tv Keiser Report RT June 29, 2018 11:30pm-12:01am EDT
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and then we will commence and begin oh no resume our kaiser and i forget actually because i'm brown so i'm really blind at this point so i have a headline here i thought with give you great joy in fact i think it might give you goalie air bus prepares to take flights aerospace giant i'm brink of a panda named british investment tens of thousands of manufacturing rolls at risk over banks but for the ordinary brit do not worry about the loss of thousands of jobs tens of thousands of jobs at airbus no no no picking fruit is more fun than you think this job seekers told job seekers picking fruit is more fun than you thought this is the times of london of course picking fruit as well remember pre brags that it was all about the british my to bring back five hundred factories we're going to export our way back into a g.d.p. rocketship and take on the world cool britannia gold well it turns out they're all going to be picking fruit out there and ken burry shire but it's more fun than you
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would possibly think is taken for a lot of fun well when i was a teenager i did pick strawberries for turn around pick some strawberries jumped pick some strawberries breaks it now we're all slaves bricks it that was a mystic nevertheless it was a job apparently that was supposed to be fun it definitely was kind of fun when we were teenagers and hanging out with my girlfriends in the strawberry fields but. there's still you see so i want to turn to the next headline because of course as you see from the front page of the times airbus prepares to take fly am picking fruit is more fun than the think well it's not looking so good in the ranks at front and apparently theresa may is not having much luck negotiating against merkel nobody seems to have much luck negotiating it's merkel we saw donald trump recently trying to negotiate against her and throw her some starbucks candies from america and then she's stayed firm. she stay firm against yanis varoufakis and all the
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various greek people who tried to get her to back down from the debt but that didn't work either and we're going to get to that but putin glee is latest reason u.k. says it should get breaks that deal the u.k. will tell the european union that a no deal breaks it will be celebrated by russian president vladimir putin according to a person familiar with the british government's thinking and the latest attempt to soften the block stance by britain which wants wide ranging cooperation in areas from crime fighting to financial services but the e.u. insists the u.k. can't have the same level of integration as it enjoyed as a member of the bloc right now you mention greece there are did you mention greece because there's an interesting side point there yeah i'm going to get to that back if you go there here is the u.k. and they're trying to negotiate against europe they're having no luck you're europe keeps on saying no no no no no you we're not going to give you all these goodies that you want because you're not part of the block anymore so now they're resorting
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to they've lost all negotiating leverage and all they have is that if you are so continue to be so hard on us then putin is going to be gleeful right so let me bring up with the point that i made when the breaks of vote went down and i got a lot of flack by making the very obvious statement and observation that the united kingdom relies seventeen eighteen percent of their g.d.p. on exports to the e.u. the e.u. gets maybe four or five percent their g.d.p. is based on exports to great britain so you never go to a gun fight with a knife and united kingdom was never going to win this negotiation and their attitude was a total entitlement like they don't understand we have got the queen so the germans are their friends they're just going to bow down and they're going to give us a great deal because we're great and everyone knows are great and i said wait a minute these are hardened. to tonic just laying german people they're not going
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to just throw money at you you silly couse well the next headline just shows you who. may is up against what she's trying to negotiate because a full member of the e.u. who had the euro who was a part of the european union who were actually very enthusiastic members of the european union and embraced it fully and took in all the refugees and and immigrants flooding in throughout the because of the wars that we're fighting in the middle east while germany has made over three billion in profit from greece's crisis since two thousand and ten as keep talking greece reports this is the official response of the federal government to request submitted by the green party in berlin the prophet was transmitted to the central bank and from there to the federal budget the revenues came mainly due to purchases of greek government bonds under the so-called securities markets program of the european central bank so here
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is angela merkel who kept on you know they cry they protested they riot in the streets of st thomas where they did all that stuff they threw molotov cocktails they did everything and you know merkel has maintained the same physical posture and face and reaction for the past ten years and continues to say no and in fact profited from it so here is threesome a i don't know why she expects is a hurry what sort of negotiating power she doesn't even have negotiating power because she's not even in the euro at least greece could kind of threaten to destroy the whole euro this is what happens when you have people of parliament and running britain that number ten who are financially illiterate so we spell out quite specifically how germany is going to benefit by this by making negative bets with friends like john paulson and lloyd blankfein against greece and then going the credit default swap and they make negative presidents grace and greece collapses and they make billions of dollars an hour by having greece be a best. kaisa keeps the euro cheap which helps germany which is
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a huge export powerhouse why that's a benefit to them now finally ten years later they say you know what germany did make billions of euros on the destruction of greece guess what germany is going to billions and billions of pounds on the destruction of the u.k. that's big to do the k. it's the fourth reich as i said at the time it's being manifested in real time and there's recently who do cross though with more in mind lou well it's worth also noting that you know you mentioned the export figures between the u.k. and europe it wasn't really that where the u.k. benefited the most where they benefited the most was as a sort of you know banking center from u.s. and china meets europe so they acted as a central clearinghouse for all of that and now we're seeing signs of banks leaving the u.k. but we do have a banking story in the headlines because all of those economies across europe whether it's now italy or prior to that greece they collapse because the bank of
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shenanigans let's call them that because of course we're talking about a british bank here and one must only sation and sin and little mistakes. interest inappropriate behavior really terribly hard. well our friend neil mitchell is in the news neil mitchell friend of kaiser report well lloyds under pressure as h s fraud report is published so there was an internal lloyds banking group report written by a former manager at the bank and published on tuesday alleges serious misconduct by the lender over the handling and disclosure fraud of this boss reading unit report written in twenty thirteen after the lloyd's manager had taken her concerns to the police alleges h. bos executives knew of the fraud as early as two thousand and four and failed to properly disclose it with far reaching implications given lloyds takeover of h. boss in two thousand and nine it also states lawyers mishandled this investigation . and disclosure of the fraud following that takeover now m.p.'s had pleaded with
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lawyers to please release this to the public please show the public please by the way have bailed out your bank and all the other banks and many of the other banks at least in the united kingdom in the certainly the financial system itself were bailed out by the inflation tax caused by the quantitative easing so they subpoenaed peaceful aides released that report to the public and way to go well we can't do that because of confidential confidentiality of our clients and our customers and things like well neil mitchell had the report and he released it in the matter of national interest he says a lot of you know the attitudes are the consumer in the banking sector in the case treat them like mushrooms you feed them essentially feces and you keep them in the dark and feed them dog poop essentially that's the attitude that the regulators number ten downing street everyone who has any oversight capacity whatsoever for the u.k. banking industry treat them all like mushrooms now we have chorused were reporting
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on this in real time we informed the british public about the frauds that were going on the massive fraud oh my little camera seems to have become flacid well put that over there first so i can maybe i'll go off the air go away camera and took my microphone off iran is still on but you know be you there about that you have to watch the actual show to get the show because just like periscope so there you have a ranking system that was caught red handed and we reported on this we said look this is how lawyers. barclays all these banks are committing massive fraud and of course the biggest impediment to getting that information to the british public was. yeah and the entire system there as the article in the guardian knows ok the guardian as important as anything come right back to that the report has circulated privately among regulators and law enforcement officials for years but as. not been made available to the public who chose not to release that to the
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public eye permit doesn't get released to the public well because of all these regulations against that sort of speech where or basically providing information to the peasants that are the public that form of speech in other words if the when they say public they mean present remember in the us of that's important yet the subjects so also like look at this tone here's a so-called progressive newspaper called the guardian and they're called that's the left wing of the right wing is the telegraph well look out this is their own sentence written in this article about lloyds this report released by a kaiser report regular neil mitchell this is shows you the difference between the likes of kaiser report and the guardian here's their assessment the publication of this report comes at a sensitive time for lloyd's as it attempts to move past the painful legacy of missteps before and during the financial crisis right
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because it's why people tune in to report not because it makes printing gleeful unhappy it's because they don't want to hear people say oh these little missteps and it's very unfortunate the scottish business neil mitchell released this report exposing the fraud and the defrauding of the population of the u.k. well it's just missteps the difference that they show the is the aristocracy is breathtakingly sheetrit and so i feel very bad about that meghan merkel woman meghan markham she married a prince she knows the live with the slime bags for her entire life and proud of big spawn another's slimy banking. stain. you made a bad choice and it's just an actress. anyway they don't the second have a lot more coming your way.
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remember when the political left stood up for free speech and equality for all in public life remember when the mainstream media called for the same tone and tenor of political discourse appears to be the turning point if you don't agree with the left you face insults harassment and even violence. originally thought is drastic to us it's taken care of i just. mean you could find most of them from a completely different cards i would just. as the. problem is that we kind of how. we think that state they call a nice this is not part of sweden. and i can't judge the computer. no no it's not stop stop stop stop
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you know who. my culture is christian country and we don't do things like that and we tell you if you do then we hate you and somebody hopefully you can do something about this stuff. we can not be naive about this to not attract more gangsters rapists and these words actually that are tearing down this city we want to be a sweep this country and we want to know the people who live here now to go back. welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to return to our
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conversation with simon dixon he's a over there on the isle of man of course of bank to the future author of the same book banks of the future simon welcome back thanks for having me back again all right now simon in our first part of this conversation you know i heard again in your voice a very passionate description of the disruptive disruptive qualities of big claim in crypto and you know so often in this industry people get caught up in that little petty kind of little wars a go on this coin versus that coin and they lose sight of the big picture how disruptive this is to banking and to money so you know i think it's important simon to once again preach the gospel to the people about how this is disrupting global banking you were a banker you came into crypt out now you're riding the wave of this disruption treats brother preach to preach to the people where they wouldn't really important
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because people have for much internal politics you know miles within our industry our industry a kind of person on the hill with our improbable it but we do need to remember to put all that forward and i'll bet or would it is exactly what within this are you doing the part of the matter is when we thought it cool thing about this thing when you had you know on and you in to do you know going to the world of the on national t.v. you know we were a pine needle thing we have been thinking through. all we both spoke about going home but yet here we are at the day where pretty much wherever i go in the world no matter how many people or what part of my feet they have need to bitcoin they may not know. that is they may not know how to use it but almost everybody in the world has heard a big calling that means now there is something that everybody has heard or that
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they are going to discover a different point why they need it you know the people in cyprus to know that they needed coin until the bank stole the money the people in greece didn't know they needed to quit until the a.t.m. said there's no cash the people in india didn't know that they needed quite until they had to queue outside that bank with their life savings in the bag and risk getting killed for their life savings because they had to put it through the bank mexico didn't need that they needed bitcoin them to burma trump became president and crash the value your twenty five percent the u.k. didn't need to know that they needed bitcoin until breaks at half and then the our currency in savings depleted twenty five percent in the international market we now have the perry first pawns the ability for you to take you know to have to fiddle cash to own your own money spend your own money and have a monetary policy that rewards the save-a rather than rewards the people taking on debt which additional money now within that we've got lots of politics we've got people that believe that to coin is a savings account we've got other believe that should be used as tests and then
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you've got people coming along and sample we can do this cheaper faster and better but the point of the matter is the big question is the only one that's actually a store of value that the centralize is able to actually fulfill that sort of value role and if something came along and create cheaper faster cash then great. that's the innovation that we're having a theory in comes along and creates a small contrast platform that turns out is absolute disrupting the i.p.o. market was free in silicon valley that doesn't mean that it competes of bitcoin this is all part of a great ecosystem and then came the wrong one says that we can do this cheaper you know false better more decentralized lefty centralized the point of the matter is that we have borders as a brick when this is a store of value and we call this innovation this. around it and that is a completely free market capitalist environment and the regulators when they try and control it it ends up going somewhere else so you know governments are making
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decisions all around the world how they're actually going to react to this technology and that means the bull is less important in the world than it was because a bit coins because of a theory i'm the i.p.o.'s to the combat the almost three a less important in the world than they were before and now on a global scale people can participate in this this movement this disruption and various different level with people all around the world are going to be involved at different phases for different reasons but the fact of the matter is we have global competition and some of the most entrenched interests that were built in the financial system now need to be more honest compete better put together better systems and then you know look at the when we have the next financial crisis if we have a crisis this time that not too big to fail you can replace them money with the fed calling or quits a currency created a central bank and that can compete with bitcoin big win to win because it's the
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centralized one that allows you to only spend that and it encourages savings but the fact of the matter is you now have all this disruption you have this competition and when you first saw the call it is a report max and you would you know bringing telling the world about all this corruption and problems well we now have the ante for this and that is the crypto industry yeah i think it's a good point there is that the next crisis and we know it comes because it comes as a result of the bailouts the other preceding crisis they never solve the problems they just print more money now you've brought up a lot of good points there you've given talks around the world and you have said on many occasions that you can see krypto and bitcoin overtaking the venture capital market and we've got a lot of inroads there too simon dixon we're. are we on that timeline is this the eclipsing the venture capital market in your view what you think well that's already happening the amount of money raised through i.c.a.o.
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last year and now you can have an opinion on the so many of those are scams on registered security straight out ponzi scream but the fact of the matter is more money was raised through i c s m been to capital but what happened to the wolves thought relocating to silicon valley and begging the seas in order to give them money and instead went to the wolves and said do you agree with this valley and the the whole world participated in that then what did venture capitalists will they came along and started investing in the ponzi schemes scams and started getting discounts and trying to get discounts and you know sell them to retail and higher prices and what happened is the vent the capsule industry started participating. in this industry so now the venture capitalists are just one of the participants in an industry that is much greater the net capital and the competition for that so and then the f.c.c. comes along and says well we're going to clamp down on this stuff well great that
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means that america is now the worst place in the world in order to raise finance for your business if you're trying to do something in the book chain and quick to an issue one of the poker. so you know that's the venture capital industry is not disrupted just one of the players that one of the been invested compete for other money and other investors and there were trying to scramble around and adjust and figure out oh well well now we can actually have secondary market the quiddity on our investments and if this starts moving around the regulated route well you have regulated securities you have different jurisdictions that will support the currency and then you have completely decentralized out of the control of everyone and those markets are going to exist and people just need to. the thought i'd like to hate it it's here it's coming and it's not going away now let's talk about back to the future for a second because you've been on the forefront of the center strain now sense
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frankly isn't it at the inception and you had an eighty s. licensee alternative trading system license for a company you owned called van of eight now you sold that to coin base. what can you tell us about the deal what does this say for the future in regards to u.s. investors so this is this is the big question you know the u.s. is being cut out of a lot of deals because of the regulations in the u.s. so this deal with coin base that you've been involved with does how is that going to reshape the regulatory framework ever at all your thoughts simon you know just just to get back to the correct that we were a shareholder in q think capital corp that was then sold to queen bass and queen bass as they came to enter the securities market in the hopes to do that now the interesting thing right now and this touches upon many of the things that we were actually speaking about is that us legislation is not necessarily fit for purpose
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with a token market for example there's things in us legislation that state if you have an a.t.f. you can actually display the price and have an order book now the crypto market is used to order book and display and prices you know because if you do have an order book kind of displaying the prices then you need to be registered as a national securities exchange and also in order to sell those exemptions and allow those you know there's more to be known public companies and still be able to sell them as they have been there needs to be a one year lock and according to u.s. securities laws so combine those forces and you actually go a very inappropriate legislative structure and regulatory structure in order to operate the crypto markets use used to it. the whole world is focusing on the us all this new because the f.c.c. is the most vocal regulate around the world they're putting fit for purpose regulations and. i know that some restrictions from being you know the leading
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financial market in the world where someone else has been the opportunity to leak probe you know we saw with you know amp a is a program the banking system going straight to mobile money well other jurisdictions the leapfrogging securities and exchange and going straight to where we want to be and that's what the future has been working on and we've been off in the question you know is focusing on the us the right strategy is that the right approach well it depends where they go from here and what happens next but if not the whole business texans willing to field fit for purpose and the this in the way the market is once once it's done well let me ask you about. a you know africa you know you mention ampacity in africa and of course we know bit paisa we've been involved in helping to finance that company and recently the bank the future are good friends a bit mari were able to raise some funds there now got
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a banking i guess a banking license and zimbabwe so i mean this is part of the great thing about the senator simon is not only are you disrupting the banking industry as you've stated you know in your book when you started out but you're also changing dynamics in the global finance in a big way so africa potentially could be the whole continent certainly countries with within africa can a leapfrog and head of all these other territories and it could be a really interesting success story you would know better what do you see there absolutely and you know we're geographically diversified we think the crypto has a unique position in many different geography you know i was just speaking from. with i think you spoke to me for me in a corner recently and. the company we were we were investing in in the middle east . and you know in india the banks come along and state. the banks are
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no longer allowed to work with crypto currency exchanges so how does an exchange you know coin react like that well they say well thank god we don't have a banking license let's create this great some of these centralized all the gee let's look at different opportunities well let's look at the cash to create a market is the banks on allowed to participate in regulations a safe thing that we can participate now the banks can't compete with us and so a lot of these announcements that you see all of them interpreted as negative but actually have very pulled the can have positive results when the owner in this industry nimble enough to adjust to the environment all right i saw it when we got a cutter up there what a fantastic message just work around it the entrepreneurs in crypto are the best and the fear of money is in retreat simon dixon back to bring in the guys report thank you matt. well that's going to do it for this edition of the guys report with me max guys are stationary like they are asked simon dixon of back to the future if
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f.o.c. . ministries police forces and city administrations of many countries depend on one corporation and another one might also be on the board doesn't come from one was. just dumb is not the guns. into the sea it's like proprietary software you don't know the source code isn't that such a security risk when you have a black box operating in the public eye to microsoft's dependency puts governments . under cyber threat and not only that some think off message put us in mall that's what we call softness of the assistant this is still the distance the only one who
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will fall into. this you all do this. with. these this is the i still. don't miss the old vision stopping there was a sting of phone calls in front is up and his cards on the fine. and twenty forty you know bloody revolution of you tube clip the demonstrations going to be relatively peaceful political protest to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just go ahead i mean your list put video through me in the eye and they believe that i'm new school in the middle of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took coach i've invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. we'll
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president trump who refuses to rule out recognizing crimea as part of russia head of a summit with a lot of repute. leaders reach a non-binding agreement on the migrant crisis but warning there is still a long way to go to solve problems. the u.s. anti child abuse campaigner and nobel peace prize nominee and the arrested by the f.b.i. over allegations of pedophile. and the latest on these stories you can head to argue dot com stay with us now from. illegal.
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