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tv   News  RT  July 5, 2018 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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and she must have been a very silly woman. but she was a quick oh yes but that doesn't really follow does it david ninety six percent of the people gibraltar voted to remain and as european union members but overwhelmingly the result. of these terms wallace the most of forces behind such a very well is a very pragmatic vote the only way that we kept spain at bay was by all of us being inside the repeated union and the european union to keep spain more or less in rain so that they wouldn't do any move problems with the front or all the things that they used to do politically so we voted practically to stay in the union my heart. and for many people savings we don't have much faith in the european union it was practical it worked in five sample recent events in catalonia it would have reinforced that skepticism about the european commission which gets very
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complicated because the union the situation is very complicated and it's got legal connotations that work against the borders we have the opposite we have legal constraints that cement being here the treaty of utrecht particular i would have thought the lesson from. the european commission would side with the loyal european union members i.e. spain almost regardless of circumstance well it has to spend a lot of money to. go and spoil the client they have to pay that back stay with us for board fascinating insight from david bent after the break. but politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so you want to leave. as an injury of course some will want to grips with
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. the to the right to be for us this is what the forecast the three of them or can't be good that i'm interested always in the waters in the. first sip. first place. is when the interest on the debt is greater then your taxes taxable base then you have to throw them all pretenses of quantitative easing and just admit your monetizing that central bank is just printing and buying back its own. place then you get into what's called a banana republic named after countries that want america that they're in the but out of as us to end up doing this monetization of their own and have collapsed as well argentina come to mind this is the album to be contagious and going into america. welcome back to the alex salmond show. so tell us about this davis ahead so i seem to
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remember that quote from someone. actually had i liked writing poetry and my friends told me why don't you do a book and i decided to do it i was thinking of of a title for it and in the reply that i got from david cameron in from when he was prime minister he told me that he had faults. change in the european union and so i thought that's a terrific book and i used it but the book was more successful than referendum yes definitely it still is would you do the jury's out on that isn't this grand testing that you never would believe the commons was a referendum campaign anyway perhaps it was in the school itself and the campaign that he was an instinctive unionist but he never got the impression during the european union referendum campaign that calms. the soul was it was
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a hammer and was right in what he did in one particular way the european union is a club if you don't like the rules of the club you change the rules and you try to get people to support you to change the rules otherwise you have to get out and he was trying to get the rules changed that britain didn't have to get a. out didn't work they would tell us a little about the people of gibraltar they know even why is that the mix here and . our people wanting more people want to brought you but like summer folks along with what less well know that's about two or three questions have included their basically gibraltar was a garrison the garrison required food and drink and everything and from morocco the supplies were coming in from morocco that brought in moroccans and moroccan jews during the trading then when the war was over there were several sieges but in between you had spaniards coming in here replacing the spaniards that left and went to a city called some broker on that side obviously english people british people english
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scottish irish stayed here and then moroccan started coming in later when the spanish workforce was taken away by franco and we have a great mixture here of of cultures and of people and thankfully there is a lot of not just tolerance but harmony between the different communities so draws is very proud of its ethnic diversity and its ability to rankle some i am very proud of it and what about. poetry and in a world the deep well in which you draw when you're writing about. perhaps i don't know. hundred one poems are written about things that happened to me the things that i've seen love stories broken hearts and just put it down on paper and people love it i do recycles them with circles in spain in england. and people seem to like it so i enjoy terrific another book coming perhaps left the catastrophe family
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somewhere about the dream which will never die. another book out already of short stories and now i'm working on another book again i'm going to stay artistic scene like gibraltar amazing you would not believe that thirty thousand people go. i have so much art in them again thanks to spain for the great amounts by enclosing us here it made us concentrate on what we had to so your argument would be david the job growth theory and identity was forged in the fire the ostracized by the throats of you totally and out of that identity what do you see the future of of the. very bright except it doesn't all depend on us we are a tiny pawn in the chest game and the outside forces of spain and britain we dictate whether we will be successful or not by ourselves we can be successful no question about. the people of the regional gibraltarian like yourself you
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aren't all attracted by the elected state model because you see below you've got your own football team could you know you're going farther than gibraltar is a very particular situation we cannot imitate the places we have different conditions it has to be our solution for our problems not somebody else a solution for their problems and adopted by us that wouldn't work so settle here. overlooking morocco and one side spain on the other side the rock before us and. pushing eighty degrees of our lovely cooling well. what would you say the main reason for people coming to gibraltar where it's a great little place is the center of the world believe it or not if you live here you find that you like in an extended family most people know each other know off each other it's easy to get along crime is low. people are nice they were good
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for their father ought to have come to your portrait of cycles but what i can do is present you with the alex salmond quick for appearing on the show you know the. only scars. you pass about your close friends thank you very much that like for you know it's like thank you. but there's more to gibraltar the politics of the economy interesting all these subjects are let's talk a bit about the people of the rock and see how these changing background influences affected the communities that make up gibraltar i'm joined by phil cruz a poet optus locally charting the the changing nature of the of the influences on gibraltar welcome to the show to know how to thank you very much how would you say the great economic changes have taken place affected the complection of gibraltar and its culture over the last generation. while it's been. interesting time
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which has had big implications and certainly my generation i mean we've lived the initial period with it's a very good relationship with spain then a close or a border early in our lives and then you know fifteen years of more of an island life with very close relationship with the u.k. we turn towards u.k. and so i think the transition has also been social. that with. i think the incorporation of many new people into gibraltar actually specifically about the military footprint i mean twenty five years ago military spending was the majority of the gibraltar quanah me sixty percent now it's six percent and it's been replaced by sadness a colleague what does that mean for the the communities who make up the rock when it means that really the physical presence of the of the military forces will to reduce dramatically and that was replaced over time between the i would say study the eighty's and ninety's in particular by
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a workforce for the new sectors that were evolving and these people came from all over the world and many of them are still here today so therefore that shift economically had massive implications in a social sense to both to suddenly change from being i would say. fairly stable community from let's say the original. components from mediterranean origins to the english. to the jewish communities the hindu communities and then evolved into really incorporating i would say mostly anglo-saxon individuals from study from the u.k. but you know from south africa from the english speaking world in the broader sense when gen frankel close the bald the back in the late sixty's didn't have the unintended consequence of. a gibraltarian identity against either vast city that certainly was the case i mean it was one of the most significant outcomes
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of that certainly wasn't a general plan no but certainly i mean before that i would say that the identity was a softer identity of anything then all of a sudden there was one major thing in common for all members of the community wherever they were you know from all social standing just such as i think all of a sudden that's emerged as one cohesive sort of. i think you know part of the identity which had big. implications for the future although they say that living in interesting times will try these cars is a great burden but op has been all these political changes you see that in your lifetime in gibraltar and the recent change of blacks and challenges that may cause headaches for the politicians but it's good news for the uk this is not certainly i think i mean as you go through these periods you don't realize to what extent they can be meaningful but certainly i mean what they have done is they have you know
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forced us to really be resourceful and as well culturally i think to really consider you know you know where we sit in a cultural sense and in my case you know i really over time come to the conclusion that you know to do. with his heritage and you know which is so rich and diverse serves as a wonderful sort of stepping stone you know into the much it's a broader world in a cultural and a human sense as well you know you're right you're putting the spotlight as the extent to which despite the political to the soul and despite the complex of the population growth of really is a spanish land all of that more of an imperial post in europe is the african influence still a very strong and good although what is gibraltar i mean obviously a concept for everybody but i would say that in my case i have chosen for part of my work to express myself in spanish and i think that's totally not only that just
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a myth but it was a you know an artistic sense it was something which was important for me to do i also write in english but it happens that i'm maybe close to a spanish cultural space and therefore i have published in spanish flu looking at it from the poetic sense and literary sense i would not jump to the conclusion from that towards you know it's a defining identity and i find languages are really you know a bit like dialects i mean poetry is a language you can express yourself you know in english and spanish and french you know in so many languages and whether you write in spanish or english you know has significant. but it's only part of the story and i think it's not that i'm saying you know spanish culture to me is more important to him that i have that say a cultural heritage which is spanish speaking and somehow that's influenced me too to say to up to up till now for sure to express myself and mostly in spanish
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through because the political environment sunset the economic environment going to depend on the political outcome but they have to stick to the gibraltar is flushing is it not. it is flourishing and there is i think a lot of activity on many fronts i mean on the artistic the literary the musical there are many initiatives and i would say that there is a big drive to actually build on our heritage very calm much more consciously than in the past i would say and is there anywhere else you passionately would prefer to be walking not a tool i think i think that to both or provide me with. a privileged vantage point from which to really. look at the world at large today you know i mean without necessarily restricting myself to dribble one question i want to dash it in let's see what it here that's wonderful but. describe to us is the say that james joyce never actually came here i didn't even manage the capture of us were even visiting gibraltar. obviously
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a man of genius. no doubt but obviously very well informed because he i think he was receiving sort of regular correspondence from people living i think an aunt of his living here and you both but it's something which i have difficulty in believing that he never came here well it was good enough for james joyce it should be good off for any of us and i did so much of it you know pleasure thank you very much thank you. i will help today the rock of gibraltar the strives for you out of its problems i posted the point of the europe part of the iberian peninsula to start me here i'm only twelve miles from the top of africa each of these factors how does substantial influence. and making up the diverse communities of this fascinating territory one thing's for certain period identity has been forged in times of adversity that's going to stand them in good stead and the interesting times ahead join us next week we'll be with you what the economy holds for the fascinating territory from all of us here at the alex salmond chauffeur from the
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whole of the crew as could by. next week we voted overwhelmingly to remain in the e.u. and now we have to see what effect the hard drugs it could have in the gibraltar economy the reality is we haven't had a hard to break that scenario it was still in the e.u. we're still functioning. as we were doing in twenty sixteen we're a small number diversified economy so we adapt the history of gibraltar speaks for itself i mean it's been understood to protect the u.k. but it's the resilience of the people as well here i think it will take is an incredible entrepreneurial group and there's incredible group of entrepreneurial minds here.
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after all see i played golf. not that i'm going to learn how not. to love the idea of a. lot of them out of the money that they let me. this was a good time to. try to move the right now mom.
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little bit of little money not not why. boy x. chanting in the old people we believe most of the a. lot of my kids i limit them up aside johnny volatile the moment on account of mother having a little accuser there are a lot of them on i'm a little work you might be old enough to go out to the pimp i don't want to put all your love to moderate party without all the other bloodletting. oh. my.
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god it. was. british counter-terror police say two people who really exposed to the nerve agent near the city of souls' break where a former russian double agent and his daughter were poisoned buke a security minister says the most recent poisoning is fallout from that attack also . the second night of violent clashes erupt in the french city of knock over the death of a young driver killed by police checkpoint. and with the world cup knockout stage decided the first round of those all important quarterfinal match is set for friday is just a day away well the on off pitch news for your life later this. time
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high for me kevin zero in this thursday the fifth of july you're watching r t international first than the u.k. security minister says the latest incident of exposure to a nerve agent in britain is a repercussion he says of the poison attack. and his daughter in march these are the latest pictures you've made by the way no one screen just gone british counter-terror. claim two people who were in a critical condition came into contact with a military grade poisonous substance now so far the only firm link to the solsbury poisoning is geographical as you can see on the map the porton lab there now amesbury is where the couple fell ill that's just a stone's throw from the port and that identified the nerve agent in the script the
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investigation a miracle it's only thirteen kilometers as well from solsbury where the former russian double agent and his daughter were poisoned with what the u.k. government says of course was a typo not a chalk now police are at a loss as to how the latest victims could have come into contact with the same substance now four months later yes they to the day nigh on or the thing that sometime saturday also officers have no answers as to what the latest victims might have in common with a former spy let's try and get a handle on some of what's going on in a situation is in london hi there now it's a confusing complicated case still not really answered what do we know so far. well indeed kevin it certainly looks like the dramatic nava chalk saga continues yet again following this on saturday this couple being discovered just miles away from seoul very where the so-called original novacek poisoning took place certainly raising lots of eyebrows about what and how could these two alleged poisonings
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could be connected to one another and it's certainly now been over twenty four hours since this has been declared a major incident by u.k. officials however we don't know how this couple could have come into contact with novacek whether or not they're connected to the original script hall incident so certainly lots of questions now and certainly much more serious questions to be addressed now that this is a second novacek related case within the vicinity of where the first one happened and while all of those questions are of course yet to be addressed by officials that are now going to be certainly working around the clock to try to figure out what this case is we do know that some of the connections with course between script this case are certainly already being made. based on the evidence we have at the time of the scriptural attack we would still assert to a very harsh sure that the russian state was behind the richard only attack the working assumption would be the tombs of the consequences of the previous attack
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or something but not two three were carpeted. well of course immediately the press headlines also followed suit dragging russia back into the spotlight and didn't have to wait very long for that to occur and certainly now police will be clearly working around the clock especially given the millions and millions of pounds that have been dedicated to the cleanup process of the area that was said to have been contaminated and solsbury with now the question of whether or not this couple could have come in contact with whatever was left there or in any other way certainly going to be on the radar and it has to be made clear of course that the extent of the threat to the people living in those souls berea now amesbury and in the areas nearby seems to be are not confirmed with officials seemingly having different opinions on this risk to the public is very very far off
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site should. be cordoned off with. the course it's important to remember the pick up items to know what. to be precautionary kristie very sensible advice well certainly while officials are trying to connect any pieces together and figure out what exactly is going on with all this novacek locals in those areas are indeed quite concerned ten year old sudden relief seconds away he plays out here with his friends very alarming we know which a major incident. to an area. if you just imagine this happening to you want to know is are you safety have to do anything is your family going to be say is it can't be if it's a skill a shame this latest case certainly takes this whole saga to a new level and we will be watching very closely exactly what it is that officials
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are able to understand about what it is that's going on here. they are from london sure will come in for the day. he explains next there are a lot more questions at the moment anyway than answers. so far it's all muddled baffling and downright bewildering no one not even the british press has any inkling or presumptions as to how this could have possibly happened a man and the woman one a registered heroin addict exposed to presumably a new nerve agent so many questions first off locals terrified again last time the government promised they had cleaned everything up decontaminated and leaked everything clean and now this how could this have happened i don't know to be honest now because state. retracted say the first week
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was possible and so three that it was postponed to upgrade and now they are not so not a visit being kept in any information order place. to be motion there is something give it. a little bit worried now that we don't know what's going on because. we are but children come here and there are the parents who live right here in that was it being tempted and again the government deserving people not to worry apparently everything is safe again second big question i spent weeks travelling meeting military chemists going to le bora tori's learning about the new chalks it's a group of different nerve agents sixty odd of them. he's the k. quickly so if the substance is left out in the open it decays. warts and loses its toxicity if it isn't it
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a huge pile but the third and perhaps biggest question how have these two survived so far seen with the scrip owls how these is one of the dead d.s. substances in the world look one drop of a. the new over chalk in liquid form is enough to kill ten average weight men and now you have these two who were found untreated hours after being exposed you know that it's women putting it we can have symptoms that way and follows in minutes if it gets in the skin symptoms and can take from minutes to. britain accused russia of being directly involved in the poisoning of the scriptures but have so far refused to share any evidence all the way along the line to russia has strenuously denied any involvement in the incident.
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government has concluded that it is highly likely that russia was responsible for the act to get into the script. the being no suggestion of business as usual in relation to our interaction with russia mr speaker this action has happened against a backdrop of a well established pattern of russian state aggression. there's been a second night of violent protests in the french city of nod to over the death of a twenty two year old man shot by police on chews day protesters clashed with
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police they threw molotov cocktails and set fires in several districts the police say that the young man refused to comply with orders and had hit an officer while trying to avoid an id check he was previously noted for his part in the investigation is still underway with more from r t from the correspondent there jonathan moore added now. that. there's a morgue and of all clashes took place in this neighborhood. just hundreds of meters away from the place where that young twenty two year old man was killed trying to escape a police check there were clashes with some young people wearing balaclavas who went out on the streets to throw various objects of law enforcement but locals who went out on their balconies or just open their windows they too were throwing all kinds of things at.


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