tv News RT July 2, 2018 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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leaders openly in the worst hillary clinton can use i can spell meddling they both start with an m. right and those that did their state media you know completely. unabashedly objectively attacked and they're paying for it now he's got it. i don't think i don't think that trump is going to pull any large number of u.s. troops out of germany a lot of this is bluff and bluster and it's personal a little bit of personal revenge and a little bit of leverage in his negotiation as it starts mentioning yes and if you are talking about a country supporting and against from your ukraine and if we're going about what. during this meeting in my opinion is ready to take his revenge on ukraine on probation very very openly support to turn against him ukrainian
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officials such as i welcome to plead their facebook accounts one of the messages against trump so it's a very well known stories ukraine but what is the most surprising thing about this or is the fear that that mainstream ultra liberal ideologues feel that they feel before this meeting let me just called a headline from the london times anxious to call an answer russian the us choose the talks to ban you home for you know they choose the talks begin with can be. it is always usually been a good place i've already got a traditional for coffee or summit. form with along the thames european leaders will discuss the threat the true pause to western unity at the you saw that this evening the reason many said that reduce prepared to draw european initiatives to tackle threats from russia even if not backed by the us it's very rich people are going to want to have good historical observation here john. this is the first time
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since one nine hundred forty five it russia and the united states are seen seen as to be determining the future of europe and that's a threat to all to hold those thoughts and i think we're going to go to a short break gentlemen after that short break we'll continue our discussion on some real news states with. that right now one of the how can other than not i'm not go there not that i'm not out of the i'm not of the money there's a plan at least to me. this was a good time to. try to move there i'm.
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not there was i get my money not why not. why exxon and the whole people we believe this will be here. bottom of my case i don't want them up with some johnny who are of the moment i want to call them other how do it on a case there is a lot of money on the way to my building looking at the people i don't want to put all the other most of the muslim brotherhood. the county firms the banks the rating agencies the government and the central bank it's called a racket the u.k. profits from it and some way that's how the aristocracy keeps going and that's not going to stop. join me every thursday on the alex
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i'm i'm sure and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see them. welcome back to crossfire all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing some real news. ok gentlemen it's continue our discussion on entangled alliances mark one of the things that has really gotten under the skin of the wester and deep state establishment. the u.s. foreign policy blob in the deep state in particular is trump's comments recently about crimea and that he viewed the reunification annexation in western terms of crimea with russia and he said well as he understood it most crime ians wanted
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to be part of russia which they said which is true i mean he said that you know he talked about his very precise way. and lots of putin has taken over you know pew gallup g. f. k. these other green never know international polling agencies right now this this this says everyone from michael mcfaul obama's imbibes letter to russia you know up and down the line in a fury james melville who was the u.s. ambassador to stony and a career foreign service officer he said it's quite proud to have served under six different presidents and eleven secretaries of state has just resigned over trump's policy towards nato and the u. he is quoted as saying a foreign office serves d.n.a. is programmed well. to support policy and were schooled right from
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the start and he said that support for the e.u. and nato is in his morrow no but that that splits the ideological position of liberal a little bit and it's also i mean he supports policy as as long. you don't know because you have hundreds of thousands of people their entire career their very very essence is determined that is it and there are six u.s. presidents eleven secretaries of state no one has even voted dealt about the role of nato and the e.u. and so on it in these every this and the fact that the the first time a president is elected who voices some doubt about these things you have these and these are state that's right because it's always results it's a really good read it don't let the door hit your as i go out on the way oh well i think you know it's out of the most of the you know sometimes trump radio says the right things you know when he called nato absolute and costly he was right and when he tweeted just recently germany has to spend more money on defense spain france
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it's not fair what they've done to the united states well it's true and the reaction in germany. when she called them to send something she said they said actually there was only one chancellor in german history who had with russia awful relations with the united states that conflict with greece let our viewers figure that it would be end of the lord of conflict with paul and you know right now it really is are you sure it's all yours and you're going to the center of the conservation wing thing here is that the europeans if you agree with them or not they thought that this d.n.a. that was baked in to the alliance that the u.s. would always be the leader would be the first among equals and that they were going to take care of everyone else but now they see trump violating that trust that if they don't you fear the russians they're going to ask the spoto now do you know obviously ugh i obviously they get if if the u.s.
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withdraws troops from germany were our german troops going to move into poland to protect the boat or border i doubt it would i thought of something that. i turney is but to his campaign speech. yes because easing campaign again at least for the midterm is supposed to win the primaries the republican primary is to have some idea of concern about their winning against neocons have out there. and to win against the democrats for the congress so in my opinion trump. understood that you need to get back to with the fundaments of what was really glad you brought it up because we have this young lady in new york alexandria. ted is coming out on top in a primary democratic primary and she ran as a democratic socialist also calling for the abolition of ice and then the really the rest of the party seems to be catching the mark is this the the the dream of the republicans right now the fraction ization of the democratic party because the
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party is fractured the their media their media arm the mainstream media will not cover that ok but there is a real it's the end of the clinton. we don't see this phenomenon just in the us we see the fracturing at both the center right and center left in the us in france and italy even in germany it's starting to occur in the united kingdom where a real left candidate jeremy corbyn could be the next prime minister cortez's policy her policy or platform was medicare for all. federal jobs guarantee one hundred percent employment that's communism. free free free tuition for college for all repeal citizens united by constitutional amendment abolish ice restore glass siegel financial regulations which bill clinton overturned thank you very much bill green new deal with one hundred percent renewable energy by two
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thousand and thirty five which is it all going to come right mark. and bad bad privately owned prisons and a piece of economy where she objected to the. us policy of militarism regime change is in many thinking all the interests of the novel one of the interesting things from these democratic socialists the it's going to throw real kink into the works is that she's proved palestinian yet she says i is really and this is going to play it you know because this is going to be a dilemma i mean the most important thing that i think our viewers have to take away from this is that a lot of people locally have already determined what they think of the democratic party its establishment ok things are getting very very local right now the problem is the donors still call the shots. steel. she defeated this veteran democratic candidate how did she when she cleaned rightly that he had support of the pacs for you see action comedian and s.
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of marx said rightly it's not their extreme left the extreme right who is now a threat to peace it's the center then me and stream. just let me give you one of the headlines in the washington post you know from david ignatius is strong playing good portion of victory in syria why because russia has become in any dissent indispensable regional but also immediately who can establish what relation to their own in israel all for these needs to be prevented who is right in this centrist not what they. want is this is something that's affected or western i would like to have to take the french for example about. you know after the bomb. shell syrian territory. against this bomb being in france the center right there right and they're trying to the center left in france was for people not but
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the rest of the of the of the french of thought he was against there in the first two are on the front election. to take all the. people over to. wanting to have to get out of sanctions against russia. you know invading. the country it was seventy percent of the french people and. ten to left for intervening in public opinion polls as mark is meant to is that the american public are tired of these interventions ok all right gentlemen i want to talk about one other important topic in this part of the program donald trump is given he's been given what presidents really adore because it creates legacy second supreme court nominee now the way i looked at the reaction to it obviously from the mainstream media they went they blew a few fuses here mark this is going to add to the cultural civil war of the big way
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yeah the next even though this is the reaction i saw online and twitter from from liberal activists and journalists was was patriot vituperative hatred for justice kennedy what is so important years for many years he has been the pivotal vote going one way on some issues to the conservatives and one's one way on other issues towards the limit or liberals for the supreme court and this could lead to re addressing a lot of issues instead of president going forward and there's every possibility that could have more supreme yes it's in the future and so if it is it to be defended that progress is and is supported by all people and very ill people and the. well you know we did this is this thing i mean i read these articles millennialist want socialism to think you know i'm lived and traveled all through the eastern bloc before the end of the warsaw pact and i really wish i could
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transport them back into time and let them see what that looks like because you have to centrally economies of shortage obviously the mental beliefs that we have about civil liberty. and so i find animal daemon i just find i mean you lived in the so even i find it very naive that millennial want to look to karl marx for inspiration i'm afraid they don't know where lot of things they just don't understand what it was like actually about again you know these sports your trip that you mentioned you know when maxine waters is actually calling people to harass to caress trumps staff members well it's again chickens coming home to roost we've had the same complaint of hatred from the western media against president in ukraine with all here's imperfections of the complaint against your was decent you know what what we saw in the beginning wallace leader and the russian dog this day of the grandson of the ford prime minister been expelled from ukraine what was the
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suggestion from that beacon of democracy that. journalists are kind of boxing for before why did you let them go big guy they came back to the guy who was declared the victim of jordan and who are active himself he said that the ukrainians were forced to let go they should have kept him as a whore stage and exchange for their ukrainians who are who were sentenced by court here for going out we're going to get in this are going to mark going through what we were actually talking about. communism socialism and millennial i'm not going to say that they don't know the ideology but they may be don't understand the reality they think they can just vote people into power and then capitalism will recede the soviet union and other socialist countries cuba found out the hard way what instituting socialism in a capitalist world means they do not willingly give up power they are under siege
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literally from within and out which forces offshore tarion tendencies in order to enforce their own governments i am not going to lie you know the cry so shall islam itself but maybe they don't understand the cost to themselves and sacrifice in blood that that kind of future wouldn't tale i think people from the former soviet union many of them the stylistic still but that they and those are for cultural thing that's all the time we have gentlemen for this part of the program this is the end of our broadcast segment stay with us for the extended version on our you tube page so you next time and remember talk rules.
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being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just no lawyer here i mean your list put video producer in the new bill is that i new school in the middle of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took part in this today over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other calls that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. generally
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speaking mr trump's unilateralist notably the unilateralism which we saw with regards to iran which we also saw with regards to the paris agreement regarding climate change which we saw with regards to the american embassy in jerusalem all these unilateral decisions challenge from my point of view the quality of our transatlantic relations.
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broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is our two international i'm john thomas certainly glad to have you. all right two sides have made it through to the quarter finals of the world cup the host nation knocked out spain and croatia beat denmark with both of those matches decided on penalties for details you know harvey and you can report from our studio right next to red square. before. the date often knockout stage of the twenty eighteen world cup two games but extending a nail biting i don't see russia has pulled off the big issue of the twenty eight team was that size ha and denmark dreams have been down to him yes
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well good and this is most job unlike you i've never seen or heard it before the celebration really just sick but did not doubt the celebrations being going on now for a full on off policy this is the moment since russia secured but nail biting penalty shoot out victory over spying sending the number ten right side in the world packing if you just look behind us nicky we said that this is going to be a policy when bill cosby you may have pulled out of the cliche you may feel he was exaggeration i don't think i even did it justice because the scene around us is just a call for me of sound cool and since creams and she and celebrations they have will stop now for hours and what you see now is just a taste of the crowds that are assembled right across most. we have got traffic jams because of the stopping just the sound of the horse the way the flags out of the call windows the noise does not stop the said just going past midnight
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they're only just starting this isn't going to stop until the morning i don't think most even russia has ever seen a celebration like this as you think it was just a football much i assure you it is something much much bigger than that and if you're wondering how the fans responded to all of this this is how they reacted to that but for. the b. . you know you should know where all the coast aides became and if you ever wondered what it's like in the dressing room i have to team up when i game while he's a sneaky thank you thank you. why do you talk about. what you
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talk. to you thank you thank you and when i say it is to be russian. it was some day russia on the defensive let's be honest they would fight the war ninety minutes so i'd like to talk where they go no go ahead and tease the times a drawn out with millions to add to the sea is i would have to thank you thank you thank you thank you to do was
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they believe because they become strong since but i did it in private and when the critics who are real everybody will. thinking that they wouldn't even qualify under book so you can be billed at some point executing the team and today they show you exactly that i think that your choose the right. sceptics to do it by being very strong by different points of view and trying to give each a piece of spain but mean to all of them became effectively which they did. i think spirit wants more but maybe getting in between the players and then the when they go to extra time they know that they're not far to go to the beneficial talk and was just about being together we'd have friends i think for that long and and we also let the usual you defend a few who would ever play very well for you to ever play you would be feeding in go
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green rising in the final for the way he should be full of it for was sure. all asli would have mistakenly seems a team that is just won the world cup and maybe this is how strongly russian fans feel about it they don't often get this high success first time they've been this fall in the well as you can imagine it's a big author the oath or who were the ojo . the
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show who are was. was. the only. each of. our correspondents had been down there and i think of it enjoying the festivities a wrestling the microphone away from the found was take a look at what they had to say the old they said oh come of that it was before all of these people are still maybe between five and ten thousand who are still here the overwhelming majority of them russians tons of thousands who were here when the stadium in the millions across the country i had the feeling they were going to be a lot of people calling in sick to work some more it was a six to celebrate into the coming days speaking as a normal russian and seeing many of the people here in the crowd i saw
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a gypsy should also colombians brazilians but citizens will always bring the russian the trickle of the russian team argue own their cheeks with the pain the owner of the going crazy with the hosts for the tens of thousands of russians who weigh all of them except maybe the one with the spot it's a way to celebrate it like crazy it was. celebrated as you can clearly see the irony there celebrating like there's no tomorrow like tomorrow's. monday. was something like that in a procedure yard was lost on something like that happening. in the who own was the only thing making it she once again would see a school here is off to the people out there on sing jumping chanting at the poles the because it's absolutely amazing what we've just seen history being made russia
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can do is jim walsh i love russians and this madness excel amazing get it if you can see things the best he saved us he won the match against spain will he spain is raised by. much of the food so may seem to protein is the way of the much this is great trash so how can we can can i ask you now you have thirty. minutes. i snored just russian fine seeds also people from all over the world happy. to host that they are playing in the quarter finals. i suspect record for the losers on this occasion spain will have hopes of a second well cup title but this is the taste of disappointment for them but i think in a spanish team today. it is in play when.
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