tv Watching the Hawks RT June 21, 2018 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT
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attributed the gains to other factors such as lower unemployment and rising wages and now that brick and mortar retailers made no longer be disadvantaged by state taxes and competing with online retail vendors they may be poised to even better results in the future state two not dead yet. u.s. commerce secretary wilbur ross faced tough questioning on trade and tariffs in a hearing before the u.s. senate finance committee chairman orrin hatch of utah said the president trumps actions on trade quote utterly failed to address complaints about china's policies and senator johnny isakson of georgia home to major aluminum purchaser coca cola directly rejected mr ross's minimisation of the economic impact of metals tariffs mr isaacson said quote although a couple of pennies on a can is not much a couple of pennies times a billion is a lot both senators hatch and isaac and are members of president trumps republican party and are another front on the story we covered the other day secretary ross
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the night in question in a report by forbes that claims that he had a holdings in companies that are impacted by his official actions on trade and other matters he also told a competing business program earlier today that quote i don't have any investments in russia i never have will continue to follow both of these stories. every tree of the family separation issue as we went into air yesterday president donald trump had just signed his executive order that was touted as a solution to the abusive practice the order ends to replace the family separation policy with a policy of detaining families together indefinitely but that policy is currently banned by the department of justice is settlement in the clinton area case of flora's versus reno legal experts say the prospects for overturning the floors agreement are unclear also unclear is whether or not these oppose a dupe. policy would implement is applied to families that have already been torn
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apart it administration spokesperson first said it would later backpedaled not supposed to work hard to keep track of these posts and here to help us take a look at immigration from an economic and business perspective and more is our to use on your farm bill on you thank you so much for being here with us billions of federal dollars are paid out to private contractors going forward for some of these pro programs detaining children without their parents is just terrific who's making money off of this horrific circumstance right part it is quite remarkable the amount of money involved here first up is a nonprofit called southwest key programs which has just been awarded has been awarded one hundred fifty five million dollars in federal contracts since two thousand and fifteen according to the new york times is only one of around a dozen contractors operating the state of texas the new york times states quote if there is a migrant shelter hub in america then it is perhaps in the four county rio grande
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a valley region of south texas where about a dozen shelters occupy former stores schools and medical centers there are some of the region's biggest employers so what happens inside is often highly confidential one group has employees even sign and non disclosure agreement now southwest key operates the infamous casa pottery center in brownsville texas which houses fifteen hundred boys in a converted wal-mart shopping center according to documents obtained by a.b.c. quote reports filed with the texas health and human services commission show two hundred forty six deficiencies defined as failures to comply with regulations governing child care at southwest key residential programs across texas since the fall of two thousand and fourteen now far believe it or not defense contractors are also cashing in on the crisis for example the connecticut post reports general dynamics in recent decades has expanded into government services including work with the department of health and human service. this unit that cares for the two
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thousand or so children taken from their parents under trump's initiatives quartz adds quote with so many new children in the system general dynamic has begun advertising for jobs to help process all of the tiny prisoners bilingual caseworkers data entry clerks someone to review files and redact information unfortunately we don't know how much money g.-d. is making off contract specifically related to migrant policy but we do know it is one of the top government contractors in the country raking in upwards of four billion federal dollars in twenty sixteen alone what's more a former cia contractor called and v.m. incorporated received one hundred sixty two million dollars from immigration and customs enforcement to assist in transporting unaccompanied children according to the daily beast meanwhile united southwest american frontier airlines have even said they will no longer allow the federal government to use their planes to transport these children so far these are just
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a few examples of the entities which are receiving your money my money and the viewers money to carry out this policy of transporting and housing migrants and we're trying the billions of dollars here you'll notice many of these contracts were established in two thousand and fifteen before president trump's election that's because migrant families and children were being kept in these facilities even before trump was sworn in his policy was of course unique in the sense that it actually was to separate these children from their parents on you that's amazing reporting if i had a list of a thousand companies and you said bert which one is doing child care and helping to keep as you say these tiny prisoners general dynamics would need to be near the bed lest their defense contractor for christ's sake i mean come on there's got to be better folks committed to protecting children the defense contractors let's put that aside for now bill let's look at overall how does immigration essentially impact our economy well there are two kinds of migrants right there are. people
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that are fleeing dire war and dangerous if you are in their home home country asylum seekers then there are economic migrants and we have to see these people as representing the flow of labor to where it's in demand and we hear this myth often that migrants depress wages or that they take jobs away from people here in the united states who would have them and actually in two thousand and sixteen or seventeen the federal reserve bank of st louis looked at this question and compared data from the states of washington alaska and arizona and found that the number of foreign born workers did not coralie in any way with wages or unemployment meaning if there were more foreign workers it did not mean wages were lower and it did not mean the unemployment rate was higher so two things one i mean a lot of americans don't want to do these jobs they had rotting food in california because they didn't have enough workers it's not like there's a rush from people from the midwest to go there right no there certainly isn't
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california is the great example because two thirds of this country's fruit and nut product comes from california but nine out of ten farm workers in california are foreign born primarily from mexico and what we've actually seen happen bart is when the economy isn't doing so high that the number of undocumented migrant workers actually decreases as we saw after the great recession for example the undocumented migrant population in this country go down suggesting that there really moving with the demand the labor demand present in the economy this crazy and the administration can see it continues to classify all these groups you talk about the asylum seekers of the economic workers pretty much all as economic workers and just disavowing any asylum when there's clearly a lot of these cases we don't have much time left but there are still six thousand feet. kids these tiny prisoners who are not with their parents they don't have
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legal assistance what are they going to do and you write well if you months ago the trump administration and the general legal orientation program which provide legal counsel to migrant families facing deportation and long court battles and. it is so now we're in this situation where we have a high number of families in prison and no government support for them and interestingly enough a san francisco area couple decided to start a fundraiser on facebook for a group called the ysaye s. which does provide legal counsel for all for these types of families they originally started out asking for one thousand five hundred dollars that was on saturday they've raised fifteen million dollars eighteen million facebook says it's one of the most successful fund raising initiatives they've ever had and for what it's worth facebook c.e.o. mark zuckerberg actually donated to that fundraiser and so this money could
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hopefully be used to help some of the legal bills for these folks on your part of bill thank you so much what a great report preceded on its part. and the issue of immigration is contentious in other places too around the world in that regard we know turn to toronto and eligible hardly budged to give us more on canada in the european union. canada is definitely not a stranger to immigration issues in two thousand and seventeen alone the number of asylum claims made in canada stood close to fifty thousand people when it comes to children illegally crossing the border believe it or not canada facing similar criticism as the u.s. although the issue is on a much smaller scale since two thousand and fifteen an average of one hundred eighty two migrant children a year have been detained in canada this includes eleven kids who were held without their parents in two thousand and seventeen and the canadian border services agency who's in charge of all this won't say why what we can tell you is that in canada it
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is usual practice for the c.b.s. say to hold people who are considered flight risk a danger to the public or whose identity cannot be confirmed like most everywhere with or without kids the migrant issue is a political hot potato and europe is a great example of this remember brags that for many of those who voted for the measure a key component was for britain to regain full control over its borders after leaving the e.u. it is expected that the people who voted brags it will want to cut the intake of refugees other groups are calling for more leniency moving south of italy has shown that illegal immigration is at the top of its agenda the country's new far right interior minister has sent a message to illegal migrants saying the good times are over and as promised mass deportations and we're talking about mass illegal immigration you can't leave germany out of the conversation since two thousand and fifteen germany has taken in more than one point four million people under its open border migration law that
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works out to about one out of every eight people in germany being a recent migrant german chancellor angela merkel is currently facing a mutiny within her own government with conservative leaders pushing to restrict migration laws if the issue is not taken care of she may be booted out of power. anywhere you turn it illegal immigration is at the top of the agenda in many countries and the way you handle it can make or break a government in toronto i'll smile which for our team. and time not for a super quick break but stick around because when we return todd shipley the c.e.o. of vero software joins us to talk cybersecurity and what was the role of business community in president trump's alter guys he altered his separating families immigration policy i'll give you my answer as we go to break here the numbers at the closing bell stocks down the dow down two hundred boiled oil is also down all
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across the board today on stocks but we're right back. right we're all set to start in five guys. has a signal. he's not going to talk about. just maybe right after the mars explorers one who would have their. own record. to say well. you know. ok listen. welcome to sophie and tell him says the sheriff not said today we've got
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lots to talk about in our program and our gas to. little rock that. loop. when a loved one is murdered it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murder i would burn it. meanwhile in the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying there's just no way to parent and that we were even many of the times families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the capitol here is because that's what murder victims' families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in saying. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way.
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when the whole make its manufacture consent to step into public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round listen to the one percent of. the time doing the whole middle of the room six. million more you need. to. apply for many flips over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman to just kill you narrowness and spending two to twenty million fly
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a. book it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy but great so one more chance with. the piece and it's going to. welcome back hoyle was actually up at sixty five seventy three at w.t.r. that's per barrel many of india's state power distributors are on the brink of default due to a payment crunch brought on by a bad loan crisis which is exacerbating india's lack of adequate power to meet a massive and growing demand in two thousand and three india passed the electricity act which changed the power generator licensing regime and opened the sector to private investment investors seeing a vast unmet demand for electricity rushed in borrowing heavily to invest in what
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seemed like a can't lose a venture but now a series of corporate defaults is leaving state owned power generators with unpaid invoices from those failed companies the power sector now accounts for fifteen percent of all district's debt according to credit suisse the producers that remain standing affectively lose money when they produce and buy power in areas where local government has kept prices low and are acting accordingly further reducing available supply in the rapidly growing country. and returning to a story we touched on previously the ethical and legal troubles of the first family of israel are in the news again sarah netanyahu wife of prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been indicted on charges of fraud prosecutors say this is not not nine you committed a systemic fraud when she asked staff in the prime minister's residence to order ninety six dollars worth of gourmet meals between two thousand and ten and two
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thousand and thirteen this violated a policy barring such orders when a cook was available prosecutors also allege that mrs netanyahu concealed the fact that a cook was employed in the residence by listing him among the maintenance personnel indicating a knowing effort to evade the rule this is netanyahu his counsel. called the charges baseless and delusional her husband still faces a number of separate ethical and legal cases. and two big competitors in the auto industry are talking about teaming up to adapt to a changing marketplace ford motor company of dearborn michigan and germany's volkswagen or v.w. announced this week that they have signed a memorandum of understanding in m o u on developing joint projects that could include according to press release a range of commercial vehicles to better serve the evolving needs of customers globally the press release rules out equity arrangements or cross ownership stakes
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commercial vehicles that's trucks and you still of the vehicles a covered ninety percent of ford's north american portfolio in their recent quarterly report and demand for commercial vehicles is growing in the e.u. . and just to go back to netanyahu with ninety six thousand i said ninety six apologize for that in other news the pentagon has a site it is time to take on the cyber offensive after it quietly empowered the us a cyber command to take more aggressive approaches to the u.s. cyber defense this comes just a little over a month after a national security agency the n.s.a. and cyber command opened a new five hundred million dollar building in order to enter gates' cyber operations across the u.s. this is raised questions with some wondering if this heightened aggressiveness could provoke other countries here to answer the questions is the good cyber good cyber defense good or bad is vera software c.e.o.
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todd shipley todd welcome let's get let's cut right to the chase let me get this right on it always great to have you tied so is a good defense the best office in cyber security. well i think it has to be an option for everybody to be able to do that now certainly it's something that we don't normally do because defense is what we can do within companies we can't go out to other companies and break into them and stop something but from a military point of view we have to have that advantage and be able to go out there and stop the things that are occurring you have to look at what we've already done with isis and other places around the world where we've done offensive operations they've worked and so they have to be something that's on the plate book for the military to be able to do and when we look at these things going on are all around the world world does that make you nervous at all that we're going to be more aggressive in the cyber command. should we be ready for retaliatory strikes
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well i think that we have to have that option now whether they're going to use it or not we don't know yet i mean if you look at just last year they put together they're the field manual three dash twelve on cyberspace and how the military can operate in that offensive operations are one of those things i have we have to remember that you know we talk about cyber wars that really something that's an actual war without physical boots on the ground this is just an operation an ability for them to respond to what other countries are doing and so i think it needs to be there i'm not worried about it i think that there's a plan for we don't know what the policy necessarily is yet but the military has to be able to work with the civilian agencies like the n.s.a. and cia and be able to respond to the kinds of attacks that were seen occurring to us and be able to take those. problems to the enemy and be able to stop them from doing what they're doing todd is it just limited to probably not but you'll tell us
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is it just limited to trying to hack in and shut something down a power grid or are something else or what other things are they trying to do whomever it is it in these sort of cyber attacks. why i think it's the bigger spectrum of a lot of things they're trying to steal intelligence the chinese are constantly you know trying to steal intelligence we've seen the offensive kind of operations that the russians have been running against our elections we see the north koreans attacking companies so i think it depends on that particular nation states needs in desires so we have to be able to respond to all of those at a variety of levels and be able to stop them from doing what they're doing that when we talk about china in particular you know i mean you say trying to steal steal some of our intelligence stuff it's also ip to so it's you know potentially at least state funded theft at least the efforts to have to have what's been reported for intellectual property and that is probably one of the issues going on
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with this trade to protect we're we're we're into but when you look at other come come countries you mention russia i mean is it just silly for a country like the united states or anybody else in the u.s. to say look the world is changing we need to be ready for this stuff and is it actually something that states should be proactive in dealing with well i think any state that has the capabilities is trying to do that not every state has the capability or is even talking about it certainly we know that the united states has the capabilities we made the internet so we understand it we know what's going on with it and you know by the releases that we've had of material from the n.s.a. we know the kinds of capabilities that offensive capabilities n.s.a. cia have been doing so we know what's occurring it just has to be the broader policy statement the country about how they're going to react and whether they're going to do that and i think this is ministration more than others is said we're not going to take it and if you're going to do something to us they're going to
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attack back and i think that's what's what's happening here is the genie out of the bottle i mean is there no way to stop nations from actively engaging in an off fence of cyber warfare. oh definitely i mean but it's been out of the bottle for a decade this is not something new this is something that's been going on everybody's been doing their little you know tagging back and forth trying to figure out where their weaknesses are and doing the probing that we would do in any kind of battlefield so this is been going on for some time now whether we've really had an offensive operation to the scale of war kind of you know concept no and b. you have to remember that what's going on in the cyber space is just part of the overall larger picture of having boots on the ground decipher space part of it doesn't mean anything if we can't control what's going on in that country or that place so it's this is just part of what's happening in the world and the cyberspace is just part of the battlefield a sobering intel from you todd shipley c.e.o.
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of various software thank you to appreciate it thanks part. and before we go there is something different this week in the ongoing tit for political and policy tad on immigration policy in the u.s. the business community not very often are they very vocal on controversial policy matters generally we don't see them getting embroiled in contentious issues from a social perspective not only where they were vocal as reported on the program it seems that they made a defining difference as a successful businessman the president does seem to value is business colleagues opinions and relationships and this week the mass of business chieftains in opposition to his policy must have loomed large opponents included technology related companies c.e.o.'s of apple tesla and google detractors also encompass the business roundtable in the u.s. chamber of commerce and i'm not suggesting there are other factors that influence the decision there were members of president trump's own political party already speaking out in opposition to members of the clergy plus all of the former living
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first ladies of the united states perhaps even the first lady mamiya trump who was at the southern border today or the president's daughter of made a difference but business leaders. played a defining difference difference they made an enormous and important role and good for them if we consider why business leaders take policy positions there are basically two reasons that they do so it impacts their businesses bottom line on things like taxes or minimum wage or sector specific issues and or if they consider an issue so significant from a moral perspective that they believe using their voice will assist in moving the matter in the direction they seek well it could be a combination of the two i think the second reason a moral imperative is the more likely candidate for motivating the business leaders to speak up this week this is the first time in a long stretch that business leaders have taken a hard line position on a contemporary and critical policy matter of momentous important where it made a real policy difference and for a policy change itself it's as we spoke about earlier it's significant but still
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only partially solved the problem the executive order while the president claimed repeatedly as did members of his cabinet that the only possible way to stop the family separations was if congress changed the law the president lied he issued an executive order on wednesday and changed it but he only changed it going forward that leaves those roughly six thousand children currently separated from their parents out there someplace in the world someplace around the country so there is more to be done by business leaders we hope that they will speak up that's all for now thanks for joining you catch boom bust it boom bust flash r.t. next time. to see should you go to. some because of.
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a system that. went in with him and in that and there have been removed can you. hear me. you mean. since most in the. twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest. but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. you guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star and a huge amount of pressure come out you have to be the center of the beach. and do a great thing. you are the rock at the back nobody gets to you we need you to get let's go. alone.
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and i'm really happy to join the to. meet the special one. needs to just read the review team's latest edition make it up as we go. stock market manipulation by insiders and embedded by regulators like to see all the f.c.c. is doing here is see why you can look up on urban dictionary what that means all they're trying to do is cover their tracks so that when the lawsuits happen they can say oh we were aware of it we warned against it we're on top of it but they are aiding and abetting the regulators or capture the regulators or venal the regulators to pay off.
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this is r t international and our special coverage of the biggest football event of the year the fifo world cup final match on thursday sees croatia put in a stunning performance to beat argentina leaving the south americans on the brink of a shot came from the world cup. i. and football followers from all over the world make a central street in moscow be an official part of the world cup with festivities in full swing. yet. in other news a potential.
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