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tv   News  RT  July 5, 2018 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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no gold at all they know everything but i know china and russia are getting cozier berlin here so grow the new silk road project combining you know concepts and they want to do business outside of the dollar and so makes sense for both china and russia the be accumulating lots of gold china is now expanding their gold mining operation no gold leaf china you never see a gold bar with the chinese symbol on it does none of it ever gets out of china they're hoarding it russia is buying it and their people are waiting for the dollar to finally kind of reach it's come up and well if china is the next dominant power it doesn't seem like they want to replace it directly with seems like something that will be end up gold backed or commodity backed if they're if you look at what they're how they're positioning their own portfolio so the deterioration however in the u.s. fiscal and financial position has been happening slowly for many years but accelerated under bush two and obama that of course sounds like hemingway's he went bankrupt
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slowly and then all the sudden that's the way it always happens right trump inherited to have a bully indebted us with nominal that just under twenty trillion dollars that was exactly nineteen point nine trillion but in just seventeen months this is increased by another six percent to twenty one point one six trillion there are unfunded liabilities as well of around one hundred trillion dollars right and that is supposed to be paid down by increased tax revenue thanks to tax cuts but those taxes never appear there's never enough taxes even to pay the interest on the debt that's when you get into a hyper inflationary do loop is when the interest on the debt is greater than your taxes taxable base then you have to throw down all pretenses of quantitative easing and just admit you want monetizing debt central bank is just printing and buying back it's own that in a do loop of inflation then you get into what's called a banana republic named after a country. in latin america that typically are in the but out of business who end
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up doing this monetization of their own that collapse in their currencies venezuela argentina come to mind this is going to be contagious and going into america well mark o'beirne. sums that up as we're moving to multiple a world which will see trying to become a more dominant player and trump is exacerbating this trend but you know one way to try to understand what trump is doing and it's very difficult is you look at it and you wonder if maybe this is his plan as you know he's he ran for president as and that's in a list and make america great again and basically retreating from the world this is you can't deny he's doing that when he's evening this thing canada hard in germany and you know these are classic u.s. allies. you know we get closer and closer in our policies and and trade deals merge closer and closer over the past thirty forty fifty sixty years so he's just like
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ripping it apart just totally ripping up the paper and throwing it on the ground but you wonder if this is like his nationals policy to basically force others to leave us to ourselves to have a chance which i was steve benen a few months ago and i told him people misinterpret this it's not about american isolationism it's about american being hyper competitive make america great again means we want to be the greatest competitor in the world that's different than the size of the place of the interpretation anyway we got to go to the second half so don't go away much more coming your way right after this break. cameron. roughly once the show is so move for the. future. cool videos during the world cup and someone with abruptly staring at.
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mine down more on string i don't rightly don't see they. since the start of the world cup russian sports commentators have put croatia on their list of teams capable of winning russians love to root for the underdog but will have sympathy for a rival impact on russia's quarterfinal time with croatia. and. he .
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can make it. through. really a lot to get me from him he can use he has enough in the face. that you're in the form of you. always see more in their favor when within the north and even many balls up in the phone while in theme of the us at defense. uno. welcome back to the kaiser a part of my strasser time now to return to our conversation with pierre event of
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it is a journalist i quoted in dot com and also you were recently described as the pope of fake news so what's that all about p.r. i live for a few years and everything goes crazy what's happening. which is one of the that's the most important to retain newspaper in france so the pope of fake news because i'm giving financial news to people so i guess your due process stunt of accusing me in england in the united states yeah i guess i'm going with jesus christ that's my go to with you know i do that's going to have two popes who i guess were too poor really hard no one lives on the cottage right next to the best seller was his boyfriend or something right is that my story and then they they became very liberal when he moved in i don't know if you're very aware of the pope fruits and think two weeks ago and he condemned the pope
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a developer and he condemned the credit default swap of mrs black muscles if he doesn't take ten years i saw that i saw that the pope condemned the life master parody of all five years after and so he's the p.r. japonica vatican oh yeah but there's a problem of the fake news but you say you guys are two sides of the same coin you speak through the oracle of truth and you're both attacked for it and the catholic church is holder derived on a vicious attack on a truth teller from two thousand years ago. well. it's very strange but i think the the reason of the reaction of the pope on this film on the c.d.'s is that they are extremely aware that the situation might it might explode any day of or in the months where they were and they want to. be able to see if we want you know you know we want you in case of the whole thing stops. right while i mean this is an
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extreme territory so let's get into this this is kind of interesting because it goes into the history of banking and finance in europe and the vatican has always played a big role in financial affairs all over europe for hundreds of years and we know that they've been involved in all kinds of questionable deals throughout history and with the financial crisis they can bank was actually involved in some of the lending that went on right exactly exactly remember one thing the banker have left is secrecy let me know if you agree with that but remember morgan in milan no it was i think in two thousand and ten or two thousand and twelve maybe. we have an account. we called them to say that we would drop them. you cannot do business and the more i remember that you remember yes i was it we covered it on the show of course still we spoke with both of you remember visa master card an american express they cut vatican city where they had like fifty or
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sixty visa. a credit card term and also in the vatican. for. seven days of being they were not able to do business at all so that's was the way the banking system. said to the pope well we are in charge now and you have nothing to say right and of course vatican is the next thing location physically in the political sphere because it shares the unique attributes along with the city of london and washington d.c. that they are there all. little countries within countries and so there they will the norm is power which is not documented and not well known and they tend to collude they work together washington europe vatican and they wield enormous strength in doing things like assisting goldman sachs and the destruction of greece where germany ends up making billions of euros that was all orchestrated at the highest levels it wasn't because the country suddenly went bankrupt because a few pensioners didn't pay their taxes it's because it was
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a thought out premeditated financial assassination conducted by john paulson and goldman sachs lloyd blankfein and a few other bankers and probably in direct compliance and complicity with the vatican yes or no. we can say yes because. divest you can have tremendous real estate mostly businesses specifically in london and i don't think it's the b.b.c. or to the growth of london or who gives new information with no. interesting investigation on it. the company who owns all this real estate it's in london. to sue madrasas d.g.p. morgan. bank and another company owns on those and one to find the company has the same address as the g.p. morgan in new york so that's the connection between the vatican. there are going to
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be a lot of the i don't know for a number of years now and what you do and what i do is kind of similar and that we'll pick up the financial times and we will read what's printed on the page and we will read the footnotes and we'll just read what's there the way it were not make and stuff up we're just saying what's in the newspaper but it's not in the lead paragraph of the fifth or sixth paragraph down and then we just say well if that's true and it was the banker who said it this that particular fact then we also must know that this is also true just because we're adding two plus two and getting. four doesn't make you the pope of fake news and doesn't make me some fricken propagandist for some freak and developing nation it's it is what it is but facts are facts but this is what they are saying about to write this is where this is this i am for all the election of mexico just because i read the financial times oh it's because i'm a reading the original right so therefore were immediately suspect because the average dinkel brain out there doesn't know you know how to look past their i phone
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and they have no idea about economics or finance or they would give their mothers away for another like on facebook as part of being in call catered in a true immersive fascist state of no economic or financial or press freedom whatsoever the facebook for the world what a facebook do to you. i had sixty thousand people following me on zero on my personal first book and they just cut it off just before the election in france because i was giving the list to the huge list of layoffs in the influence and in europe because of of work so that when my four words fold like the twenty thousand they give my facebook back to one hundred years later this is how it works on my if you keep it to pages in the spanish or english french italian and chinese were taken off i mean this is absolutely amazing because my book are
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completed in different languages right so it's a male suspect so what is the current state of play here and in paris and france what is the thought you know it doesn't seem as though there is a feeling of a crisis at the moment but tell me you know what's your view of the man on the street what's the what's the thought going through people's head here own the talk here is that. might do something good because they all knew that we're a no disaster financial state so the average friendship. say he's a banker he's a fine from the financial world he might find solution to save us. we're who i don't think he's going to save or friends at all but maybe in one year or one half people will react to totally differently and you know we have the election in the election next year and you will see a total censoring go through. all internet in france just to help
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people to be reelected do we know they cannot afford to see what's happened with donald trump though i think others are able to aim at say germany france and the united kingdom because they voted for it and initially it looked like that it was going to go off you know was it was going to happen but now we are almost two years into it and it looks like it's a complete disaster and germany is playing hardball and the great britain looks like they're going to get the worst of all possible worlds and as a complete disaster what's the view from here in europe in france toward breaks it own. basically have never been in europe. exactly because they kept their own money don't forget that they were not in the euro zone . so we don't get overly much of you have a control of. the real station european or not you rip and you have
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a control so it doesn't change anything do business don't don't care too much of what breaks it or not breaks into the i mean the dealings between france and england or you know hundred years or no so but between germany and france that's it's not so very very good match and morocco the relationship is. extremely bad because of the migrants do immigration issue vulnerable because they took in a lot of migrants and germany is very vulnerable now. i have seen. of course that she is in the she might be in danger in the next couple of weeks let me ask you also that macro picture here you know my theory is that you know you have a situation where trump is trying to downsize the american military budget or trying to save money because america is in debt so he doesn't d.l.
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north korea they're going to pull out of korea in my view to all the weapons out there he looked at nato and says you know why we have all this military in germany let's dump it then if the us pulls out of germany militarily and pulls out of nato doesn't that kind of force germany into the arms of russia no not really do germans are really pro americans that's that's for sure ok so let's roll for all of that so you're saying that there is a huge affinity there and they dynamics of all there are two are still in place and so what if let's say the u.s. pulls out militarily pulls out a lot of hardware from germany what is that a possibility do you think that all the people know about that know take a look at what happened last week i mean the pentagon's and. i don't like. for five hundred special forces in finland or norway and keep sending people in something
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people who grew old. a kind of wall american wall against the russia so what we see from here is that the americans want to have a wall there which i know always russia this is what you would see i mean there's no reason to to bring in europe even more time and. if you don't want to you don't want to walk what's the point of it they want to have a war so you don't reimburse the huge debt the only way to escape his death is to have a war because when a country is in war they don't have the kind of death through to pay fair enough piers thanks so much for being on the kaiser report again thank you max well ok well well i think we're two twice now you know why we're like informal and you know they were telling me about it or our body go back i'll go back oh but it was over
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that mon port you know where ok we've got to go that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert like to thank our i guess peer event of a case an author of all kinds of books he's also quoted in dot com if you want to reach us on twitter it's kaiser report and the next time i. became a camera. roughly once they showed some for the. videos during the world cup and some of them with the broccoli string and. more on string i don't really don't t.v. ministries police forces and city administrations of many countries. and owned one corporation in the us by mike was hoping the board doesn't implement because i'm
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god i'm constructing this dome is going to come to the. woods as if anybody got on into this it's a must also apply been proprietary software you don't know the source code isn't that a such a security risk when you have a black box operating good public good to microsoft dependency puts governments under a cyber threat and not only that to think off message and put us in more that's what we call softness and this is an easy sell missiles the only one who will still be looking to move south who will miss you who was obsessed with. the incident this is the i still. don't miss the old vision stopped when there was a sting on was a front is up and describes in the fine. donald trump will soon visit europe has a very busy agenda and it's unclear what kind of reception people get topping his i
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ten or where he will be trade relations nato and russia never before has an american president been expected with so much after henchmen. we start with breaking news that british counter-terror police confirm two people have been exposed to the nerve agent not far from the city of salzburg authorities discouraged speculation on whether the incident is linked to the poisoning of russian former double agent sergei screwball and his daughter in march. and u.s. march independence day on july fourth but just how proud are americans to be american a new survey suggests for many patriotism could be losing its sparkle. it's still separated now instead of being united i'm in the other category i am extremely proud. plus the first knockout stage is over at the fifa world cup with of the quarterfinals now set to kick off on friday.
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broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is our team international john thomas certainly glad to have you with us let's start with our breaking news story this hour british counter-terror police say two people who were rushed to the hospital following their possible exposure to a toxic substance were in fact affected by the nerve agent. this evening i've received test results from poll that showed that the two people have been exposed to get to know the truck however i must say that we are not in a position to say whether the nerve agent was from the side branch the script was words close to. the possibility that these two investigations might be linked is clearly a line of inquiry for that is important however the investigation is led by the evidence available in the fight so we don't make any assumptions or indulge in
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speculation. or to use hunnish to set the has for the details for us. well it's been confirmed by the metropolitan police that the substance that left a man and women critically ill in and spray is indeed novi chalk in the parish both in the mid forty's charlie rally and dawn sturgis and then in critical condition at the moment insult district hospital now the two were taken ill on saturday just eight miles away from the square polytechnic way and sick a script were poisoned back in march now at first it was thought that contaminated drugs was the cause of this but police say that it is not known rather whether the nerve agent was from the same batch that was used against this compounds that there will be an emergency meeting to discuss this issue further. police say the victims have not been to the same sites in salzburg as the screwballs however the couple's friend says that they began experiencing symptoms the day after visiting the same
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city. in the months. that he started reading. and the sound. and the news and there's been so many name out. there and start acting funny it wasn't just rotten against. red. and started swelling so. much and make. them. stick around and so. they were told. and then they went off somewhere so they must touch something contaminated that's the next thing from what i understand i know which i just read up on it. recently and there was quite a deteriorate to apply for time in fairly short and if you're
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e the effectiveness the period rather rapidly. and significantly when exposed to water either directly or through moisture in the air even if the government did not do an appropriate clean up afterwards and that's what it may be a link to miriam likely that it could be to a potent you know potency that i could actually do some type of harm after four months i think it's highly unlikely that it that i do something with laying around salisbury now on twitter many users have expressed a less than serious view regarding this new knowledge of case to talk addiction. three makes me think it's nothing to do with the russians but someone until these three most things that are in your doorstep. sample sent to or came from porton down in london we have knife crime and moped robberies while in wiltshire they do
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one better they poison people with nova chalk. the known lethal lethal drug some of this because the world cup two thousand and eighteen is just too much fun and you know it took at that. time for england to book out of old cop and come home. as of now u.k. authorities say that they have been unable to establish if the nerve agent used came from the same batch as the one former russian spy sergei screwball was apparently poisoned with but british police say that they are still looking into that possibility and just to remind you london claims that only russia had the technical ability to produce the nerve agent and also had the motive and the experience to target the screwballs but neither specialists at the u.k. chemical laboratory of porton down or o.p.c. w. experts could confirm that the nerve agent was produced in russia still that did not stop london from pointing the finger at moscow it's highly likely that russia
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was responsible we do russia culpable culpable culpable for the attempted. escape is culpable our quarrel is with putin's kremlin and we think it overwhelmingly likely that it was his decision russia has consistently denied any involvement with the attack on the screwballs insisting that russia destroyed its nerve agent stockpile while other states have also developed novacek moscow also rejected the notion that it had any motive to target the former spy saying he had no value after the swap and saying it would have been quote nonsense for russia to carry out such an attack ahead of russia's presidential elections and the football world cup legal and media analyst lionel believes that the question of motive remains unclear in this case. the thing that people want to know in addition to the identification of the particular poison or the agent is what is the motivation screwball at least had a connection at least he was russian he was
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a double agent something was. connected even though it was weak who are these two people. who are these what is to gain kui bono quid bono who benefits qui protest who benefits who who benefits from this where is the motivation for this how is anybody let's assume it's true how does russia or anybody say see we still have nova job we still can target people i guess in solved it doesn't make any sense in addition i again i'm no expert in this i'm no expert in the in the lethality of this but i thought that when you deal with these nerve agents these very powerful boys and that they're so powerful that you need hazmat suits and i could be wrong that that you have to cordon off the area and evacuate people are walking in and out of of hospitals and the last i
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heard there's going to be a recovery if i hope of this script palls this doesn't even seem to be again i'm not an expert a very lethal or a virulent or dangerous badge of whatever this stuff is i can't say this enough. unless somebody is able to say let me see your sample it is it is axiomatic in a court room that when you claim to find drugs or you claim to find samples or evidence of doping in an athletic event you provide the other side with the ability to test independently that which you are basing your scientists to fix evaluation on it just makes sense so absent that absent the ability for independent laboratories to verify the existence of whatever this this the substance is this is all conjecture. the name nova charkha of course became known around the world after
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the former russian spy sergei screwball was poisoned now the child has been described by a specialist as a highly lethal military grade substance however in both cases the victims exposed to it have survived but i've looked deeper into the story behind of the deadly substance there was no trial no discussion no evidence no proof there was only judgement and punishment is highly likely that russia was responsible the juveniles russia culpable culpable culpable for the attempted murder the pundits needed even less than a movie chalk sounds russian means russia did it establish that it is not a chalk and that is by definition of the translation of the name which means new comma part of a program in a soviet union in the late seventy's and eighty's the points made there are a lot of questions to ask of this whole mess but over the last few weeks we've
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interviewed dozens of chemists experts and military specialists and hear their biggest gripes. the new rich nerve agents a new she crit they haven't been so in decades there's many well published formulas of nerve agents so that it's no problem i mean mary there you have sarah. v.x. there are abundant abundant and the structures are known and the toxicity profiles are known so so many people can make nerve agents they know what structures to go to go toward here they are exerts from the books and studies available to the public neither the formula do the chemicals or any more russian than itself for years now researchers have published studies in theses on the new feature.


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