from the over there was but tonight it doesn't matter that you can hear chants to russia russia people. lives. the movie i see it is does he find these people who are lying. beside him everything really it's a celebration full of russians this is where the russian capital comes to celebrate .
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its was a good earth this dear man was fired because there were so much happens when was first game five the first three zero for in one eye. though there are serious killers it. who are you cheering for is it brazil is it russia who are you cheering for. and others . are cheering for both brazil is the home country and russia is this amazing country that is doing this amazing and forgettable. yet. i always had the impression that no one really believes that russia has a football team to do anything as an organizing country absolutely sure that this could happen but as a football team but what has happened over the last six days five days it is you
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know it's completely changed the mood of what the world cup is this is what these big events torments it brings the world together and people in reality don't care where it is as long as it's nice and weather's nice and places where they can actually party and it's organized well as to say it's been organized really well and you know people have been allowed to do what what they want and supporting it's a policy but it's a party even without alcohol this is the party of just high spirits convincing win but it took a little bit of luck to break that accursed right off the outside and and we can see the first goal here a man he probably feels like he needs a drink now when fancy than this was in the forty seven minutes is nil out on and i was saying to peter kay not to see a forty five twenty seven. run shops pretty weak no danger and so. on tees me out in the wind i actually think that he left the fencing that
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would have gone awful sorry i guess that's how bad the shot was and how wide it was but it's sometimes something happens that you can't explain and then very shortly after. that the second goal. was scored and would you believe it dennis cherish if you didn't even start the first game and can keep him on and spots you and again. turned out the right place at the right time to see the ball in every high and the egyptian goalkeeper and now he is a top scorer with renowned for the author who would have thought that bolton played can and wasn't in starting eleven it is since it's ok but. we can't relax now it's important for us because. now we will play against the best and the best team so well there will and you can go home early if you are relaxed we talked about the change today between small of and super smallest out on the bench and super was up front i have to give you credit you are in favor this season is
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a good change. he didn't disappoint i'd like super in the sense that he came on and changed the name but again saudi arabia west of all of that nothing so i think you know now that you know chance of his is vindicated face decision because as you can see zuba scored the first goal i did some style i know it's a long ball up but he has control of the ball was really good the way he took it under the foot of the defend and the way he started when he said he's a really really good player. the feeling is just amazing the world cup in russia the stadium the atmosphere and to score two goals is just amazing it's great and we're extremely happy that we have one at home that we are able to win and go to the next round because it hasn't happened in a long time and then there's just the flick and they do start to wonder is there a comeback on when this happened this is in the seventy third minute so that the gold a man for egypt is pulled down marsala the referee gives a free kick and this is where we saw documenting first of all what
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a finish that water what a confidence a penalty kick that is you know it doesn't matter what the goalkeeper does in that situation that you pick the right side while i'm going to put it out there because the goal was very very rarely pick the right guy so i guess an absolute perfect example on how supposed to work the referee things like free kick but he gives is committed outside the box so the rules are that the assistant he then says we have to have a look oh i can tell you that was inside the box he cannot argue the decision the referees already done that so that can't be changed but the plays where the offense was was made could be changed and first a gave the free kick then you listen to the assistant and then he was he realized he was inside the box story the way get the penalty no complaints from anyone in previous world cups i always think this kind of an iconic item you know at the resale is in my mom previous owner and i think rapidly becoming the iconic item of
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russia twenty eighty could be the mustache if i may be is going to be the mistress of victory the way things are going it's the chit chat so mr nash there it is everybody wants to be the russian manager because he has the golden touch you know this was a gimmick started by a late night russian t.v. host i wanted to show support for standards of chess of who we still need to see smile i don't know if india and and everyone's been encouraged to go first that's a semi smile i would say that was probably on his. so so far the russian managed to secure off a off the russian team when he picked the squad and people forget that the picture of really old fellas think fellows that have been tired from the football and still is working russia one st petersburg is obviously bouncing when i was in the stadium i found that the fans are not weak chanting the names of the players so i took the streets trying to invent some new chance with the fans.
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because that's what you just write based on a piece that i got told not to have been would be called now i know not on through no no no not a job as usual but the job on. the. show she asked is the out of the law. that. last law was moral law. that you should be doing but going out of business that without. love.


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