tv News RT July 3, 2018 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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it's ever there you know redwood trees like i mean you know the whole of california silicon valley but then you realize the like one out of five in the state technically are living below the poverty line that's crushing what's your dream to be poor well to go for and you know right yeah that's just income going to go to just kind of fit in with that idea you know this you know a lot of people go there seeking fame and a lot of people go there seeking jobs for people who want to be famous concerns the up and jobs in that city but honestly it's it's very expensive. in california in general it's kind of people are getting working class is being priced out oh yeah it was you know everybody goes are california gold rush the expansion west it's part of the very light fabric of you know us culture and exactly and this also connects with you know senator sanders had. our u.n. representative nikki haley when she sort of scoffed at the idea of studying poverty because we're the richest nation the world well what makes the california poverty rate so interesting is that perplexing is that. the state's per capita g.d.p.
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increased twice as much as the us average over the five years and then in two thousand and sixteen twelve point five compared to six point two sexes so their growth rate is twice as much and yet people at the bottom are getting poorer and poorer so who do you think is profiting in the great state of california i wonder my big sucking sound of all wealth going up and i noticed a theme on the show right while in other one of the things i think that people don't like to talk about is the housing bubble and that's prime display in california i mean the median home prices jumped eight point four percent just in march a year earlier setting an all time high sale but sales alternatively fell by six percent so how is president up in sales as following that's ridiculous the median home price in california is over five hundred twenty nine thousand dollars one hole that's across not a median nineteen's like the average out of everything and granted they have a lot of like eighty million dollar homes but now the median rent for
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a vacant apartment this chump five percent and is now it's only four hundred dollars a month that's across the state that's not just in l.a. . people cannot live being paid enough even if you raise the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour that's still not going to be enough to afford twenty four hundred dollars a brand now you know that is ridiculous was a california answer to that i think i'd be surprised at what states are next to california on this on this list the top five the supplemental poverty states for a living even with help are still living in the under the poverty line so california at twenty florida and then louisiana arizona and mississippi i mean arizona. mostly shouldn't be that i mean this was a just weird to make is that it's sort of that thing of being like places where you know they don't have as much money but when you see california where they know they
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have a ton of money. yeah and florida big tourist it's interesting to me because those states cut across all political boundaries like you can't just say ok al gore has a blue state they do that socialism stuff to look at how much money they're losing out of poverty rising well the floor has always kind of been a red state arizona deep red and also remember that what happens is you have do have a lot of jobs being created but the jobs being created are don't have security and they're usually part time a lot of these have no health care and often the low level wages so great you have a whole bunch of jobs but nobody can live off of the thing to the end of the day great point great point are those we go to break court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter see our poll shows at r t v dot com coming up we celebrate world view with bode day yes you heard me correctly as tabitha brings us some thought provoking interviews recent trip to alien california and then japan got a new very pink the train to get check this out stay tuned to watch.
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the great destabilization with nato meeting only days away a trip began priss allies to pay their way an open seat on the u.s. supreme court sharpens the political divide and the democrats will be social. the game is cameroon. roughly once the show is so moved thank you for the. future and cool videos during the world cup and so along with the broccoli string and. you don't move on string you don't roughly don't.
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it's world u.f.o. day and more than half of americans polled consistently say they believe in u.f.o.'s aliens and that we aren't alone in the universe in nineteen sixty the former director of central intelligence roscoe henry hill in kotor told the new york times quote behind the scenes high ranking air force officers are so overly concerned about u.f.o.'s but their official secrecy and ridicule many citizens are led to believe that unknown flying objects are nonsense your life sixty years later we're still finding out about new secret government programs so you oppose that as the advanced aviation threat identification program originated in two thousand and seven by the united states senate majority leader harry reid the reason there were credible numerous credible encounters between military pilots and unidentified
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aerial phenomenon but the u.s. government getting involved in the study of suspected extraterrestrial technology is nothing new so why are we still waiting for the government to disclose their findings after more than half a century recently at a chance to sit down with some of the top scientists and citizen scientists keeping the search going at alien caught in pasadena california and what i was surprised to hear from the executive director of the paradigm research group and the only registered lobbyist in the u.s. on the subject of alien disclosure stephen said that many believe that due to the political climate united states might not be at the forefront of the u.f.o. disclosure movement. u.s. is the only country that knows about the eighty's there's another country what is it now the it's called russia now and this cunt this president who's kind of like pretty strong guy and unlike our presidents who basically are told when they try to
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get information from the pentagon sic says don't stop what you're saying. plan or here putin doesn't. and so i've been i've been letting the the. the military tell it's complex in the white house know through the media for years he can do it at any time are you prepared for that because it's going to be a serious problem for you and i'm aware that putin i'm certain knows about that this is in play i gave an interview on russian television a national network back last may and it rather was may two thousand and seventeen. and actually talked about it and that interview as if it was not blocked i actually have it good at getting out the press here so apparently he doesn't seem to have a problem with the concept so there's that and whichever history goes first gets one of the greatest political legacies maybe the greatest of all time his country or the country will be elevated to the final stage. if it's even warmest.
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global. both appreciation and respect which is going to make it cool for them in the countries that follow are just going to have to go ok i was like ok we wanted to get we just you know this is so more. interesting bassa is one of those guys who is but led carrying the torch of disco years are doing governments to open up about what they've investigated regarding u.f.o.'s and things like for years that trenches dug out a result wrongly actually go about leadership this guy is he is literally the only lobbyist registered to lobby on washington legally on a whim just going that's testified to you know over and over those kind of things well you know it's interest. the you know one of the biggest actual studies of u.f.o.'s came with the former u.s. government project blue book when you were an alien what did you discover about project blue book when you were there one of the cool things about well put project
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blue book if for those of you at home it's one of the most famous government projects to study aliens and u.f.o.'s it was it was called project blue book an air force project that investigated u.f.o.'s from one nine hundred forty seven to nine hundred sixty nine and the man that's best known for it was the guy who advised on it was jay alan hein a pretty big name in the alien world because. what's so incredible about him not only because he worked on project blue book but also precursors to project blue book which is all this research of aliens and u.f.o.'s and what we know was project sign a project. he was a total skeptic coming and so it it was about gillian anderson character of the times and he is not fox mulder saying like i believe i want to believe he went yeah ok whatever he goes into actually eventually develop the the close encounter classification system that we know from the movie yes and the history channel is
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actually doing a series coming up about neck about his how he came to study and how he started about project blue book and i had a chance to talk to some paul who's a futurist about his dad's legacy interesting. i'm i have no doubt that the u.s. government and all governments do a lot of research into u.f.o.'s or whatever they call them and project blue book followed after project grudge and project signed and was headquartered at wright patterson air force base in dayton ohio and my father was a scientific advisor for all three of the projects for over twenty years and that particular project wasn't really interested i think in finding the answers but in stopping the questions there was a p.r. exercise to sort of tamp down public hysteria about flying saucers and so over time my father and the air force kind of went different ways and what they're looking to do my father started off as a confirmed skeptic and became later sort of qualified champion of u.f.o.
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reports and wanted one wanted to look for the truth more than just explain everything away as a weather balloon so where are we now because you know most people think you know areas and this is the thing it's x. files it's whatever but the truth is we do have a lot of information and it's not just about finding flying saucers or finding aliens tell me what it means that if we can get that information welcome back to me for society well. yeah that's a good question i mean. is there life elsewhere and is it coming here and messing with us is one of the biggest questions that you as humanity can ever effects. and so i'm proud of what my father did to you know he was a scientist who won on this kind of character arc from skeptic as i mentioned to somebody who believes or something going on and but he felt he wasn't studying you have photos he was going to u.f.o. phenomena u.f.o. reports so that allowed him what he thought was a key insight to come up with a classification system for you know photos of close encounters of first kind
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second and third time so he did the movie was spielberg and so you now have a hollywood movie named after a scientific classification system which really created a lot of the foundation for discussions that we're having now and people being more open in talking about things that may have may have happened may have not but that clearly terrified them and also as importantly giving them the courage to report them so other people can be aware of them so now it's a much more open atmosphere you know as evidenced by alien that people feel very comfortable talking not only about seeing things but interacting with these other worldly beings and if we can find a smoking gun or a craft that lands on the in a lot of the white house or in a drive through for in and out you know something that be incontrovertibly just imagine how cultural shift even the vatican has got in front of us and said we believe there's life elsewhere they want to be caught flatfooted and if we do find
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more than sort of methane type things on mars and really incontrovertibly approve of intelligent life as we would call it elsewhere a lot of the problems we have between nations of people now i think will sound to seem very petty and it will usher in hopefully a enlightened new era. a scrape point he brings up about why the drive to do this it's not just people crazy it's him for happening it's actually people say . no look it's perfectly legitimate that there's life out there we need to find out if it's actually visited us right now you know but what's interesting is project blue book you said ended like the was late sixty's i believe was there anything that picked up the mantle of blue book and that kind of rigorous scientific study since in a way yes i mean obviously not does a lot of work and also obviously the government is very hard on this show and as more and more reports come out from last year's disclosure we've got another thirteen page report that has a lot more information on those videos that we've seen. non-government entity is
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what's interesting about this specific lea is that citizen scientists have become sort of instrumental in keeping this data together if nothing else there's a group called move on and that came directly out of the end of project blue book and what they do with the mutual u.f.o. network and what they do is it's citizen scientists observers from all where and what they're doing is gathering data from the around the world putting together databases so that researchers can see where things have been sighted here's linda flexner of move fun explaining a little bit about the organization and why it sometimes gets a bad one. always gets me you think you know like you. and you. just think you. need to be thinking you know where to sleep and if you i mean you. never. really. think that
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that's part of your race you know you be ok. that's ok ok. and you know the biggest thing she was saying that is that kind of ridicule you get a lot of people who are too afraid to step forward or you know they're online and they're going to get teased because they post. picture bring up a topic that no one wants to talk about like what's that community doing to help combat that well as most most of us understand that there's a lot of stuff on lying that we're not seeing when you're on places like facebook and twitter and all of that and so they're actually building communities specifically for this and one of those is called on stellar and. let's talk a little bit gentlemen about that project. similar to a piece like this but we don't like to you know we don't see. the sense in which we
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would like one to get together and discuss weeks later we're still there but once you're reading the print we just don't read it yes i do you know if we have a conversation to start the dialogue we'll find the truth and you know. do you think. this story like i'd like to think so i know that it's not going to completely for me and even if they're forced to i think the debates missed a week to start the conversation. well you know i mean i you could hear the amount of people there too with all that in the background this is a big deal and i remember grown into a lot of conspiracy theory when i worked on that show and this is a thing when nasa comes forward and say we are finding planets that could hold life or we suspect meanwhile of life all of that sick other it's not about little green men and flying saucers it's that is not. ok she
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has no mouth she lives outside of london and was named after a character from lewis carroll's through the looking glass she also isn't a cat but everyone knows her as hello kitty and since one thousand seventy four she has been one of the most popular cartoon characters in history she ranks and over six billion dollars a year in fact but hello kitty is finally out on herself with her latest adventure her own she kunsan or bullet train. debuting in japan this week the eight drink car is covered in the signature pink and white of the iconic character but inside it's even more about loki be it with a life size statue of hello kitty and i trade uniform and more the train will run from osaka. until just until september so if you are in japan and i am positive you won't be able to keep from smiling on the ok to. hello to dominate in the world. i just love stickers and they're just stickers and racers that
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is our show for eight of the trains i remember going to in this world we are not sold the above the i tell you all i love you i am tyrrel been took time top of the keep watching those hawks out there and have a great day and night but. anyone else seems wrong. lol just don't call. me. yet to see how this thing comes down to. and in detroit equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. in twenty forty you know bloody revolution here to the demonstrations going from
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being relatively peaceful political protests to be increasingly violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know here i mean you know i was pretty with him in the. school in the middle of the ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took part in this state over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other people that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. but not up to law well set up we'll see. what this. one. right now for the us and what for us. what. was.
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belgium escapes another two thousand and eighteen world cup upset coming back from two goals down to win their last sixteen clash against japan three to two making their fans go one. brazil is also through to the next round of the knockout stage after defeating mexico two nil a win that set off some celebrations from some are on to south hollow they will meet belgium in the quarterfinals. and in other news the three month old coalition government of german chancellor angela merkel avoids collapse after the interior minister reiterated. threat to quit over immigration policy. there's more world cup
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coverage for you plus other news at r.t.e. dot com up next those sophie and co-hosts the former prime minister of france talking of the transatlantic alliance and relations with russia still. call welcome to sophie and co i'm sophie shevardnadze it seems that the transatlantic unity of the west is cracking with trump facing off with europe over trade and diplomacy what's next for the historic allies well i ask. the former prime minister of france. the european union is bewildered by the abrupt and surprising actions of the white house as a trade war only adds to the shock of america pulling out of the around deal with
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the transatlantic partnership in dire straits will brussels be forced to forge a new continental alliance is going to eurasian partnership compensate for the lack of a western one incoming new diplomatic network the global tempest. youngcare a class of all this former prime minister of france welcome to the show it's really great to have you with us. france has promised to remain committed to the iran nuclear deal and struggles along with germany u.k. russia and china to keep it on life as you need but with us cutting year to european business in iran but there's a little less to win for tehran for these deals so let's be realistic a deal has no chance to survive without the americans and more so does it. we think from that the nuclear deal must be saved because it is very important today to give iran a seat at the table with other nations or the international community needs iran and we have to make sure that iran not only participates in the community but also that it commits to denuclearization this is the french stance. but since mr trump
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in a unilateral way and that for us means in a rather disagreeable way has chosen his path this means that we have to work on a deal that will be supported by the great powers that are committed to this common position notably russia china russia and germany. that's good day out on the other hand in early june iran has announced plans to renew the iranian enrichment this announcement doesn't breach iran's commitments in the twenty fifteen accord but it would certainly be a step towards further escalation or on bluffing here to push europe towards a more decisive action and maybe to hammer out more benefits from europe that would compensate for his pleasure. i understand that iran is shocked by this unilateral questioning of the deal that was signed by all parties this american stance has naturally created shock waves in iran which is understandable
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from here to choose the opposite direction i mean every turn to nuclear arms is a path that we wanted to avoid because for us it is a threshold that we should not cross and you must take strong diplomatic action to be able to solicit support for iran from the countries who signed the deal in order to come back to the positions that were taken during the deal with the french president. satisfied with the discussion he had with vladimir putin in st petersburg on the subject again and we think that it is possible that france germany russia and china is asian arch can be called upon to show wisdom and stick to positions that strengthen the security of both the region and of the world view . i'll say things that iran want restart nuclear or an enrichment is that it. we think if the diplomatic reaction is strong enough which is what i wish will
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happen we think that iran can remain on reasonable terms. so we are not as of today in a situation where we have reproaches to make towards iran in the present circumstances it is the us that through the deal off balance and as of today it is imperative for the partners of the deal to speak up strongly enough to rebalance this deal and enable iran not to disrupt the existing balance of power by following a solitary path but instead we want to encourage iran to walk a common path which is a path towards peace. all the media is a set wearable commitments to the j c p a way what can the european three and france in particular offer iran to keep them interested in staying in the deal. what is truly important here is that we consider iran as a partner in their own right in the international community we have had several meetings in particular the iranian president's visit to paris where some deals were
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agreed upon and so i think that's a gather we have to reestablish the synergy with the whole of the european community but obviously all this is naturally linked to the unacceptable stance taken by the united states especially regarding what we call extraterritoriality which results in the fact that french companies that work in iran are then penalized in the united states but all this creates huge issues in our transatlantic relations however we would like to send the message to iran that for us iran's place at the table in terms of international relations is a place that iran needed to come back to the negotiations to be able to start a dialogue with peace in mind and to not cause tense situations that can open the door it's a potential war is a deep down at best you said before that president clinton and president met cronje working together to salvage the iran deal could east tensions and here ups east
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frontier yeah can macron do this while his russian policies are quite hostile there are sanctions accusations of election meddling cetera. i think that the relations between france and russia have been unsettled for the past number of years there were some mistakes from russia side but also from france aside so i think that there was between france and russia there has been a certain number of troubles in the last couple of years and i wholly approved when emmanuel mcconnell said from the very beginning of his mandate that. it was welcome in france and when he received him at the shuttle and when the talks are resumed as they were meant. i think that this relationship is currently very important and maybe the iran issue currently gives france and russia an opportunity to reassert a shared vision fundamentally we have difficult issues i'm referring to for example
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ukraine and of course syria and today the problem that is in front of us is that of iran and so we must give it priority and ensure that with this subject the relationship between france and russia. and then strengthens and that's again it is possible to find common ground felt generally speaking mr trump's unilateralist notably the unilateralism which we saw with regards to iran which we also saw with regards to the paris agreement regarding climate change which we saw with regards to the american embassy in jerusalem all these unilateral decisions challenge from my point of view the quality of our transatlantic relations this means that for europe its relations with the east are getting more and more strategic this is why i personally advocate with numerous friends here in paris that this group of four consisting of france germany russia and china that within this group of four our members play their part as the heart of the asian axis which can become
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a worldwide axis of stability where naturally yeah every member has their own objectives and their own ambitions but what we see today is that there is. one country called the united states which is unpredictable and it is very difficult to try to build a future with unpredictable partners and this is why it's a day that east ward rearranges nation of europe is a very strategic issue and this is tied directly with the improvement of relations between france and russia because the my cloud present macron has recently said that g seven doesn't mind being six plus one hinting that the group will be fine without the us so far i mean live seen most of the crucial european decisions being taken in compliance with the states. i think that the new order is being established while we are at the very beginning of this new process which is a gradual deep shift it will take a bit of time but generally speaking we think that diplomacy and dialogue are the
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way towards peace and that it is neither via sanctions nor by exclusions that we will achieve peace that is a day we have very worried by the climate of insecurity that reigns in the east of your fears you see the uneasiness of the baltic countries the uneasiness of sweden where you uneasiness of poland but we also see russia's uneasiness with regards to nato expansion a certain number of uncertainties regarding nato so there is a situation that is not very reassuring them from this point of view i think it is necessary to work towards the security of the east of europe and that this is achieved a mutually trusting relationship especially between france germany and russia. the precious two year ago trump said that his personal friendship with the crown as well as state friendship between the two countries was unbreakable were planting a friendship.
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