tv News RT June 20, 2018 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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i would assume that the americans were involved in it even if the americans haven't given it the go ahead so the americans have to work on the basis that the iranians would think that so we would have a war which would involve iran israel and the gulf states against iran britain would be pulled into that. because well because we have base in bahrain we're fully involved so without because of the iranians would see us as being part of it so therefore you might as well be involved in it rather than take all the flak and be shot at blown up not being part of it so i see it as extremely dangerous i think is very very dangerous and yes of course we could you know with with america and all the allies we could take out the bulk of their new capacity even the ones they've had no way you know we know at least. they had stopped doing it they'd stop doing it yes all right in the future they could start they had stopped. now they'll be a lot of the street the hardliners in iran saying well to hell with this we should start doing it again you know so if we didn't attack us all right we could take up those things but then what do you do you know they would they would kick off all
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the various terrorist groups that they control around the globe and there are lots of them who would they be saying right start doing things with a lot of it in bahrain you see it all over the place so that would all start happening shipping going to have peace carefully scored you have to take out their you know their mind leisure take out their submarines or take it incrementally and then what do you do know that no one wants to go and invade iran you know americans don't invade iran i mean do we really want to get ourselves in this sort of mess i think is absolutely madness well the iranian government denies they have a nuclear weapons program and certainly denies they have a network of terrorists but thank you after the break is a hurricane about to hit brussels ahead of next week's european council leaders' summit chaos theory with italy's former treasury director and chief economist of mesirow renzo could only go on from this week's why climate. and cries of injustice at the ministry of justice all of them all coming up in part two of going on the ground.
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that sort of fear. after three years of conflict it has been estimated that out of a population of twenty seven point four million twenty two point two million people in yemen are in need of humanitarian assistance so why are the u.s. and u.k. so committed to the saudi u.a.e. war on yemen. welcome back to go through some of this week's headlines is broadcaster and former liberal democrat member of parliament let me go pick them bit chaos that's what all the mainstream media is about world refugee day people stranded in valencia big tug of war there and know the white house appears to want to war with germany no this is good news out of a look at that we the people of germany are turning against their leadership as
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migration is rocking the already tenuous by link of election regime change donald j. chant suggest regime change but he's not he's making a prediction don't knock this look how well he's doing boris johnson suggests he do a better job of brecht's it we've got peace between north korea and the rest of the world all thanks to trump you take him seriously he could be the next chance of germany actually two hundred billion tariffs on china as well so economic war with china regime change in the europe's largest economy could possibly go wrong meanwhile in blighty what's going on this because the independent this is going wrong after an independent reports one homeless person dies every two weeks in london figures show these are real statistics something like one hundred fifty eight rough sleepers died. pretty much every year between twenty thousand and twenty seventeen that's when every fortnight which is regarded as a scandal by we don't know the real figures these are the official figure well the figures from a charity charity st mungo's says so but they've got no reason to lie this is their
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stock in trade and this is really bad news for the charity the more people die in the streets the more difficult it is for that charity to do work beget the system one of the big statistics in the story there's been a seventy three percent increase in the number of people sleeping rough in england over the last year or two but i don't think these figures are accurate myself they claim about four thousand seven hundred fifty one people sleep rough how do they know that if they go and then you've got all the government does not have any official figures because it's not be. really important statistic to have it's not a comfortable statistic these people don't vote much of the time but you know your stereotype is certainly giving us something there to think about now let's go there again advertisers well yeah the saying of the rich the richest country one of the richest countries in the world following from one story to another this one as you say from the howard advertiser star back funeral director starts two hundred eighty five mile walk to parliament to fight funeral poverty rule for over ten he's saying
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this this chap called jonathan robinson is saying that one thing that really matters is dignity in death he's saying a lot of people a lot of families can't afford this you may have seen the ads on television are vital to ensure it is the vigils to get up feel this is a real concern you speak to elderly people in particular they don't want to burden their children with these costs there's a whole different story about whether that's value for money but what this chap is saying is in a twenty first century theoretically first world country many people can't afford to even bury their dead with their includes here's a i can potentially see it getting to the stage where someone takes their own life because of the worry and stress of finding the money for a funeral and he's saying this as someone on the inside he deals with the bereaved and he's dealing with individuals who maybe go to see him say what's the cheapest i can do for my own funeral and the economy has never been doing better well according to the chancellor here parents i was in our expensive shop in bond street
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yesterday there are people queuing to buy trinkets for if you're in a thousand dollar that's because you are one of the harvest this doesn't affect you afshan this is for the individuals who walk past the windows in bond street maybe past the homeless who were talking about well maybe keep this going this way to the local press and obviously it's time to come on television maybe it should be on television ads or let's move on let's go to an article i don't know alleging corruption in the tourism a government now they cation not exactly corruption but of perhaps questionable appointments those are in circumstances links no proof of that let's look at the headline. exports of scandal ridden prison and immigration contractor now british minister for justice we are of course speaking about the concerns of edward he and his experience of circa one of the best and greatest of privatized contractors surely enables him to do his job better in parliament if his job in serco which has been in a lot of trouble in terms of its serious fraud office is still looking into this i
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do think they've agreed to repay about sixty eight sixty nine million pounds plus vat because no admission of liability they just paid them off because there was a dispute about where the circuit was doing its job with the criminal justice system and apparently they were charging for for the tag of individuals who are either back in prison or dead so this chap comes from not background maybe he does have the experience to know what goes wrong but as i say lax because he is a poacher turned gamekeeper you might say well we invite so because bosses to come on in the you know in your lives would they do pretty well it's immigration cases in which over sex before they get a case they pull that you know i think that one is there was a little they are you are not going to get yourself now after anyway look before they get to jail these people in britain the police send them their bodies on the b. twenty thousand fewer let's go to the us doing a great job not independent again just five percent of u.k. burglaries and robberies are being solved by i will be able to cover stories like
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this because this will encourage crime she will learn that suggests potentially crime does pay in this country if ninety five percent aren't solved the good news is the overall rate of solve crimes apparently for all the answers stands at thirteen point two percent ninety percent of criminals get away with it roughly roughly and this is ninety five percent of work though in fairness i should say the figures are disputed the sunday times claims that only four percent of burglaries are being solved or in the wrong business maybe so this is criminal in two ways how do we solve it if you speak to police off the rack called they often comment and i've done this recently we haven't got the resources we simply can't do. any thousand iowa billy's. offices seemed to raise and they ended the government yes but that she did and she promised to increase the numbers so maybe sister temporary glitch well i can see other legal wrong option i can see a lot more weaponry on london streets and i think that should surely help solve some of the crime in the wrong hands are not a dangerous vigilante suggestion i made on the police's oh i didn't go anywhere
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deborah thank you. well from stories about austerity hit britain to the future of austerity hit italy in the anniversary week of britain's historic decision to leave the e.u. and ahead of next week's crucial east summit joining me now is italy's woman treasury director and chief economist professor there and so could only you reza thanks for coming on the show wants to worry about palace of owner isn't finance minister know him in the digs it from the european union and giovanni tria with his council meetings in paris over the euro zone negotiations is a catastrophe this is politics ok and so i think the new government will be will have to be very careful because i think a more than the fiscal rules more than brussels here we have the financial markets watching very closely the situation and financial markets basically focusing on two issues first the commitment to the euro which seems to be not as strong as in the past although recent statement seems to suggest that they don't this is not on the
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agenda and therefore they are not question any the participation of italy and it would be euro which should be good news but again we have to be very careful and we have to have confirmation secondly i think at the fiscal discipline we are not talking about austerity here we're talk with a debt to g.d.p. in excess of one hundred thirty percent of g.d.p. you know you have to have a responsible fiscal policy and there actually need that if you look at it's totally if you take the metric off of the probably stop last night off. developments actually austerity has gone scenes two thousand and fourteen so i think even really italy needs to be responsible on the budget side and leads where the money is using is where the money is going because the figures are showing that eight percent in absolute poverty ten percent in poverty in the south of italy fourteen percent in relative poverty the highest poverty records policy on record in the italy's austerity is very much there now our study is not there think it's
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there has been a. and double dip recession which clearly. costs and produce a poll this is with the economic policy poverty poverty is indeed a big problem but again you can opt to dress the problem of the poverty issue by simply spend the money you need to really it was structure and reform the economy which is what the previous guy was trying to do keynes would have said spend some more money i want to get to that budget in the second you had italian delegation that you can only committees of the e.u. is it your contention that you're so keen to think about the debt to g.d.p. ratio because without the e.u. membership or without close ties the e.u. italian bonds is they will be able to borrow any more of the bond market i mean again with such a high debt to g.d.p. ratio we are not talking about the fiscal rules in brussels all by the way the fiscal rules domestically because keep in mind that italy has a balanced budget rule in the constitution and according to the technical situation you cannot spend money if it's not properly financed so it is embedded in the
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constitution it's never been taken heed of ever as it i think at least at face value oh it was respected so far has been respected ok with a lot of flexibility with a lot of special clothes or so for but there has been respect if you deliberately go against that i think you will run into trouble because effectively again it's not about rules is about financial markets was going to give you the money was going to finance the economy who was going to buy the bonds you see five louis de milo as multitool that doesn't mean he's going to be calling and has been calling for more easy aid which will help this debt to g.d.p. ratio solution found i mean the key point here is that the new government has not yet decided the kind of attitude and come strategy and i think you know i kind of visas to kind of strategists one is at least on face value in respect to the fiscal rules become a more mainstream if you wish but you know give some guarantees to investors and to
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the international community and the second set. you know it's a kind of syriza like jack to if you wish you tried to claim that you know you can do whatever you want not to respect and then actually go to some point at some point you have to back down but sell out in the meantime you have another crisis which is not the solution here for me to do so i very much hope that the first option would be to will be the one who would do you think is going to i mean lots of people around the world across europe learnedly would probably see some sense in this is that the ruling class needs to listen to the needs of the people incrusted power and privileges must be removed and then talks and systemically as it were you think this is the same going to suppress press it to mean they were elected on a kind of on the establishment populist platform so you know they have to be able to somehow specter you know they have to say that but you know the other important issue is whether they actually deliver on that i think if they are intelligent they
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can actually spin they can actually fight the things they that are in the program why maintaining fiscal discipline and maintain a strong commitment to the you or this would be the ideal scenario you know they can claim they are delivering but at the same time they're not undermining. the whole picture because otherwise it would be very weak and you believe statistics in italy are correct and you were the head of the syrian committee of the italian statistical office when we're getting figures certainly mass poverty. all these other statistics that we're receiving they are correct yeah absolutely correct yeah so you've also served at least meetings in brussels what would it be like to walk into that meeting lin the use omit or you know coble with the draft budget and say we want the italian government once some people say this keynesian hundred billion euros of spending in tax cuts next financial year this is the face value of all the promises they made in you know in the so-called contract so they kind of the merger
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of the two platforms will be a two by. is that right now now if you were there. ok but it depends whether you spread it over a number of b.s. and you stop gradually and in the meantime you maybe try to find some funding fall for that i mean they they. they claim to be against the corruption they came to be against waste. on the expenditure side. to be groups then the previous government so they can deliver something more on that side if they try to come up with some funding which is real and can actually reduce. them on the one hand and maybe introduce the citizen income on the other they can manage to to kind of balance the situation and at the same time respect their rules in respect of the fiscal framework but it's up to them but they would immediately go to really just called me this party's in europe up to nine hundred forty five couldn't they just take over the banks and take the assets compulsory i don't think this is inside.
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some easy deliveries i mean we have seen the big roll on the migration and that doesn't really affect public accounts or at least not to massively in the near term but the financial system their financial system could be another touchy issue yes but they get they can deliver something which is really undermined the fiscal sustainability so they can claim they can do something while at the same time again behavior somewhat responsibly. thank you and that's it for the show back on saturday the two year anniversary the british people just the european union. the nineteenth is the day that hundreds of chinese protesters were killed or wounded by british warships. twenty eighteen coverage we've signed one of the greatest. but there was one more question and by the way it's going to be our coach. guys i
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know you are nervous is a huge star among us and the huge amount of pressure to come out you have to be the center of the shuttle we're with you and we will solo all the great game the greatest game you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get down going left go. alone and just i want you and i'm really happy to join the team for the two thousand and thirteen world cup in russia meet the special one come on top of the share meet just like the radio p.r.t. teams the latest edition to make up is bigger than you better just look at. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest in the world of politics sport this knows i'm show business i'll see you then.
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yes from you know. when was the last time that you went on the internet no i'm not using these village is it safe to say. are you sure there's new music ters there that all good maybe should do the baby does a class of his that is the. first word on the only son. is dead as part of those activities. that was worked i was. previously yes' and no they are being false form of where he was filmed member of the society. he left. on.
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the return of stop playing mohamed salah could not save egypt from a thrashing by russia the host nation winning three to one. victory celebrations last thing until the wee hours of the morning but it wasn't just the natives singing russian songs and cheering on the host nation as our correspondents did find. a special guest this hour is set the form of fee for president we'll be here to talk old things a world cup with us. and other news here on r.t. international the u.s. announces its withdrawal from the u.n. human rights council over what was. political hypocrisy the move has been met with
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widespread international criticism. wednesday worldwide news headlines and. of course your latest action from the beautiful. thank. you start with special coverage of the world cup russia has been partying all night long but the host nation pulled off a victory against egypt beating them three to one. it
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was. the match was held in some petersburg the biggest celebrations were seen in the capital right here in moscow many foreign fans adopting the russian team as their own for the night aussies even as donna was among the rest of us. it was you who was central moscow has gone all for the rails three one he's everything russian fans could ever wish for in this game but the most insane thoughts about the situation in the russian capital right now is that
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this is not even the main flashpoint the o.b. even with three hundred from the other there was but tonight he doesn't match that you can hear a chance to russia russia have people where you would fly if there are demands i see advice nancy as i do you have people who are ladder you know. i know you had asked. b.c. it's in everything really it's a celebration of russians this is where the russian capital comes to celebrate. her to you. it was very good her to scaremongering barker of civil servant art and took the what's happened where was first a good five to ten zero for it was i don't know rushers killers it.
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who are you cheering for is it brazil is it russia who are you cheering for aren't done other than. we have to actually put both brazil as their home country and russia as this amazing country did these doing this amazing man forget to move. through syria or are. you sure yes. i was. all right let's go live now to our team at one of headquarters in central moscow kate partridge over to you. hi there rory yes well consumer red square as you can see people are still celebrating i think they'd be not only high tech free judging by some of those the just and the noises that we were hearing all along central moscow last night i am delighted to
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be joined by home a piece of presidents that got a huge joining with us often in response to thank you very much indeed welcome to moscow thank you to get a pleasure to be here say as you arrived last night did you manage to get much sleep with all the revelers out on the streets of moscow. today victory and domestic the big story of the russia. until four o'clock in the morning and into a hotel though it's impossible to sleep. love to birds was crude but it could serve on the floor to witness at their arrival their second victory all russian tea in qualified to for the next round and everything is open now it is actually it's made it a very very open to a very open group a and it's always a good thing isn't it when the host nation as a world cup has such a good start and told me this was the elementary this was the best start ever because it's my eleventh's world cup. i was in the very actively here and
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my guest the first much of the organizing committee of the of the host dead simple to understand could be even more and now it's all gold it's all gold needs some says ensured for the whole competition and also it benefits the country as a whole doesn't it if he keeps it is not only a psychological boost also an economic boost as well absolutely and you know what is important also that the this the world cup russia you know where they have been the so all. the so many doubts about the organization will the abilities sense on what will happen it started it started it started there for whom it. and especially the interstate because have done the full on venting to say do football is good is not good at the best because in the first round you have to look a little bit to good to see both of you see television audience international russian
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news now in all the books in all the world by television one individual and this is very important i mean i did the actual announcements in english when it when it came to here is deciding who to host the world cup and i could limiting the program and striving to you we're waiting for the announcement and you did the on for life and all those things that were seven and a half years ago can you believe it do you think that everything is now going. when asked plans it's going i remember this for a second of december two thousand and ten when i took out the the over the open the envelope and there was so then russia for me for me it was the i was together with the executive committee given advocating to go to the eastern europe and to go to to go to russia to now to realize it is now so many it's a two decades again and it's still there and when i arrived yesterday i saw it
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a little bit is my vote cut. how i was received here television become aroused to the people of photographs and so on so i am happy to be back here and to witness or a recall of russian built there so we can hear them in the backyard garden sure chanting some of the cossacks are out there and they're saying looking at some of the matches so far we've not completed all stranded matches we find a few surprises have a way i mean germany losing colombia losing what you want to be sort of the first amateurs you see that in football there are always surprises but i think the big teams who even if they lose the first match that we come back i am sure that this makes the the day competitions were tractate because you never know with tottenham and i think this match between the mexico and germany
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it is horses trailer is a really a stream and this is what people like and now germany has to react to adulthood the the two matches at russia play i have to say the second they had to prove to conform and they did it and they did it well well in south america colombia out out the last argentina. by drawing. the little guy had some difficult is it to win against the court and i think it will be it will be the. no difficult as against the edge of the local agent and to david see now what we've got will happen thirty of the competition is now on board its own board i'm happy and also as you as you said it's the first world cup in eastern europe we've been in south africa we've been in brazil chasing fee for at least is winning over in its message of spreading
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football to all the world is actually winning it six years and i have to say that i'm a voice instrumental to bring the world cup in all continents up to the world together we've had that time presidential launch because of the ways of the world cup was already only played in the americas north and south and good of so obvious started to go to to asia who will have a job band and korea and then we went to africa and the now we have to go are older on sort of the eastern europe would never in a new job you have had so many of the clubs the not in eastern europe and this is part of this is going the round of to off to the cup in the different continent so that mapping what you think the legacy will be for russia meet russia had a strong tradition of football anyway if the european champions they've done very well this levy actually all these great heroes so they had all.
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