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tv   News  RT  June 22, 2018 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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a drop in fertility rates because people can't afford to have children and a rise of mortality rates as most of the white population is aging and dying of natural causes while others are dying from drug overdoses. a demographic at the university of texas at san antonio and a co-author of the report says it seems that white people going under the fifty percent of the population mark might be happening a few years earlier than projected some of the states most affected by this shift are oregon california arizona new mexico florida north and south carolina pennsylvania maryland and michigan researchers are predicting by the year two thousand and forty five whites could drop well below fifty percent of the population while the white population is decreasing the census says minority populations are steadily rising and twenty seventeen the hispanic population and rose to fifty eight point nine million two point one percent from two thousand and sixteen the african-american population rose to forty seven point four million up
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one point two percent from last year and the asian population rose to twenty two point two million people up three point one percent from twenty sixteen let's go to shows although birth rates are falling an alarming rate for whites they're also polling amongst other races citing there is a lack of young people supporting baby boomers and washington actually banks are. wow i was. a little shocked didn't realize the days are numbered well it's kind of interesting. as. a joy that enjoys over the top while we still have the right. look what you're seeing is you notice a lot of those are sort of the retirement stage you know you've had a lot of people it's florida arizona new mexico you have a lot of people are going we go because it's warmer and you have a large retiring populations and also baby boomers are getting to that age. their
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kids don't have the money to put them in the best homes or subsidize health care. and with rising rates of suicide rising rates of all simers we've talked about the lack of health care i mean there's a lack of care that's what it was that's why. you have all of our it's mortality rate with with a lot of baby boomers so i think you're going to see a lot more of them dying a little bit younger and you know in my attitude you know i hear a lot of people jump online at home are what's going to happen to the white race and you know idiots who think along white racial lines that we need to be you know one race is better than the others or like you know we're as it affected him somehow well first of all if it's a competition we've already why people of lost if you look at the whole world on the right you know it's ok she in your opinion why do you that aren't the aren't the majority in the world and that all of that is i don't ridiculous to me what what this says to me because look you also have high infant mortality rates in black women you know in things like guys like chicago dress you know so what this looks to me is like the is throw out the color aspect of this and just say we're we
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failing and care and anybody who is like trippin because one generation isn't having enough kids crazy that's up to the individual and their family and their life situation you can't make people have kids because you're worried that your skin the skin color of your race is disappearing that's absolutely ridiculous but i know i've seen people talking about you and then you start to go no that wasn't it was that was a harry potter movie where i saw that you were talking about meeting blood purity and then you're like oh no this is real life these are actual people who are seriously think that you know i mean go get one of those d.n.a. tests because i'll tell you you're not going to you're not this pure or lily white whatever that you think you are and even if you are who cares cares and also you know the idea of ever having babies yeah it's a lot of pressure in a world that is under financed and overpopulated and lacking in resources where we need to be don't tell does a white people to have more kids and then tell black women that they should thout
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having kids and not expect for things to go better when you when you see stuff like that you know studies like this is where you see a lot of those like you know the dark ugly places of life you know society and human. and we were the sickos of the internet kind of latch on to these things and we like see see you know other one of the most important things to remember is all this comes down to care you know we as a society don't care enough about our elderly no matter what color you know we have this inside don't put you know don't put our tax dollars in the right places to take care of ourselves so we don't see declining numbers like we're seeing and in the case of baby boomers they voted for politicians for twenty thirty years that made decisions that ultimately were against their better interests and and now they're going to see that because they won't have insurance they won't you know things like you know. about preexisting conditions will come back and suddenly you have a whole bunch of retirees who can't and then again there goes our sarcoma lives you
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know this is one of those interest rescuers were ok this sucks this particular you know group of color but like really goes across all colored waters and to me you know i'm actually kind of tired of like if we all end up just like one kind of color i'm cool with that you know. can i be careful in how do you know whatever it is to me because it's absolutely ridiculous that we're still thinking along racial lines you know and trying to preserve one race over the other i mean the fact that people use studies like this to kind of make those arguments is absolutely ridiculous to well and that's the thing then this is the it's white genocide or yeah you know maybe pay attention to what genocide actually is the thing where it's been committed because there's not a lot of whites getting jabot cited throughout history so that might be a good place to start in understanding the balance of power imperialism colonialism etc etc which we'll talk about when a leader. has to go to break apart watchers don't forget to let us know what you bring to the topics covered on facebook and twitter your full show with r t v dot
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com coming up we talk slavery of incarceration the celebration. speech would be walkin so stay tuned watching the whole. i. mean you kind of in fact if you don't think they're not there you're going to. be.
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so how many of you know that the united states actually celebrates a second independence day every year called juneteenth and held annually on the nineteenth of june the holiday celebrates rightfully so the end of slavery across the united states but while we celebrate the importance of juneteenth this week with pride let us not turn a blind eye to the diabolical legacy of the slave trade here in the united states and how that bloody racist history still impacts us today because while slavery was officially abolished with the thirteenth amendment on december eighteenth and eight hundred sixty five that doesn't mean it disappeared forever in the land of the free to discuss jim talent in the modern incarnations of u.s. slavery we are joined by author and educator baltimore's own. other than it was
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that have you of course well i just want to start off for those that are aware because look it will be august juneteenth isn't one of those holidays that you see celebrated on c.n.n. you know it's not like christmas it's not like for the joy it doesn't get celebrated across the mainstream media as much as i think it should because it's an important vital holiday book what does that holiday mean to you and what is the cultural importance of juneteenth it's very interesting because you know lincoln freed the slaves right in that we fought this war and you know the north one even though it's over the confederate states is a lot of places in missouri but the slaves were supposed to be free small problem. not a lot of places the plantation owners forgot to tell them so i think oh i think this is i think this is a little bit going to forget it because it's i think it's an important holiday because you know and you could never ever truly make this country
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a better place if you don't know the whole entire history of it we get these bits and pieces right little kids are brought to school and they're taught oh boy you know you people will slow. and dr king marched in then you got obama and this is how history looks to a lot of young black people in the schools they go to so we need to talk about it and say when you talk about the truth we need to. show everyone what america really is you know if we have a want to move forward from there how does that historical stand of slavery still play at in society today because i think a lot of people don't want us in the past it's history i got it but how does the fact you know the history of slavery in the united states affect black lives every day slavery was the most important thing when talking about the foundation of america and how his country was built and you know the founders and the big business leaders and industrial people they know this you know you can produce can grow to be a super power because of free labor now when the whole world started looking at the
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united states is saying oh my god you know you get treated humans like this good luncheon and beating them and selling them and take them away from their parents and you don't know these things you guys are horrible people america said wait a second we have to figure out a way to replace slavery and this is why we have the president just a complex of a president is actually better for america than slavery because slave masters had to take a health care you know they had to feed a slave they had to make sure it was ok to work now we get in slave labor is from a cost to read it people suffer the tax dollars are flipping the bills so we pay for the food we pay for health care we pay to house them in these big corporations get to make all of money off of it that's a great point that's a really good point and speaking of imprisonment you know x. to me slavery imprisonment forever intertwined you know this week we've got the big debate you know over immigration in the imprisonment of hundreds of parents and children at the some at the southern border the tragedy is playing out before our very eyes but the harsh imprisonment of people here in the states is actually an
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old story you know that's something that's been happening. only in recent generations but multiple generations ago for people living here you know. when you look at that and do you think enough people see it through that lens where we too could have caught up in the current event to actually step back and say wait a minute we've been imprisoning people come into this country either they were imprisoned and then brought to this country or they're imprisoned after they got here for a long through time when talking about the taming it was happening at the border right now i've heard so many people would jump up and say we'd like nazi germany it's like that's in germany and i'm like no this is america being america talk to the native american people about those native american boarding schools where they tried to force a simulation of how many people die because that talk about chattel slavery people would literally stolen from their country forced to work in a country that they don't understand don't speak their language don't go to people and even whatever can slaves work hard to assimulate and be able to get married to
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become christers they still remain of risk of being separated from their families and in talk with japanese people in the camps that you know this is what america does breaking up families written people apart. and chasing the almighty dollars so you know i don't you know no i don't think. we don't even have the luxury to talk about nazi germany because when the nazis study eugenics came through i'm very. happy to. see that there is this idea that we just think like that's not us that's not my america you might want to check what america you're living in. there's a lot of really bad stuff leaking in our genes here like you said i mean you we put people in cannes less than a century ago we put people in cannes the same time and just because we gassed people doesn't somehow make us better and now when you see what's happening you said it's it becomes about graded business you know slavery it was about labor it
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was about what they needed to get to make money and now what they're saying is is again. to trying to sort of like make this all make sense is that in two thousand and twelve a sociologist at san diego state university found that as many as thirty eight thousand four hundred fifty eight victims of labor trafficking violations are reported just in san diego county and potentially as many as two point four million trafficking victims just among unauthorized mexican immigrants. is that not a sleigh a well it's a slave trade that is the slave trade. at why is that not why is that not so obvious other people and i just sensitive i just a snowflake to think that two point four million people being trafficked over borders from the us. for essentially tax free labor you know fully if you believe in humanity. that's the difference between being some type of corporate mogul and being a person when you have proximity to people and you can see their pain and their
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struggles and what they go through that you can you can have empathy you can sympathize with them when you're just a person pushing at the top of the food chain you're not thinking about any one of this easy food a person like our president to make little jokes and jabs about these kids being detained because then his children he doesn't even know a person who is that going to happen to even if it's like want to his maids you know he probably doesn't know her he probably doesn't know her children these things don't matter and you know to me i'm going to say this is me representing myself i think it's pure evil i think it's pretty bad even when you look at those images and you see those children if you don't feel anything when you see that then something is seriously wrong with you here's an interesting question you know i think part of the in my opinion and i'll ask you guys is is part of the problem the fact that we are still painted a very rosy colored history of the united states in our as when we started as children in high school and the legal enough through high school that we don't paint
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a gray enough picture of us decisions government decisions and society decisions for people to really understand that this is something that's long ongoing that we need to be fighting against bijan vigilantly today and for much of the future everything in our lives you know growing up as a child teacher teaches you that america is the best place in the world and even encourage you to you have to go anywhere else you've already made it you're already at the promised land so it's like that's part of how we all came up. you know growing up in a predominately black space where black people were. the common knowledge was africa bad america good canada bad america good america america america so it's like there's something very normal and we have. a duty to challenge we have to fight that let me ask you this actually i have this interesting conversation we brought up earlier today with that i'm curious to hear about it you know there's a lot of people pushing back right now you know what you said you see those images gets you angry that's evil anyone who doesn't see the humanity of them now here's
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the question if you're in a political debate with somebody and they justify that in some way do you continue talking to the person do you continue keeping that debate going or do you just simply push them away and turn your back and say i don't want to talk to this person anymore because that's an interesting conundrum that a lot of people are facing right now because the country split politically debates don't really work for me so i try to spend months of working with people who are intellectually curious about racism intellectually curious about other countries intellectually curious about you know the way we should treat each other how we're supposed to respect women in other people's property and things like that and i feel like i'm being more productive than fussing with like if this is twenty eight team and you tell me some of the stuff is normal you know then it's like i feel like and i hate to say it like this i just don't think i have enough tongue in this world. you know maybe that i mean we mostly exhaust ourselves you know the internet making this idea that we exhaust ourselves trying to that you know they say that
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you have to educate me well if i'm wrong then explain it to me show me the facts send me the link there's this idea that there is this labor involved that we're supposed to constantly you know be correcting other people or trying to educate other people when you're an adult you're an adult and twenty eighteen if you don't realize putting kids fencing is wrong or that the entire argument around you know and i think it is why i find that they have the right there have been about are the most varied of all this radio you get cable in prison and you know that if you don't realize that that's nonsense if you don't realize that this. about corporations making money in prisons and locking people up to make profits for people on the wall street that give money to politicians then you're so far behind that i don't know if you can go forward and i think it is but it's hard we all want to do it really knowing let's try this again just to have this and then remember it cost more money to actually cage these kids didn't it not cage them so if this is supposed to be about smaller government and saving money then
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conservatives you got it wrong again ok. all right always a pleasure have you on the walk ins author educator speaker bold proposal but you so much for coming out of. the scary site computer generated special effects in movies has ever made the terrifying chilling and blood curdling run a source rex in the one nine hundred ninety three film drastic parka just in time for the opening of the latest installment of jurassic world it looks like dr henry woo deserves a bit of a tongue lashing for one glaring mistake in his prehistoric creations new research from a group at the university of texas at austin studies fossils of the t.-rex most specifically the hyoid bone a fragile small bone near the top of the throat that keeps the tongue in place in t. rex hyoid what they found is that they were short and some learn to those of alligators and what this means is that the t.-rex couldn't move their tongues around all that much at all so ridiculously short arms and an immovable toy.
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you know maybe dr drew was what was right and drastic park monster really is a relative term who are present heard references are they do have small arms or are that is are they remember everyone in this world we are told will love them or are not told is real love or tell you all i love you i am going to have a lot of people are watching the stars day and night. with the world in russia mantras architects visionary stuff the largest
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international congress on the development of magazine july seventeenth twenty second so write your part business program interactive exhibition urban the first of details on possible forum dot com. welcome to day nine of the fifo won't cup and dotty's coverage of football's biggest events its all time and today's last game between switzerland and serbia keep you up to date with the reaction from kaliningrad. and the other games this friday nigeria beat iceland to register their first points of the tournament while brazil and ended costa rica's world cup dreams later on we've got the highlights on the analysis for you coming up. host cities in russia have welcomed thousands of fans from all around the world our correspondents have been finding out about the world cup experiences.
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i. and in other news iran warns is on the brink of exiting the hard won nuclear deal that was struck back in twenty fifty describing the accord is being in intensive care in the u.s. down. a very warm welcome you are watching r.t. international with me we've got all the world news updates for you coming up but first it's football. hello and welcome to ask i live in studio above red square where the sun is
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starting to set a partridge and i am alexa garces two we've got all the latest from the twenty eighteen world cup right here in russia well the second half it is just about to get underway in friday's final game in kaliningrad west serbia are on course to qualify from group b. that depends if the score stays the same there leading switzerland one nil thanks to that early goal and what a goal that was for yet not much on timing that he saw the need to reach from newcastle but capitalizing on the beautiful cross by. another sort of playing in the english premier league to some thought is from the right glancing round the back of a net nothing to keep or could do about it but i have to say we thought this game would be a very defensive one very tight but it's been more much more open than we had thought it would be absolutely you see chances are at either end now as are the keepers obviously since summer as well in action to also coming through mitchell which is an interesting character there is no i mean as you say place newcastle been online a full and he's taken them to the premier league i think you guys might regret
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anything letting him go there but been absolutely on fire he's also great for his country i think this is fifteen goals now in eighteen starts soon but as we've said before you know we did wonder if it was going to be one of those kind of defensive games then we said but i've got to go for it it's looking a bit more i find and let's see now i have a record i can progress the group is still pretty much wide open at the moment brazil for foreign service if they keep this score with there will be on six points which will mean that they would qualify to the last sixteen obviously if this course they the same switzerland costa rica are both. gongs like yeah that's pretty much confirmed what they would be confirmed but. we'll see in forty five minutes obviously i have to say also have been slightly more aggressive three yellow cards a rating putting one of the star men actually both of the start and when you much got a yellow card and said given it was savage also got a yellow card so it's an interesting game to look at and we'll see how it progresses but definitely a very very close contention that day it is
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a scientific game but emotions also been running high in soup a suspect well cut favorites brazil beat kusturica into music fashion only a fool not much both girls coming in second half stoppage time to right parts of costa rica who are looking for a shock through neil harvey and peter schmeichel i mean simply just make it a special studio and they have only highlights that. this misanthropy action has the wanted to nothing but if they didn't make the breakthrough until injury time very very very light showing very late showing the first minute was and the nineteenth minute philip continue to score. it was the one time that costa rica didn't defend properly. a ball coming from the cross coming from the left hand side and then he was headed down to has those who didn't control the ball and for the two mistakes in the ninetieth minute one nil and that was at
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a time when you think ok the form that came in and they have a novice was and he's not going to be beaten today the way across the river defended that not going to be beaten today and it would you know put the controversy before that was on them and this really could have changed the game in favor by the team depending on the result a big. moment took us through what happens we haven't looked like they are we seeing the obviously to be our you and i i really like this one so we have this situation where a name is being pushed over well i say pushed over he's not that that the costa rican players that peeling to the referees are going to go and see the assistant bad. says you must come and see if he goes and see it on the monitor there and he comes back and gives a free kick to costa rica absolutely perfect and so fair and this is the intention that has been made for now the only thing that i don't like about that situation is that he did not give name a yellow card he should have given him a yellow card for trying to get a penalty or cheating himself and his team for
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a penalty the second go well it came in the ninety's minute plus seven and it was named and you know you don't miss from that even if you have a bad game he is saving a little bit of his reputation by scoring goals people would not be so critical with name after that. but i hope that you know for the second these world cups and and for the sake of you know the love of football that a play off his caliber steps up to the plate play a little bit better maybe try to think that this is a team game this is not a name game and then starts to play as a team player at the moment for me everyone coming into the world cup saying brazil they have the best team they are just the favorites to win the world cup for me the nowhere near as good as we thought they were and there for me not the favorites i think spain sofa. gratian i know we're going to feast later on today see if they
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can keep the level and neutrals will be very glad to hear that assessment i'm sure seeing some of their you know not so often named sides being right is in with a good chance of beating only eight teams never won the twenty welcomes france afonso this really makes it an open competition and the brazil fans i'm sure they still think that the favorites no surprise we got to see some some excitement when they really did scrape home at the end of the day but they still celebrated that vital win. right. it is sad leaving the same pieces back stadium very happy with that result they are going out on the costa rica defending resolutely what about twelve minutes to go
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brazil thought they had won a penalty with name all being pulled back refuge a bit and then referred to the v.a. office where he promptly overturned his nose decision then one minute inside it on the side of the key popped up on the back post to make it one nil that's the second goal of the tournament before the game all made it to nil with the basically the last kick of the game leave the city and found the life of the duck results which surely helped book a place in the house faces brazil came out very strong in the first half seventeen shots total ten like it in the article. but that the end of the game they couldn't hold on i thought they played well but i thought brazil did what they had to do high emotion high intensity and i'm very happy with the result again was so good it would make you know how i need to make it i think brazil played very well. they're going to play
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a better game by game because i think there is they're treated me very to them and . hopefully resit when they woke up i gave you very exciting in both doing you know it was really cool and also. the brazilians they were lighting up st petersburg well no games are scheduled in moscow for today but you would know that moving around the city you can even maybe hear it now because we hear it from the street just behind us in the course it's been dubbed by the fans from across the world as the street of lights and there's been plenty of color and atmosphere that. the eyes. of chinese his fans have been warming up their voices before that match against belgium on saturday we saw occurrence of them passing by us here not so very long ago.
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and while the argentinian contingent in the russian capital have seemingly put their crushing defeat against gration yesterday behind them they're offering tango classes to everyone a few players may have to brush up on their footwork before the next game to put nicolas law straight was only a taken either by the icelandic viking save their own special way of inspiring their team as he goes down ousting finding out. the brand themselves vikings and they've invaded the russian capital in full force iceland deployed almost ten percent of the population to support the team with the first woold cup. in the game against the mighty argentina that ended up in.


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