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tv   Documentary  RT  June 20, 2018 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

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jim and russia's super bowl still pretty close behind with two goals in each package of fans were packed into the moscow found so to watch that portugal morocco game big screen there for people who didn't have tickets you hope can see is there for us. to go as you can probably hear from the noise and the background you know most before the match both sets of fans will soak to mistake so adamant they were going to win the war must be underdogs but they were hopeful they could repeat their picture result nine hundred eighty six of course quite some years ago now who just wasn't enough though we got some comments from the fans no on the game itself but also no impressions of moscow on the world cup the energy in the city really hasn't died down from the opening ceremony just about a week ago and if anything it's lowballed incivil on wall was there must be accomplishing in the streets and bridges all over moscow yesterday and this is what we heard from fans. toward that miracle was that she had played with the most heart and had the best chances this game ever were pretty lucky with her to go from work
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to show no hurry so good and then we go also a bit unlucky because they're rare and didn't play on our side he definitely misjudged some codes it would have helped us but we were we showed so much heart and we're so proud of our team they gave everything they could and portugal is the only chris turner and although he scored and that's it i mean fair enough organization is very good thing for structures great. just wish we could communicate easier aeroshell google translate. but if your bad genes did then you know and i think it was a very good game very very good game. but i think portugal deserved to win they're both very good people and i think the strategy was supposed mother mostly broke up were very much unlucky not to least get a goal and this has some stunning saves from the poles against goalkeeper patricia great work on the floor camille's field behind the but stand out more about constantly with the ruling bunch of threatening be balls. yes defiance and they
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also had a penalty shout turned out in the first of these seems to be on the video system to a referee didn't help out with that and for a long time the board's use was simple he's not going to an art when it looks it really did look like located could at least get a point out the situation they played with great courage and as you determination it just wasn't enough in the end that the seventh was shown or now that most people here would have come to see his sole goal wasn't enough to not go out small group wasn't down for these guys coverage those seems so this is the first team as we said to be eliminated from the tournament so far some altie games coming up all available to watch of course here in the fun site where thousands are signed up from all the teams here to join in the bill for almost seventy s. we'll bring you although it does not means as they give it back to you. and another very significant game coming up this evening this will be our nine pm kick off a round of playing spain amazing to think of iran when they'll go through this
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portugal who currently top group they have they defeated morocco spain have just one point of those will be expecting to progress and build on their draw against portugal in that six gold roller from last week. now with the world cup getting massive attention on social media in particular one british peers found itself in hot water over comments he made on twitter it's a well known figure in the u.k. lord alan sugar he's the star of the hit b.b.c. show the apprentice was forced to apologize he posted this tweet coming up now about the senegal squad the offensive comments show the team with photoshop bags and sunglasses and sugar making a reference to big sellers after a backlash took the tweet down but noted he still thought it was funny eventually made an apology saying he had no intention to offend anyone r.t. host the former england footballer stan collymore was extensively covered racism in sport and he described to us his reaction. disgusted upset. but not
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surprised and known sugary seen as a liberal voice subsume is a black britain that can go back thirty forty years ago when i was a child and suffered horrific rices and to see all coming out to die and people not making genuine apologies and actually going the other white seeing in the most stupid in the most demeaning why their rights isn't and this is it the very not forget of british society this is a load he's a jewish new. lights wrong if this was a black britain that would have tweeted something similar about these right in the national team he would be fired he would certainly be potentially be arrested alan sugar is tycoon then that's wait and it will be carry on regardless i'm not happy i know a lot of journalists in britain and across the political spectrum he needs to now come out and make an apology you know i'll put this challenge to the b.b.c. are you going to keep alan sugar as the house of the apprentice do you think. ally
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in the late level athletes from an african country to be anything other than rice is a man if it is right season he has no place on british television. the b.b.c.'s reaction was to issue a statement pointing out the old should get have apologized but they called on him to do so. now we're back to cheese day the mountain historic win for japan of the columbia that was that first world cup win six twenty ten and the first ever of a south american nation in the children of japan finds their own side winning hands after they cleaned the stands of the usual way standing next to them just left after the game this is how it.
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oh my wife's watching that's how it's done darling now it's fair to say iceland on its fans have certainly made a loud impression this storm and especially with the now famous viking thundercloud but it was on full show again on tuesday and the rest of them bond fans only snowbank simply the sound and it was broken out on this occasion to the birthday of iceland defender ragnar sic it's. ok let's get back to that game that's underway beautiful and against saudi arabia a quick check of the score and nothing of note at the moment sixty minutes played
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to remember anything but a saudi arabia when russia go through to the knockout stage for the first time ever i begin to go election if it comes when i see you in an hour's time but now let's head back to news coverage from moscow and you should. join me every day on the alex salmond chill and i'll be speaking to a guest of the world of politics sport i'm sure business i'll see you then.
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like too many flips over the years so i know the guy even so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch to the final school it's about the passion from the families it's the age of the super manager killian erroneous and spending two to twenty million at one player. it's an experience like nothing else only because i want to share what i think from what i know about the beautiful game like great to want more chance with. going to. welcome back what has been you expand on the world news now europe has latched onto
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the u.s. decision to leave the un human rights council that's off the washington quits the international organization accusing it of hypocrisy and political bias the u.n. foreign affairs spokesperson said the decision may undermine the u.s. role as a country defending democracy and human rights across the walls she added that the un will still cooperate with washington to defend human rights whenever possible the british foreign secretary boris johnson in turn dubbed america's decision regrettable in the meantime israel has welcomed the u.s. move with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu calling it a courageous decision and gauge the hypocrisy and the lies of the so-called un human rights council. to long to human rights council has been a protector of human rights abusers and a cesspool of political bias as president trump said at the un general assembly is a massive source of embarrassment to the united nations that some governments with
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the greatest human rights records sit on the human rights council and the council's continued and well documented by skins israel is unconscionable. since its creation the council has adopted more resolutions condemning israel against the rest of the world combined israel has thanked the united states for their move withdrawing from the council and there have been widespread reactions from elsewhere in the secretary general would have much preferred for the united states to remain in the human rights council the u.n. human rights architecture plays a very important role in the promotion and protection of human rights worldwide and now we've heard from the executive director of human rights watch mr kenneth roth he responded saying quote the trumpet administration's withdrawal is a sad reflection of its one dimensional human rights policy defending israeli abuses from criticism takes precedence above all else he went on to say other governments will have to redouble their efforts to ensure that the council
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addresses the world's most serious human rights concerns un human rights council has been quite critical of the united states in a few areas there has been a recent report on poverty in the united states saying that government policies by the u.s. government have not been addressing the economic rights of the population there have also been concerns widely expressed about the treatment of migrants in the united states most recently regarding the issue of the separation of families along the u.s. border from there we have heard from the president of the u.n. human rights council and he said that the u.s. withdrawal is a topic that should be explicitly discussed by the council we did hear from nikki haley the u.s. ambassador to the united nations and she said that the usa would be continuing to push an agenda of human rights around the world however they would no longer be participating in the u.n. body. author and editor of the palestine chronicle ramsey baroud thinks the us leaving the council is actually a good thing since trump has been in power the us has further cemented its
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policy of a solution that isolationism of donald trump did not just reach the council but also other international institutions and other american commitments under international law the paris protocol and so forth and so on now i think they've just basically decided to do what's in my opinion is a positive thing remove themselves entirely from the human rights council and say it's a positive thing in this is the u.s. presence in these institutions has only served to target its enemies and to protect israel and its interests. the palestinian family has been prevented from entering a public swimming pool in the southern israeli city of carry out to get the reason given was that they are not whether the save the city but the family think it has more to do with their religion. well. there was
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a holiday and we wanted to go out we called the polling period got and they said we can come when we got there someone went out of the office and told us that no one can get inside today except for the residents of korea to get young people who are in front of us arabs as well said what do you mean you said we could come in why are you saying no now and i realized that this all happened just at the time when my wife with her headscarf came in that was the moment when he decided not to let anyone in for eleven years i've been working on different projects bringing together jews and arabs and creating conditions for our joint life here for our future. and it was sad i don't understand why they make a difference between jews and arabs we're all children of adam yes we have different religions but we all people. i was so upset when they did let us in i felt that it was racist i feel that we arabs are a minority here we are outcasts and. that was a similar case in the small israeli village of the public swimming pool that
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reportedly has a unwritten rule of separate hours the jews and bedouins the regional council told us it's the bedouins who've asked for separate hours blaming them for the tensions it also says the request was made on religious grounds locals though are divided over such a policy. it shouldn't be like this and i think this. should be boycotted and no one needs to go to the swimming pool if they did it. is equal for both of the studies i think it's quite ok this has many people living in here and this is very very long to tell people what they should do and shouldn't do people need to leave legally without anyone telling them when and where they need to go or they can go to israel that is between the jews and the business this is. a very necessary thing. israeli m.p.'s have already called for the practice to be halted saying it violates antidiscrimination. but without going to top of the hour with
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more football and more well nice to see that. with norm a guess manufacture consent instead of public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round lifts only the one percent told. to ignore middle of the room sick. leave. the real news. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and
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better guarded than for knox swiss customs are here permanently all the science is controlled by them and they imposed the opening time so it was it it was it took these forms all plus the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe monster pieces by artists like pecan so and modigliani i can't boards and sold in the side of this warehouse so that's where the report comes in that it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet step but also discreet because they concern fraud. some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport says reflection that you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business.
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no. this is a border checkpoint between afghanistan and pakistan where these children are returning to pakistan with their families. this is probably the first vaccination they've ever had. in two thousand and fourteen the pakistani army launched a full scale operation in one of the most dangerous and problematic regions on the
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planet. jax if to break north waziristan back under control. over local people are at last able to go home. whether they want to or not they have to build new lives for themselves and and. the only way to get into his ear is to know is with them thank you stan
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a military they agreed to take our crew along but on their terms our timetable and program were put in advance and were rever we went the military had to go with us for our own safety on the other hand no one prevented us from making our own observations. so in the shower the military brought us to outsell where a lot of foreigners used to stay. even here in the city that was never on the terrorist or extremist control this is the entrance to. looks like a lot of fuel efficient. with guns surely all these hotels built as a fortress. that's
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never was a wrist on itself yet but a neighboring province they have brought us here to show was what they call the. center but anytime we stepped outside over a hotel we were scored by four to five vehicles loaded with five or six well armed passengers every once in a while was so roadblocks and razor wire fences the sense here is that you are driving through a military camp and if peaceful life he's only possible to be on his bundle. and he's going to. as they explain to us. is where they keep former militants well trying to reintegrate them peacefully into normal. people.
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that. previously. member of the society. oh oh. this. body. these classrooms are used to teach civilian trades to forment terrorists things like world and i would work not too long ago all of these men were linked to groups
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like the taliban or al qaida extremists therefore maney years spread fear throughout the whole pakistani region. that's what made these groups famous in pakistan this is another school in the shower in two thousand and fourteen six terrorists stormed in and carried out a massacre killing one hundred forty nine people one hundred thirty two of them were children this was the last straw and the military operation it was numerous down was launched soon afterwards the baptist any army decided not just to place the region to fix trimmest but to completely relate to gave the local population suspected of having militant clinks. can you ask them to come and live with. you here is one unique xterra story this seventeen year old the youngest inmate in
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the center was nothing more than a kitchen helper in a house where the taliban member lived he was just thirteen at the time and escaped of his own volition with the. first edition and thought. it was a good deal but like he probably he's young and he was a boy you probably would neighbor to refusing. the psychology of the people it's not a seller to. me just. because he's grown. blunt and he was i don't know some. of. you know there's someone on his mind. according to this team of local say colleges former terrorists aren't just
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successfully rehabilitated but fall completely in love with the place where they are held. they sure they'd no one has ever even attempted to escape. she didn't catch them we might believe it but if it was just on. the news will teacher i'm sure when you more than two that be a clear. image in our supplier of those consequences. that are suggested by their own doorstep that it was or more as a cover for comfort just ask. the machine yeah for a chance to put your stomach near selection of. the closer we get to is the greater the tension with feel and now we're away with bass many convoys of army trucks back with soldiers even though technically become
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but elements of operation cutting strike is over. so we're at the pressure. we've seen he was engaged over there this is the entrance to do. dangerous lesion and as we were said there's so many military personnel over here you can see there just come an incoming incoming cars with the soldiers for our cars maybe because. yes we'll be right signs of normalizing here in missouri stan as you can see the mother gate of students go in back to the universe did but there is still semi she said concerned so you can feed at the front of each vehicle there is
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a guard. but what happened during the taliban rule what was it with the university when caleb speak. it was the worst situation i have i was also a good neighbor you work in his usa was good a good well it and then with the thirty four credits he did for us could never now you're smiling yes yes well i come first ok to do q. as a hostage or yes yes it's for how long we were fired it or five days. but they could tell you about i mean what they tell of his who are that along with with other the i mean after he could tell you about you know how did you manage to escape you know really did help out with the help of phobias i discovered. this just. yank wittingly thank you much thanks very much like. he was
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a principal right and so. we're now actually fifty meters away from afghan border and my mobiles know what keeps me in. and welcome to afghanistan. the commander of two local pakistani border troops greets people on their way home from afghanistan. when in two thousand and fourteen the pakistani army started the operation to liberate was serious town from terrorists locals thought life would be safer across the border in afghanistan.
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why he had to go. what is while they've been away the border that they know so well and have crossed so often in their lifetimes has changed a lot. we can even zoom in to certain hours like this. for example. ok now you can see in. this room. what's written. well then. we can see it in and go yes. so now you can spot even the gold movements yes. the camera fits go to border forts built in strategic high ground along the border some of them enjoy excellent views you can even see afghan villagers on the other side of these these village isn't safe.
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are you sure there is no. other. so a lot of this point them toward this aid. because no one knows for sure what's happening on the i've been side of the border everyone coming from. there has to undergo a thorough check. the border guards need to be certain that it fair dealing with the jena and local residents and not say a taliban militant in disguise it's not easy to tell the difference by appearance so low. we're. going to look at i want to go down they go up. in a world with big partners. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell. we need to be
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smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now watching closely watching the hawks. twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest. but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star and the huge amount of pressure you have to be the center of the beach . and do all the great. good you are the rock at the back nobody gets to you we need you to. go.
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