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tv   News  RT  June 25, 2018 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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home secretary couldn't eat at a mexican restaurant the other day a shame tear out sarah huckabee sanders was at a restaurant the other day and they wouldn't serve her so i mean it's getting to the point of mass hysteria you know. i worry is that someone's going to take it a step further yes and we're going to see violence we already saw it with congressman skellies when he was on a baseball pitch we had someone come out and use violence and thank god he survived . but this is creating it's normalizing hysteria is what it's doing well if we look at the psychological roots of this it is basically avoidance over it as michael brown i think just the great american think of the days you put in his article but a sickly people seen so many contradictions like. evil incarnate but we should not criticize those early school provision and finance them like to work in saudi arabia in afghanistan
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a bomb would declare the war. he declared war on a few years ago but we have to send troops to afghanistan basically under obama and under george bush jr torture was legitimate i stand by killing people who don't how do you avoid it how you stop thinking about it well we are facing fascists you know russians are born being i sill and other terrorists but russians are bad guys because putin is so authoritarian right now. you know we have the head of the cia that has a track record of committing acts of torture. these transactions will fall as usual but actually this is normalizing everything is it's acceptable it's already been and we're going with that normalizing you could be preparing society for some kind of shock where the politically impossible suddenly become somebody with such a. demon's already said it before it can't be said to. and in this world in the
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world today there are is really one clear example of fascism band there right fascism resurgent and ukraine and some what you could say and some of the baltic states where people literally get into watch uniforms and celebrate their ancestors collaboration josh cohen writing for the right here if we can get the camera on me because it's a good article to read the title i don't is ukraine's got a real problem with far right violence parentheses and no r.p. didn't write this headline yes josh r.t. did not write this headline because reported it four years ago when it was just just cool and he he must have been living under a rock for years now he's reporting about. these ultra nationalist far right you know code for bad or right fascist militias funded supported and sent against their own citizens by the putsch regime that the west back to new korean days off i dar
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the right sector the new national journal geno it's like our parallel police force and c fourteen which stands for the fourteen words which even have a seventeen thousand dollars from the ukrainian putsch regime for kids camps and he reports that there is are launching attacks on roma camps anti-fascist demonstrations city council meetings and amnesty international event art exhibitions l g b t events international environmental activists and the women's day march not these just so you know western media these people that you are backing in ukraine at least the vanguard of of the new government that helped brought it to power and keep it there those are actual honest to god real fascists. i already brought up the term virtue virtuously milling i mean the.
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again i think you put it really well where however you want to call on the immigration debate but you know if you have the picture of time that the cover of time magazine trump without a child i mean on so many levels that cover of is fictitious it's a throng have to write it's fake news ok and particularly when trump found himself squeezed he caved whatever word you want to use. but he inherited a problem and he's still being blamed for it ok even when he took action go ahead oh yeah it was completely fake i mean the whole story was fake. the whole hysteria about the little girl nothing of about it was was even close to her getting taken away snatched from the arms for mother but i mean there's no need to go into detail the whole thing was fake news and that's why people are calling c.n.n. and time and all these outlets fake news because they really are reporting and they're fabricating fake news but i also want to get to the point that the whole neo nazi white supremacist thing is not only confined to the us the other day we
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saw i hate to bring her up hillary clinton was at trinity college in dublin and she was talking about how russian president vladimir putin is trying to drive nato and the e.u. away from the arms of the us and he's the leader of the white supremacist xeno phobia movement so you can see this whole idea of everybody's a fascist except us neo liberals except us globalist except us liberal leftist is they're trying to spread it past the u.s. and it's and it's a term that's that's now becoming internationalized you know the absolute irony of that is the u.s. is preferred leader for russia alexei of all the is the actually alter net still is and already is insane or a scene over at the gym in here gentlemen we have to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on some real news stay with us.
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i've played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside out. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch pull the funnel school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman he just kill the narrowness and spending two hundred twenty million on one player. so it's an experience like nothing else i want to do because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy a great one more chance with. a nice minute. welcome back across the uk where all things were considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing some real news.
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ok let me go to d.m. here we talked a little bit about this last week since then. there's a meeting between putin and trump it's getting some traction right now bolton is setting up the background. he's not i don't think is a person that is particularly keen on it but maybe the pale in trump of going or pushing him. i am not particularly convinced that it's a good idea for them to have one on one at this point what are your thoughts well i just don't think they can produce substantial results simply because of the pressure we. don't know you know and pressure from the congress pressure from the media but what made me a lot is the reaction of the so-called liberals in the united states they're afraid of this meeting just let me call it an apple bowl from the water and of course get traded for another we even televise the law fest this time between trump and.
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and what is she afraid of she's afraid of a trade off between them and the trade off is going to be called an awful bomb we stop holding military exercises in europe in exchange for while russia to keep crimea which is why i give your something and then i give you something. it's just going to create a volcano these people are afraid you know it reminded me all of ronald reagan being afraid of going to go there it reminds me of the same thing that about the north koreans just bring peace to the korean peninsula. waterfalls meet it's if you read the you get the impression that things that ukraine is are personal position that it's being bargained with all that nationalism is exactly what. in two thousand and fourteen in the new role if if a new one is praising the support of the people at what you could make a comment to end up a bomb in ukraine and nationalism is that what has happened is since two thousand and fourteen there is
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a nationalism there but in the nation ok mark how do you follow. a summit a one on one because it seems to me that even though russia gate is winding down it's really turning into f.b.i. gate and d.o.j. gate more than anything else but we have seen that the media is going to let this go and in light of what we said in the first part of the program it's going to be more demonization i think they should meet if they can have some substance i don't like these kind of meetings without substance yeah i are afraid that until trump gets control of his own foreign policy and there is some kind of and whatever weight to this which with the russia gate conspiracy that's going on that he doesn't really have anything that he can offer russia it's not in russia's interest to have this summit. a western journalist just tweeted this week the former chinese official diplomat he met with today said every country thinks america has
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gone crazy we benefit by doing nothing other than appearing sane and i think that's russia's best strategy at this point just sit back now there are some cards to this there is a ticking we have a timer ticking towards the end of the intermediate range nuclear forces in the new start treaty right at the beginning of this new arms race the longer these issues go on addressed and hopefully some new treaties are fashioned the worse god forbid that they aren't renewed or or recreated in some fashion but i don't think that trump can actually bring anything to the table when his own government his own in its. someways pickers in his own administration are still in revolt at the idea that he might bring in some type of transactional diplomatic relation with russia and in an attempt to improve relations with the world's only other nuclear power
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that could you know conceivably and the united states in a nuclear over more than a good alex christopher or a in cyprus what is your take on a possible a summit meeting markku is going done a pretty good job of giving them the pros and cons right there i just think that we it would be much better to have the second i.g. report come out on this russia gate fiasco fantasy and then he would probably have a little bit more leverage because after two years there's been no evidence and i don't think there's going to be any that with that that's a cloud that needs to leave the scene before i think that would be any kind of meaningful summit what do you think alex and cyprus i definitely think the role russia pollution thing has without a doubt morphed into the microscope and the focus being on the f.b.i. and the d.o.j. that that goes without question but saying that i think if it does take a summit with putin that then you're going to just be feeding the sharks and it's
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just going to shift the focus right back to to the whole trial of russia collusion narrative even though there is no evidence the media will what will push that story but i also want to say one very quick thing which is i don't want to bet against trump's political instincts sometimes he does crazy stuff and it turns out in his favor you know so i mean hey be you know something we don't know you took the words right out of my mouth exactly i was going about this is a that you know he's just he'll surprise us here mark i if i were him i wouldn't want to do it before the two thousand and eighteen midterm elections that you know could you know result in power change in the house if not the senate. by. i don't know may decide to roll the dice and take you know one of the things that i find really interesting as a tangent to all of this here is that going back to our demonisation conversation that we were having if there is growing evidence that the more trump is demonized
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the more his base. i can look past his blemish i got the numbers for that on you go here. just came out ninety percent of republicans now have an approval or approve of the performance of donald trump which is the highest of any republican it isn't or are going to pull the number because when he was elected it wasn't even close to that the polarization the other side of that is only fifteen percent of democrats approve of his performance which is a likewise it's the polarization of american politics alex kristof it reflect upon that because you've been looking at these kinds of things that i mean he has his base are going to stand by him irrespective of his blemishes and there are many ok but the but they know he's a known quantity than them ok go ahead yeah yeah because the democrats and much of the establishment left the media they demonize his base i mean just the other day there was a pundit on morning show who said that anyone that has voted for trump should also
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consider themselves say you know for a white supremacist i mean they don't accomplish anything by team a nice thing not only trump but they demonize his base as well and so his base is also just saying you know what if you guys are going to call us that all day we're going to support this man we're going to stand behind there's no talk of policy you know the interplay interesting thing is gentlemen i'll go to mark next year the most interesting thing that happened during the two thousand and sixteen presidential election is not meeting with russians it wasn't leaked e-mails it was one sentence coming from hillary clinton deplorable zx this is what it is being amplified to the nth degree right now and she said it and the democrats are paying for it you have those numbers that give you that's not just his base this is the mainstream of the republican party who were not necessarily happy about his election and many searches rallying around them and i would guess no small number of independents as well and this is
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a result of russia gate. and fall out rage fifty pounds yeah you may hear well i mean. they do want as asian doesn't walk internationally i mean how many supporters did president have before two thousand and one i would say very few you know he was little or no ok young man i loved them all were just but after the united states and they you have been given eyes and for several years he has a radical op now and these people are completely impervious to you know your own face but they have the. genius of the kind of person that is exactly nobody else on earth kim jong il and suddenly an international diplomatic rock star and so there's always an assistant and if it works out that actually why shouldn't it work and do and i think it's interesting i also want to go to this segment here.


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