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tv   News  RT  June 26, 2018 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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we refuse to see. yourself on how to become of the dash one of us a lot. of what we've been in a small town in a lot. just. a little bit in the. midst of. three. of the medina but he wasn't looking at the wasn't he and i asked him that. i'll be the. heavy one aftershock here. so i thought of when the food position what the need be what it would be and walk
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out that lettie. mission is and what we had had the sack. muson the bill he learned enough to have been healed enough to kenna when the toddler. hardy's out and shot any of. them as it often. does the comedian it's sort of what we know. i mean and what on the men and the house at the house and they're like. as you would. not call back any bean would limit of adult had to do would but that in a political way in among them and just show up and leave.
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what good will come that's what i walked away she didn't even yeah then we knew for sure you. knew. your shots are going to see you stood out in the sheet chad wishing to go and look a little for the little sauce i'll look for but you know. i'm looking for the other yard because. there's so much for your walk in the retreat. i mean when i saw you. and you saw you know what you know if you're in the. real i was i would.
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you. know. i before him. go yes i choose to go come i had no idea. what about the lobby. but mike you know when the. police up and i said when he got you but but hey fellas i. butted in had thought of what galaxy would have been without us contains doria well i'm going to have to write you just on whether you literally have to die i know it was i did but it will be in the torah you know these are your thoughts on that in then in the time i'm with you know medina mccool
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which is a myth you know what i did but argument you know mangubat though and i know what i'm going to show you know if he really be a man did i see any ssion and that you know and that got that on the most any man. in the end yeah you know that's i didn't i would be in them i. you hadn't time of being in what i did there. don't you get them. out of having them for much about. really a million thirty minutes going to. bug pads. or one hundred in. the meanwhile had done the bathroom up front through here in america and. been to the income of three men. they send them
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their i.q. theory and. argentina venezuela they are mad about that point because their countries are in freefall does a prayer for all currencies when he had a major currency like the dollar the yen the euro the panel and enter a similar crisis which i believe will happen you'll have that adoption rate in those countries wall spike as well as a psuedo store of value as a way to preserve wealth because the banking system is completely unsustainable it will not exist as we understand it in ten years time it will not exist central banks are an endangered species. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than fort knox customs are here permanently and all the site is
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controlled by them and they impose the opening times the way. it is from these all plus the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by artists like cancer and modigliani i can't. unsold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in it covers a. naturally discreet commercially discreet step but also discreet because they concern fraud. some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport system you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business.
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he. says. it's good. to. see. if it's. safe. to. eat.
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since stood up other than a coke. bottle of the to believe the so. called if you don't know if you don't know what the before looks world series are. you going to get we're going to be so good you know if you accept. that place. no no no now that. it's let me work on that one for me that you bought a lot of b. lee had the but nobody and nothing would not be and cannot help the injured then what can the and what help the it and i don't mean you could have the adored her.
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this mustn't you know i'm still. sitting here. i have a man with the bits. and yet i'm conditioning. them to. dash. dash. and you can. run. in the. first thing.
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you want so he has a get your. dish a lean death a month so i can assume that. you must know i'm going to infuse him with the. desk. making time to. develop without. any had to. the thing. i didn't. before he. got it. he didn't. and there have none he moved can you. hear me. him in ash
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then he had a muslim. come on the rise of the what we need to look like in the people that would come to look in. well as a lovely thought so the other thought was there was certainly with it as much of it that it's ok. with you but you got to watch that there was a lot of going to look. in the show and enough evidence that's going to you're not .
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the one mission the commission and. you're still going to have. one in the pool who pushed. the horse. into place because it's never. written before. and into. me it was a little oh yeah. god what i was was the law and the law that remains in many. you.
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think of. it. for me as a fifth not in a how far they must. i think in the end i'm one of the of the of. now mcphee how. if the whole been a mom you know would you know in the left mean. to
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do. this to. him and. not them and would work on thought of going. for him i will give you. the shield up . from a come up of the love and if he can i'll come and if you how would that mean have you come in within a few. minutes of the war with what. you have up at the. gun shops that get all feet. thought of and i would i would love i mean as i can i that can be any. of us and i was. alan is one of the thousand
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a kind of mini in which i was going to mean how to part of that i mean and then i love how being kind or couples you know and then when man is a no no or kind of your calls for prenuptial calls for life well you can think of women in. first not the more you had. but one and i. think the kids. are. going. to. look. at me funny.
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looks ok. cupid grew up on a. club called. me .
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i'm. sure he'd. just were made up of the be. confident that i was three and as i walked. home said he'd put his thumb first pre-judge feel of him and often when that. moment to them for came up on. him i'll be able convince i will as well the way i looked him in commencement about the way he walked. you can let me. see if you could see the stairwell move or noosa left a mark you're my left i'm going to involve ourselves.
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in a. he's
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become quite fashionable in the political left to call anyone you don't like a nazi for hitler why you say come to this why all the demonization after all words have meaning and much much more on this edition of cost. twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goal. but there was one more question and by the way it's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star and a huge amount of pressure to come out you have to go the center of the beach. and do the great. good you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get the ball going let's go. alone. and i'm really happy to join us for the two thousand and ten world cup in
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russia meet the special want. me to just take the rio theology team's latest edition to make up as we go so i need to look. to the world cup favorites spain and portugal make it half the group stage of the tournament on an action packed day twelve. day brings mixed emotions for russian fans that qualify despite a disappointing defeat but it's jubilation for your wife. and other news even leaders leave an informal foment a migrant crisis empty handed amid a feud between. several members. of the latest on these stories and all the action
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from the world cup you can visit our team dot com stay with us for profit talk and if you're watching in the u.k. the political talk show renegade thing is like. a low in welcome to cross talk or all things considered i'm teetotal of well it's become quite fashionable in the political left to call anyone you don't like a nazi or hitler why is it come to this why all the demonization after all words have meaning and much much more on this edition of crossfire. cross talking political insults i'm joined by my guest mark sloboda he's an
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international affairs and security analyst we also have bob h. he's a political analyst with international and in cyprus we cross to alex cruciform he is he is the director and writer for the duran dot com all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want i always appreciate let me first go to you alex in cyprus. i've often said on this program you have to be careful with your political rhetoric because it's almost impossible sometimes to walk it back now we're in an environment as i said in the introduction anyone you don't like is a nazi or adolf hitler it tells me that the mainstream media and some politicians particularly on the left have no idea what a nazi is or what hitler was all about go ahead alex yeah i agree with you they have no idea what it is or what it was about you're exactly right it shows that they've lost that debate based on facts whether you're talking about russian. kate mueller investigation of the whole russia collusion thing or even
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a lot of what's being said about immigration i'm not going to take a position one way or another but it just shows that they don't want to argue based on facts or logic they just fall back straight to the identity politics if you don't agree with that you're a fascist you're a nazi you're a white supremacist whatever they want to call you but it's also peter it's extremely dangerous because well call someone a nazi what's the press starts demonizing someone they become a nazi it signals to the general public that that nazi has to be stopped right and when you want to stop a nazi you have to resort to the most extreme of violence and a lot of times the violence can be justified because someone can say well i was stopping the next hitler always stopping the next nazi so it leads to a very dangerous place and it's hard to walk back from it mark. for our viewers please explain to them what happened not years after hitler came to power but in a matter of weeks ok it's you know within that i think six weeks
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he could consolidated in germany and what did that mean you know he canceled no trade unions absolutely tickle part of the press is completely suppressed distinguished off of their os on the right stock basically of all arriving political forces were removed from the scene but it's existed formally there was this good sense to. start which means a lot for the protection of the state and the nation which basically made it impossible to impeach he thought you know you wait when people now are talking about elections in november often one thousand thirty three makes no sense to you to talk about connections hitler was not be impeached even in one thousand nine hundred fifty four nineteen forty five hundred twenty was basically a losing the war that he thought that so if there is a new parallel it's not between two and. if there are any people in europe who still adore him or his allies then look at the ukrainian government they
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passed a law recently which makes it illegal to criticize the ukrainian nationalist group such as that ukrainian insurgent i mean we could ally themselves to the not just in one thousand nine hundred you're wrong in one thousand forty four in law to some of them s. ass fortress for this i steal steal they started to be revealed after a lot to stop to be a part of the soviet union in one thousand nine hundred one and that continues but it continued with under clinton it continued under obama the thing is for me market it's it tells me this is a mindset and. mention it it's just it's an extreme form of virtuous signaling ok i mean because it's not about arguments it's not about a debate it's about your moral standing in society which by the very difficult definition of using these terms is zero you know very hypocritical definition of
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moral standing in society what we're seeing is the absolute polarization of american politics between the liberals and particularly the supporters of the current president and the united states and. this absurd rhetoric of calling someone not seasoned equaling administration you don't have to like him i don't like a great deal particularly domestically of what the man is doing but this completely devalues the actual losses of the six million plus jews that died in the holocaust the twenty to thirty million soviet citizens that died the death toll in serbia the death of millions as well all across eastern europe it completely devalues and dealing. let me go back to alex in cyberspace mark a spot on it trivializes what fascism in what hitler's third reich did in the
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twentieth century the use of this rhetoric by the left trivializes one of the most . treacherous in dangerous and and least humane time in human history alex yeah but words have they start to lose their meaning because they're just said so often and so frivolously that there's no meaning behind it and a lot of the people don't understand that. splendid understand the history behind the words but they're just using it to stir up so much anger and so much hate and so much division that it's going to lead to a very very bad place i mean peter you had you had the home secretary couldn't eat at a mexican restaurant the other day neilston a shame tear out sarah huckabee sanders at a restaurant the other day and they wouldn't serve her so i mean it's getting to the point of basket steria you know. i worry is that someone's going to take it
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a step further yes and we're going to see violence we already saw it with the congressman's lease when he was on a on a foot baseball pitch we had someone come out and use violence and thank god he survived. but this is creating it's normalizing hysteria is what it's doing when our if we look at the psychological roots of this it is basically avoidance over it as michael brown i think just the great american think of the days he put in his pocket call but he simply people seen so many contradictions like. ok that is the evil incarnate but we should not criticize those who provision and finance them like to work in saudi arabia in afghanistan a bomb would declare the war. he declared they'd want a few years ago but we have to send troops to afghanistan basically under obama. george bush jr torturously jim i spend way in people who don't how do you avoid it
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how you stop thinking about it well we are facing fascists you know russians are born being i see all and all the terrorists but russians are bad guys because putin is so authoritarian right. if you know and know it we have the head of the cia that has a track record of committing acts of torture. oh yeah against financial people as usual but actually this is normalizing everything isn't acceptable it's already been and we're going with that normalizing you could be preparing society for some kind of shock where the politically impossible suddenly become somebody with such as you know a dem is already said it before it can't be said again in this world in the world today there are is really one clear example of fascism band there right fascism resurgent and ukraine and some what you could say and some of the baltic states where people literally get into. the uniforms and celebrate their ancestors
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collaboration josh cohen writing for the right here if we can get the camera on me because it's a good article to read the title i don't is ukraine's got a real problem with far right violence parentheses and no r.p. didn't write this headline yes josh r.t. did not write this headline because reported it four years ago when it was just a judge and he he must have been living under a rock for years now he's reporting about. these ultranationalist far right code for bad the right fascist militias funded supported and sent against their own citizens by the putsch regime that the west back to new korean days off i adore are the right sector the new that the real geno words like are parallel police force and see fourteen which stands for the fourteen words which even have a seventeen thousand dollars from the.


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