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tv   News  RT  June 29, 2018 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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problem of maggots in july seventeenth twenty second to write your part business program interactive exhibition. details on possible forum dot com. after nine hours of intense deliberations the leaders reach a non-binding agreement on the migrant crisis but born as that a long way to go to solve the immigration issue. a prominent u.s. and its child abuse campaign and nobel peace prize nominee has been arrested by the f.b.i. about allegations of paedophilia. and the group stage of the twenty eighteen world cup in russia is now over and sixteen teams were made in the race to be clown to. get.
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a warm welcome you're watching r.t. international with me becky aaron the top story at this hour an exhausting two day and all lied to you some it is now over with leaders finally pending a deal on migration they seem happy with the agreement but european council president donald tusk warns the signing was just the easy part. of the gold shower deal migration it's far too early to talk about the success. for managed to reach an agreement. but this is in fact the easiest part of that dust. storm from the ground as we heard there the european union leaders have reached a compromise agreement over the whole migrant issue there are some major changes that have been put forward and these include the fact that migrants can no longer choose where they will live migrant centers will be set up in non european countries at the same time they will be. more support given to mediterranean
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countries that are affected by the whole migrant crisis the relocation of migrants across europe will take place on a voluntary basis and the dublin agreement that essentially says that the responsibility for care of migrants waits on the country where that migrant into europe will this is now going to be completely revised and what it means is that we will see joint u. of p. and also monitoring its rescue operations in the mediterranean sea and the responsibility for those not for you sold me on the shoulders of the italians the agreement however it is on the binding and it comes in an effort by europeans to show solidarity often late on thursday the italians refused to act here to agreements that had been made on other issues on military financial and digital issues until the migrant issue was solved today does that come from our strategy to some perceived conclusive a lot of things have based on the entire basis of congo both as soon as it was they
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were in the whole question is essentially what does a non-binding agreement mean we are hearing from the italian prime minister who says to quote that italy could initiate procedures against european union members who do not respect the deal now although you have the german chancellor angela merkel in the french president stressing that the shows european unity what is clear is that they've had to bow to the pressure of the italians and other central european states what we're hearing from the german chancellor and their killen's that this is not the end of the road and this is an important step in the right direction where of course not here to the end of the road. the latest spat started when italy said it would no longer take in migrants now the new agreement states that if a migrant for example is picked up on the german austrian border but was registered in greece or spain he or she can be sent back the question remains of course how exactly this will be implemented on the ground and how this new agreement will pan
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out experts told is that despite the show of unity from european leaders member states are still basically splits for america is a really deep political trouble we don't know whether she will become chancellor in the next weeks and so she she was obliged to do to reach a compromise about mr mccrone is not consistent i thought i mean he's keep saying that the wants are more. human europe but then he is the first one who blocks migrants. and on the border to meet only the blocks for. without does not accept n.g.o.s vessels to arrive in the french ports and this is something that really is shocking for the other countries because it france give lessons to us when they are not at all an example to follow the e.u.
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. made a show of unity but. show of unity became in you and then you need senate echoes or via so many crises that they went to to mask the fragmentation of the e.u. but at the same time. vis compromise when you look at the compromise it's quite too weak. to say it's typical of e.u. . and be gritty is part of a compromise because he's so constructive on big ricci so everybody can agree but actually the problem is. the push to of a dates and of a try to gain time but if you look at what has been agreed everything is voluntary it means on their very own terry basis faeries no obligation to any
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decisions taken in this compromised. a prominent anti child abuse campaign has been arrested by the f.b.i. the allegations of paid affiliate ketv more can report twenty two year old joe davis is outspoken in his activism against sexual violence that's what makes his recent arrest so disturbing joel davis has been arrested and it's alleged that he attempted to engage a minor in sexual activity and he's been distributing child pornography now beyond the basic charges the actual details of the case are pretty disturbing the f.b.i. picked up davis in a sting operation now they've revealed some of the text messages he exchanged with undercover agents what's about to follow is rather disturbing but it's actually not the most disturbing part of the correspondence during the course of the text conversations davis stated that he is into children ages zero plus and has no
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limits davis told him because the offices that he previously had sexual experiences with a nine month old boy a six year old go and the seven year old boy now according to the f.b.i. davis actually asked the undercover agents to send him explicit videos and photographs of children the department of justice says they are appalled by the case conduct alleged against children even this is unfathomable as it is sickening and as this case demonstrates to enforcement keep its watchful eye on the darkest corners of the internet to bring predators to justice davis is a long time outspoken advocate of human rights he had a organization with over five thousand people it was very well funded he gave regular media appearances in our acted and respected in peacetime then you're not going to be able to protect them or respect them in conflict like you need to when you do need the rule of law and so many conflicts across the globe children's bodies are quickly becoming sites of violence where rape is used to terrorize and
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degrade to entire communities now davis went on to actually give a ted talk on the subject of expertise. that event was two months ago and the video is now unavailable when he was giving an interview to n.b.c. about how you combine charity work with his studies he said he feels like he's living a double life those are words that would come back to haunt him. archie new york. france is trying to instill patriotism in its young the country's education ministry has made learning the national the musée is compulsory for primary school children peoples will be required to know the history of the national anthem and if the french flags creation they will need not just to learn the lyrics but also to sing the anthem at school the lion's share of the french public some ninety percent are in favor of making children learn the musée as. they should know this answer because it's the anthem of the french republic since
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seventeen ninety two so they in general learned at school i don't know why mr macro all of a sudden all children should know it in principle all children should know it and it's at school they can learn it not somewhere else. i think it's always good to learn songs by heart as a child but personally i find a must see as a bit bloody the text is very violent. for its own national anthem so it makes sense for all french people to know with us of course it's part of the french identity just like the flag the traditional french cuisine all in all it is the french culture we should know it while we just want to the most i think the most is somewhat aggressive songs it doesn't really represent the values of freedom equality and brotherhood. i don't want. to hear. i don't.
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even. know you know it's a revolutionary song but quite brutal if you listen to the words. yes why not but the french republic is first of all a mass yes most of them yes certainly why not where europeans to place it immediately after this cultural opening towards europe well it's a different thing a different issue because europe it was constructed well france existed for centuries and europe is a much more recent development. you know that as well we want to join yes i know it but not as the european anthem did piaf sang it in french. i don't know it neither do i and you do you know it. stoughton will also be reminded of the need to be good your appearance as the los i
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be taught to recognize the european flag and the anthem the ode to joy. burner. was. a national movement to have it we need to learn that our previous we'll have to sing is a master yes but honestly as an elite there is no need to know anything about the so-called european scene you know that's probably is a mr matthew smith would. give you something on one leg but on the other end it forces you to accept something else you know when you're not cool france is too small for him is a citizen of the world he's a. big fan of globalism it's a big mistake and it's a very old fish an idea i disagree with time where it was shia in the united states
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in italia in slovenia in austria and soon in france if you nasha in a national id it's back down to the last sixteen in the world cup we're going to bring you our update on the tournament after this very short break to stay with us . still. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be all for rich eight point six percent of the market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building
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a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need remember in one one business shows you can afford to miss the one and only boom bust. welcome back now the next talk football shall we the world cup has reached its half way in moscow believe it or not and sixteen teams have been spent packing at the end of the group stages that means just sixteen remain in the race to be crowned world champions the first knockout games will be played on saturday argentina and
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france clashing and that leaves portugal and europe why it's all now the losers of each much will be out of the tournament while the winners through to the quarterfinals. some teams on their fans have of course already started that long trek home but not before capturing their experiences in photos and videos taken a close russia so r.t. has started to compile some of the first of you can check out our founds live new project online at r.t. dot com.
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thank you. it was. thursday's final group games didn't have as much at stake and some of the previous ones it was more a matter of finding out who would play whom in the last sixteen and the first games of the day colombia sense and i go out with a tight one no win while japan joins the coffee growers in the last sixteen despite losing to poland here's a recap of what happened. earlier
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my colleague received they discussed how the group stages went with ali he's been covering the world cup for us from st petersburg that's my first time ever being in st petersburg already been to russia once before and it was two months ago when i came to cover actually another full story but i was only in moscow then so for the last two weeks i've been some pizzas but it's just it's really shocked i have no idea just how cool a city it was how beautiful it was and. the past two weeks have been cool and the well how kind of people have you been meeting i mean obviously you've got your football fans but it's a huge mix of internationals that have descended upon some petersburg yes so the first two teams to play there were drawn in morocco and there were huge numbers of sets of fans probably more rains and it was just great like the russian people
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getting involved and have also found some of the countries so even though there's been like a number of teams playing this. i've seen mexican fans who haven't played and a rule i would say like it's just been so much fun and actually i think we can even see like some of the probably the highlights of the last two weeks i've had. is not just. discarded by nigeria. this fifty year old volkswagen beetle has been driven by the trend from brazil. half a dozen south american countries before. getting a ship over the ocean to come here and enjoy the world cup. let's go. there were so many other great players in the argentina squad you have to really perform today i'll bet you go i'll.
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take you guys i. know that. we can see some of your friends there from across the ocean right back gave you very. good also. you see. there is leaving the same pieces that stadium very happy with that result they have costa rica defending resolutely but it's. very hard to your to go over salt here just being getting absolutely mobbed by the fans and simply it is but the world cup the energy has been absolutely amazing now ok on the serious side there the games you've covered what are some of the games
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you saw it was russia against egypt and it was a huge game of course because russia won and of course the host country going through to the last sixteen in the first time russia have been through to the knockout stages of the walkup since one thousand nine hundred six so yeah misfit was amazing overwhelmingly russian crowd. the other game this brazil costa rica but also argentina nigeria and the nigerians were five minutes away from going through and when argentina schooled the noise in the stadium i've got i like football i go to games in england i haven't had a noise like that you have a. cold it was right it was crazy and so you know it's just what's been striking about the walcott the football has been really good there's been one to go to school. in all of these opening games which is like i heard of it's just great it's because we've also had a good amount of drama and scandals as well germany who would have thought germany knocked out i mean i was absolutely shocked by that what about the teams that have really impressed you at the world cup so far you mentioned nigeria for example though senegal's been doing quite well any other teams yes really really upset. on
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a technicality they went out because they had yellow cards japanned they were really good especially in the first game that they played late really brighten up the atmosphere the supporters were fantastic i was also impressed with a rod i'm a bit biased by bombs or radio but they played really really well against portugal and spain and just lacked perhaps some quality to really go through so there were some good teams but the teams you all the big teams of actually struggled you know france just you know in their first game they struggled to be australia germany have gone out spain and portugal didn't have it easy brazil was sweating in a few of their games so it's yeah it's been good it's not really a. lot of surprises yesterday your thoughts so yesterday again you know colombia going through. such dramatic style they they were perhaps the least favorite of the good teams in the group they started off in. the day and then again
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japan going through a yellow card that just shows like the margins have been so thin in some of these some of these groups and of course in the game yesterday as well that's been interesting so england. had qualified and it was interesting because almost. wanted to lose because in a sense they had an easier run that's what the semi used so. they didn't have that much urgency to win the game and now they've got potentially a very easy run to the semifinals whereas the other side of the draw which belgium written could be because of what about what about the people you're meeting there are some critics worry because you we were talking a few moments ago just outside of the studio and i live here in moscow and so i get on the metro every day absolutely crammed with. and i've been speaking to some people from australia and other parts of the world who have had a really surprising experience if i head to the metro to australia and say to me we are embarrassed we are embarrassed to be here and enjoy this football world cup so much after being so convinced by the media that we are actually going to come and
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find trouble what was your experience i think there were a lot of people who probably felt the same way. and what i've also found interesting is that russia. was an interesting conversation with a russian yesterday actually he said that we have a big club football culture but as far as international football goes and supporting russia as a country we don't. have a great international team we're not really a big international football country but the way they've embraced the tournament the local people has been amazing i think it's good for russia i think it's opened russia up to so many new people and cultures and ideas and those people coming to russia it's opened them up to i think outside of russia we don't see in the west and again i myself you know. i mean working forty four years i have no preconceived bias about russia which has been shaped by the media environment in the u.k. so when i come here as well it's been a huge shock and many people have repeated the same thing they didn't expect it to be so organized they didn't expect everything to be i want to be so friendly and i
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think that's been key and also we've been lucky the weather's been fantastic as well so it's these little things that all come together and again the football on the pitch has been fantastic as well you know all of these factors have come together and i think there's going to be a lot of fans who are going home. happy and probably telling their family members there was one guy who told me my family thought i was going to get stabbed killed beaten up and by the end of the conversation on what's up they were like you know i'm going to book a holiday to film so so you know there are lots of kind of intangible kind of benefits of come out of this one of the listen i know you're a busy man before i let you go let's play a little bit of jersey you know what are your predictions for the tournament who is going to win. i think i said at the beginning of the tournament front. i think the way in the drawer sets up this is probably the best option even got for years and for young team no pressure so promising that my dog of course is croatia. and colombia is one of the teams through to the last sixteen their fans have traveled
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halfway across the world to support their side and while some thought they would encounter difficulties along the way they've been left pleasantly surprised. i. still believe that people just missed it so. you'll miss us missions. i see that's exactly the police believe me i'm. not some. chicken that.
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you saw supposed to be for the police. i. was just i was going to say i didn't say. that. it's a beautiful story well we also spoke to the bulgarian football legend christos story to call the bout his impressions of the tournament so far. i'm going to withhold so i'm not a big fan of comparisons every world cup is special every team is special in four years a lot has happened in the last world cup in brazil spain arrived just championships but failed to reach the knockout stage today we see the current champions germany going home every day brings new surprises after that everyone thought will take something extraordinary it's a colombian not qualified they won with difficulty brazil has not yet convinced me
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that they are a competitive team in my opinion he might still in shock and hasn't shown himself in the foot i know from barcelona and it's not visible because couture new plays better because of the indra he doubted whether he don't you see that james rodriguez has not yet recovered so there are many factors and in addition historically europe is for the europeans. but that's all from may thank you for joining us and on r.t. international today my colleague madeira today will be here with all the latest at the top of the hour. backstabbers financial survival guide. housing bubble. oh you mean there's a downside to artificially low mortgage rates don't get carried away once guys
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report. is very valuable and very competitive so so far we go to do something to be competitive as a footballer and therefore we know from when we come back to the. roots of this knowledge and and we can perform at some. later on. this is problem boss broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. i'm bart chilton and thank you for joining coming up today while prices have risen dramatically and what was the highest priced twenty four thirteen west texas
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intermediate w t i was trading close to seventy four dollars at nine x. the new york mercantile exchange what in the world is going on horner of simpler trading plus our friend danielle de martino both has a new company as part of it she writes a daily commentary one that really has our attention is related to the australian economy the central bank and the close ties to tween that country and china i spoke with her earlier and we'll have that in just a little bit plus we talk market reaction to the trade in tariff cantons with ninety one of think markets all. that's on the way but first let's just some headlines another day of historic news at the u.s. supreme court as the longtime swing vote justice anthony kennedy announced his plan to retire at the end of next month the justices played a pivotal role in consolidating majority opinions on issues including abortion abortion rights rather minority access to higher education and gay marriage most famously mr kennedy was party to the court's squashing of a recount in the florida versus bush gore election case he also wrote the court's
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ruling in the case that effectively destroyed limits on campaign spending his retirement also creates a vacancy the president trump could use to effectively reshape the court and perhaps u.s. society for a generation after republicans delay president obama's attempt at appointment of judge merrick garland to the supreme court democrats must decide whether they will begin to push back and how to frame the issue as part of this year's midterm congressional elections. thousands of workers at marriott international hotels are protesting against sexual harassment eroding wages and workplace safety risk workers at marriott's u.s. properties are represented by the union unite here which organized actions in major cities from honolulu to boston specific grievances include wages so low workers are compelled to work second jobs in addition to demands on wages and safety workers are also demanding that mariette agree to a policy that any guest who sexually harassed as an employee must be ejected from
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the property a mediately they also hope to convince management to equip workers with remote panic buttons persevere threats unite here has pushed a campaign to make consumers aware of the risks for otoh workers who must enter guest room often alone to do their jobs and incidentally a little fact the marriott empire actually began not too far from our studio here in washington d.c. with a nine stool root beer stand all the way back in one nine hundred twenty seven j. willard marriott and this wife alice next opened hotels just across the potomac river and are low. and as noted oil prices are up seven percent in a week and thirteen percent over the past year prices have not been as high as yesterday's close it's twenty fourteen a number of factors may be fueling the surge including reports that mr trump state department will demand that european allies end all oil imports from iran by november fourth or face u.s. sanctions whether mr trump is affective or.


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