tv Going Underground RT July 2, 2018 10:30am-11:00am EDT
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it's not like she was meant to go which is what some disagreement is if you have this is a long journey and we decided to stay that way thanks k b j m we discussed it once again you decide it's kind of rushing things that i'm exploring yes i want the money and. russia seems to be a wonderful thing if i can get on with people in russia is he friendly.
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meanwhile some of the brazilian fans paid a surprise visit to a children's hospital in the host city is smarter than most welcome there at monday's clash of the neil went to see what else fans can expect in the city. plane. lease. funds coming here for a world cup and twenty of them sacrificed some have say for months even years to get to russia others have been stopped from jobs because their bosses didn't give them the time or money is tight the college and i'm on stories so that's why i can set the task to see as much as i can here in community pulled some are at each column drink for twenty year old more or less that is the equivalent of this run
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for fifteen hundred roubles let's see if we can do it. on our first stop today is a cultural one very busy one judging by the shoes of people waiting to go into the truly poker most knowledgeable tonight with forty two states where at least all the people joseph nolen want to call the trade center a little tired of. the you all. less than thirty years ago similar was a clothes to be towards others due to the important particularly in the soviet space program. but not her five hundred fifty roubles you can get
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a stellar as you like and learn all the secrets there are to know about the space capital museums. it's time to do it i'm afraid the first selfie of the trip. how is any football fun knows who comes to refuse to be in top shape probably all the games on here in some or there is a surprisingly future rate of two cuisines i'm going to try one looks pretty recommended to me to spec food. so this really is the perfect stop for a traveler moment but you don't get a break to eat meat and likes this law before it is excellent let's try this. soup. help me with all the possible kinetic looking denmark fun to look at least in the world what the experience of russia twenty to mean i got excited amazing guys right here let's look hello what's your speak french it's pretty good it's not. like some guys going to tell
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their. side but it's been really nice for us that sounds good finally hello sir. so we've seen just some of what this city house to offer a couple found on their dime time we've seen some great sights would be some good food i've got a couple of your live in my pocket so let's just go find it for. we follow the money it's no ordinary life there is the prodigal son. t.v. thank you very much. we've got some of the. rates. yeah well done you know he's keeping his money go in there with thousands of fans taken pictures and videos showing the world cup in russia started to compile the best of them for you to check out you can see it all the fun is all you project on
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this is what before three of the more people. interested always in the waters of our. friendship yes. some of the day's headlines now germany's interior minister is threatening to resign amid a growing divide with chancellor merkel over immigrant policies. has pushed for a tougher stance on the saddam see his job the media suggest he was a little swayed by that recent deal struck by the e.u. to solve the migrant crisis. my sense is that i will resent my decision to resign and that i will implement this if a solution is not found within the next three days the german chancellor angela merkel is fighting for her political survival interior minister mr c.
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office issued angela merkel with a two week ultimatum that expired on the first of july sunday mr c. hoffa saying that he once had to find a european solution to the migrant crisis and now we're hearing that he feels he is left with no choice but to turn back migrants from germany's borders this of course flies in the face of the german chancellor's open door policy and she of course felt that she had found this european solution after a two day summit that was held thursday and friday in brussels that was in the news summit that if you now seems as if the interior minister would disagree. we are sure that we have the right to me to send my exams in the border was all that money open up we go and either we find a solution so that you never can be your own people feel that we are guided by values and that we advocate multilateralism and not you know literally or no one will believe in our world well you have made us so strong and if mr c.
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hoffa in fact resigns this will see a break up of the seventy year alliance between his christian social union and angela merkel's party what it does mean is that she will either become the leader of a minority government or have to call for new elections while at the same time no doubt she is likely to lose support from within a party this is a particularly tense time for angle immokalee who is fighting for her political survival you know one political scientist who spoke to believes the standoff with image of leadership may not only with a favorable compromise either here. apparently uncle america doesn't want to move or is able to move you to european obligations and for the christian social union it is of utmost importance not to lose its credibility the promise has been there to see all the would stop immigration of those who are not entitled to go through a asylum procedure in germany the. seems to be without any
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serious exit maybe both of them come true or reason finding some kind of a compromise formula but i can hardly imagine any wording of such a formula which would avoid losing his face on friday the leaders did manage to agree on some kind of new strategy for tackling migration to the bloc they struck a deal that would see some member states do more to help the countries that were hardest hit by the influx all this comes after weeks of political infighting triggered by the new italian government's hard line stance. and sister to trace his response to the situation with aquarius is proof of a form of cynicism and a lack of responsibility on behalf of the italian government when faced with this
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dramatic humanitarian disaster. my duty is to defend the borders of this country which cannot become a refugee camp only those have the right to enter it's legal and it's their other posts they can go see in spain france malta and the netherlands. and it's going to be a very long night we should have a good dose of red. sox closer to the impossible to different agreement just. a fun one.
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the only thing european states appear to have agreed on is to block people at the doorstep of europe regardless of how vulnerable they are all what horrors the a scape and measures that a few years ago were deemed unacceptable now are being common talk so do you think that the e.u. is. spiraling down to the far right of this is not the problem right list the problem is immigration.
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and immigration is also sparking controversy across the atlantic two mass rallies were held in seven hundred fifty cities in the u.s. over the weekend against president obama's policies about all that course the flashpoint in the debate was the separation of those children from their parents illegally crossed america's southern border that part has since been dropped but it caused a huge public outcry as has been well documented don't courted takes a closer look at the whole issue. american liberals have been attacking trump on all fronts criticizing his stance on everything from immigration to race relations ok. ok. ok ok ok. ok ok. for
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you. but the u.s. was already seeing rising discrimination long before trump took office caging immigrant children for example it was alive and well under the obama administration news media is is not telling you that obama did something very similar back in two thousand and fourteen he separated many many children from their parents and some of them back to mexico while their parents were still here sent others to the northeastern part of the united states and there are pictures of them sleeping in the same conditions that trump administration has some kids sleeping now but the media never puts anything in context i call that fake news by omission hillary clinton also appeared to support these policies only changing course when it became the latest anti trump trend what's happening to families at the border is horrific . they should be sent back as soon as it can be determined who responsible adults in their families are all of them who can be should be reunited with their families
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but we have to send a clear message just because your child gets across the border that doesn't mean the child gets to stay between two thousand and five and two thousand and sixteen legal latino immigrants reporting discrimination increased across the u.s. assaults against muslims also saw a steady rise during obama's tenure and police brutality against unarmed african-americans didn't need trump to continue its rise so although it's now. trendy to attack trump for society's problems some americans are wondering how much the system itself is to blame when it comes to immigration this is a problem that has not been it's been addressed but there's been no congressional action on immigration since since the days of the reagan administration and in that at that time we were living in a whole different world because that was a long time ago and we have a different situation now and the last administration which was in power for eight years at one point they had the white house and they had the senate with sixty
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votes and they had the house and they could have solved this immigration problem anytime they wanted within the first two years of obama's first term and they did not and what trump is trying to do with here is fix this broken system which has been broken for a very very long time and if the system is indeed giving rise to all of these problems perhaps there needs to be more focus on addressing the causes rather than the symptoms donald quarter r.t. i'll leave you out for twenty six minutes past the weather headlines looking for this monday lunchtime dominated coast by russia bidding spades in the world cup knockout stage last night the party still continuing later today briefly a reminder as brazil faces maybe sco belgium against japan make out the number one choice for the atmosphere around the games a correspondence with all the host cities here in moscow this lunchtime is kevin i would say thank you for watching and have a great monday. counting
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firms the banks the rating agencies the government and the central bank it's called a racket the u.k. profits from it and some way that's how the aristocracy keeps going and that's not going to stop. for twenty eighteen coverage we've signed one of the the. just kill people. but there was one more question and by the way it's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star and the huge amount of pressure you have to go meet the center of the beach but how would you and will solo the great british get you out of the rock at the back nobody gets to you we need you to get down going let's go. alone. and i'm really happy to join the fall of two thousand and three in the world
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cup in russia meet the special one it was also appreciated me to say the reno beyond the team's latest edition to make up a bigger. look. became his financial camera. roughly once they showed some new play you for them. uncool videos during the world cup and some of them with the broccoli string and. playing around more on string i don't really don't t.v. . you know world's big partners. lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the bad and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the
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middle for the troops the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. it seems that the trans-atlantic unity of the west is cracking with trump facing off with europe over trade and diplomacy what's next for the historic allies while i ask. the former prime minister of france. the european union is bewildered by the abrupt and surprising actions of the white house it's a trade war only adds to the shock of america pulling out of the around deal with
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the transatlantic partnership in dire straits will brussels be forced to forge a new continental alliance is going to eurasian partnership compensate for the lack of a western one becoming new diplomatic network the global tempest. in a class of how the former prime minister of france welcome to the show it's really great to have you with us. france's promise to remain committed to the iran nuclear deal and struggles along with germany u.k. russia and china to keep it on life as you need it with us cutting air to european business in iran but there's a little left to win for tehran for this deal so let's be realistic the deal has no chance to survive without the americans and more so does it. we think that the nuclear deal must be saved because it is very important today to give iran a seat at the table with other nations or the international community needs iran and we have to make sure that iran not only participates in the community but also
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that it commits to denuclearization and this is the french stance but since mr trump in a unilateral way and that for us means in a rather disagreeable way has chosen his path this means that we have to work on a deal that will be supported by the great powers that are committed to this common position notably russia china russia and germany. that it's good to go on the other hand in early. soon iran has announced plans germany and the iranian enrichment is announcement doesn't breach iran's commitments in the twenty fifteen accord but it would certainly be a step toward further escalation chair on bluffing here to push europe towards a more decisive action and maybe to hammer out more benefits from europe that would compensate for the u.s. pullout. i understand that iran is shocked by this unilateral questioning of the deal that was signed by all parties this american stance has naturally created shock waves in iran which is understandable from here to choose
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the opposite direction i mean every turn to nuclear arms is a path that we wanted to avoid because for us it is a threshold that we should not cross. must take strong diplomatic action to be able to solicit support for iran from the countries who signed the deal in order to come back to the positions that were taken during the deal with the french president. was satisfied with the discussion he had with vladimir putin in st petersburg on the subject again and we think that it is possible that france germany russia and china for this asian arch can be called upon to show wisdom and stick to positions that strengthen the security of both the region and of the world. well the syria thing that iran want restart nuclear or an enrichment is that it. we think if the diplomatic reaction is strong enough which is what i wish will happen we
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think that iran can remain on reasonable terms. so we are not as of today in a situation where we have reproaches to make towards iran in the present circumstances it is the us that through the deal off balance and as of today it is imperative for the partners of the deal to speak up strongly enough to rebalance this deal and enable iran not to disrupt the existing balance of power by following a solitary path but instead we want to encourage iran to walk a common path which is a path towards peace. all the media is a set wearable commitments to the j c p a way what can the european three and france in particular offer iran to keep them interested in staying in the deal. what is truly important here is that we consider iran as a partner in their own right in the international community we have had several meetings in particular the iranian president's visit to paris where some deals were
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agreed upon and so i think that's a gather we have to reestablish the synergy with the whole of the european community but obviously all this is naturally linked to the unacceptable stance taken by the united states especially regarding what we call extraterritoriality which results in the fact that french companies that work in iran are then penalized in the united states but all this creates huge issues in our transatlantic relations however we would like to send the message to iran that for us iran's place at the table in terms of international relations is a place that iran needed to come back to the negotiations to be able to start a dialogue with peace in mind and to not cause tense situations that can open the door it's a potential war they don't impress you said before that president clinton and president met cronje working together to salvage the iran deal at east tensions and here ups east frontier can macron do this while his russian policies are quite
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hostile there are sanctions accusations of election meddling cetera. i think that the relations between france and russia have been unsettled for the past number of years there were some mistakes from russia side but also from france aside so i think that there was between france and russia there has been a certain number of troubles in the last couple of years and i wholly approved when emmanuel mcconnell said from the very beginning of his mandate that. it was welcome in france and when he received him at the shuttle and when the talks are resumed as they were meant. i think that this relationship is currently very important and maybe the iran issue currently gives france and russia an opportunity to reassert a shared vision fundamentally we have difficult issues i'm referring to for example
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ukraine and of course syria and today the problem that is in front of us is that of iran and so we must give it priority and ensure that with this subject the relationship between france and russia. and then strengthens and that to get there it is possible to find common ground felt generally speaking mr trump's unilateralist notably the unilateralism which we saw with regards to iran which we also saw with regards to the paris agreement regarding climate change which we saw with regards to the american embassy in jerusalem all these unilateral decisions challenge from my point of view the quality of our transatlantic relations this means that for europe its relations with the east are getting more and more strategic this is why i personally advocate with numerous friends here in paris that this group of four consisting of france germany russia and china that within this group of four our members play their part as the heart of the asian axis which
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can become a worldwide axis of stability. naturally every member has their own objectives and their own ambitions but what we see today is that there is. one country called the united states which is unpredictable and it is very difficult to try to build a future with unpredictable partners and this is why it's a day that east would rearrange ation of europe is a very strategic issue and this is tied directly with the improvement of relations between france and russia because all my quasi present micron has recently said that g seven doesn't mind being six plus one hinting that the group will be fine without the us while it so far i mean we've seen most of the crucial european decisions being taken in compliance with the states. remove i think that a new order is being established while we are at the very beginning of this new process which is a gradual deep shift it will take a bit of time but generally speaking we think that diplomacy and dialogue are the
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way towards peace and that it is neither via sanctions nor by exclusions that we will achieve peace. today we have very worried by the climate of insecurity that reigns in the east of europe three as you see the uneasiness of the baltic countries the uneasiness of sweden where the uneasiness of poland but we also see russia's uneasiness with regards to nato expansion a certain number of uncertainty sweigart in nato so there is a situation that is not very reassuring them from this point of view i think it is necessary to work towards the security of the east of europe and that this is achieved a mutually trusting relationship especially between france germany and russia i'm just a year ago trump said that he's personal friendship with the crown as well as state friendship between the two countries was unbreakable were friendship train
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washington all that what happened to this cordial relationship with the french president he instead here can drift away from the u.s. . president i think that the french president wanted to show in his relationship with mr trump that in democracy it is the people who are president just because we disagree with the president doesn't mean it's necessary to disagree with the people it is the american people who are present a crucial points of our history as well as the russian people who played such an important part in our liberation during world war two also we have very important history together which naturally president michel these particular attention to that you but it goes without saying that there are numerous concerns about mr trump that are profoundly. the magic for us when he plays with the children of migrants for the sake of opinion polls he takes these children hostage first saying that he will separate them from their parents and reuniting them again this gives the
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