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tv   Sophie Co  RT  July 5, 2018 11:00pm-11:29pm EDT

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makes sense for both china and russia be accumulating lots of gold china is now expanding their gold mining operation no gold leaves china you never see a gold bar with the chinese symbol on it because none of it ever gets out of china they're hoarding it russia is buying it and their people are waiting for the dollar to finally kind of reach it's come up and well if china is the next dominant power it doesn't seem like they want to replace that directly with seems like something that will be end up gold backed or commodity backed if they're if you look at what they're how they're positioning their own portfolio so the deterioration however in the u.s. fiscal and financial position has been happening slowly for many years but accelerated under bush two and obama that of course sounds like hemingway's he went bankrupt slowly and then all the sudden that's the way it always happens right trump inherited to have a bully indebted us with nominal that just under twenty trillion dollars that was exactly nineteen point nine trillion but in just seventeen months this is increased
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by another six percent to twenty one point one six trillion there are unfunded liabilities as well of around one hundred trillion dollars right and that is supposed to be paid down by increased tax revenues thanks to tax cuts but those taxes never appear there's never enough taxes even to pay the interest on the debt that's when you get into a hyper inflationary do loop is when the interest on the debt is greater than your taxes taxable base then you have to throw down all pretenses of quantitative easing and just admit you want monetizing debt central bank is just printing and buying back it's own that in a do loop of inflation then you get into what's called a banana republic named after a countries in latin america that typically are in the banana business who end up doing this monetization of their own debt and have collapsed their currencies venezuela argentina come to mine this is going to be contagious and going into america. well mark o'byrne. sums it up as we're moving to multiple
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a world which will see trying to become a more dominant player and trump is exacerbating this trend but you know one way to try to understand what trump is doing and it's very difficult is you look at it and you wonder if maybe this is his plan as you know he's he ran for president as and that's in a list a make america great again and basically retreating from the world this is you can't deny he's doing that when he's evening this thing canada hard in germany and you know these are classic u.s. allies. you know we get closer and closer in our policies and and trade deals merge closer and closer over the past thirty forty fifty sixty years so he's just like ripping it apart just totally ripping up the paper and throwing it on the ground but you wonder if this is like his national's policy to basically force others to leave us to ourselves i had a chance which i was steve benen
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a few months ago and i told him people misinterpret this it's not about american isolationism it's about america being hyper competitive make america great again means we want to be the greatest competitor in the world that's different than the size of the place of the interpretation anyway we've got to go to the second half so don't go away much more coming your way right after this break. you should. put themselves on the lawn. of the reject. so when you were the first. to do it. this is what. three of the more people. interested in the war.
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the democratic party is in big trouble the party has not come to terms with the outcome of the two thousand and sixteen election they have a leadership out of touch with its base millennia our fleet so is their slogan now no party for life. in twenty four to you know bloody revolution to correct the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just the war here. is. spilling into the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty forty. of those who took part in this today over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. uhm
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. welcome back to the hazari part amharic strasser time now to return to our conversation with pierre event of think is a journalist i quoted in dot com and also you were recently described as the pope of fake news so what's that all about p.r. i live for a few years and everything goes crazy what's happening. which is one of the that's the most important to return to a newspaper in france so that the pope of fake news because i'm giving financial news to people so i guess your due process don't pull perfect news in.
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in in the new united states yeah i guess i'm going with jesus christ that's my go to with you know i do that's going to have two popes who i guess were to put all relevant everyone's lives on the cottage right next to the bestseller was his boyfriend or something right is that my story and then they they became very liberal when they moved in i don't know if you are very aware of the pope roots on think two weeks ago and he condemned the pope a developer and he condemned the credit default swap of mrs black muscles it took ten years i saw that i saw that the people who condemned the life master parody of all five years after so where he's the p.r. giovanna make a vatican oh yeah but there's a problem of the fake news but you say that you guys are just eyes of the same coin you speak through the oracle of truth and you're both attacked for it and the catholic church is holder derived on a vicious attack on
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a truth teller from two thousand years ago well. it's very strange but i think the the reason of the reaction of the pope on this film on the c.d.'s is that they are extremely aware that the situation might it might explode. or in the months where they were and they want to. be able to see we want you know you and we want you in case of the whole thing stops. right well i mean this is an extreme territory so let's get into this this is kind of interesting because it goes into the history of banking and finance in europe and the vatican has always played a big role in financial affairs all over europe for hundreds of years and we know that they've been involved in all kinds of questionable deals throughout history and with the financial crisis they can bank was actually involved in some of the lending that went on right exactly exactly remember one thing the banker have left is secrecy i mean you agree with that but remember morgan in milan no it was i
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think in two thousand and ten or two thousand and twelve maybe. we have in the combs was do. we call them to say that you know we would drop them. you cannot do business and the more i remember that you remembered oh yes i wanted we covered it on the show of course we spoke with both of you remember visa must to pound on the merkel express their cuts vatican city they had like fifty or sixty. credit card term and also in the vatican. for. seven days of thing they were not able to do business at all so that's was the way the banking system. said to the pope well we are in charge you know you have nothing to say right and of course vatican is the next thing location basically in the political sphere because it shares a unique attributes along with the city of london and washington d.c.
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that they are their own little countries within countries and so they will the norm is power which is not documented and not well known and they tend to collude they work together washington europe vatican and they wield enormous strength in doing things like assisting goldman sachs. and the destruction of greece where germany ends up making billions of euros that was all orchestrated at the highest levels it wasn't because the country suddenly went bankrupt because a few pensioners didn't pay their taxes it's because it was a thought out premeditated financial assassination conducted by john paulson and goldman sachs lloyd blankfein and a few other bankers and probably in direct compliance and complicity with the vatican yes or no. we can say yes because. divest you can have tremendous real estate mostly businesses specifically in london and i don't think it's the b.b.c. or to the growth of london or who gives new information with oh. interesting it was
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to get in on it. the company who owns all this real estate it's in london. to sue madrasas d.g.p. morgan. bank and another company owns on those and one to find the company has the same address as the g.p. morgan in new york so that's the connection between the vatican. there are going to be a lot of the i don't know for a number of years now and what you do and what i do is kind of similar and that we'll pick up the financial times and we will read what's printed on the page and we will read the footnotes and we'll just read what's there though it were not make and stuff up we're just saying what's in the newspaper but it's not in the lead paragraph of the fifth or sixth paragraph down and then we just say well if that's true and it was the banker who said it this that particular fact then we also must know that this is also true just because you're adding two plus two and getting
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four doesn't make you the pope a fake this and doesn't make me some fricken propagandist for some freak and developing nation it is what it is but facts are facts but this is what they are saying about to write this with us. they say i'm for all the election in mexico just because i read the financial times oh it's because i'm a reading the original right so therefore were immediately suspect because the average dinkel brain out there doesn't know you know how to look past their i phone and they have no idea about economics or finance and they would give their mothers away for another like on facebook as part of being in cultivated in a true immersive fascist state of no economic or financial or press freedom whatsoever the facebook for the world what a facebook do to you. i had sixty thousand people following me on on my personal first book and they just cut it off just before the election in france because i
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was giving the list to the huge list of layoffs in influence and in europe because of of work so when my forwards fold like a twenty thousand they give my facebook back to one hundred years later this is how it works in my view keep your pages in the spanish or english french italian and chinese were taken off i mean this is absolutely amazing because my book are from clinton in different languages right so it's a male suspect so what is the current state of play here and in paris and france what is the thought you know it doesn't seem as though there is a feeling of a crisis at the moment but tell me you know what's your view of the man on the street what's what's the thought going through people's head here. the talk here is that my queen might do something good because they all knew that we're in no disaster financial state so the average french people say he's a banker he's
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a fine from the financial world he might find solution to save us. we're who i don't think he's a he's going to save france at all but maybe. one year or one half own people would react to totally differently and you know we have the election in the election next year and you will see the total censoring go through. all internet in france just to help boost the old people to be reelected do we know they cannot afford to see what's happened with donald trump though i think others are able to aim at say germany france and the united kingdom because they voted for bracks that and initially it looked like that it was going to go off you know was it was going to happen but now we are almost two years into it and it looks like it's a complete disaster and germany is playing hardball and the great britain looks like
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they're going to get the worst of all possible worlds and it was a complete disaster what's the view from here in europe in france toward breaks it own. basically have never been in europe. exactly because they kept their own money don't forget that they were not in doing your resume. so we don't get overly much before you have a control of. the real station european or not europe and you have a control so it doesn't change anything do business don't don't care too much of what breaks it or not breaks it to them in the dealings between france and england or you know hundred years or no so but between germany and france that's it's not so very very good macomo unmarried girl their relationship is. extremely bad because of the migrants do immigration issue vulnerable because they took in
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a lot of migrants and germany is very vulnerable now and the have seen. of course that she's in the she might be in danger in the next couple of weeks let me ask that macro picture here you know my theory is that you know you have a situation where trump is trying to downsize the american military budget or trying to save money because america is in debt so he doesn't d.l. north korea we're going to pull out of korea in my view to all the weapons out there he looked at nato and says you know why we have all this military in germany let's dump it so then if the u.s. pulls out of germany militarily and pulls out a nato doesn't that kind of force germany into the arms of russia no no no not really do germans are really pro americans that's that's for sure ok so let's roll for all of that so you're saying that there is a huge if energy there and they dynamics of all there are two are still in place
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and so what if let's say the u.s. pulls out militarily pulls out a lot of hardware from germany what is that a possibility do you think that all the people know about that know take a look at what happened last week i mean the pentagon's and i don't like. for five hundred special forces in finland or norway and do keep something people and something people true grilled a kind of wall american ball against to russia so what we see from here is that the americans want to have a war either which i know or was russia this is what you would see i mean there's no reason to to bring in europe even more tanks and artillery and so forth if you don't want to if you don't want to walk what's the point of it they want to have a war so the american kilo to reimburse the you do huge debt the only which was
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good does dept is to have a war because when a country is in war they don't have the kind of debt through to pay fair enough piers thanks so much for being on the kaiser report again thank you max on message well ok well well i think we're to it why i now you know why we're like an informal and you don't need to tell you it will be a body or our body go back go go back go but it will visit more port you know where ok we got to go that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser for with me max kaiser and stacy herbert like to thank our guest dear vanderbeck is an author of all kinds of books she's also quoted in dot com if you want to reach us on twitter at kaiser report and by.
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no not. at all see i played golf.
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you from my. b m r e r to me the cyber crime lord i. think could be one of the best but i never saw or heard her for today. there's something about it was my great. last. love. mummy mummy. mummy.
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was. the u.k. home secretary says the couple poison in southern england work supposed to know each other the same nerve agent used against a former russian double aid. for months ago so she'd is now calling on russia to explain the situation. it is now time that the russian state comes forward and explains exactly what is going on. a second night of violent clashes erupted in the french city of not over the death of a young driver killed by police at a checkpoint. plus iran threatens to block oil shipments along a sea route that is used for transporting twenty percent of global oil if washington attempts to halt to ron's own exports.
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a very warm welcome to the program from all of us here in the russian capital where it's just turned one am thanks for tuning in this hour the british home secretary is calling on russia to come clean about the use of no we check in the south of england it's after a couple were taken to hospital in critical condition over the weekend after being exposed to the nerve agent the pair fell in amesbury a village just over ten kilometers from solsbury that's the city where the former russian intelligence agency screwball and his daughter yulia were poisoned back in march samples from the latest victims were tested by government scientists at a nearby military research lab at porton down that's the same facility that identified the substances used against the script balls the home secretary said the use of toxic agents in the u.k.
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will not be tolerated. it is now time that the russian state comes forward and explains exactly what is going on it is completely unacceptable for our people to be either deliberate or accidental targets or for streets parks towns to be dumping grounds for poison we're not seeing very much evidence when it comes to not just the second poisoning but also of course the original script case the investigation into which is still ongoing and in this latest poisoning development to this highly dramatic and mysterious novacek saga all we seem to know for now from british officials is that it's said to have been the same nerve agent that was used on sergei script holland his daughter yulia on march fourth it's not yet clear whether or not this not a chalk aim from the same batch officials here have not yet clarified this they've also said that whichever badge they were poisoned with the second couple did not come from the original cleanup source they also said they believe that this couple
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was not specifically targeted unless of unlike of course they do think it was the case with screwball and yulia and there have not been very many specifics despite it's now been over twenty four hours that this has been declared a major incident and of course it's also been four months now since the original script poisoning and while officials here are saying it's too early to jump to conclusions of course accusing russia seems to be quite clear clearly on the agenda yet again and this is something that the russian foreign ministry has reacted to saying they're quite surprised to be hearing all of this again because throughout this whole entire time russia has reiterated who knows how many times saying that it would be happy to have a joint investigation and to cooperate with british officials to find out what it is that happened exactly move eastward in shock you know and we were shocked today when we saw british officials stating that they're waiting on cooperation from the
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russian side it's possible that british needed. don't inform their citizens dead dozens of such first regarded in our countries working together worsened by us through one does diplomatic channels well here in the u.k. again attention seems to be drawn to russia not just by officials but also by the some of the headlines of course surrounding this latest second poisoning it seems that the concern of locals on the ground now and amesbury which is again very close to sold very is that they would like to know exactly what's going on because again it's been months of investigations and we do know that it's been millions and millions of pounds banta on the cleanup operation and they want some clarity a ten year old suddenly live victory two seconds away he plays out here with this. very alarming we know it's a major incident on your doorstep you know residential area it's. you just could not imagine this happening to you want to know is the safety have to do anything is your family going to be say is it going to be
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a third say scale ation everyone is extremely surprised and i guess. when you live in the area. incidents coming closer and closer to you it's a very worrying thing to happen and while clearly now this whole saga takes a quite unexpected new turn again attention by some officials here seems to be pointing towards another direction simply to spur troll for troops and the propaganda channel already gearing up to spread misinformation. couldn't we least do a little bit more to expose this and particularly members of the old saw it's not. propaganda television show. i think this is speak of the only members absolute right to raise this issue there have been far too many since what members
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of this house after you have supported the russian pop. the machine. for example is one way they have done that if any member of this house has an ounce of common sense they will realize especially after the second incident that the british public will not support any of them if they support president putin and while of course so so much attention seems to be directed at the misinformation campaign in this whole saga it seems at least to me personally you've been covering this case for the whole four months and i think i speak on behalf of all journalists who have russian and from around the world that it might be time for an actual information campaign from the officials that have been investigating this especially given this is something that's happened on british soil and there's more august if explains in the wake of the ames very instant there are still plenty of more questions to be answered. so many questions first off locals terrified again last time the government promised they had cleaned everything up
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decontaminated and leaked everything clean and now this how could this have happened to retract and say that. it was possible and so we did it was possible to upgrade so not a visit being kept in any information particularly. if the notion there is something that is. a little bit worried now that we don't know what's going on because. we are but children come here and there are other parents who live around here and you know it was it being tempted and again the government deserving people not apparently everything is safe again second big question i spent weeks traveling meeting military chemists going to live bora tori's learning about the nova chalk's it's a group of different nerve agents sixty odd of them. the k. quickly so if the substance is left out in the open it decays. warts and
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loses its toxicity if it isn't a huge pot but the third and perhaps biggest question how have these two survived so far even when it's women putting it we can have symptoms that follows in minutes if it gets in the skin symptoms and can take from minutes to. these is one of the dead dia's substances in the world look one drop of a new virtually in liquid form is enough to kill ten average weight men and now you have these two who were found untreated hours after being exposed so far it's all muddled baffling and downright bewildering. we talked to a former u.n. chemical weapons advisor about the specifics of the amesbury and. when we talk
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about continuation how effective it was we actually fall into a trap or. idea that was thrown in the u.k. mess media that there was a problem with continuation but let me tell you these. compound chemical. compound. i can't imagine how. prosperous compounds led. to such structures. in environment for four months to be fact if you imagine that some british citizens found a container opened it and drank. something this is a terroristic act. conducted british citizens.


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