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tv   News  RT  July 2, 2018 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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stands on on china may create any collateral advantages either for india or perhaps for others. i mean in principle you could argue that. if this leads. to the speeding up of china overdrawing from certain markets because a member of automatically with the read is raising in china china is already been drawing from certain markets particularly the labor intensive products not any protectionist. measures by the united states can lead to a speedy withdrawal of the china fronts on the market and that can open up opportunities for the other countries but that's a sort of you know not not the ideal way to create opportunities i believe actually in general you open markets in the opportunities are to be created through competition through better more efficiency greater productivity and so forth now india also meant a trade deficit with china and it's quite significant one around fifty one billion dollars in two thousand and seventeen and while the two countries side an agreement
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to achieve a trade balance by two thousand and nineteen i think it's fair to say that the chinese have allowed themselves some procrastination on that front do you expect these tangents with the united states to maybe to make beijing a little bit more responsive to issues like that and others simply because it needs the support. in its trade standoff with washington well that's that's very lately to happen i think you know this is this is very normal kind of outcome of letters like these that if china is under huge pressure from the united states then it will be more conciliatory to some of the other countries with whom it may have been less conciliatory in the past prime minister more they had visited china and there was no fishing legend but he spent about more than two days in china. spent quite a bit of time together. that is that is. a moment in the direction.
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to go i think you know one has to know the details of what is being talked about behind the scenes well and i think one of the news that was leaked after that informal. prime minister and president xi was that china actually pledged to increase its imports of indian sugar so i guess we can take that as an indication of china trying to you so with its relationship and its trade with india both literally and figuratively anyway professor we have to take a short break now but we will be back in just a few moments stay tuned. generally speaking mr trump's unilateralist notably the unilateralism which we saw with
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regards to iran which we also saw with regards to the paris agreements regarding climate change which we saw with regards to the american embassy in jerusalem all these unilateral decisions i challenge from my point of view the quality of our transatlantic relations. welcome to max keiser financial survival. looking forward to. next this is what happens to pensions in britain. watched as a report. welcome back to worlds apart but our been to that great professor of economics at columbia university professor you've been mostly complimentary of the government for its
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efforts to lower inflation and spur economic growth but you faulted it for reverting to the policy of import substitution and sort of privileging domestic consumption of experts why do you think the expert model which comes out under so much pressure in china but also in our countries like germany like a number of european countries would be good for india at this point of time. you know the human interaction played economists i believe in competitive advantage and therefore i believe that you know we should split the country should specialize in the products with its costs and or and. in return it can then import the products which produces at higher costs when we do import substitution we are doing exactly the opposite we are going to. stopping the imports of what we the mystically cannot produce at no cost and we are there for encouraging higher cost production. and that will eventually also impact our exports. it
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really goes against the competitive advantage principle well i understand your competitiveness argument but i think there is also you know a security argument there if you don't maintain a production capacity for basic goods aren't you exposing yourself to higher geopolitical risks because you know that sanctions and you know the denial of trade has been used as not only as a geo political tool but also as a tool of regime change do you think india is totally immune to those kind of risks but what do you see. the it is that in the to mean walked this was not in response to any terrorists against india. or this article actually those who are terrorists in this say the two through interviews purely for imports of solution reasons saw you know. the context was actually quite different but also
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coming to your specific question more squarely the world is much larger you see single one country imposes sanctions it doesn't close the rest of the world for you and therefore you still have the rest of the world with which you can still trade now speaking about sanctions correct me if i'm wrong but from what i understand the issue of us tariffs is of secondary importance to india because it is now faced with with the sanctions related to the capsule legislation the countering america's adversaries through sanctions act reach for example applies directly to russia india would be sanctioned as the law stands now india would be sanctioned for doing any trade or any significant trade with russia when there especially when it comes to weapons and yet india has been trading with russia when it comes to weapons for many many decades do you think do you have any concerns that india may
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be punished for what the united states sees as allegedly russia's bad behavior when you know that. diplomacy cannot disregard any contingency and in any possibility so one has to take that into account having said that. remember that india is also the buyer of very large volume of. military equipment from the united states saw this game can be played by two sides dimity if it is played by. refusing to forces a sale of. equipment. both sides but at the same time you know india is not a small by any country it is a very large country and you know going forward it's going to be a significantly larger country you know in another ten years and we're five six trillion third largest economy in the war and therefore i think the united states will also have to take into account. if such
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a move is taken that india can potentially also stop buying the military equipment from the united states now i know that the us secretary of defense james mattis has asked congress for a national security of waiver for india simply because they understand that india is in no position to. implement this legislation because seventy percent of its weapons as far as i know are of russian origin so you cannot change doubt overnight it's a huge investment that was made over many decades and yet from what i had to stand medicine request to congress has been denied where do you go from there i think the unit ultimately you know the long standing tradition of the united states is that it is a pragmatic country and in every law how it is implemented is extremely important there are gender levey's out at all and working around any law and so i mean i
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remain completely hopeful that the united states does see india as a conduit to china in asia region and be you know the very effective change of terminology to indoor pacific. from asia pacific is indicative of that recognition so so i personally remain optimistic that even we found out so that the. access to the russian equipment. in terms of maintenance and so forth is maintained i know that india has a long track record of defying american sanctions i. and you did that back in one nine hundred seventy four in one thousand nine hundred eight do you think it's going to be easier this time around especially given that it's not only india but i think also vietnam turkey indonesia a number of countries that seem to be going to have with. russian the weapons purchases and seemingly defying at this kind of legislation see among all these
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countries india remains the largest and most important and so any serious impact that happens on india's ability to actually defend and be a part of the. work that the united states wants to have. is that consideration is extremely important so i personally still think that the united states we need to find a way around delay the solution. on the margins of me getting back to it but it cannot be implemented in a way that is seriously actually makes the ability of india to be a part of this defense bill what the united states wants to have now i personally see it as a bit of a paradox of the american power structure when the defense policy of the world's second most populous country reaches india is being held hostage to some senators you know in new jersey or
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a club i wonder how is it perceived in india the fact that any given country would . attempt at least to tell you who to do business with and who not to do business with you know is as countries grow bigger. they see that. the orly's a quid pro quo kind of place and certainly prime minister more they has built many many bridges in his forty years. you know he has gone to some fifty five different countries to build his bridges but he's also tough i think in national interest if push comes to shove he does assert will assert. we saw that you know that. india stood its ground and climate change treaty is agreement so i think you know this is a game of cooperation but with. national interest that at the center of the policy and also independence which is known for and i think thrown some of the has been
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a fabulous job of. doing that partly by his outreach i think you know has been an unprecedented leader in this respect you know in terms of his outreach to the entire global community of leaders now the cats at legislation relates not only to russia but also to iran to reach in two thousand and seventeen that was india's third largest supplier of crude oil and the station on iran is a little bit different because the administration the trauma administration is actually how band on implementing those sanctions you've been talking about the prime minister modest ability to reach out but do you think he will stand ground when it comes to iran as well because the trumpet administration seems to be very serious when it comes to its intention to cut iran off international trade but we do need to be found out what got into me you know what it translates into is much higher price of crude for india and for everybody else unless we begin to see much
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less a place coming out of russia and maybe also some from the united states as well. so that's a challenge. india has had obviously longstanding relations with iran but this is a road that india has been. on before. and when we look to see what kinds of compromises have to be made but. clearly you know that that also is a challenge for india now from what i understand it's not only about buying oil from iran but it's also about big infrastructure projects like for example the international north south. transport corridor reach new daily fees as an alternative to china's belden growth initiative and a key to success of the project is the. poor in iran so we are talking here about not only you know the current indian economy but it also its a geo political ambition its regional ambition do you think there is any scope do
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you think there is any possibility for india reconsidering its role in the region given that the costs of dealing with iran are now so much higher but this is very i think prime minister we need to negotiate with the united states as well to see you know of these other projects are infected. as far as i understand you know currently the sanctions are emitted to train but if they also impact corporation on matters like these on investments this something that. is in its own master. and know. that the prime minister is very much up to the task now you've been so far very polite and. diplomatic in your characterization of the united states and certainly india but let me push you just a little bit further because especially when it comes to this infrastructure
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project it seems that. it is actually in the best american interests you know india trying to project itself as a as a rival of china as a counterweight perhaps of russia as somebody who wants to bring stability to afghanistan and central asia all of that is supposedly in america's interest and yet it seems that the united states is only doing it more difficult for india the country that it's actively been courting do you take that as the united states simply not thinking through all the consequences or perhaps not caring about those consequences. it is certainly some element of that that you know the consequence of that perhaps not being thought through hard enough but some of it may also be posturing you see the president president drummed really that a few notes coming from the business world believes in. cutting a good deal for himself and he has to have spent that the past but past presidents
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his predecessors were not tough enough so he's trying a different paths but i'm sure he is also a rational individual and is after the interests of the united states so he is obviously has the most difficult balancing act to perform as you say when you push other countries such as india or potentially your allies it. can address an impact your own objectives and so therefore it is a very difficult balancing act and i have no doubt that you know in the end. some more sensible position. for the new it will be a meeting each would. hopefully would be able to reach to at the minimal cost certainly the united. states is trying to change the existing it will agree i'm so weird it goes i think the mystery scene well professor we have to leave it there really appreciate your time today our viewers can keep this conversation going on
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our social media pages as for me here again same place same time here in the world apart.
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twenty forty you know a bloody revolution here to correct the demonstrations going from being relatively
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peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know we're here to put it but i mean your list put video and clear in the new bill is that idea spilling you know to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took. invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic.
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out of the world cup in a penalty shootout to set up a quarter final against russia. russia battles. over spain making it a day to savor for the team. fans go wild across the country as the host nation and unchartered territory. wow.
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are broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is our national john thomas with us. all right two sides have made it through to the quarterfinals of the world cup the host nation knocked out spain and croatia beat denmark with both of those matches decided on penalties for details you know harvey and nicky aaron report now from our studio next year and square. thank. you day two off the knockout stage of the twenty eighteen world cup two games but extending a nail by thing i don't see russia has pulled off the big issue of the twenty
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eighteen was capsized ah and denmark dreams have been down to his yes well good and this is most job but like you i've never seen or heard it before the celebration really just sick but did not doubt the celebrations being going on now for a full on off policy this is the moment since russia secured but nail biting penalty shoot out victory over spying sending the number ten wrong side in the world packing if you just look behind us nicky we said that this was going to be a policy when bill cosby you may have thought that was the cliche you may want exaggeration i don't think i even did it justice because the scene around us is just a good call for me it sounds cool and since creams and she and celebrations they have will stop now for hours and what you see now is just a taste of the crowds that are assembled right across most. we have got
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traffic johns because of the stopping just the sound of the horse the way the flags out of the call windows the noise does not stop the said just come past midnight they're only as a star saying this isn't going to stop until the morning i don't think most even russia has ever seen a celebration like this as you think it was a full much i assure you it is something much much bigger than life and if you're wondering how the fans responded to all of this this is how they reacted to that victory. you know you should know where all the coast aides being and if you've ever wondered what it's like in the dressing room i have to team up when i game while he's a sneak peek thank you anybody. why
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do you talk about. why don't you talk. to. you or to thank you and when i say it is to be russian. it was some guy russian on the defensive let's be honest they were part of the world from ninety minutes so i'd like to talk with a go no go pedal to this tons of drama with millions they had to the see his i would have to thank you thank you thank you thank
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you to was the you. i do was to you too thank you. it were the old loony we got the force of one of the best minds in the game and just united boss changing renia
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status by staying off the rush's victory i suspect it will probably result in the parking. lot of people liking to be. become strong but i really. didn't know what the critics who are real are going everybody will. thinking that they wouldn't even qualify under book sale and they'd build some part of it in the cayman today to show you exactly that i think that her choose the right. sceptics to do it by being very strong by two different points of view and trying to give each a piece of spending that mean all of them became effectively which they did the fighting spirit forms work that may be getting in between the players and then the when they go to extra time they know that their thoughts fark to go to the penalty shootout and was just about being together we'd have friends i think for that long
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and and we also make the usual you the fellow who would ever play very well for you to play you would be feeding in you brain writing the final four fingers she should be full of it for sure. all asli would have been mistakenly seems a team that is just won the world cup and maybe this is how strongly russian fans feel about it they don't often get this kind of success this time they've been this fall in the well as you can imagine it's a big author the oath or thought were worth zero ojo
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was she. told the ohio far was. was. the only. correspondence had been down made me think of it enjoying the festivities the wrestling the microphone away from the fountains was take a look at what they had to say the only sort of come of that it was before all of these people are still maybe between five and ten thousand who must still hear the overwhelming majority of them russians but the times of thousands who were here when the stadium in the millions across the country i have the feeling we're going
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to be a lot of people calling in sick to work forward as a six to celebrate into the coming days speaking as a normal russian and seeing many of the people here in the crowd a show of gyptian also colombians brazilians but citizens all wearing the russian the trickle of the russian who was on their cheeks at the pace the owner of the going crazy with the hosts for the tens of thousands of russians who were all of them except for maybe the hunt for the spot it's away this celebrating like crazy it was the o's celebrating as you can only see the i mean they're celebrating like there's no tomorrow like tomorrow's. monday to. have something like that out in across the yard was lost on something like that haven't . thought of the hole was the only thing making history once again who would see a school here is off to the people out johnson jumping chanting at the cross the
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because it's absolutely amazing what we've just seen history being made russia can do it i love the russians and this madness excel mazing get it if you can see things the best he saved us he won the match against spain will be spain is crazy. much. as it may seem to protein is the way of the much this is great so how can we can can i ask you now you have thirty. minutes. of snow just russian fine seeds also people from all over the world happy. to host that they are playing in the quarter finals. i suspect are a force for the losers on this occasion spain will have hopes of a second well cup title but this is the taste.


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