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tv   Sophie Co  RT  June 29, 2018 3:30pm-4:00pm EDT

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first of all it's very attractive and everybody going to discover what is russia and what is most of those will because they're in all the cities with all the venues and i think that they might turn to the way to see what is russia because this beautiful the sun is with us indeed the people who like to be here and love now russia it's not your first time here is it you know it's the same line come with preconditions you knew that was a cool place yeah i think russia was very beautiful places to go and to be. and again you are here with many sites we have the museum behind it we have also the risk for sure that when we talk about books we stand on the red square there are many other thing to visit. churches you have beautiful architecture so far when you discover more. so you have literally held in your hands the world cup yes so what is it like. this is
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a dream come true since years ago we left the trophy in france in the homeland we hope that russia can do so. but again. like i said it's a story of mine if i may say that if i need to be selfish because when i was young i didn't understand that i could breathe and. step by step working gradually become better and better and to be the others and to be the same level as the other professional and of course to become world champion is just something unique and a great experience but does it actually feel as good as you think it will because you know people have this notion of happiness and goal that you want to reach there once you reach it many say it was the process that was really important to bed wouldn't enjoy the process because that. is not as ecstatic as we thought in our
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imagination it is ecstatic to hold the world cup i can't imagine no because you see here like you see its holder ways the pathway how you reach your goal. is this is the prepare yourself to be the one to live the trophy oh no because too many obstacles there are too many temptations in your way and you need to avoid that you need to be very precise and to achieve this goal and daily need to work and to have also the commitment we do to him to make because the team work and you need to be with them together as one but then that there are longer purses and shirt shorts or process if you take one year span it's approximately what thirty eight games for each team too late which is like you know good number and you can actually work hard and put yourself on the map to thirty two teams yes there will be less games will be the thing is. you need to understand. is very
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how we say that demanding and when we talk about the elite we talk about we talk about clubs like here. so i think that is big but in europe of course they have this code to win trophies and to provide better players and so far when we talk about the world cup championship is the national team the best of the nations are playing here yet but my question is different when you have thirty eight games to play during one year you can gradually put yourself on a map but when you have three games ok and then the playoffs that you like. pressure is it not turning of course who this is a process to sell condensed of course is so compact and you need to deliver one or two performances to qualify best you can do with. everyone how the same
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goal everyone have the same. aim and with. the thing is the only few remain. so when i watched a football player some of them are like very focused on pitch and then there are others like you and i leave me over like always smiling like little kids and when they were me i always said like i wonder what's more important to be like super structured like i don't know the germans or have like this kid like late in you that makes you play the one of the best what do you think is more important have this kid in you or to be super structured or the this is the value you know that you need to be diverse and when you do diverse meaning that you came from many environment many background so you don't need to cut what is from yourself because when you talk about. for example that he's from. you cannot tell him you should
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be like this no you kill him or that if you do so but if he come with his own passion. he can believe what we expect and he can be one of the best so. two different environment two different backgrounds so you know if the german play like this. if they if you should become good is good for. so that's good for competition it's good of competitiveness and that's our time or city style and then there's the emotional component yeah like for the actors and for art's people or for a journalist like when we reach great success then there is this emptiness to come some to that like and you don't know what to you replace it with and when there is failure that's also just what is it for a football player what's harder to deal with great success or failure both both because i think that. what. he's trying. to be successful
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and to avoid failure best failure is also. something to push you to be on the road to in your pathway to reach the goal and the success and the other one and india then failure can be also very very negative to you a pathway to korea because when you don't reach your goal you become may be a bad player may be. a moderator for instance saying i'm not going to be a loser i'm going to get over this and that's why that we have. we have a. sport of coaches that we have. managed to motivate is if you have the family to motivate it's not enough enough but at least if you have a good team mate if you are inspired by people were excellent i think you are drive to go to reach your goal so to be driven to. when i was growing up i like looking
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at football there are like concrete gods of football it's like brazil france germany spain when you look at this world cup true but it's something incredible i don't think it's i don't think i've ever seen this before i mean yeah there are always surprises but not to this point i mean this amazing teams that are always been established like part of the elite establishment are struggling with teams like iran tunisia my solutions like my favorite out what's going on instead the default for all change is just out of the market we talk about globalization and i think with bullies doing so when we talk about statistics to talk about new technology and have the same analysis every way the words they can focus on one player they can focus on one club or one national team so they can learn quickly and on. as they have in their hands so they can see that there is no
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more small nation more because they can really read everything i learn about the open and so you think. there is no gap anymore so you think the success of the other teams is due to access to the information yes of course now before the competencies. the all the knowledge is you have it through we do you kind of know you for every every couple of permissions and knowledge and so if you if i give you a million dollars right now yes just to spend it like this on the wind ok which team would you bet it on in this world cup one team pick one team too bad two words to win yes. i would put russia seriously we are home they are. also want to talk to you about how much success of a teen at this point pretty determined by a good manager and
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a coach is that enough or do you need to have a squad of stars in it or just one or two stars or anything and. the manager is the key of the success also when he drives his team to one goal and they need to respect that of course you need also to work and you can see that in the squad they were performing together. for. something better still these one collective game and this is very good all right is it for instance one like the one huge star takes on a mission of a coach for instance like in ronaldo. or now the arm wrestle like everything sort of like hands on the right thing no i think they they respect also the teammate their respect also the coaching theory course in the end. one star pull for the
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indian the spy of the nutrients by. the other so they need to make so much and by. scoring many goals he inspired them so he's the one who has to follow the coach leave that because he know that he's the leader in the group but he can't. because if you can't believe the shit. you lose that. is the plan is if i was debatable because in the zero finals i saw him giving instruction and cheering them like he was the actual coach yeah he's also the yeah so it's normal for him to see . his own team to support the manager but of course it would be to inspire them as a piece in the bunch and also like when i was watching argentina games i mean the commentators and the russian common errors i mean they were all about messi through least when i see that oh my god what's wrong with messi wakin to score
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a goal and i'm like oh my god this the success of the whole team is actually hanging on one of the majors like in the like neymar with brazil i think that it's normal to have names. out right is it for that star i mean it's a huge pressure yes it's a big pressure for them but the thing is if the people around him and his team it is doing well he will shine if they are not doing well. nothing is this normal is a collective game everybody forgets that one. in the pitch is very important if one is not playing well they're going to have and balance to the team if two or three. player take a short break right now when we're back we'll continue talking to legendary football player question get on who is the winner of world cup and euro stay with us.
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that i would have the time i don't have that amount of a lot of love go to the club out of the money out of the money get a little money that actually. this was a good time to. try to move there i'm. done that ultimately not why not they're going to our stock
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why it generated the old people we believe just a little bit here. are a lot of my kids i don't want the bubble so johnny what are the other moment i thought oh my god the little accuser is that a lot of them i'm a little boy came out of the older looking at the pimp i don't want to put out a love to my work party without all the mothers love it.
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and we're back with chris shankar on both french legendary football player winner of euro and the world cup christian when you play football you always to commit fouls around the world cup is as serious as it gets make i guess common and yes yes it's. like you're at the war or as a gentlemanly game scale. but there's no loss and there's no gentleman. there's no behavior i think that we want to win and we want to lift the trophy. and so far i see one commitment in your life you need to try to reach this one and to go for it and whatever happened of course now we have the video to mention this. but still you are human being you need to respect of course respect the adversity the open and but so far you are also built to be. to be a winner so so there are so many tournaments right now i need to read them out
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because i can remember there's a seesaw world cup the for club world cup the general championship the champions league confederation cup olympic games yes i mean i don't know how can you force a balance between making a profit from get another high profile tournaments like this busy schedule i mean is it fair on the players do they not meet time to rest recuperate this is what we are trying to talk about with the union of the players to have more. say that. to rest but also. freeze where they can increase in the clubs with a national team. i'm also thinking if they pay you more money you can play all these games and that you know when we talk about professionalism it's all about the money so about business what about physical capacity and that's what that's what we can also on hand to the team to footy players. and like this they can have
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a rotation but so far yes it's all about business because today when you talk about the events in the world is millions of viewers and this is normal and i won millions of viewers is extra money. what about the viewers what you said i mean it's entertaining and you love to you know channing and watch a good football game but there isn't that like diversity the amount of diversity and amount of tournaments take away from the main prize to world cup it kind of to valley eight say no because in the end people from i don't know maybe people from. they can see where they can see lose the case study them they can see they can see . another. countries playing in russia and this is very good they can see cars on the can just go over the country and look only at school but they can see what's
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happening in russia and this is good for everyone is international is global so for a football player is there like this one price that you want to win like the world cup because for instance for actors it's always oscar yes and this is. here and everything else is still salaskar but still everything else is secondary you know out for instance either on golden globe is important but not as important as the last three for football players as i would imagine it must be the world cup like you've seen the world cup you see in the champions league what's the difference this plan because when you're out of the club you want to tour in the shambles leagues is really about. how we say that price and you know that every year you can reach this level and but the worth of every four years. so you have to wait four years every time but you need to be in the squad with great performances it's not out of the scope of the national to so so for you to be. on the europa league tournament and to deliver something where you can be selected
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to be part of the national team squad to perform in the next world cup so. i was growing up in paris and watching you play football and when you're watching when you're playing for the national team and you had your issues french national team for a member that is a hard to play for a national team if you have that inside you i mean is it still like a hundred percent dedication to play for one country's team while you have that history that bothers you the thing is. i know so as if i play with the french national team i reprise on my people i represent france but also through to myself i represent my people and this is good to give the business the visibility to my people through me through school through food go through friends and to again to share information and to have a great communication the transparent communication about why am i where i come
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from and this is the french people understood my issue. and then they respect that because it's normal that you are. from somewhere and nobody know you this is not normal. so you should make everybody understand and tv's radio. and know new technology i mean i understand because i'm in georgia and i'm living in russia and russia is my country but i always say like i love georgia probably more than russia because if you don't love yourself you know love anyone else and causation ok so i know what you mean so i remember like you refused to sing the national anthem and then when france tried to conduct nuclear tests near your kind . trading new caledonia you actually have the whole team behind your protest did you ever experience backlash from the french government for protesting no because. i mean the right path and i'm talking about truth reality.
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today we have this is. how say they create. viral disease in the in how we said move off for example we have many people have died a lot so they know then the sound the mistakes but i did talk about this and for me it's normal because first of all we are human beings and we talk as human beings after that when talk about politics and i think it was my feeling to talk about it and i still i'm doing some documentaries all around the world to talk about people . leaving aside because they shoes to be to leave aside as if we are now in the twenty first centers i mean honestly you know like the first you know one athlete to protest something socially or politically french as an american
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the americans and ballplayers presence ensuring the anthem and the president got involved do you feel like. this protests they bring awareness or do they know it people. i think that it's always. each country have different story and environment by ground and for sure that in america for example as if mr obama become president. four years ago two years ago i think that he stopped the story his presidency. never talk about their own. history. because they do the math men begin to talk about the. own story who are the who are meant to who came in america and how they the loved ones and this is very crucial to make everybody understand who they come from who they are and to be together and to understand together in
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the same country to be american no a for america no way to american what is this oh you are american or we are not and this is our purpose in the. how about university we talk about this because you screw so today. to understand that first we are human beings there's no nothing else. we trace this one race human race. as if you. know whatever and we talk about this is just a biological challenge. but there is a green by human race but there is a precondition in people's mind in terms of professions like for instance a well known aflat you know when people when he protests or she protested were looking and the common accusation is like what do you know about our problems you know when you're making so much money you're living it translates to you're so detached you're reality like what do you protesting about so we can say that but
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the thing is somehow we need to do stuff. because it's not the problem remains and also we need to start to eradicate the imaginary of people where the system put this on the loop and the. know we need to make that chant and it's normal for the human being for the nature to change saying ok back to the football so i always wondered ok but the food was you know all of the guys in this play for different clubs there are stars of this clubs and then once you're back in the national team often when you face of another team you're playing against your playmates and in the club yes i'm. and i are understand what you must be going through because for for instance a it's a good thing because you know he's pros and cons so you can out when that person yeah but you also have that bond with that person that you don't want to be
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fighting with because you know in other circumstances you're fighting together yes but the same when you. when you have them a scene you do a scene you can be i don't know if you can be you can you can in that with this and you can when they are saying you don't or another movie you don't say no it's not course because what i say to you is the meaning that when we go to another championship is to learn and to gain experience. what do you feel when you're playing your mate from the club through this yes that's why this way the thing is before and this is european history in football the thing that before everyone remain in their own championship in their own countries the european nation house was created so we can play in europe so we can move from france or italy or spain and each a friendship is very valuable and very competitive so so far we go to do something
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to be comforted also as a footballer and therefore we know from back when we come back to the national team rich of this knowledge is and we can perform better and this is everyone scientists from russia can go somewhere asked to give his knowledge to a change and i come back here to be better and this is the same in every countries when you turn so my competence is informations you get better except for you're talking about changing clubs you're talking about changing clubs i'm talking about once you play in a club just the same that on a national level you play a game you get a person with whom you're fighting for the club yes but this is normal this is a. it turned to you do the. tempering is you can do this is the same. is the market is a business scintilla i want to become a coach no one i. know because i have done already in the pits during twenty years
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so i want to be a part i want to be more behind the scene to care about management about players to get about the. pathway to succeed yes question thank you very much for the century and runway show the best thank you everything entertaining each other and go rushing. into. the.
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they're not going to let him have done other than out of luck though that not out of the money out of the money that they're letting him and. this was a good time to. try to move there i'm. not that ultimately you know how little money not why not again why x. chanting in the hall people we believe just a little bit here. a lot of my kids i don't want them up with johnny borrell the
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moment on account of mother having a lot of kids or is it a little i'm a little like you might be old enough to want the pimp i don't want to put all your love to my worst party without all the mother love it. remember when the political left stood up for free speech and equality for all in public life remember when the mainstream media called for the same tone and tenor of political discourse appears to be a turning point if you don't agree with the left you face insults around and even vile. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest in the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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not. the. goal go.
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after nine hours of intense deliberations does reach a non-binding agreement on the mind of crisis but warned there's still a long way to go to solve the immigration issue. a prominent us onto child abuse campaign and a nobel peace prize nominee has been arrested by the f.b.i. over allegations of paedophilia. and the group stage of the twenty eighteen world cup in russia is over only sixteen teams now remain in the race to be crowned in the. it's eleven pm here in moscow and.


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