tv Cross Talk RT June 27, 2018 10:30am-11:01am EDT
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because you know cortez accused her opponent representative crowley of being quote bankrolled by corporations she made clear she wasn't just taking aim at crowley but at the leadership of her own party commands a very questionable political he has presided over a lot of. around corporate now the political newcomer in the bronx is not alone the theme of arresting the control of the democratic party away from a corporate elite is becoming a pretty common theme in the lead up to the november midterm elections the hillary clinton wing of the democratic party is facing an uprising of sorts of minutes own ranks now at this point average democrats among the rank and file may not really approve of the party elite however they have a pretty solid base of funding billionaires like howard schultz the former c.e.o. of starbucks michael bloomberg and george soros are pouring in money meanwhile the former starbucks top boss is saying he's deeply worried about the bernie sanders
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wing of a liberal politics and so many voices within the democratic party are going so far to the left and i ask myself how are we going to pay for all these things in terms of things like single payer or people spell soon the fact that the government is going to give everyone a job i don't think that's realistic we decided to ask new yorkers what they think should be next for the democrats i think the democrats have to come up with their own ideas of their own agenda and they can't just be a party of persistence and i think all the politicians should start actually wondering what's good for the country as opposed to what's good for themselves and perhaps we can move the country in the right direction democrat or republican doesn't make a difference to me i don't know if the democrats really need a new direction i think the democrats just have to be clear in getting their message out there now the democrats have made pretty clear that voting for them is voting against donald trump but with the midterm congressional elections approaching a lot of voters are asking not what the democrats are against but what they're for . caleb martin r t new york. other global chemical weapons
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watchdog the o.p.c. w. has voted in favor of changing its remit to now assign blame for chemical attacks in syria previously the organization had a mostly fact finding mission over the u.k. has been insisting on expanding those powers at present. the u p c w two experts will say where and when an attack happened but. who was responsible if we are serious about up holding the ban on chemical weapons that gap must be filled. well in his speech made reference to big screwball poisoning case under syria all e.u. members expressed support for the proposal along with the united states that document was adopted after eighty two delegations voted in favor twenty four against live with me now my walk of political analyst and director of the north
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source think tank thanks for joining us on the program this will fundamentally change the way chemical incidents look that are dealt with by the c.w. as an international organization do you think does the more powers. what this is about bypassing the security council isn't it. and it's pretty much dangerous to say the least. in a sense should do the c.w. say or pass a judgment that this is a culprit then we have a group of nations who can based upon such a resolution say we're going to go in and you know strike this country or boycott that country and so on and so forth without really needing to go to the security council basically bypassing whatever agreement can be reached in a security council so in a sense this is in danger in. world peace or potentially dangerous peace don't get me wrong whatever the foreign secretary of britain said theoretically he's actually
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correct we need to do more to root out use of chemical weapons but the problem we have is that. at this day and age the o.p.c. w. is already being used or perceived to be used as a tool let me give you an example in terms of syria. we've heard. analysis we've seen analysis that for example the latest chemical attack in dumas in april after which there was a strike by u.k. the united states and france against syrian military targets. even the o.p.c. w. hadn't you know conducted anything good. but at the time they said there's been an attack on the syrian forces taking over dumas would eliminate evidence and the o p c w report is not going to do anything now they based their assumptions on social media reports which they believe to be true and the syrian government
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whatever the syrian government did even though they called for the u.b.c. the beauty of investigators immediately the assumed that the syrian government is going to destroy evidence this is already passage which so if such. an organization becomes a tool with people and with states who already have passed judgment against the door that's they'd say for example the scripts case as well then that's going to be pretty much dangerous at the end of the day this is an agreement. and members of that organization the o.p.c. w. that is members of that organization they've entered the organization on a certain premise. but there were certain assumptions you mention the u.n. security council about how this is dangerous because it could bypass the council i mean as a celt so laws have been discredited you've got nations there that do have the power of veto but tactically let's admit that a lot of your political lives your political allegiances russia does it america
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does it seem dozens of examples surely this would be a step away from that sort of thing where i believe the votes count so we're pretty well it would be a simple majority to pass some sort of decision. it would need you could still have a veto in the security council preventing states from taking a an action or a military action that is north by the united nations i.e. have legal power but at the end of the day there would be countries who would be willing to bypass that. based on a no p.c. w judgment. i would think so in a sense that's. world peace even though the security council has been already discredited with everybody flying vote here and there and states of member states really reaching decisions on critical issues but at least it has prevented nations from launching whilst operations that could endanger world peace now if somebody
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says take for example iraq two thousand and three. you know had the o.p.c. w at the time said that yes saddam hussein had some chemical weapons we can sniff around and see some traces here nor there. then what we now regard as an illegal invasion by the united states and its allies could no be described as perfectly legal because the o.p.c. w. has passed the judgment the point i was trying to make is that this is an agreement there are members of the u.p.c. w. . as an organization who have entered the agreement to have signed the agreement and to the organization in a certain assumption somebody has changed the goalposts and we could well see members saying well this is not resign for sorry we're going to go out now is this good is this bad we don't know you mentioned the criticism of the c.w. for law on social media as you describe to. investigate incidents to look into
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incidents without actually sending experts on the ground i mean what if to play the devil's advocate what of the fact finding mechanism was adjusted to bring specialists on the ground to get all the evidence the forensic evidence that's there. and subsequently draw those conclusions out of would that be a compromise so the experts get whatever evidence they can blame is assigned i mean surely there was a way of getting around this and filing a happy medium. in theory that is very correct the problem we have now is that there is so much polarize ation in world politics these are the syria for example that we kind of trust that this is going to be the case so how do you guarantee that the inspectors coming from certain geographical location say u.k. inspector a and american inspector isn't already biased this is what we have here so let's take two examples in syria you have the contrary. incident people two thousand and seventeen you have the duma incident in two thousand and eighteen the
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first one the c.w. people didn't even go to her and she whom they were invited to the airport that was allegedly the the home where the launching pad for the airplane that. one that area they didn't investigate much they should have you know again searched every inch for traces they said no we're going to just find report some records of flights and so on and so forth and the second and they relied pretty much on social media satellite imagery so on and the second one which whose results is yet to emerge really the duma incident they actually went in but the united states didn't win them didn't wait for them to go in they actually bombed and actually wanted them to stay in lebanon not cross the border until. they've finished bombing so they went in but also with the assumption and
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a lot of media speculation that the syrian state has already destroyed evidence so there's someone who's already saying syria has done all the syrian state has done it and the embassy w. is not going to find much because the syrian state has already destroyed evidence so it is this intention that is potentially dangerous and in dangerous. situation should syria say well we don't trust the o.p.c. w. anymore because they can pass judgment and we don't trust this body to pass judgment and we're not going to allow them then the only thing they're going to rely upon again is social media and you know the they won't have correct horror trustworthy reporting on your point of how this can be seen to be undermining the fabric of what the o.p.c. w. was originally founded for and what it does but i mean if we take the wider point ok that both the u.n. security council the o.p.c. w. they have members that are powerful that do vote along political lines that the
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friend their allies russia will defend damascus at our side as its ally the west will defend the groups that it sponsors in the in the syrian conflict regardless of the time of the horrific things they've done as well if we buy that argument what is the way for. but i mean how can countries come to a consensus through these international organizations or who has committed crimes and how they're dealt with. well let's go back to the original armond sort of argument put forward by the u.k. i would say it's a valid argument we need to do more there has been i mean he cited not only syria and the script he cited malaysia also also for so in a sense it's a valid argument the problem we have is with the malign intention that some countries have would they bypass i mean we've seen it before in two thousand and three in iraq. an unjust war that destroyed a country destroyed world peace basically and you know everything that happened in
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the middle east you could argue it's a consequence of what happened in iraq two thousand and three diversion etc etc. so they've already done some bypassing to international legitimacy you know manifested in the security council now they can do it again so the problem. isn't really the tool the problem as you said reaching a consensus or a new i don't know if they can do that now because of all the poisonous atmosphere but reaching a consensus that say we're going to play fair or we will have extra. out or no buffers before reaching a decision we have to be one hundred percent sure if such guarantees could be agreed upon between superpowers and world nations then probably this is a move in the right direction the problem we have is that it's not going to happen
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anywhere soon because everybody is so suspicious of everybody else that's why you know countries like syria for example which i could probably explain a little bit to their opinion they would be very suspicious of such a move and. if they say thank you very much and people coming here then we're having remote decisions removed investigations and that's not bringing us any closer to the truth and one very key point here is that the. militant groups that are supported by the west or the countries that are say who advanced this event or put forward this amendment they already have chemical weapons and they've already used and acknowledged usage of chemical weapons but how do you i mean everybody's been keeping a blind eye let's remember that in two thousand and thirteen the chemical weapon in weapons explain spector is that came to damascus in august two thousand and
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thirteen were invited to investigate an incident or a chemical attack in hundred five months of five and a half months earlier near aleppo southwest available by the the militants that are backed by you know the west. the moment they arrived there was this huge issue in damascus there was a hit here and the whole thing shifted but if these militants say die. or even less extreme but still. is them eccentric. militants have these weapons can they shift them elsewhere and they shift into europe everybody's keeping a blind eye and the o.p.c. w. is being crippled by this polarization. then is this good for world peace no of course not it's just a prime example is that of how even good intentions are so hard to carry out
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because of the polarization in the world and because of the mistrust that hopefully that will be overcome hopefully within our lifetime our walk of political analyst the director of the loss of think tank. a french authorities have begun clearing out parts of a suburb of paris. well locals say a drug epidemic has spiraled out of control the cleanup comes after the she was exposed by local media and our t.v. crew was among the journalists who've been reporting on the years long drug problem it's been gripping the notorious region of the french capital auntie's charlotte the ski has more. police have been hit in the area dubbed by locals as croc kill since the break of dawn on wednesday there is a huge operation underway to clear out the hundreds of people who've been living in this slum for many many months as you can see shacks have been constructed and you can get a sense from the piles of rubbish here just what the conditions have been
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like it was described as being infested with rats and so pungent is the smell here that the officers who have been inspecting the interior of these shacks have had to wear face masks locals have told us that they have been crying out for help for some months to clear this blocks the plight in that community on north but i while we were working and i can say now we're happy all my colleagues and the police came here and evacuated the drug addicts from the area. today i'm satisfied but i'm not exactly sure whether this change will be permanent maybe it's just for the journalists who come here. i think the the media pressure on the city of paris and on the pitch was. too important. not to not to to react this police operation comes just one day after we reported
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on the situation. i'm on the road that skirts around port palace in the paris as you can see the slum that's emerged here is brimming with rubbish it's also infested with rats but more worryingly this has become a home sport for crack addicts and the issue isn't so severe now that locals have this crack hill a little further up. the road it's not long before we come across people who appear to be smoking crack in broad daylight others showing signs of being high often known as the poor man's drug crack is a derivative of cocaine mixed with baking soda or a mania it's the most addictive form of the drug judicial review i've seen people come here and of the six months they look like the walking dead they've lost
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fifteen kilos it's really help for everyone else she share in the g.m. has lived here for twelve years he says that while poor delish apparel has had a history of drug problems it's now spiraled out of control today the situation in port the lash up is catastrophic dorothy's of left us here with a slum full of crack addicts it's eating away at the community on the hill there are five hundred people who are doing crazy things annoying the locals they're aggressive they steal we have all thoughts going on here about five years ago there were around a dozen of them we thought of them we knew them but today it's five hundred and the state has completely abandoned everyone stuck in traffic we see some men demanding money from drivers they claim it's for food but local say the money goes on drugs and despite a continuous police presence nothing seems to change some officials are now
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claiming this is the crack capital of france the scale of the problem is such that put the chapelle is the biggest selling point and consumer of crack in france the people who live in port delish apparel and its surrounding areas remain in fear if the crack addiction continues to explode jollity pinsky r.t. paris charlotta branscombe paris there was some score updates from you for those key knockout stage matches germany korea still at melle mel is sweden mexico a couple of moments there including a v.a.r. penalty controversy i would have more on that from. british michael as well in just a few moments stay tuned for a special coverage here on our international. you
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know world of big new things a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. seem wrong well we just don't. get to say proud these days as a kid and it. equals betrayal. when so many find
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a good start because michael alongside me to welcome back to continue strong take your ass and group a little later today and if i was a brazil or germany found quite nervous just a tear in the first ball great really it's all going to fall the big names that made it through yesterday going to be the day when it's going to be a massive shock let's look at the halftime schools and create that first of all the thing in south korea germany paid to lots of changes and surprised the spin germany really i'm surprised that. your can live is doing so remember in the game on sunday night against sweden to make for changes so match whole months at the time look at the and it's with a month before not playing but all three of them a plane today today's made five changes from that game i can only speculate on their playing and it's boiling hot that they play an afternoon game that played this game against sweden where they literally gave everything they had in the tank and i don't know if you remember but tony cross scored this winning goal against
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sweden in the ninety six minute to give germany a proper lifeline in this group so i can only speculate that he might just think that the play is taking so much that that that the very short time the patri in the games. hasn't been enough to to recuperate of course poaching was sent off he's not playing. but it really it really is. and it shows i. think in that eighty percent possessions a career getting very little of the ball germany not creating very much i think shots on target in a much more really. day and the night and the second one is questionable sort of dribbles. this is a game you know you know you know reality they probably will have to win to go three to dangerous to rely on the draw and they are not tracing click chances this must be a concern for the manager as well as the fans the manager looks quite calm he's
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probably see that this is zooming in on the manager quite often and he's looked like a clown he's like that he said he's helping his players is encouraging the players he's trying to get them to he's like this play a little bit more he looks like tom and i have to say that the same thing and again sweden i really like the way he managed that game i mean they were in a desperate situation having lost to mexico in the first game a game they didn't think they should have lost but but he was calm and he made the right changes at the right times and then you had that little bit of luck this actually two moments of a lot of luck in that game to get the penalty should have and then of course twenty quarts incredible goal is that very late in the game so today he looks the same but the team doesn't look the same it's back to sam look at the who looks a little bit tired after say but he's looked tired first game against mexico as well as you could understand he wasn't playing the next one. doesn't look like he cares it's one of them again and the thing is i hope the manager the minute man is
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probably hoping that. what he can do with a football you know in a moment off the game can change the game and i think that's probably what he's hoping for. is hoping for well moment and i think that's why he's relaxed he believes that they will find a moment but forty five minutes can study quickly even away and in all fairness the troop biggest opportunities to score and they weren't that great were they for soccer south korea's way and one was a pen pencil a free kick from thirty five forty yards and the pole swerved and moved a lot and annoyed made a little bit of a hash of it but he. we call that so it nearly went in but he would call it to punch it away and the second one was actually. a really good volley it wasn't that far off but it was still you know outside the goal but other than that we have seen very very little yet germany making heavy weather this time is
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ticking away and you know they're only what one sweden got away from being out so i think of this competition the finalists. they've been different quality germany not after a very good start the competition but there is a reason they are four times champions you can never really write them off that fans they remain convinced that they can lift this trophy for a fifth time we caught up with some of their fans and let. the. fish tennis through i mean team to be given time to think it was said to my mom but sometimes you feel my devote myself to one just was actually to do the job for psychosocial to most of us really and we differ from stan via some bad neighborhoods it was long.
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overdue it's not like the. kind of forced and this was just professionals of the type clubs and this is the industry and most of the g.p. lodges of us in the arts it's a smart. clothing not really. the cellphone chelsea football club yes i will think well just modest people say he's not shy it's just possible that you can see if it's one you know one of those. months was when you pursue you suppose but the point was less and less that for. me so often simple the early days were both rooms. consciousness is our vision and you can. very much. so i'm sure with half a football to play the fans remain confident of progress feel good seems he's you
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know he's patient he thinks forty five minutes is enough for them to make the breakthrough so let's not forget he would only take one goal for south korea or a goal for sweden to push germany out of the top two when there was a moment when we thought that actually might happen it was in the game you catch mexico against sweden it was noon time but there was a moment and at first i looked like the swedes might get a penalty it would just remind everyone that in the last game of the group face you always played at the same time so obviously mexico and sweden the playing now there was this moment and it is a it's a ball inside the mexican box that it was a striker is there he's trying to defend and he takes it with this chest but he's done comes out and he looks like a handle the referee went of are and for what we've seen so far in the given of i don't understand why sweden again didn't get a penalty remember they got they they didn't get didn't even get to vote in that situation with marcus perk against germany and the manager was livid he was furious
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but that's nothing to what he was this time around he kept arguing for five minutes kept arguing with a false official. and what we believe we have to remember now is that in these world cups the bench are allowed to have technology so they've not actually under the bench but someone in the stands can sit with an i pad and watch the game and then the headphones take control to the penfold they have been watching it and said this was a clear handball so yet again it's really feel hard done by. i thought it should have been apparently i don't think if i have to be completely honest i don't think it is a penalty but the way that this world cup. shaping up with that with that the penalties that's been given for via this was one of the clear ones and we've seen some that was nowhere near pens in my book but again we have to remember but it's technology people it's people watching technology the technology doesn't tell you clear cut this is that it still goes to sue someone who has spent seven.
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