tv News RT July 6, 2018 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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other morning here in moscow your top stories for this. international welcome to your program the british home secretary is calling on russia to come clean about the latest case of alleged use in the south of england. after a couple ended up in critical condition with what police described as a nerve agent exposure. reports on the questions raised by the new. they thought the story had finally gone away but four months on there are police cordons journalists and that strange russian back on everyone's lips being caught a few months to sort of thing i think you know it seems you came back to normal coffee so it's still closed off so for it to reset again is a bit sort of iraq is going to go away we're going to come back again where is a bit confusing really feel sorry for everybody the business owner we've seen. most
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of our lives the world. i would like to go back it's not hard to see why there's a bit of confusion around these parts after the poisoning of the script pals back in march the u.k. government launched a multi-million pound cleanup decontamination hazmat suits the full should bang police can't say whether the nerve agent lets left on sturgis and charlie rally critically ill came from the same batch that the script pals were exposed to but they have said it's a keen line of the investigation and if it does turn out to be residual nerve agent it begs the question how did the big cleanup that was carried out. mesut the government insists that the latest incident doesn't mean the cleanup after the script piles poisoning was incomplete home secretary sajid javid also said that any items that may have hobbit any residual amount of the agent was safely removed for
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disposal nevertheless police say the couple were exposed to the nerve agent off to handling a contaminated. officials from public health england have urged people in salzburg not to pick up any on known items they also gave detailed instructions for more precautionary measures things like using baby wipes or washing clothes at specific temperature as well you should do that anyway would you please please. maybe was the right thing to do anything i mean maybe why so i wouldn't use them on sticky fingers so ridiculous i really don't do it baby but if. anything like this room it's that fly about and he says she says and people know somebody that works either at the hospital at portadown but what are the rumors one of the rumors is that yeah it was something that was disregarded that was picked up a new thinking it was
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a recreational drug so while the scientists go on t.v. and speculate about the shelf life of residual novacek the locals in souls bury it seems are struggling with residual confusion anger and exasperate sion not least with the media who knows it's all speculation could be a big could be a small one but the moment is being current for the home secretary's calling on russia to come clean about the use of navi chalk and stop dumping the nerve agent around it is now time that the russian state comes forward and explains exactly what has gone on it is completely unacceptable for our people to be either deliberate or accidental targets all for streets parks towns to be dumping grounds for poison one of javits ministers says even waiting for a call you know the offer is still there to the russian state to try the systems to tell us what happened because that would definitely help keep the people of seoul
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very safe while the politicians one town says there's a sense that the people of souls barry would simply settle for feeling a little bit safer and less city would you be happy if you never heard the word novacek ever again we have a particular story that it was over because it's been such a long time and it said such a negative impact on the businesses and we send the kids to the park on their own like on a hot day like today so it's a little bit more. we think you should we allow them to play outdoors because you never. see. the site of the latest incident is a town just about one just over ten kilometers away from seoul's berg that's the city where former russian intelligence agents are great script and his daughter yulia were poisoned in march with so many unknowns in the story one thing is for sure though the british media are having a field day speculating a new one russia's alleged involvement is my dad has the. could putin have
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really done it ordered secret agents to poison random drug addict and his homeless girlfriend with lethal nerve agent all in the middle of a flawless world cup with billions watching russia if he could if you watch t.v. enough espionage and intrigue once again striking this sleepy corner of england that may have been left by the assailants who attacked the script files either it was left there during the preparation or after the attack and that this couple may have found a syringe a vial or some of the residue russian intelligence was behind this but the fact is blood amir putin has flat out denied it he's refused to cooperate with brit. and if we don't we simply don't know how many more people can be can come into contact with this think about it it makes perfect sense
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a drug addict picks up no one quite knows what next he does something no one seems to know what the suddenly he's in hospital for almost a week being treated for what no one knew what with this much evidence how could you not blame russia it could only have been putin just like it was last time you argue that their source of a snuff not the chalk is russia how did you manage to find it out so quickly look at the evidence when the people from porton down they were absolutely categorical the guy so i said are you sure and he said there's no dart in all seriousness it's an interesting narrative we have going here last time britain's accusations which seemingly founded on a highly likely assessment therefore it's highly likely that it's highly
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likely that it's all. all russia's fault the decision taken by the russian government to deploy. on march the fourth was reckless and callous there is no cause of alternative explanation to the events in march other than the russian state was responsible we have already seen multiple explanations from state sponsored russian media regarding this latest incident we can anticipate further disinflation from the kremlin as we saw following the source we attack we've come full circle they sat there for months ago making the same claims something happens accuse russia arguments collapse then quiet something happens again straight away they accuse russia guess what comes next earlier we heard from a former un chemical weapons advisor who gave us his take on the incident. when we talk about continuation how effective it was we actually fall into the trap.
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idea that was thrown in in the u.k. mass media that there was a problem of continuation but let me tell you these. the knowledge of compound chemical. compound. can i can't imagine how. prosperous compounds lead. to such structures. in environment for four months in fact if you imagine that some british citizens found a container opened it and drowned people something this is a terroristic act. it was conducted years british citizens and i can't imagine that that was done by secondary continuation this is to
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my dystonia as a chemical weapon expert. i can imagine a scenario with the second the a can diminish. the of the mosque in the french city of toulouse is being investigated for allegedly inciting hatred against jews after a video of one of those sermons sparked outrage and accusations about the semitism . picks up the story. built to serve up to eighty thousand muslims in the area the new grand mosque of toulouse was hailed as a symbol of diversity and tolerance the grand mosque doesn't only benefit the muslim community it benefits all the people of to loose in terms of culture the mosque is proof of the respect and tolerance among all people of to lose. less than a week after its opening a senior cleric at the mosque it. became embroiled in a scandal in one of these so that was posted online he's seen reciting
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a passage from the head which although many scholars of islam argue otherwise has been criticized as anti sematic. mollica. ok. i'm going to. show the world how come you know i was you know i'm going to your. local jewish group demanded legal action and now the prosecutor's office in toulouse is investigating whether it amounts to a hate crime the project of growing region instructed to lose prosecutors or the story investigate whether this constitutes hatred in speeches defused by the deal
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now what makes this more controversial is the question has actually been seen as a respected member of the toulouse community and he's the president of a nonprofit group which aims to promote dialogue between different religious groups he's also given interviews where he's talked about taller. it's in is when you. record that. preach that you have something in mind contains a bible attention that. can change the koran but you can have a new point of view on what these we can both get to lose mosque burned himself so his remarks were taken out of context and didn't contain an incitement to violence
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against jews this translation is somewhat modified as it was taken out of context this message warns us that we shouldn't commit these acts if we want to avoid the last judgment here mom it appears it will continue his preaching at italy's mosque while this investigation is carried out but some members of the jewish community here in france feel he needs to be removed from his post with immediate effect. the representative council of french jewish institutions condemns with our most firmness cause of hatred by the mom of two mohamad to tie he calls for the women nation of the jewish people and proclaims the end of israel jollity pinsky r.t. paris. well the world cup quarter finals time friday was a europe wide taking on france and brazil clashing with belgian.
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as you can see now just eight teams out of thirty two remain in the game later in the day will likely see france's teenage sensation vying with europe weis luis suarez of brazil struck a name on meanwhile has been promised land by the mayor has done if indeed he pulls off patrick in the evening game against belgium while football players are busy on the field their fans support them on social media. was i. was. the out. i. i was.
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i thank you i. i. i i i you i. are you. nineteen ninety eight world cup champions frons will be facing off with us through time when his iroquois and found support will no doubt play a big role today peter out of a caught up with one france supporter who's already travelled all over russia to share his team. one of the things for me as a football fan that i found so interesting about this told him until the law. lengths that all the funds will go to to get out in some round the spectacular ways
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and one of those i'm joined by right now french fund daveed how have you been traveling around i've been traveling hitchhiking of course i'm used to he checking in general but actually in russia it's very easy and even more we say now we've a world cup if you are like a football jersey i didn't even have time to ask i was just walking with my jet and my flag and somebody of like talk to me and offered to take me. i'm sure you have stories upon stories upon stories but what's the war moment that's shown for you i've been surprised even will make friends here checking i've been surprised how much people will go out of their way to drive me like you should be taking just it's on their way right and they drop you and you find in the car but here many times people actually made it to us for me. even you would try to
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find another right for me i thought i was rich trucks when they would have to stop and they would wait until another truck would be ready to take mean. tell us who signed they said where is it for all sorts of is from nine hundred twenty we want to walk up and for the first time. and six walk up in germany and i have done to him here and he recognized me a few days later i asked him to sing the. game ticket and he was like but i always say something for you have a day so i was shocked you will recognize me so you know i have a tear in our ears when. belgium vs brazil game takes place and because at nine pm moscow time belgium fans were waiting for their team for hours and other teams hotel or chanting the name of the. strike of. the brazil fans taken out because some of them have
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see. when i won brazil came to russia not just to watch the football she's hoping the trip will inspire other girls to attend the championship next time round. it's. not a woman but we started this i guess lot of women are yes they love it because it's a good environment. and spark. some informations about the trip and here we still talking up the same cards that is
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democratic party is in big trouble the party has not come to terms with the outcome of the two thousand and sixteen election they have a leadership out of touch with its base millennial sparsely so is their slogan now no party like men. i. think it would be one of the best. to. do something about this margaret. money system is dying and so people are going to take money out of the currency. and they're going to have two broad passages they can put their cash into. which would be this china social that score and hope to get more frequent flyer miles and a freeway down. or they can go down the claim path which is individual.
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so good to have you with us today yes now it's been revealed that almost eighty percent of no sarees in the u.k. have banned weapons of a thing carriage aggressive behavior and the poll findings come almost one month off the prince george was photographed with a toy gun a critics say weapons constrains a child's imagination traditional playground games that encourage exercise and fresh well to debate the issue we invited a political activist george bought a media campaign media commentator. kids play with toys they turn anything into toy guns why on earth we tend to obsess that activity that a you've got to turn them into serial killers later for me that for me that's not
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fun now it seems to me by the way this isn't like a government of nannies are you as a conduit like can i finish my can i finish my point now please this is not the nanny state saying please don't do it the question is how do i and relation to my four year old try and relate to these things and the last thing i'm saying is you know demonize children because they want to you know they're playing things out in a certain way and going bang bang i mean for a start you know kids will do that anyway without the toy guns i just think the idea of making fun of something that is a selling killing machine is a complicated things you're mentioning that you're a grown man with a four year old well funnily enough and i'm a grown man with a twenty four year old and he played with guns when he was young and he's not turned into a serial killer and so it's not that i'm saying no parent should be locked up toy guns a toy gun should be banned what i'm saying is it is a decision for parents the point is we have a an element of society that simply wants to dictate everything so the
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next element of this is girls must not play with dollies they must not imitate mommy playing with all these because they were all want to have babies and they'll start having sex and they're going to be all of them are unmarried mothers or twelve but for me there's no comparison the fact is that making play out of nurture is i think a very very good thing for children making play out of people killing each other so that when they grow up as i did what is in their heads when they think killing is all the fun of play and the fun of killing on t.v. and the fun of war movies just let them go out in the yard and play and make noise and do whatever they want and start trying to control the. us declaration of independence has fallen foul of social media censorship of facebook has deleted parts of the document in a bid to stamp out hate speech. and has more. the facebook algorithm has been
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removing content that is deemed to be racist or offensive not even the us declaration of independence has escaped the crusade against hate speech check out this not so frequently quoted grievance against the british empire back in seventeen seventy six that was recently removed from the site. he has excited domestic insurrections amongst us and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our front two years the merciless indian savages whose known rule of warfare is undistinguished destruction of all ages sexes and conditions no one thought twice about phrases like merciless indian savages back in seven hundred seventy six but nowadays it's not exactly considered to be polite vocabulary however facebook sent an apology to the newspaper that posted it and overturned its ban so perhaps it's now ok so that too abrasive for a public forum you can't go and talk talk about the people but i think you can say your own opinion that's why we have freedom of speech you'll be teaching so my
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language use even the most is my b.b.c. i'm all about freedom of speech so if it's than people don't want to read it they don't have to you know where that comes from where that's from the declaration of independence really wow wow amazing but i feel like we've evolved from a place. as far as a society of how we think about each other and our backgrounds from when the declaration was written maybe if they were rewritten in today's language would be a little bit more neutral facebook incident fits a pretty common trend in recent us politics americans just aren't sure how to deal with their own history and twenty eleven congressional republicans made a big show of reading the us constitution aloud however they had to remove some key passages that were a little offensive you know things like african-americans constituting three fifths of a human being statues of george washington and thomas jefferson are now being desecrated because let's not forget they own slaves now statues of christopher columbus who
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slaughtered native americans are facing a similar rebuke george washington was a slave owner i don't care if it's a george washington statue or a thomas jefferson statue or robbery the statue they all need to come down come haven't had slaves and i would repeat. did not need paying poll somebody. we have had that kind of background it shows the absurdity of speech codes all together this whole idea that that words are violence and that's just a false construct i think it's always ok to question your history but what the problem where we get off the rails as we like to say is when you try to apply today's standards to yesterday's standards and try to protect people from words if the words call for violence directed violence we ban those if the words are just offensive leave it alone let free speech reign. germany's
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social democrats have accepted a partial compromise on migration with chancellor angela merkel making every effort to keep the hard won coalition from just fall into pieces it was unclear whether old members of the coalition would support the deal in order to reach an agreement so-called transit centers which were to be set up along the german austrian border was left out of the plan but the deal does call for speeding up the process of returning asylum seekers already registered in other e.u. countries tele thursday the german interior minister met in vienna with the austrian transit most of us to discuss the plan which occurred earlier expressed concern that the agreement might negatively impact his country but the two ended up agreeing to work together to stem migration flows but meanwhile fellow e.u. member hungary has also made it clear it does not see eye to eye with when it comes to migration. because i'm told we have a problem that hungary doesn't feel responsible for migrants some to the dublin
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system even if it's rather just to those refugees this is about people who come to that has something to do with europeans basic principle humanity it means we defend our external border is but don't cut all the cells off and build a kind of fortress. you can. if we are humane we have to be humane without creating a pull factor and the only way we know of doing that is closing the borders and giving help to those countries and not letting in people who bring trouble we don't want to import problems this is where we have different opinions. political analyst steven meissner believes the deal is an attempt by merkel to actually aid her c.s.u. allies before local elections it's a bit of a show. as we've now found out because poland and hungary and i think italy and a number of other countries the czech republic as well has said no there is no such
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agreement what is she talking about i don't think this policy was ever meant to seriously be implemented in the first place i mean everything that's ever been done out of all terry bases basically never happened i mean. i think the whole thing is it is a bit of a charade it's a bit of a show to buy time for the c.s.u. the very in party to get them over the hump so to speak they have to somehow show themselves as a hard line tough guys at least until the elections in october and the varia and after that doesn't really matter anymore then you've got another four years to look around as they like that's where it looks like to me it's basically just a shot. and that's a very sad news for this channel a long time t.v. and radio broadcaster ed schultz has passed away joined r.t. america in twenty sixteen and was a highly valued member of the team he's believed to have died of natural causes at his home in washington d.c. it was sixty four years old.
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