tv Cross Talk RT June 20, 2018 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT
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there are stopping some people from getting a good night's sleep and among them step blatter who served as a fever president for seventeen years he said his impressions of the tournament with as early. as you arrived last night did you manage to get much sleep with all the revelers out on the streets of moscow you see up today big tree and domestic big three of russia. until four o'clock in the morning in dover tell them it's impossible just leave it up to those whose could but it was a wonderful to witness at the arrival this second victory of all for russian team qualified to for the next round and everything is over now it is actually it's made it a very very open to a very open group a and it's always a good thing isn't it when the host nation as a world cup has such a good start for me this was the elementary this was the best start ever because it's my eleventh's world cup. i was in the very actively here and i guessed
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the first match of the organizing committee of the year of the host that's important than just taken the ball and now it's all gold it's all gold needs success ensured for the whole competition and also it benefits the country as a whole doesn't it if he keeps it in not only a psychological boost also an economic boost as well absolutely and you know what is important also that this drug to russia where they have been the you saw it say. so many doubts about the organisation will the abilities and so on what will happen it started it started it started if it can move it to and especially the interested because of wonderful amen to the city football is good is not good at the best because in the first round to have to look a little bit of good to see both of you see television. waldron's international
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rushes now in all the world and all the world by television won the visit and this is very important how do you think that they are has had an impact on this world cup it is a positive thing to think it's a negative thing i say mga it is it is not yet totally and ready to be introduced in a vote because the we are it would be good if the. knowledge say the referees did the television referees should always be the same group. because now they change every match and you know when the referee. according to the also think game it is always said is in the old pinion of to referee in the opinion of today if there is no one feel also free to approach with a severe and this must be it is misread prove it because there are some
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doubts. led seeing that in the future it will not create problems but let's get to the gate and let's get back to it all those matches that are coming out which is that we've looked at the opening of there being fixtures there we have to the results i mean do you think let's get let's get a prediction here do you think is going to win the world cup the winner of to find him should i ask you know it is it is said it is it was said but. now already at the very beginning of one of the big teams of those then depending if they finish first in the group or not then everything can change there because it is a plan which has been established the number one should always win now but if he is not the case then all the or the possible solutions are now all. over the world can get a massive attention on social media to one british pair has found himself in. for
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his comments on twitter below to alan sugar was forced to apologize off the posting the following tweet about the senegal squad if each had a picture of the team with photoshop to banks and sunglasses in front of them with sugar making a reference to beach calif well after a backlash he took down the tweets noting that he still thought it was funny he eventually made an apology saying he had no intention to offend anyone let's discuss this further now joining me live is former england star and r.t. world cup co-host stan collymore stan thanks for joining us on the program what was your reaction when you first saw that tweet. disgusted. but not surprised many people look follow me on twitter through the start calling all show this year we've looked at races and we've looked. and there has been a lot of stones as you can imagine previous tournament in russia. russia xenophobia and racism. home many many examples of tweets there are you get the all
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right homophobic sexist britons need to look a lot closer to home and this is the very not forget of british society this is a load he's a jewish new tweeted lights wrong if this was a black britain that would have tweeted something similar about the israeli national team he would be fired he would certainly be potentially be arrested well i feel like a lot of the rights isn't that goes on in my country at the moment that the deletion of that's wait a minute apology will be enough. to keep his job on the approach to say maybe mike you know the flow problem mr crow indeed lots of it did to take that tweet down but he his apology wasn't exactly sincere he admitted he still thought it was funny how do you feel about that when it's not funny it's racism one of the things they're all. when i posted he's screenshots of his tweet all i get is
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predominately from white british men book the face book have the sense of humor you people the rice call it we already have a situation is toxic you know if we people like tommy robinson we've. launched sugary scene is a liberal voice for me is a black britain that can go back thirty forty years ago when i was a child and suffered horrific rices and to see all coming out today and people not making genuine apologies and actually go into the white house in the most stupid in the most demeaning way that rice is and gives me a good idea and hopefully gives the viewer idea of the toxic. of british politics at the moment i am obviously way of reporting on this story do you feel like it's one monkhams enough attention in the rest of the media. no yes it remains to be
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seen whether it be front page news tomorrow like i said if this was i'd black peer of the realm tweety anything on systematic he rightly would be rightly would not keep his job on the b.b.c. which is the state broadcaster alan sugar is tycoon then that's wait and it will be carry on regardless i'm not happy i know a lot of journalists in britain and across the political spectrum he needs to now come out and make an apology you know i'll put this challenge to the b.b.c. are you going to keep alan sugar as the host of the apprentice do you think. ally in elite level athletes from an african country. is anything other than rice's and if there is racism he has no place on british television. how realistic do you think it is stung that no should go will be fired by the b.b.c. zero it's the same we don't trump in the united states if you're big box office if you have. a large twitter following in the way that brew customers quite look at is
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what's there to lose and what's this a guy that has to look for a new presenter is very high profile it's been a success largely in the u.k. the u.k. version of the apprentice he can see it was an error of judgment but all it does in the case and i have to say this to people around the world watching it perpetuates the me of blacks being less than less than white less than a less than that and for somebody of low and sure that this isn't a far right of center candidate in some european party this is a guy that somebody like gordon brown and tony blair look to get on the left of british politics this is somebody that has spoken very very passionately about the semitism in the labor party so for him to actually go out to these why and to do this and then to do lately i think he will keep his job but i think that people
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journalists viewers should put pressure on because as for all of us the consequences for my actions should be consequences for those sure there's options and that the mayor would not present the the apprentice moving forward many many could present. my black people black elite level athletes to equivalent to great cellist in more by i discussed it stan you've always been very outspoken on the issue of racism so we really appreciate your comments on this particular story that's just me on to the tournament for a minute now i look at his world cup dreams if it ended today that they were a better team for most of the game what you think went wrong for them today i think it's a finish assumed to school goals you look converse the christiane i rebelled if he wasn't playing that game in sochi where the stan collymore show where we're doing interviews. portugal would have lost that game they would have been on the back foot in the second game maybe not will not they could have drawn that to die instead they have a goal scorer one. the greatest goalscorers will tell i mean rinaldo so portugal
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italy they're from morocco they're all people one of the best teams to have played a world cup finals tournament in recent memory not only to not have gone through but to not be scoring goals as well so they're missing a goal scorer if you've got how you can as we saw the the day with england if you go christiane over now if you've got flies of that caliber you always have a chance of next day you're a guy and saudi arabia faced off what are your thoughts predictions what do you think well you're a go i have an embarrassment of riches that it on a and they have luis suarez so from a it's going to be a comfortable victory against that same that of course russia steamrolled over i have to say i'm delighted to know working for a russian broadcaster but having worked for many different countries broadcast as the last four or five world cups there is one thing. keep the hosts involved as much as possible to drag a known football fans into these quite amazing fiesta that will require
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a win today that will send saudi arabia home but we are in the straights last night in central moscow and as soon as russia warned everybody who is a little kids. russia is starting to get world court favor everybody the of spoken to as i said again for the last ten months on the show friendliness. people get into the flavor of accepting different cultures from across the world. on the stand calling most of it said months now think the world is believe you know which was house of the funtastic tournament europe while waiting to die unfortunately i mean saudi arabia go home stand great talking t. a stan collymore full of english football and dotty world cup times thanks for your time your welcome. while the weekend today will see everyone take on the mighty spade a run currently top green bay tough after beating the spain have a one point tough to join with portugal. co-host it was
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a radio shack historic so much. pain in the wrong i think. there's a very experienced coach with multiple. experiences in the in world cup. paul vi is the spain spain and i would say that as we play is that i'm not selected for the world cup will be also a candidate for big things as amazing it is. the potential so i've seen spain but i relieve that iran would be in a way where they're going to create some little problems.
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put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. some people want to. achieve like to be for us this is what before three of them all can't be good. interested always in the waters and. there should. nor make its manufacture consent to public wealth. when the ruling class is some project themselves. in the frame of. the one percent. nor middle of the room.
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welcome back the u.s. has announced it's leaving the un human rights council secretary of state might pump aoe and other top washington officials that slams the group accusing it of hypocrisy and political bias. president wants to move the ball forward from day one his called institutions are countries who say one thing and do another and that's precisely the problem with the human rights council. as president trump said at the u.n. general assembly there's a massive source of embarrassment to the united nations that some governments with the greatest human rights records sit on the human rights council for too long to human rights council has been a protector of human rights abusers and a cesspool of political bias for a long time we've heard the trumpet ministrations speak highly critically of the united nations and specifically the un human rights council but now we have the
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dramatic move of the usa officially withdrawing from the un human rights council not being a member of this body that it's been a long critical of now we've heard from mike pompei o secretary of state and he specifically cited criticism of israel by the un human rights council as a reason for the usa withdrawing from the council's continued and well documented by skins israel is unconscionable. since its creation the council has adopted more resolutions condemning israel against the rest of the world combined now israel has thanked the united states for their move withdrawing from the council and there have been widespread reactions from elsewhere in the secretary general would have much preferred for the united states to remain in the human rights council the u.n. human rights architecture plays a very important role in the promotion and protection of human rights worldwide and now we've heard from the executive director of human rights watch mr kenneth roth
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he responded saying quote the trumpet ministrations withdrawal is a sad reflection of its one dimensional human rights policy defending israeli abuses from criticism takes precedence above all else he went on to say other governments will have to redouble their efforts to ensure that the council addresses the world's most serious human rights can. cern's un human rights council has been quite critical of the united states in a few areas there has been a recent report on poverty in the united states saying that government policies by the u.s. government have not been addressing the economic rights of the population there have also been concerns widely expressed about the treatment of migrants in the united states most recently regarding the issue of the separation of families along the u.s. border from there we have heard from the president of the u.n. human rights council and he said that the u.s. withdrawal is a topic that should be explicitly discussed by the council we did hear from nikki
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haley the u.s. ambassador to the united nations and she said that the usa would be continuing to push an agenda of human rights around the world however they would no longer be participating in the u.n. body. as i mentioned america's own human rights record has been called into question on a number of occasions one of them donald trump's pick for cia director gene a house under the bush administration has bill oversaw one of the secret overseas prisons run by the cia where terrorist suspects were reportedly tortured u.s. envoy to the u.n. nikki haley has previously said no human rights violator should sit on the un human rights council. being a member of this council is a privilege and no country who is a human rights violator should be allowed a seat at the table author and editor of the palestine chronicle ramsey thinks the us leaving the council is actually a good thing since trump has been in power the us has further cemented its policy
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of a solution that isolationism of donald trump did not just reach the council but also other international institutions and other american commitments under international law the paris and so forth and so on now i think they've just basically decided to do what's in my opinion is a positive thing they remove themselves entirely from the human rights council i see it's a positive thing in this is the u.s. presence in these institutions has only served only to target its enemies and. interests. well back at the top of the hour with our special world cup coverage join us for that.
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innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people was terrifying is just no hasn't and that we want even many of the dems families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families want that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come and say. we've been through this this isn't the way. hello and welcome to cross talk we're all things we're considered i'm peter lavelle after three years of conflict it has been estimated that out of
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a population of twenty seven point four million twenty two point two million people in yemen are in need of humanitarian assistance four point five million children and women are suffering malnutrition while two point nine million people are internally displaced this is a humanitarian catastrophe by any measure so why are the u.s. and u.k. so committed to the saudi u.a.e. war on yemen. cross-talk in the tragedy known as yemen i'm joined by my guest well how many endian to him he's a professor at the university of the. in london we have charles shubrick she is a security analyst and a former u.k. army and counter terrorism intelligence officer and in brighton we cross to katherine shocked and she is a senior analyst with the center all right crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want i always appreciated let me go to charles first. this
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war has been going on for three years i gave some of the stats encourage our viewers to go to doctors without frontiers and look at their side on yemen much more detailed much more gruesome i would even say what is the u.k. u.s. interest in this war against the country this is the poorest country in the middle east what is the thinking behind british foreign policy supporting saudi arabia and the emirates against yemen. i suspect on the one hand you've got u.k. and the u.s. saying that to some degree and we can come on to that later on their national interests are aligned with saudi arabia particularly against iran of course in yemen elsewhere and again you have to question and i'm hoping hopefully we will do that in more detail as to why the u.k. and u.s. always seem to see their interests as being in conflict with iran in most instances
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but also there's got to be a aspect of this which is based on commercial interests of course britain and america supply vast amounts of weaponry and other equipment to saudi arabia the relationship with saudi arabia particularly it's not just saudi arabia involved here is one of course other gulf states as well all of which have very lucrative. commercial contacts with britain and the united states and indeed france and there has been certainly of the last few years a tendency for particularly united kingdom that anything that is saudi arabia supports pretty much britain and america are going to support also we have to remember just really how important this relationship particularly saudi arabia is if we think about trump we think about. other government ministers united states and united kingdom their first port of ports of call when they've been put into office isn't their allies in europe or the states often it's usually going off to
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see two players both of whom are vitally important to british and particular interests one of those is israel and the other one always saudi arabia and so really i think this war is becoming increasingly and embarrassment not just war but the blockade in everything else that goes with it is becoming embarrassment to western leaders as invariably parts of it creep into media coverage because there's been a little account as yet of the last three creep creep but also if they will they will continue to support it catherine let me go to you in brighton ok so we've got a little bit of the background the the reason. if we can use that term for the british and the americans so what does fig tree me. for the saudis in the us the genocide i mean what what do they hope to what is the end goal here go ahead. the end goal was basically this iteration of the have what we have prior to two thousand and eleven when the people decided to to rise up against the then you know
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regime where the us would europe that was in control of yemen and yemen's political future as well as economical future and i think that this is what they're trying to do trying to revert back to you know the situation that we had you know treaties other than f. and that is not going to happen because people have learned that they have a right to political said determination and they understand you know the majority of yemeni youngest and that's why would you is not there to promote a greater yemen or even to promote a greater future for yemen but rather you know you have yet another country a client state that would remain forever tied up to yemen. i mean just very quickly when we talk about you know british and the u.s. sizing with saudi arabia because of the fear and animosity that i have to would see iran we need to be very careful here to understand that yemen is a proxy only in the eyes of britain and the u.s. because they released no iranian influence in yemen represent your graphically advantage and it's sitting on very important waterways needed to really and of
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course because of all routes which is why britain and the u.s. all are interested in yemen in the first place it has nothing to do with the fact that you want to have the na in yemen but rather because of the geography and where yemenis is situated in relation to iran and the rest of the gulf countries and i think it's an important point because we need to stop this narrative that iran you know has an interest in trying to promote unrest in yemen that's not the case if anything iran needs stability in the region to be able to itself you know you know stabilize its own borders and everything else like goes with it i think that's intense and i'm really glad you brought that up because there is a. and determination issue in yemen that is never brought up in the mainstream media and charles already brought up the issue that is always mentioned i'm going to go to mohammed now into rant it's all iran's fault as usual i mean you pick the day of the week it's russia's fault or rand's fault here now i'm willing to agree that iran may have some kind of involvement on some level now but not in two thousand and eleven that was what how this was sold so to intervention in the first
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place here but it's always a rand's fold it's a proxy war it's far more than a proxy war as catherine has pointed out go ahead mohamad into around this is one of the excuses that western countries in the western media use in order to justify the crimes being committed by their governments the canadian government american and british and french governments are involved in crimes against humanity and they are just as guilty as mohamed been solomon and the saudi regime and all this without them he couldn't be carrying out these crimes americans are providing all sort of source of the just simple support so they need to justify it somehow obviously for anyone to know for who knows anything about what's going on the yemenis do not have the ability to have any meaningful contact with iran there's no way that the iranians can help them in
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a meaningful way because they're completely surrounded the americans and the saudis and others have laid siege on the country they're preventing food from getting in there and forcing starbase starvation they've been doing this for years now and the western media they call it a proxy war or they try to somehow blame the victims in gaza in order to again justify their policies but it's obvious that this country is surrounded the overwhelming majority of the population is living in the areas controlled by. the law and their allies the popular committees and so on after all these years after over three and a half years with all the internal foreign support american support european support mercenaries from from different countries blackwater and an american and french official military presence on the ground sudanese mercenaries after all you
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know with all the money that the saudis and their marti's are spending if they cannot capture the capital of the country that shows that it is the will of the people of yemen that prevents them from doing so that shows that the resistance against the saudis and the americans is in the gentleman and popular resistance but that's something that they don't want to see because that makes c.n.n. makes the new york times the guardian the b.b.c. all of them run against their own government if they point these out that humiliates their own government position charles i have noticed that what scant coverage there is on the cable stations the iran card is always almost always played first ok and there is not the not not there isn't a willingness to admit that are serious war crimes are being committed and i'd like to point out the the who these also have been accused of that in all fairness but this is a very tragic conflict. again you know what is the endgame here because
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i mean what just reading the stats i mean this is a country a humanitarian situation that is winding down very whiney out of control in a very serious way i mean cholera i mean something that is virtually wiped out in the world this comeback in the benjamin's there and there seems to be no cry whatsoever from the media i mean it makes them culpable go ahead charles. or if there is outcry you've already kind of hinted at it's a humanitarian situation that seems to have risen out of nothing but this is a famine that there are hundreds of thousands of children not in education but there is as you say for the second year running now the danger of a cholera epidemic breaking out as if this is got nothing to do with the thought that this war has been visited upon this people by saudi arabia.
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