tv News RT June 30, 2018 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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kind of financial survival guide today was all about money laundering first to visit this question just a different. oh good this is a good start well we have our three banks all set up here maybe something in your something in america something overseas in the cayman islands or do we do all these banks are complicit in the progress we just have to deal with both and say ok i'm ready to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did well we've got a nice luxury watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry how about. luxury automobile again for a match you know what money laundering is highly illegal for a bunch of guys record. the current american administration is raising tariffs and revising old trade agreements when america sneezes and the rest of the world of only
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only in the spirit john these images of him saying i'm a watch music. come with this poem the. wynton with him it is that and then have none removed can you hear me shall i. diminished in the. welcome back the second round of the federal reserve so-called stress test has produced some surprises particularly to me actually as two u.s. mega banks goldman sachs and morgan stanley have been told to halt any planned
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additional dividend payouts perhaps more seriously the u.s. unit of deutsche bank failed the second round with finding of quote widespread and critical deficiencies in the bank's safeguards and recordkeeping the official fed findings will similarly keep deutsche bank so the banks us unit from shifting profits back to their corporate home office six banks preemptively scaled down their wish list of the stress test process revising down where the dividend plans they submitted to the fed presumably opting for a proverbial bird in the hand and hoping to avoid the stigma of a possible denial on dividends the fed's vice chairman for supervision summarized the general favorable tone of the second round saying quote the largest banks have strong capital levels and after making their approved capital distributions would retain their ability to lend even a severe recession. and amazon has finally made their expected move into the prescription drug market and they are going all in the saddle based online
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retailers buying online prescription delivery service pill pack reportedly for a billion dollars though the terms of not been officially disclosed the acquisition of bill back reportedly valued at three hundred sixty million dollars just two years ago gives amazon turnkey access to almost the entire u.s. prescription market that's because pill pack which was founded in only twenty fifteen is already licensed to ship drugs across all states except a y e c n b c reports that amazon outhustled wal-mart for the merger amazon's big move had a big impact on established players pushed. stock prices for walgreens and c.v.s. down by nine percent right i had shares fell thirteen percent and the share market moving mass of amazon's new form was enough to exert a gravitational impact on stocks and other sectors delivery services federal express and united parcel service were both down today and trading by three and two point five percent respectively.
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not since the smartphone has any tech device been adopted as quickly as the smart speaker speaker that's a bottom line from an emaar quarter forecast on the lex of the virtual assistant developed by amazon and her digital siblings based on survey data a marketer predicts a forty seven point nine percent annual growth rate from sixteen million now to seventy six point five million bytes one hundred twenty oh my gosh and they say the number of adult smart speaker users will surpass that of wearable device users for the first time this year unsurprisingly early adopters were a fluid males but it's noted that the gap is tightening rapidly as the device increases traction among other demographic groups particularly younger gen x. women with children number one alexa with forty point seven million at least once
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a month users that sixty six point six percent of all smart speaker users runner up google home predicted to hit eighteen million users this year and that's a distant second but google's share is increasing rapidly and running out of pakistan apple's pricier home pod which has yet caught on and here to give us more on this technology is technology buff holly cook the host of the big picture with holland cook himself holland thank you for being here appreciate it so you know who is this alexis alexe and what is she doing to our house and how many products have . an annual forty seven point nine percent growth rate imagine raising crazy numbers what she's doing is accommodating us because if you look at the way technology has evolved we used to type computer equals keyboard then along came wearables maybe i have to keep track of how many steps you're taking apple watch there are sensors in clothing etc now you don't have to lift
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a finger literally you can just bark at the smart speaker and she will accommodate you the new word now the new buzzword is voice shopping so using using what you say doesn't say what you want what are we asking alexa to get for and how much of our money is she spending do we know about it make sure that you say that with tremendous nonchalance at dinner parties voice shopping it's all ready to be billion dollars annually by twenty twenty two it's forecast to hit forty billion dollars and all along the way it's established so far six percent of the e-commerce spend so this is not insignificant what we're buying with it is come oddities groceries number one but twenty percent of users buy groceries entertainment and electronics not surprisingly but the sweet spot for who's ever selling stuff online
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is subscriptions and this friction free way to say or to me some more of those paper towels is gold if you're selling the paper towels if you done this by the way if you ordered online yourself i don't have a lexus or i haven't yet but i do have a lexus and i got lured into amazon prime because the shipping alone cost justifies it so now suddenly i can say play crosby stills and nash and chill starts shuffling those songs now i have dibs on this vast video library so amazon just wants to get you into their walled garden. they've made it so easy because you can ask her what is the cube root of sixteen eighty four she knows it yeah right stuff is all out there so it's another way to interact and since amazon is selling everything this is great news for them it this is the new store front and do you think i mean when e-commerce came on it really sort of rocked and then rolled the retailers around it
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is this you know boy commerce really going to sort of fuel inject that make it even more troubling for the brick and mortar stores you've got to think so although the day that jeff bezos bought whole foods i happened to be going into one and right there at the entrance was a big poster for selling alexa she got there instantly they have the first mover advantage and smart speakers because they're all over the place it's the world's biggest retailer amazon prime is the walled garden they've got whole foods they're going to use some of those toys r us stores as depot so we've read from some of the survey data eighty five percent of consumers will select the products that alexa recommends so if you're on amazon magine that that's a huge deal forty five percent of grocery orders replace existing store online
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purchases so you talk a lot about disruption on the show and what's cool about amazon recently we talked about netflix they lead by disrupting themselves he bought whole foods. you know it's crazy as it sounds are if i can see you know add to my grocery list select this this at another thing talk about a time saver it really could be helpful before we go on to talk about radio a little bit you're a radio guy anybody who listens to you knows you're a radio guy but in the competition for advertising dollars does the broadcasting industry view elect some of the. others out there as a friend or as a foe both and we hear the word audio a lot we used to think of radio as am and f.m. broadcasters but the advent of podcasting and now the way music has been commodity is from the cloud think audio advertising dollars are going there smart stations are enabling what they call skills so you just have to say play k t b b and
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the radio station comes on the good news is this brings radio back in the home it's kind of become an in-car thing we used to have a clock radio now the smartphone does it the kitchen radio has been replaced by a t.v. but a lot of people who own the smart speakers own multiple of them and this does put radio back in all of those rooms if stations have given you a reason to use it otherwise you just say play crosby stills and nash and there's your rock block it is the quality pretty good it's great so i mean you used to be where you're going to build a home you're say i'm going to put a speaker system in and have speakers in all the room now you really could just get intellects in a few major rooms that you're in it would take care of it this trained ear it's as good as what dr bose was doing and you realize that during this conversation we've had we've said alexa enough that we're probably activating them all over the house where people are watching us. alexa turn to our t america that's holland cook the
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host of the big picture here at r.t. america thank you my friend. and now we take a look at the business of fashion artistry charges has the story. now of the u.s. economy continues to grow one of the main factors that is driving it is the fashion industry now we are here on fifth avenue which is one of the most iconic places in the world to shop for a high quality fashion but we're going to take a closer look to see exactly how much fashion hot i don't. once a week or maybe twice a week with a growing number of high value jobs that pay high wages and commissions fashion is now having a big impact on not only fashion centers from coast to coast but also around the world in fact according to a recent industry analysis by the u.s. consensus bureau fashion is a three trillion dollar industry that's two percent of the world's gross domestic
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product everyone or one month or every two weeks something. i buy it according to fashion united luxury goods brought in almost three hundred forty billion dollars men's wear a total of four hundred two billion and women's wear generating a whopping six hundred twenty one billion dollars not to mention bridles where children's wear and sports but where that bring in a combined total of over three hundred thirty three billion dollars. it's generating around twenty four point eight million fashion industry jobs and that's not including the textile industry in fact to give an example of exactly how fruitful the fashion industry is for the first time in a hundred and eight years chanel house released its earnings for two thousand and seventeen and reportedly made a whopping nine point four billion dollars that's at eleven percent increase from the previous year meantime louis of a ton of best seller in the fashion industry brought in about nine point three billion dollars in sales last year according to
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a reuters report although other reports do suggest that the fashion powerhouse brought in more than ten billion meanwhile here in the u.s. the market share of the fashion industry is worth nearly four hundred billion dollars which is about four percent of the divestitures markets. are you creating a workforce of about one point eight million jobs meanwhile new york city is considered to be one of the biggest fashion in the world so it's no wonder why over one hundred eighty five thousand people work here and the fashion industry reporting in new york and of the job that are taking. and before we go if you're a regular boom buster you've heard me say the numbers matter they mean something i say it all the time on the air and off well earlier today president trump's topic nomic advisor larry kudlow made a big mess of the numbers he was being interviewed on fox business any falsely
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claimed that the federal deficit was actually coming down he said quote the deficit which is one of the other criticism is coming down and it's coming down rapidly the only problem is it's not coming down the deficit for the fiscal year twenty sixteen two years ago was five hundred eighty seven billion dollars for last year twenty seventeen it was six hundred sixty five billion that went up guys even if you were talking about this year the current fiscal year twenty eight team which ends in september the congressional budget office cvo says the deficit is already five hundred thirty billion dollars through may which is up more than ninety seven billion for the same time last year but wait there's more c b o also says the trillion dollar tax the trillion dollar plus tax cuts that were passed last december will be even more to the federal deficit will add to it including any growth from tax cuts to the hot and tasty tune of wait for it. one trillion dollars
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per year that's per year an additional one trillion dollars by two thousand and twenty just and two short years i mean tax cuts can certainly help reduce the deficit i understand that you bring in more revenue they can help reduce they can add more to the add more to the government coffers and therefore the debt deficit may not look as big but to say that it's going down would be a mistake i mean perhaps it's not rising as fast but it still rising and look the final thing is look we all make mistakes i make a lot i mean i make one when i'm talking to you now if we make a mistake on a number we try to correct it as soon as possible but when your job as the top economic adviser for the president of united states for gosh sakes you make a false claim correct it mr kudlow nor his representatives have chosen to comment on the air and that's it for this time you can catch boom bust on direct t.v. channel three twenty one dish network channel two eighty or streaming twenty four
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seven on pluto t.v. the free t.v. channel one thirty two or as always hit us up at youtube dot com slash boom bust our to catch a next time. b.k. has snapped shoot camera. roughly once the show some new play you for the. future cool videos during the boom. and some of them with the broken string and. down more on string i don't really don't t.v. . yesterday to top this drastic to. take care of our soldiers. but i'm sure most of them. from
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a completely different character i would just. as static. the problem is that we kind of have a spode within the state they call a nice it's not part of sweden. and i want to talk to some people who have money. no no and it's not so stop stop stop stop it will take loco roco my culture is christian country and we don't do things like that and we will tell you if you do then we hate you and somebody hopefully you can do something about this stuff. we cannot be naive about this to not attract more gangsters rapists and these words actually that are tearing down this city we wants to be a swedish currently and we want
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a note of the people who live here now to go back. and twenty forty you know bloody revolution here to correct the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know we're here to put a premium list put the video and put him in the new bill is that an idea splendid of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took. it invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. for
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the three hundred. world of russian mountains architects written stuff on the margins international progress on the development of magazine july seventeenth twenty second so write your part business program interactive exhibition. details on possible forum dot com. the world cup in russia enters the knockout stage with sixteen teams that are in it to win it in an hour france and dodging tina dupont and co in the first so down of the day oh. oh. and in other news meanwhile president donald trump refuses to rule out recognizing crimea as a part of russia had his summit with vladimir putin. the divisions in us society could be more dangerous than thoughts with
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a recent poll finding that nearly a third of americans believe a simple war is possible. a very warm welcome you're watching on the international with me. let's start with the football because the world cup and russia have entered the knockout stage but just sixteen teams left as the drama deepened for each clash and the country for hiking there are three matches on the sun today in just an hour france take on argentina and have done portugal meet you are quite in sochi the winners of each much will go through for the quarterfinals. while the world's best footballers showcase their skills on the pitch the fans are setting an incredible newt artie's compiling the best videos as part of its online funds i view project and here's a quick preview the rest you can find at aussie dot com. the
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well now that's going to glimpse of what it's like in cousin which is hosting the first game frank and dodge and tina a correspondent alexei ourselves at the scene for us likely get to see you so what the expectations all the best match. last sixteen is obviously the stage which is where no compromises can be made with some say it's the most cruel part of the tournament old teams are there to defeat the other team so it's either win or lose you're out of the tournament and the first game of the last sixteen probably is the biggest one if you take the names and the teams into consideration that is of course france against argentina the army of these mon and obviously the men of leo messi the atmosphere and cousin has been absolutely scintillating and largely thanks to the i'll be celeste a fan says is a genuine argentinian invasion. they us the voice is very loud. last night i was
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roaming down the central part of cousin and nearly went deaf from all the singing by the argentinian fans on top of that just check out what happened to me at one of the early of broadcasts when argentinian fans came here. i hear. her voice. so much fun right even for unusual you almost want to argentina to get to the final because of how good and how jolie their fans but jokes aside let's be serious the game is definitely a massive one and interestingly enough both teams some say have underperformed in
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the group stage in fact argentina barely made it out of the group and yesterday i took to the streets of cousin to speak with the fans about their expectations and have to say they're both expecting a very very tough game let's watch that report. because that is bouncing ahead of the big game agin against france this is the hotel where the argentinian team will stay lots of people are here to greet the heroes particularly leo messi but this hotel has a very funny thing going. so this is what leo messi will be seeing out of his hotel room it's the hotels that you're right here so there's a mural on the wall but if you think that ends here follow me. so we go around the corner literally around the corner and there's another mural that is messy
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archrival shot of an elbow and not only that but look. i scored four goals can you beat that leo that's some way to inspire motivation with argentina's biggest star. what are you expecting over the weekend well it's going to be a fickle game in france her team it's all depending on how argentina wake up to that day that's my opinion ok so what's your score prediction. well said if i buy them are the ones who are you so different to. mine is because it is. one to one to one ok so most is probably going to score one hundred the last. good hour that's a good for. the. power and who's going to score it. well. you obviously. have to say the french
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in decent numbers and but have been somewhat quieter than the argentinians so what is the mood like among the liberal let's find out. we expected a victory or friends but. once there i think it's going to be a draw down of the penalties and there. are quite tired so i hope i hope we can we can put them in difficulty and win the match i take the top ten but i expect france we were close. to one two one two one one zero one zero it's a good score so who's going to score because we get. this one and one. job you show me show me this guy right this man is yes all right. let's see reporting from because. i had off today's crunch match we got with thoughts of
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former argentina player javier the neti and the president of the french football federation no well like a diet. people going to give a hoot about argentina still have a long way to go but reaching the last sixteen and facing such a strong side as france is an achievement in itself a team will work hard to prepare for the game argentina have plenty of experience players and it's possible that the best is still to come from them at this tournament but given the often. french team took the group so we are quite happy the games were difficult everyone is competing as equals there are no weak teams here football is a unique global phenomenon let's favor teams played unexpectedly well there look at what south korea and iran did among others the world cup is not just a clash of countries on the field it's the melting pot of cultures off it.
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a bigger projects looking at the real russia so we found a photographers from all over the country from you know to you catherine and volgograd to we asked them to document the country through their own eyes head of the world cup what this particular collaboration what russian football story impressed you the most i think it would be the euro mountains it was i a very unusual set of photos which really reveals grassroots football and russian culture through through the game and the photos that we received from the euro mountains were fantastic really looking at how sophie into structure and soviet football infrastructure has developed into the twenty first century. a lot of the focus quite rightly in the lead up to the tournament is on the stadiums the infrastructure and the teams and the world cup itself what we want what we.
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